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Just Because (WayHaught--Wynonna Earp F/F)


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Hello darlings! Do you know what today is? Today...is Waverly Earp's birthday! That is actually not at all why I wrote this story; it just happens to be a coincidence that I finished part 1 today, and all the Earpers from near and far have been blowing up the social media with birthday wishes for the smart as hell, hot as hell, funny as hell, Earpiest Earp of them all. (But for realz, they do say it in 2x11--Nicole says it actually, it's in the "alternate reality/spell gone awry" ep where Waverly and Nicole never became a couple, but they are still very obviously head over heels for each other...and Nicole still knows Waverley's birthday). I think I may be eternally ruined for all other fandoms, I just want WayHaught forever. Happy Earping, kids. 



Just Because

Part 1



            When Nicole pulled into her driveway after a long day at the Sheriff’s station, the first thing she noticed was that the lights were on inside her house; and the second thing she noticed was that the smoke alarm was going off. She had her gun out before she was over the threshold, sweeping the front room thoroughly before moving swiftly and silently down the hall to the kitchen, where tendrils of smoke were curling up from under the door, and the sounds of clattering and coughing betrayed the presence of an intruder. Obviously an amateur, if they didn’t have the brains to get out before lighting the place on fire.

            “Police! Hands on your head, now!” The words were out of her mouth before her foot banged down the door—revealing the sight of her girlfriend standing on a chair beside the oven, which was pouring smoke. The petite girl was waving a broom frantically over her head, trying to clear the air around the smoke detector, but she was coughing too hard to be very effective.

            “Don’t shoot me!” Waverly yelped, dropping the broom and bending over coughing with her hands on her knees.

            “Waves! Jesus. Get down from there before you pass out from smoke inhalation.” The bemused redhead quickly holstered her weapon once she realized her house was not in fact under attack, and reached out her hand to help her girlfriend down from the chair. Waverly half-tumbled into Nicole’s arms, coughing and wheezing, and the tall cop steered the smaller girl firmly down the hall and deposited her on the couch with stern instructions to sit there and breathe before running back to the kitchen. 

Climbing up on the chair, Nicole was just tall enough to reach the edge of the smoke alarm to yank the battery out. She opened all the windows, and then the oven, where the dark smoke was still escaping. Picking up the discarded broom her girlfriend had dropped, the redhead waved away the worst of the smoke, revealing what looked like one big charcoal briquette in the shape of a pie, one charcoal-casserole, and a third in the shape of a loaf pan. By the time Nicole had the oven cleared and the burned items cooling by the open window, she was coughing a bit too. She pulled a fan from the hall closet and left it running on the kitchen table before making her way back to the living room, where Waverly was curled up in the corner of the couch, sniffling and wiping angrily at her teary eyes.

“Hey, are you okay baby?” the tall cop crooned, dropping to her knees in front of her girlfriend and cupping her pale, tear-streaked face in both hands.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry,” Waverly moaned, fresh tears spilling down her face as soon as Nicole’s gentle fingers brushed the old ones away. “I almost burned your house down…”

“I mean. I think that might be a slight exaggeration,” Nicole grinned, a bit lightheaded with relief as the worry and adrenalin faded from her body. “There was never actually any fire. And you still didn’t answer my question—are you okay, Waves? What happened, what are you even doing here? I thought you were having an Earp sisters’ bonding night at the homestead.”

“Yeah…I lied. We’ve all been so busy with work lately, I wanted to do something nice for you, just for no reason…I just wanted to surprise you,” the petite brunette whined softly, with another croaky cough into her sleeve. Nicole cuddled up beside her miserable girlfriend on the couch and wrapped an arm around her, rubbing the shorter girl’s back. 

“Yeah, well, mission accomplished,” the redhead teased gently, with a soft smile that quickly faded when Waverly started crying again. “Hey, hey, I’m just joking…I’m sorry baby, shh, please don’t cry. I don’t care that you burned the food, I only care about you.” Nicole kissed Waverly’s temple and rubbed her nose into the younger girl’s hair. It still smelled a little smoky, like a campfire. 

