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Hey everyone! This is the first fan-fiction story that I've ever written. I'm getting into Adventure Time and I'm a huge fan of Marceline. I love her relationship with Princess Bubblegum and I wanted to incorporate it into a sic fic. I hope that you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think and give me any more ideas or requests related to this or Steven Universe if you like it! 




It was nighttime when Princess Bubblegum arrived at the familiar house hidden in the cave. After a long day of managing the affairs of the Candy Kingdom, she was ready to see her girlfriend. She took a deep breath as she walked across the wooden porch and knocked on the door.

A minute went by. Then another. Yet the door stayed shut. At first worry crept into Bubblegum’s heart, but it was soon replaced by annoyance. The kitchen light was on, which meant Marceline was in there somewhere. She was probably plotting another prank, planning to jump out and scare her.

PB was so focused on trying to figure out Marcy’s plan that she didn’t notice her girlfriend approaching and jumped when the door opened.

“Yeesh, Marcy!” She snapped. “What was that for?”

“Huh?” There wasn’t even a hint of that familiar smirk on Marcy’s face. Apparently she hadn’t been trying to scare PB.

The princess opened her mouth to say something else, but then paused. Marceline looked different. The lines under her eyes seemed deeper than usual, her skin shockingly white, even for a vampire. 

“Are you alright?” 

The Vampire Queen shrugged, her long black hair swaying. “I don’t know. I’ve been feeling pretty crappy. I’m probably getting a cold.”

“Can vampires even get sick?” PB asked.

“It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it sucks.” Marcy answered. She smirked. “I would’ve thought you’d already know this.”

PB rolled her eyes and Marcy laughed. She opened the door for the princess to come in. The first thing that PB noticed were the tissues on the floor. They were everywhere, crumpled and littering the floor like leaves in the forest. Marcy’s famous axe-turned-bass rested against the red sofa, which fortunately was free of tissues.

PB took a seat on the hard sofa and Marcy sat next to her.

“Everything running smoothly in Candy Kingdom?” the vampire asked, running a hand across her nose.

“The banana guards were a little distracted today.” PB admitted. “They just got introduced to BMO.”

The vampire laughed again and PB smiled. “What about you? What have you been up to?”

“I’ve just been playing bass. I wrote a new song. Kind of. It’s not all the way done.”

“Can I hear it?”

Marceline shrugged before picking up the bass. “It’s mostly musical, since I haven’t been able to sing because my throat hurts.”

She started to play and PB closed her eyes to listen to the song. It was beautiful, mostly consisting of minor chords with only a few major scales lightening the melancholy tone. PB was surprised again when the music cut away. 

“I know you said it wasn’t all the way done, but that’s a pretty abrupt end,” she joked.

She opened her eyes just in time to see the vampire grab one of the tissues from the coffee table.


Eeh-ishuu! Hh’chu!


“Gesundheit,” PB said. “You okay?”

Marcy sniffled. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

She dropped the used tissue on the floor carelessly, and PB fought the urge to complain about the disgusting habit. The vampire rested her bass on the sofa again. “Woof. I don’t feel like playing the rest of the song.”

She returned to PB and leaned against her. Her skin was like ice, even colder than usual and Bubblegum hugged her.

“Aw Marcy,” she said. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

“It’s no big deal,” the vampire shrugged. “I’ll feel like crap for a week, but after that I’ll be fine.”

She pulled away from her girlfriend. “Hey, aren’t you worried about getting sick? I’m contagious, you know.”

PB shrugged. “It’s worth it.”

Marcy smiled and took her hand. The princess smiled back and leaned in. Their lips touched and pressed together. PB smiled and leaned in further, really getting into it when Marceline suddenly pulled away.




She managed to catch the sneeze in her arm. Sniffling again, she leaned back. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” PB answered. “You can’t help it.”

Marcy leaned back into the couch. “I hate to tell you this, but I’m getting kind of tired. You might have to get out of here.”

“No, it’s all right.” PB replied. “I want to stay here. You know, make sure you’ll be okay.”

Marceline rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’ve survived for a thousand years. I think I’ll be fine.”

PB laughed. “I’m just trying to make an excuse to stay over.”

“What about your people?” Marcy asked. “Can they even function without you?”

“They’ll be fine. I’ll leave early in the morning.”

Marceline arched an eyebrow.

“Seriously. Peppermint Butler’s been trained to fill in for me on days where I’m too busy in the lab to properly rule.”

The vampire laughed, but it soon turned into a cough. 

“Nerd,” she managed to choke out.

PB put a hand on her back. “Come on. Let’s go to bed.”

As she and Marcy stood up, PB squealed as her bare foot touched on one of the used tissues.

“Marcy, you really need to clean up in here.”

“Whatever, man. I’ll do that when I’m feeling better.”

Hand in hand, they headed upstairs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is so cute! I also love their relationship, as well as seeing Marceline let her guard down with Bubblegum. You love to see it! 

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