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Sick Billy Hargrove (Stranger things)


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There is no sneezing, YET. I just love sick Billy and I feel like I must protect this concept at all cost. 



-"Get in shitbird!"-Billy shouted from the car in the Arcade's parking lot. She was late, as always, he swears he will give her a lesson about it.
-"I am coming, asshole!"- Max shouted back, running towards his Camaro. He was sitting inside the car, the window opened, his hand outside of it and a cigarette in his mouth. She came in an shoot the door behind her. 
-"Watch your attitude."-He hissed to her while throwing a half-burned cigarette outside and starting the engine with a roar. 
-"Where are you going? It is not a way home"-Max noticed after a moment of driving. She was trying to look frustrated, but she was scared. He was a dick, an unpredictable dick. 
-"I need to buy something. Do not fucking move or you will regret it. You hear me!?"- He answered her after a moment of being silent. They parked in the centre of the town, and leaving the music playing, he went to the pharmacy. "When Doves cry" playing at the full volume. Being in  Billy's car alone was strange. He wouldn't usually let her stay. The car meant too much for him to leave someone inside on their own. 
Anyways, today, Billy felt too shitty to care. He woke up with the worst cold he's had in years. Billy couldn't stay home though because Neil would always say that being sick means weakness and he can't be weak and shit like this, and after a few moments of the "man talk" his dad would make him leave the house anyway. So it was better not to let anyone know he was off. It would pass in a few days but his dad knowing about it would just give him some extra bruises. As he walked through the front door of the pharmacy, he noticed a rather young pharmacist standing behind the cash register. 
-"Hello, how can I help you?"-The girl asked him, and he sent her his special smile. The one that made every girl in Hawkins melt to his knees. This girl was no exception. She quickly smiled back and bit her lower lip. Yeah, and that was pretty hilarious for Billy. Those stupid small town cows had no respect for themselves at all.  But he could as well play along. 
-"And how can I help you?"-He gave her a slinky look, and she chuckled immediately.  So fucking easy. He'll get laid at least. No cold medicine for him, though, it might reduce his chances.  
-"Okay, so what about today at 7? School parking lot? We can figure out a way.."-He licked his upper lip and looked the girl straight into the eyes. 
-"...to help you"-He finished, and she smiled.
-"At 7"- She simply said and nodded in confirmation. She was blushing. Billy thought she wasn't even pretty but good enough for a one-night stand. It will be dark at 7 anyway.
-"So is there anything you want to buy or..."- She asked nervously, biting her lower lip again. That was disgusting to Billy. 
-"Yeah.."-he leaned closer to her, still smiling.
-"a pack of condoms."-he finished, now almost whispering to her ear.
-"Which ones?"-she was blushing again. 
-"Choose your favourites"-this time he lowered his voice so that only she could hear him. This action resolved into another chuckle from the girl. She gave him a package after a short moment, he paid, smiled once again and left. 
As soon as he was out of the shop, he felt this irritating feeling in his throat. He tried to clear his throat but ended up coughing. Max was looking at him from the car. He managed to pull himself together and went confidently in the direction of his Camaro.
-"What are you looking at?"-He snapped at Max, Jeezus she was so annoying. But instead of looking the other way, she kept staring at him. 
-"What did you buy?"
- "None of your fucking business. Now stare back!"-He was annoyed. He turned on the engine and drove away. Music playing louder and louder. This whole shit-town was awfull. He was speeding up. He knew he can't be late for dinner or he's father will make him regret it. And his small unsuccessful stop at the pharmacy made him 10 minutes later. 
-"Billy, slow down, please."-Max looked at him, almost begged him to drive slower. But he couldn't, he already felt the anger he'll be exposed to when they'll get home. Suddenly he started coughing again. It was like this since today's morning, but this one was more painful. The force of the cough made him bend over, and he lost control over the steering wheel. It was just a short moment, but they turned dangerously to the opposite side of the road.  He quickly managed to get the control back. Still coughing he drove to the roadside and stopped the car. 
-"You could have killed us!!"-Maxine looked terrified, well they almost crashed he couldn't blame her. The cough was getting less and less powerful, and after a while of just staring into each other's eyes, he managed to normalize his breath. 
-"I am sorry."- He gasped, still catching his breath after the hurtful coughing fit. 
-"What?"-Max looked confused. And then she lifted her hand and touched his forehead. 
-"You're sick."
-"No, I am not, you little shit."-He got angry again. He apologized but just because he could have killed her. There is no need to start this fucking "siblings" thing or shit. He didn't need anyone's concern. He didn't need pity. He was strong. 
-"Yes, you are. So that is why you went to the pharmacy!"- All he needed now was a little fucking Sherlock, of course. 
-"No, I went to the pharmacy to buy those"- He took out a package of condoms from the pocket of his black, leather jacket, and shook them in front of Max's face. Now, he was glad he bought them instead of the medicine he wanted in the first place.
-"Yew, that's disgusting, Billy"-He only smirked, happy that he managed to take the topic to the other thing than his health. He started to drive again. Slower this time, they were already late. He knew exactly what it meant.