“I can’t believe I was so stupid! I worked all afternoon, everything was perfect…and then I just fell asleep at the kitchen table. I didn’t even set the timer. I’m such a dummy.” Waverly scowled, rubbing angrily at her red eyes.

“Hey. Don’t talk about my girl like that,” The tall cop said gently, tilting the shorter girl’s face toward her again to look her in the eye. The poor thing looked so exhausted. “You know you’re not stupid. You’re the smartest person I know, you’re the Hermione Granger of Purgatory.” A small smile tugged at the corner of Waverly’s mouth, and Nicole beamed. “You just fell asleep. That’s all. Sleep is not a mark of failure. But it is a mark of exhaustion. You’re right, we have all been working like crazy…and you’re running yourself into the ground, baby. So how about we order some take-out, get into our PJ’s and watch TV. Anything you want. Does that sound good?”

“Yeah…that sounds really good,” Waverly agreed with a soft sigh, leaning away from her girlfriend as she wrapped her arm across her face to cover another rattling cough. 

“And I’ll make some tea,” Nicole added, tucking a lock of long hair back behind her baby’s ear. “Unless maybe we should get you checked out by a doctor first? More people die from smoke inhalation than fire, you know.”

“I’m not dying, babe.” Waverly rolled her eyes a little, but the affectionate grin on her face told Nicole that her girlfriend didn’t mind the solicitous attention. “Tea and cuddles will make me feel way better.”

“’Kay,” Nicole grinned back, leaning in to drop a slow, lazy kiss on the shorter girl’s lips. “So get upstairs and change, so we can start being cozy.”




“Here you go, cutie…peppermint tea with two spoons of honey. Careful, it’s really hot.” Nicole handed off the tea with a kiss to the shorter girl’s forehead.

“Thanks,” Waverly sighed, holding the tea with both hands and taking a few little sips while the redhead snuggled up under the blanket with her on the squishy couch.

“Did you pick a show?” Nicole toyed absently with Waverly’s hair, watching her girlfriend savor the hot tea with her eyes closed. 

“Uh-huh…” the petite brunette nodded vaguely, her eyes opening just a little as she stared off into space, gripping the hot mug more tightly. “Hhtxchew!! *Snf.*” Waverly gave a little shudder as she sneezed into her tea, barely managing to keep from spilling any.

“Bless you!” Nicole giggled softly, while Waverly put her tea down and hastily pinched the bottom of her nose with a soft sniffle. 

“Ugh. Sorry,” the shorter girl groaned, pressing the back of her hand briefly under her nose, as if to hold off more sniffles. 

“Don’t be sorry, baby. D’you want a tissue?”

“No, I’m fine. Let’s just watch Buffy and snuggle.”

“Gee, twist my arm.” Nicole grinned, twirling a lock of her girlfriend’s long hair around her finger. Waverly smiled back sleepily, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the redhead’s lips. They cuddled up cozily with Waverly’s head on Nicole’s shoulder, barely moving except for the smaller girl’s occasional soft coughs. When the first cup of tea was empty, Nicole got up to make another. She walked back into the living room just in time to see the spacy, tickly look drifting across her sweet girl’s face again, turning her head slightly away and raising one arm as her hazel eyes welled up.

“Iiihihschxu!! *Snnfl*…” Waverly buried her sneeze in the crook of her elbow this time as Nicole sat back down beside her, cradling a fresh mug of tea.

“Bless you, cutie-pie…I think maybe you’re coming down with something, hmm?” The redhead stroked her girlfriend’s hair with a sympathetic little smile, watching her sniffle and pinch her nose a little roughly. “Maybe that’s why you fell asleep at my kitchen table at 7pm?”

“Uhh, no. I’m…*snghf!*…I’m fine. Just a little itchy from the smoke still. It’ll pass,” the dark-haired girl sighed, reaching for the steaming mug Nicole had just put in front of her.

“’Kay…if you say so. But you know it doesn’t have to be fine, right? You’re allowed to be sick. I’ll take care of you if you’re not feeling good.”

“I know, baby,” Waverly smiled shyly, wrapping her arms around the taller girl’s neck and kissing her soundly on the cheek. “You’re the bestest. But I’m fine.” 

“Yeah?” Nicole raised an eyebrow doubtfully.

