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Amy's cold (Doctor Who)


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Haven't posted in this forum for years, but today I'm bored, so here goes.


“Right then.” The doctor spun around the TARDIS excitedly. “August 2012, Half-human Michael Phelps defeats all competition just two days before the television is invented on his home planet. A bit ironic.” He pulled a lever and the ship made its familiar landing noise. “London, summer Olympics!”

He flung open the TARDIS door, and he, Amy and Rory took in the scenery.

“…Okay, maybe not London.” He admitted. A gush of cold wind swept through the doors and a flurry of snow surrounded the trio.

“…or summer.” 


The next day


Amy walked down the stairs of the TARDIS slowly. She had slept much longer than she normally did; the doctor and Rory were already about. Yet she still felt tired. She shrugged and put it off to the long days with the doctor.

The two men greeted her as she came down, their faces immediately turning concerned when they saw hers. 

“Are you alright?” Her husband asked. “You look a bit pale.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t exactly get the chance to tan I was promised, did I? I’m fine” she said, with a bit more irritation in her voice than intended. 

As she approached the console her body did an involuntary shake, and she felt her hands fumble with the buttons of the monitor screen.

“Are you sure? Perhaps you should let the doctor have a look at you?” he persisted. He knew better than to suggest he himself examine her, knowing how much she hated their relationship taking on a nurse-patient dynamic.

Amy rolled her eyes. “He’s not a medical doctor. And besides I’m…”

But what she was was left unsaid as her face scrunched up in an unmistakable pre-sneeze expression. She breathed in heavily.

Rory moved to stand beside her, and placed a hand on her back as support just as she bent over as the force of a violent sneezing fit overcame her petite frame. She cupped her hands over her pale face as she let out a series of “Khh-cheww! Kh-cheww! Keh-cheww! Khh-cheww!”, and shuddered again.

Rory pulled out a pack of tissues from his large pockets and handed them to her. She blew her nose gently. Blasted ice-planet,she thought. If only the doctor for once could take them where he promised.

“Perhaps we should stay in the ship today.” The doctor suggested.

“It’s just a head cold.” The redhead muttered. “You said we’d visit Mars today.”

“Ah yes, I did.” He said as if he’d just remembered. “But if you’re ill and get exposed to the micro-organisms of another planet it could end badly.”

Amy felt her irritation grow and raised her hand to grab the alien by the shoulder, but she noticed it’d grown strangely heavy.

Her husband decided to throw caution to the wind and stepped up and put his hand on her forehead. 

“Amy, you have a fever. You need to rest.”

“Darling” came her surly reply. “I’m Scottish. The only time we take sick leave is when we have swords through our stomachs. Now, unless you want a sword through yours, I suggest you remove your hand and come to Mars with me!”

Rory sighed. This was going to be a long day.

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