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They arrived home at 5:10. Ten minutes later than they should have. Billy was already prepared. He thought that Max knew too. She was silent for the whole ride. He tried to look confident to make her less scared, it's not like Neil ever hit her. But it still must have been hard for her. It was for him when Neil was beating his mom, it's not like Max cared about him as much as he did about his mother. But still, it must have been hard to look at. Max was walking behind him, she never saw Neil really beating him up, but she was scared of the old men anyway.
Billy walked through the front door. It was silent. Susan was already sitting at the table and eating, but his father was nowhere to be seen. It made his stomach twist nervously. Where was he? Suddenly someone grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the wall. 
-"You're late"-his father hissed still holding him and pushing to keep Billy's body smashed on the wall. 
-"I'm sorry, sir"-Billy croaked, his mouth seemed dry. His father's eyes were cold and scary and looking straight into his blue eyes. The person who was standing in front of him wasn't a father. It was a monster with a bloodthirst expression on his face. 
-"Where is the respect we've talked about!"-He was shouting now, and pushing Billy harder with every word said out loud. Then there was a punch. Straight into his stomach. He was feeling sick since this morning, but that made him believe there is no avoiding vomiting today.
He tried to pull a hand over his mouth to at least delay throwing up. But his father just caught his hand and punched him again. He couldn't hold it in anymore. He let the content of his stomach land on the floor. His father moved a little aside but was still holding him so that he couldn't really move. 
-"He's sick. Leave him alone"-He heard Maxine shouting. But Susan intervened quickly and dragged her to the other room. Thank God, he didn't want Neil to do the same to this annoying little shit. He could take it, to make them safe. He felt another punch. This time Neil hit him in the face. 
-"Sick? You're a fucking faggot, right? You do not respect Susan. She made dinner. You came late and vomited all over the floor. You are going to clean this mess up, and then we'll go to Susan, and you will apologize. Understood?! "-Neil hissed, empathizing every single word. Billy nodded in agreement, but his father wasn't satisfied with this response. Another punch landed on his stomach. He couldn't stand straight anymore, so he bent a little forward. Neil pulled his hair to straighten him up. 
-"I understand, sir"-Billy said quickly to avoid any farther beating. His father let go. And left him to clean up. So Billy did. Slowly, because every move was painful now. His head was pounding, and his stomach still hurt. After about fifteen minutes, he was done and went to the living room where the rest was waiting. Max's eyes were swollen so she must have been crying, Susan was sitting next to her, holding her hand, but her face didn't show any emotions. Neil, on the other hand, was sitting in an armchair, peacefully reading a book. He raised his sight from the book to Billy, and it was enough to remind Billy about the apologize he owned to Susan.
-"Susan, I am really sorry about what happened."-He said hoarsely. All the stomach acid made his throat hurt much more, and it was painful to talk.
-"It's okay, Billy. How are you feeling?"-She said, and edges of her lips disposed into something like a smile. She looked like she really cared. He missed it. His mother used to stroke his hair when he was sick. She used to read him stories in bed. She used to have the same look in her eyes. He felt touched by Susan's concern, but Neil would get mad. Not only at him but also at her. He didn't want that.
-"I am okay, Susan, thank you"-He said coldly. His father immediately stood up and announced that they are going back to dinner. The smell of stomach acid was still detectable. Either way, none was pleased to eat. They all felt the heaviness of the previous action, but none talked about it. Neil was talking about his day at work and asked Max some questions about the school which she answered. After they finished eating Billy was thrilled to go to his room to finally rest. It's not like he had much time for that. He regretted making a date with this girl from the pharmacy as soon as his head touched the soft pillow. It was then that he realized how exhausted he really was. It was 6;30 now so he could still try to call the pharmacy to withhold this meeting, but it's not what Bily Hargrove does. What if they'll realize he is a perv, a fucking faggot. None here can know, or they'll have to move again. And none knows what shithole Neil will choose this time. He could have asked for some medicine they surely have some at home but if Neil will find out. He didn't even want to think about it. But his head hurt, and he couldn't even swallow normally or breath through his nose anymore. Fuck it. Billy silently dragged himself downstairs and started going through the content of the bathroom cabinet. Not a fucking pill that could help with a simple cold. Taking advantage of already being in a bathroom, Billy took some toilet paper to blow his nose. Disgusting. During the walk back to his room, he let a few coughs escape his mouth.  He collapsed into his bed just to hear a knock on his door. Why couldn't he get even a second to himself? He opened a door and saw Maxine. Great.
-"What do you want little shit?"-He tried to sound pissed off, but he was cut off by a coughing fit.
-"My mom told me to give you this."- That was when he realized she was holding a cup with some weird liquid in it. 