“Yeah,” Waverly nodded, still smiling as she leaned in for another kiss, on the lips this time.

“Hmmm…ohhh-kaaaay,” the tall cop hummed, wrapping both arms around her girlfriend’s slight waist and pulling the smaller girl snugly against her. Waverly curled into her like a kitten; and within a few minutes she was softly snoring, more adorably than any adult human had a right to, Nicole thought. The redhead cradled her girlfriend’s sleeping body protectively, trying not to giggle too much at the antics on the screen so Waverly’s much-needed rest wouldn’t be disturbed. But eventually, the doorbell rang, signaling the delivery of their half-vegan-half-Hawaiian pizza, and Nicole was forced to gently rouse her sleeping angel. 

“Hey pretty girl…time to wake up. Pizza’s here,” Nicole cooed, scratching her nails lightly behind Waverly’s ear, something she knew the other girl liked.

“Mmhmm,” the younger girl mumbled softly, burrowing deeper into the blankets and Nicole’s warmth.

“I’m sorry baby, I gotta get the door,” the tall cop murmured apologetically, kissing the top of her girlfriend’s head before worming regretfully out of her arms. Waverly whined in protest, flopping down against the couch cushions with the blankets pulled tight around her. Nicole let her be, and went about the business of paying for the pizza, getting plates and napkins from the kitchen, and setting up the food on the coffee table. When she sat back down on the couch, she reached out and tucked a long lock of brown hair back behind her girlfriend’s ear, and gently stroked her cheek. 

“Waves…d’you want some pizza?” the redhead hummed, leaning down to drop a few kisses across the sleepy girl’s face. Waverly’s eyes cracked open with a deep, grumbly sigh, and she finally sat up, her girlfriend’s steading arm wrapping instantly around her shoulders. She coughed again, and Nicole rubbed her back. 

“Thanks, baby…you’re so good to me,” the smaller girl smiled sleepily, accepting the plate of vegan pizza her girlfriend passed her. “Sorry I’m no fun tonight.”

“Babe, you have got to stop apologizing for being exhausted,” Nicole sighed, wrapping her finger around a lock of soft brown hair and giving it an affectionate little tug. “It’s not your job to be fun 24/7. Nobody is, that’s not real life. That’s Disneyland. And I don’t ever want you to be fake with me, okay?” Waverly looked up shyly into the warm brown eyes beaming at her like she was the center of the universe. 

“Okay,” she murmured back, taking Nicole’s face in both hands and kissing her. It wasn’t a heated kiss; it was gentle and sleepy and soft, which was exactly Waverly wanted right now. She wasn’t forcing herself to do more, or be more, to be the perfect girlfriend who always put out on date night. Champ would have whined and wheedled and said aw c’mon babe, give Daddy some sugar, don’t be a tease. But Waverly knew Nicole would never say anything like that, or even think it. Her heart always knew that; her head just had to be reminded sometimes. 

“Good.” The tall cop grinned against her lips, and Waverly could feel her smile. “So, pizza and Buffy? You slept through most of the episode already, d’you wanna start over?”

“No, we can just keep going. It’s not like I haven’t seen it a hundred times already.” 

“’Kay.” Nicole dropped one more kiss on her temple, nuzzling into the shorter girl’s hair for a moment before picking up her pizza, and hitting play on the TV. 




Waverly barely finished half a slice of pizza before falling asleep on the couch again, and she only sort-of-halfway woke up when Nicole eventually scooped her up to carry her upstairs to bed. She didn’t open her eyes; but she made some soft mumbly sounds and wrapped her arms around the redhead’s neck, resting her face against the warmth of her girlfriend’s throat. 

“Shh, I got you Waves…just hold onto me,” Nicole hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of the sleepy girl’s head.

“Mmhmm,” Waverly agreed vaguely, one hand playing absently with the cropped red hair at the back of her girlfriend’s neck. The tall cop climbed the stairs carefully, not wanting to disturb her precious bundle, and set her gently on top of the covers. 

“Can you help me get you under the covers, baby?” Nicole murmured, tugging at the edge of the comforter under her girlfriend’s shoulders. Sleepy Waverly was cooperative, shifting around and arching her back so Nicole could pull the blankets down, and then back up again over her body. “Good girl,” the tall cop whispered, planting a gentle kiss on her baby’s forehead. Waverly snuggled into the blankets with a deep sigh of contentment.

