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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fall allergies (Ashton from 5sos)


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Another day on tour.


The band had just flown in to Toronto. They took their tour bus straight to the venue, then brought their bags inside. 


Ashton had been dealing with his allergies lately. As much as he hated spring allergies, fall allergies were even worse. The mold and the ragweed were killer for his nose, but luckily he had his allergy pills.


As he stepped off the tour bus with his show bag slung around his shoulder, the cool fall air tickled his nose and his eyes began to water. There were trees all around the arena with various leaves. 


He suddenly stopped in his tracks as his nostrils flared. 


“AACH-hoOO!” Ashton sneezed into his wrist, turning over his shoulder to avoid sneezing into the open. 


Ashton’s sudden stop threw Calum off guard and caused him to bump into his band mate. “Oh shit, sorry man. Bless you by the way. Did you take your allergy pill today?” Calum asked Ashton as he continued walking toward the door that led backstage. 


Ashton sniffled and rubbed his nose. “Not yet, thanks mate.” He cleared his throat and quickly hurried inside before a sneeze attack could come over him.


The 5sos boys got themselves situated backstage. Ashton had been repeatedly clearing his throat as it became scratchy and phlegmy.


Luke occupied the couch as he scrolled through Instagram and Michael had settled in to a video game.


Ashton began to search through his bag for his bottle of allergy pills. He pushed aside phone chargers and socks until he got his hand around the plastic orange bottle. A prick of worry overcame him as he felt like it was lighter than usual. 


He pulled it out only to find that there were none left. “Fuck,” he swore, getting everyone’s attention.


“What is it? Did you forget something?” Luke  asked.


Ashton dropped the empty bottle back into his duffle bag and ran a hand through his hair. “I ran out of allergy pills,” he said grimly. 


Luke grimaced and Michael looked up from his game. 


Calum had come in from the showers. 


“Can you get more?” Luke suggested. 


“I don’t think they have these in Canada. I’ll have to wait till we get back to the states.”


Just then, Ashton felt an insanely powerful sensation form in the back of his nose. He took a deep breath that was almost like a gasp.


“ACCCHHHooo! Aaaa-CH-oO! EshOO! Atch!”

His sneezes were heavy and sharp, and loud enough to make you jump.


“Well that was something,” Michael remarked. Calum got up and grabbed some tissues. He handed them to Ashton just in time for him to catch 3 more sneezes. 


“Jesus, this isn’t going to be a good day for you,” Luke said. Ashton blew his nose in response. 


“It’s really d-dusty in here,” Ashton said, trying to control his quivering nose. He threw his face back into his tissue as another huge sneeze escaped his nose. “ACHOO!”


The other 3 boys winced. That sneeze was particularly wet. Ashton’s nose started to fill with moisture and snot, causing a powerful itch and a sinus headache.


He groaned and plopped down on a couch wiping his nose with his wrist. “I’m just gonna closes my eyes for a minute,” he said, his voice turning slightly gravelly. 


“Here, I’ll go see if we can get a humidifier in here,” Calum suggested, being the good friend he is. He left the room as Ashton sniffled his way to sleep.


[Let me know if you want me to continue this! I was having such a need for a 5sos sneezefic that I just wrote one. It’s pretty bad but if anyone has any ideas as to where this can go, let me know.]

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I'm normally not into allergy, but I like this one! I would love for you to continue! And I would like to read about the concert and hopefully his voice is congested and hoarse.... 😜

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys for the feedback! Here’s an update on the story! I liked this one much better than the first part. Enjoy! 😚


About an hour later, Ashton woke up to find his nose clogged beyond belief. He couldn’t even sniffle, his nose was so stuffed. 

Through his bleary eyes, he could tell there was a person sitting on the couch adjacent from him. The lights were dimmed to help him sleep better, he assumed. 
“Hello?” Ashton said to the mystery figure, his mind clearing away the last bits of sleep. 
“Ash? Hey, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
The shadowy figure turned out to be Calum. He clicked on a lamp and could make out Ashton’s pale face and red nose. 
Ashton groaned and brought himself to sit up, which caused his dizzy head to spin. 
“‘M not feeling too good,” he said, squinting at his band mate. 
“Yeah, allergies will do that to ya.” He patted Ashton on the back.
“I’m gonna go take a shower and see if that helps with my blocked nose,” Ashton said. He got up and went to the bathroom. He grabbed a wad of paper towels and blew his nose as much as he could before he got undressed. 
After turning on the shower, the humidity and moisture felt amazing on his throbbing sinuses. It did cause his nose to run quite a bit however. 
Towards the middle of his shower, Ashton felt the scratchy sensation at the back of his nose return. The humidity must’ve dislodged some of the mucus and triggered his need to sneeze. 
His hand rushed up to cup his nose and mouth. 
“AAACK-CHOO! ASHIEW!” His sneezes bounced off the walls of the bathroom and echoed. 
“Bless you!” Ashton heard Calum shout. Ashton sniffled and groaned. “I’m so sick of this,” he muttered. 
Ashton got out of the shower feeling slightly more refreshed. Showers were always a great way to calm down his allergies when they acted up. He dried himself off and put on a fresh set of clothes. Checking his phone, he noticed it was only about 2 pm. He decided he should go out and talk to a few fans who were anxiously waiting for the show
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
A small group of fans quickly hurried towards Ashton as they spotted the drummer in his 5sos hoodie. They were eager to hug him and talk to him, and tell him how much he meant to them. Ashton loved talking with his fans. They always made his day.
“Ashton, can I take a picture with you?” A girl with curly brown hair asked him. 
“Of course,” Ashton smiled. He tried to ignore his stuffy nose and slight tickle that persisted no matter how many times he sniffled or rubbed his nose. 
The fan handed her phone to her friend, then went back to stand next to Ashton. He put his arm around her and tried to smile at the camera, but became distracted by an oncoming wave of sneezes. 
His breath began to hitch as he pulled his arm off the girl. “I’m s-sorry,” Ashton stuttered, nostrils quivering as he took deep breaths. “I think I’m gonna- ah- sneeze...”
Ashton battled with the sneeze for a few more seconds as fans watched in silence, not exactly knowing how to react. He finally took one more deep, hitching breath then turned into his elbow. 
“Aaa-HOO! AschooOO! Ha-CHoo!” 
Ashton recovered from his fit, cheeks burning from mild embarrassment as he rubbed underneath his nose with his index finger.
“I’m so sorry,” Ashton apologized to the fan. 
“That’s alright. Are you ok though?” She asked as he put his arm around her again. 
“Yeah, just allergies.”
Ashton took pictures with all of the fans waiting to meet him. He had to turn away to deal with the occasional sneeze. It went something like this: “It’s s-so n-nice to meet you- ah- s-sorry, I gotta- ah- HEXSCHOO! Fuck, excuse me.”
The fans were slightly amused by his sneezing. Of course they would think anything he did was adorable, but some made sure to document this ordeal on video.
As Ashton finished talking with the last few fans and snapped the last few photos, he headed back inside the venue to prepare for a small interview, then he would hit the stage. 


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  • 1 year later...

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