-"You try to poison me now?"
-"It a medicine, asshole. For your cold."- Now Max looked annoyed too. So they did have some medicine in this shit of the house. He took a cup from her and swallowed it at once. Then he handed her the cup back because apparently, she was still standing in front of his door. 
-"Can I help you?"-He asked, not getting why she was still there. 
-"How are you?"
-"Why do you keep asking about it? I am fine."
-"I saw what Neil..."
-"Yeah, I know. But I'm fine, Max. End of story. And thanks for that"- He pointed to the now empty dish she was holding.  She smiled and walked away. He closed the door behind her. He could blow off this date. He decided just not to show up. He was much too tired for that. He took off his jacket and just fell into the bed. He fell asleep. It was nice, he saw his mother. She was happy now, she had a new family. He didn't know whether this picture made him happy or sad. He missed her so much. He woke up to the sound of banging to his door.
-"Wake up!"-It was Neil. And if Neil was standing in front of his door in the morning, he must have overslept. He quickly stood up, but it made him feel dizzy. 
-"I am up. Just a second"-He looked like shit. Didn't even have a strength to shower yesterday.  He put his jacket back on and walked to the door. 
-"Take your sister to school."-It was a simple command, but from Neil's mouth, it sounded like a threat. It didn't only sound like it. It was a threat. Billy quickly went to his car. He really did oversleep. Max was already outside when she saw him, her eyes widened.
-"What are you doing here?"- She asked him, and she sounded sincerely confused.
-"Taking you to school deep-shit, come on."-he barked and was followed with a painful cough. 
They got into the car and started driving. 
-"Why are you up?"-Max asked after a while driving.
-"What do you mean."-He answered. But before she could answer, he sneezed into the crook of his arm.
-"Fuck"-he hissed.
-"I mean this. You are sick. You should have stayed home."
-"So that's how it looks in a perfect little life of yours?"
-"I turned off your alarm."
-"Are you fucking with me?"
-"I thought..."-she was interrupted by the outburst of Billy's anger.
-"I don't fucking care what you thought. Don't ever do that again. Mind your own fucking business."-He yelled or at least tried to because, in the end, his voice was getting thinner and thinner and became too ragged to be terrifying.
-"Fine"-she snapped, flipping her hands up.  The rest of the ride was silent again. Billy dropped Max and went to his classes. It was hard for him to focus on anything. But he could manage to survive. The only hard moment was a basketball practise. 
-"You okay, Hargrove?"-Tommy asked after he witnessed one of Billy's coughing fits.
-"Totally man."-Billy answered and went to the gym. Harrington was already there. Billy couldn't stop himself from staring at him. He was so determined in playing. His hair was bouncing a little with every and each move Harrington made. He had to force his eyes to look the other way. Steve Harrington was straight, and Billy was supposed to be the same. The practise started, and Billy knew it was going to be really difficult to survive it. He was nauseous, and he most certainly had a fever. And this cough. It was slowing him down, but he couldn't really catch a breath regularly today. But the practise carried on. He got some weird looks from other players from time to time, especially when he was coughing. But he did it. A few moments before the end, the coach asked him to come with him. So yeah, he got this talk about "a need to rest when you're sick" and "taking better care of yourself." It took the coach long enough for the practice to end and everyone to leave. All Billy wanted was a quick shower and going home. But he didn't suspect to find Steve Harrington still in a dressing room. What surprised him, even more, is that Steve Harrington was probably waiting there for him.
-"What is it, pretty boy?"-Billy tried to sound confident, but his voice was weak, and an idea of being alone with Steve made him even more nauseous.
-"Are you okay?"-Steve sounded almost shy, saying that, which Billy found adorable. He couldn't think like that, though.
-"Never better"-Saying that Billy decided to just leave without taking a shower. It was getting way too hot here even if he was shivering from cold just a moment ago. But Steve stood up and touched his hand. He immediately let go.
-"You're hot."
-"Thanks, never knew you liked bo..."-he tried to say, but he started coughing.
-"No, I mean this. You're sick."
-"Yeah, well good perception. Why do you even care, Harrington? I beat you up a month ago. You have amnesia or some shit?"-Billy felt uncomfortable. They were too close. He needed an escape, but he didn't want one.
-"Yeah, about that. It's fine really"-Harrington just pinched his nose while saying that. Billy was aware that a few more seconds and he'll either kiss the other boy or punch him in his stupid perfect face. It must have been the fever. For sure. He felt dizzy. His head seemed so heavy, and his eyelids were closing. He leaned on the wall to avoid falling down. He closed his eyes for a moment to stop the world from spinning. He felt a cold hand on his forehead, and the feeling was so nice he didn't want it to stop. 
-"Jeezus! You are burning up!"-Steve's voice was too loud. But it made Billy open his eyes. He wanted this touch. So badly. So he didn't move, just looked the other boy into the eyes. 

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  • 6 months later...

I do hope this is continued! I’m really enjoying it so far!

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