“Thank you…” the drowsy girl murmured vaguely, while Nicole climbed in next to her and pulled the blankets up around them both. The redhead felt her chest swell with love, cuddling up closer to her almost-asleep angel, just gazing at her sweet face in the moonlight and playing with her silky hair. As Nicole lay there watching her, a little crinkle formed between her closed eyes, and Waverly raised one hand absently to her face with a soft little shudder.

“Iiihhishxew!!! *Snghhf*…” Waverly sneezed sleepily into her cupped hand, eyes scrunched up tight, and unselfconsciously swiped her nose against the back of her arm with a stuffy sniffle.

“Bless you,” Nicole whispered, kissing her forehead again.

“Uhhummb,” Waverly mumbled back, with another soft swipe at her nose against the back of her wrist. She is so catching a cold, the redhead thought silently to herself, slipping out of bed to get a tissue from the bathroom. Nicole wished she had some meds to give her baby too, but in the just-over-two-years she’d been living here in Purgatory, she hadn’t really been sick. Or at least, not sick enough to buy any medicine, other than Advil for the occasional headache. 

“Hey, cutie. Here you go,” the redhead murmured, climbing back into bed and pressing a tissue into her girlfriend’s limp hand. But Waverly was really asleep now; she didn’t even twitch. Nicole smiled affectionately. She couldn’t help thinking how adorable her girlfriend was like this, fast asleep and snuggled up in Nicole’s bed, breathing softly through her mouth with her cute little cold, her runny nose shining gently in the moonlight. 

“Aww, baby…” the redhead sighed, taking the tissue back from the sleeping girl’s limp hand, and very gently dabbing the damp underside of her nose and the divot of her upper lip. Nicole had never wiped someone else’s nose before, but somehow it didn’t feel weird; it was sweet, and intimate, and tender. It was Waverly. 

“Sweet dreams, angelpants,” the tall cop hummed, snaking one arm around her girlfriend’s waist under the covers and kissing the tip of her nose before drifting peacefully off to sleep.



It was still dark the next time Nicole opened her eyes; and she just knew right away that something wasn’t right. “Wave?” she mumbled sleepily, reaching out across the bed to find nothing but empty space. Rubbing her eyes, the redhead sat up and glanced at the closed bathroom door; but it was all dark, there was no one there. With a yawn and a stretch, she slipped out of bed and pulled on her slippers, shuffling down the stairs, where she soon heard the quiet sounds of the TV and her girlfriend’s raspy coughing. 

“Aww, sweet girl,” Nicole cooed when she found her angel curled up in a ball of misery on the couch, wrapped up in at least three blankets. Even just from the dim glow of the TV, Nicole could see the fever-sheen on the younger girl’s face, her puffy, glassy eyes, her still-very-cute runny nose.

“I don’t feel good,” Waverly croaked softly, looking up an Nicole with a shamed expression, as if she’d let her girlfriend down somehow.

“Shh, I know baby,” the redhead hummed soothingly, crossing over to the couch and settling into the open space in the middle of the curled-up shape of the smaller girl’s body under the blankets. “Poor little thing, you’re really sick…” Nicole pressed the back of her hand to Waverly’s forehead, feeling the feverish heat radiating from her skin. “I thought you were just catching a cold before, but this isn’t a cold, is it? You’re burning up, and you sound terrible. I think it’s the flu.”

“But I had mby flu shot,” the smaller girl whined miserably, her hands sneaking out from under the blanket holding a cloth bandana that she probably stole from Nicole’s drawer, and blowing her stuffy nose. She sounded so much more congested than she had when she fell asleep a few hours ago. 

“Yeah, well, sometimes you can catch it even with the shot…it happens,” Nicole sighed, running her fingers through her girlfriend’s long hair. “We’ll take you to the doctor in the morning, okay cutie? Get you some of those good meds to knock this out before it gets any worse.” 

“Okay…sorry,” Waverly sighed, toying with her bandana and avoiding Nicole’s gaze.

“Waverly Earp, you are not apologizing for being sick,” the tall cop said sternly with a shake of her head.

“Ndoe, I…*snghf*…I mbean I should have just stayed home. Ndow you’re stuck taking care of mbe, and I’mb…*snnfl*…gettig mby germbs all over your house…” Waverly sighed and closed her eyes, pinching her nose snugly in the bandana with a deep breath like she was going to sneeze—but then it passed, and she sighed again, rubbing her damp nose through the fabric.

“First of all, I’m not stuck taking care of you, baby,” Nicole shook her head, slipping her hand out of her girlfriend’s hair to stroke her flushed cheek. “If anything, you’re saving me a trip to the homestead. I want to take care of you, just like you always wanna take care of me when I need it. I love you, Wave. Every part of you. Even your germs.” The tall cop leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her girlfriend’s warm lips, feeling the faintly cool glide of Waverly’s runny nose against her skin. “See?” 

“That was so stupid,” the sniffly girl sighed; but she was beaming shyly. Nicole gave her a wink. 

“Well if I catch it, then you can take care of me. But for now, I’m gonna go make more tea, and get you some Advil for this fever. Okay angelpants?”

“Uh…*snghhf*…uh-huh…” Waverly nodded, rubbing her nose in the bandana as her eyes drifted closed again. “Aah’tchxiishu!! *Snfl*…” She trembled under the blankets when she sneezed, rubbing her nose roughly through the fabric.

“Bless you,” Nicole hummed, stroking her girlfriend’s long hair and kissing her forehead. 

“Ughh…*snghf*…I’ll wash this before I give it back to you,” the petite brunette sighed, her nose still buried in Nicole’s bandana. “I just…*snf*…hate disposable paper stuff…hhhuh…iihIIISHxhew!!! *S-snghf!*” Waverly’s nose quivered inside the fabric with another sick sneeze. Nicole kissed her forehead.

“I know you do, my sweet little tree hugger. No worries, you keep it. I’ve got plenty.” 

“Uhhh…*snfl*…’kay…” Waverly was pushing her nose hard into the fabric, the little crinkle blossoming between her eyes again as they fluttered shut. “Aahhh—aah’eshhxiew!!” She sneezed and shivered and broke into a rattling cough. 

“Aww, baby. Bless you, bless you, bless you!” Nicole kissed the younger girl all over her fever-warmed face, fussing and cooing over her. “I’ll be right back with that tea, okay? You just stay bundled up nice and snug.”

“’Kay,” Waverly agreed meekly, scrunching up her eyes and blowing her nose again thoroughly, ending with a soft, despondent sigh. Nicole could have sat there kissing her forever; but her desire to make Waverly feel better won out over everything, even kisses. The sooner she made the tea, the sooner she’d be back. Reluctantly, the redhead pressed one last kiss to her baby girl’s hot forehead, and padded toward the kitchen, hearing another stuffy, breathless sneeze muffled behind her as she went.



Edited by wannablessedbe
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Aww, adorable! I started writing some of my own this weekend but with my current schedule, heaven knows when if/when I’ll get it up. 

I assume you’ve seen this by now, too :) 

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14 minutes ago, FadedRose said:

Aww, adorable! I started writing some of my own this weekend but with my current schedule, heaven knows when if/when I’ll get it up. 

I assume you’ve seen this by now, too :) 

I actually didn't see that post, but a friend sent me a 30-second version of it that was even better bc I didn't have to click around!!! Thx my dear. I hope you get a chance to finish and post your work! 😊

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Absolutely amazing!! You never disappoint WannaBlessedBe! I love the care taking and the sweet love from Nicole. I definitely hope we will maybe see some contagion....! Amazing fic please continue!!!

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23 hours ago, 20andsickfic said:

Absolutely amazing!! You never disappoint WannaBlessedBe! I love the care taking and the sweet love from Nicole. I definitely hope we will maybe see some contagion....! Amazing fic please continue!!!

Thx my dear! Maybe this time I will find the contagion... I'M THINKING ABOUT IT 😊

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys! I know it's been a hot second. So sorry about that. Been out doing so many gay things. IT'S AWESOME. 

But I cannot replace the special joy I get here with anything else, so I will never forget to come back! This part wasn't easy to write for some reason, it was slow-going. Contagion, for those of you keeping track, will most likely appear in the next part...which may end up having to wait a couple of weeks, since the Jewish New Year is right around the corner and I have places to be.

In the meantime--enjoy! You are all awesome. 



Just Because

Part 2



Waverly couldn’t fall back to sleep until almost sunrise, from the combined misery of her raspy, rattling coughs that felt like someone was scraping their nails across her lungs, the dry soreness in the back of her throat whenever she swallowed, and the dizzying fever chills that wracked her body. Then when she did start to drift off, she’d sniffle or sneeze, and jerk awake again. Nicole felt like the world’s worst girlfriend for not having any medicine in her house (except for the Advil, which didn’t seem to be helping anyway). She didn’t even have a thermometer. In her pre-Purgatory life, there was no reason to buy things like this to keep around “just in case” you needed them; in the city, if you wake up feeling awful at 3am, you go to the drug store at 3am and get what you need. 

But of course there weren’t any 24-hour drug stores in Purgatory, and of course Nicole beat herself up for not having thought about that sooner. Every time Waverly coughed or rubbed her throat, her pained expression stabbed Nicole right through the heart, even though the petite brunette never uttered a word of complaint. The redhead eased her guilt by doing everything she could for Waverly here and now; which was mostly cuddling, making lots and lots of tea, and cold compresses for her forehead. 

Eventually, though, exhaustion won out, and they both fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV, with Nicole’s fluffy orange cat curled up by Waverly’s feet. The redhead woke up with an unbelievable kink in her neck from falling asleep in a weird position, slumped over on the couch kind of half sitting up, with one arm wrapped protectively over her girlfriend’s feverish body. Sunlight was pouring in through the windows, and Nicole realized she’d slept much later than she’d planned to; she meant to call Wynonna first thing to get the name and number of their family doctor so she could call and get Waverly an appointment. 

“Aghhhh, nuts,” the tall cop grumbled groggily, rubbing the kink in her neck and blinking down at her girlfriend’s sleeping face, flushed with fever. “Hey baby girl,” she whispered, leaning down and pressing a light kiss to Waverly’s overheated forehead. The smaller girl twitched in her sleep and made a soft little whimpering sound; but she didn’t wake up. “Shhh…it’s okay Waves, you’re okay. I got you,” Nicole murmured, trailing her fingers delicately through her girlfriend’s sleep-mussed hair. 

“Uhuhhmb,” the sleeping girl mumbled, shifting slightly under the blankets. Her head was nestled into a pillow in Nicole’s lap, and the redhead tried to slip out as smoothly as possible to avoid disturbing her girlfriend’s desperately needed rest. But Waverly whimpered unconsciously again, and started coughing, and Nicole knelt down instantly next to the couch to rub her back. Calamity Jane jumped down from the couch with an indignant meow, clearly not pleased with her Waverly-pillow moving around.

“Owww…whuzzit…demons gettidg away…” the woozy girl mumbled, shifting restlessly under the blankets as her bleary eyes blinked open. She sniffled and rubbed her tender nose absently against the end of her pajama sleeve.

“Hey, shh, it’s okay baby…you’re safe, there’s no demons. You were just dreaming,” the redhead cooed, moving her hand from the smaller girl’s back to her messy brown hair. Waverly’s glassy eyes shifted to Nicole, finally focusing on what was right in front of her. 

“Oh…hi…I forgot I was sleeping,” the fever-flushed girl croaked woozily, rubbing her eyes. Nicole beamed at her, stroking a mussed lock of hair back behind her ear. 

“I’m sorry I woke you up, sweet girl…you must feel awful.” The tall cop leaned in and pressed another kiss to her girlfriend’s pale forehead. 

“I’mb cold,” Waverly whispered, trembling with chills as she tried to snuggle deeper into the layers of blankets. “Cad I…*snghf*…have a bonus bladket?” 

“Of course you can, baby,” Nicole hummed soothingly, with a reassuring smile as she stood up and stretched, rubbing the kink from her neck again as she padded quickly to the hall closet for another blanket. “Here you go…nice and cuddly,” the redhead murmured, draping another blanket over the pile her girlfriend’s small body was already half-buried under. 

“Thags…*snnfl*…” Waverly wiped her runny nose on her sleeve again, and Nicole glanced around for something to give her. The handkerchief from last night was sitting on the edge of the coffee table, crumpled and used up. Nicole really didn’t want to give her that again.

“Hang on, I’ll be right back,” the redhead said gently, stroking Waverly’s hair again with a reassuring smile.

“’Kay…” the sleepy girl sighed, her eyes narrowing woozily as she shifted against the couch cushions, pushing herself into a slightly more upright position. She held one hand up hand absently in front of her face, as her breath huffed softly and her pink nostrils twitched and trembled a few times, a thin trickle of snot trailing gently from one side. “Iiiihhxshx!!” She pinched the bottom of her nose hard between her fingers as her eyes squeezed shut, her small body practically folding in half with the effort of holding in her sniffly sneeze. 

“Bless you baby,” Nicole hummed sweetly, kissing the top of her girlfriend’s head before darting to the bathroom for some kleenex. “Here, I know you hate using disposable anything and you’re on a one-woman mission to save the planet, but right at this second, I think we can make an exception.” The redhead held out her offering to her sniffling girlfriend, who still had one hand cupped firmly over her face, her pink little nose clamped shut between her fingers like a leaky faucet. 

“Uh-huh,” Waverly agreed easily for once, snatching a tissue from her girlfriend’s outstretched hand and cupping it awkwardly to her face as her tired hazel eyes narrowed again, giving her an absent, vague expression. “Hhhh…*snnfl*…hhaiischOOoo!!!” Her eyebrows knit together desperately as she pitched forward again, both hands cupped snugly over the tissue. She gave a soft, wet blow, folded the damp tissue in half, and wiped under her nose again, with another liquid sniffle. “Whoaaa,” she sighed softly, with a rattling cough into her sleeve.

“Bless you, poor little thing. Okay, I really will be right back…hang tight,” Nicole promised sweetly, with a warm smile for her woozy, sniffly, fever-dazed girlfriend, before darting quickly up the stairs to her bedroom. A minute later she was back with a whole stack of neatly folded cloth bandanas. “Here you go, cutie…no more trees will die for your sniffles.” Waverly laughed softly, and coughed again.

“Thags babe,” she sighed, taking one and blowing her nose much more thoroughly than she had a minute ago. Nicole thought that her girlfriend looked painfully adorable with only her scrunched-up eyes visible behind the large, half-unfolded square of fabric, that was almost bigger than her whole face.

“Mmhmm,” The redhead hummed, sitting on the couch beside the younger girl again and stroking her fever-flushed cheek. “So, my adorable little snot monster. We gotta get you to the doctor. Can you give me the number? I’ll get you the soonest appointment they have, and then maybe you can eat something. You barely touched your pizza last night.”

“’Kay…” Waverly yawned, too tired to argue. “Cad I…*snghf*…have mby phone?” Nicole got up and rustled through her girlfriend’s always-overstuffed purse, while Waverly slumped back down against the pillows, muffling her raspy coughs behind the fresh handkerchief. Finally the tall cop found what she was looking for, and handed the phone over to the woozy girl snuggled against her side. Waverly scrolled through and pulled up their family doctor’s number, handing the phone back to Nicole without saying anything. 

“Thanks, cutie,” the redhead murmured, kissing her girlfriend’s warm temple. 

“Uh-huh,” Waverly sighed, tucked snugly against Nicole’s side as she rubbed her nose delicately in the folded cloth again, with her glazed eyes barely open. “Aahhhiihh…*snfl*…hhhuh…” Her breath huffed softly, while her hands stilled expectantly, cupping the handkerchief to her nose. The tall cop wrapped one arm protectively over the smaller girl, kissing the top of her head. 

“Aaahh…*snfl*…aahh-ahxcheww!!! *snghf.*” Waverly shivered and pushed her runny nose harder into the soft cotton fabric.

“Bless you,” Nicole hummed, trailing her fingers lightly up and down her girlfriend’s arm while her other hand held the phone to her ear. Waverly made a soft, cranky sound, leaning her head against her girlfriend’s arm and letting her tired eyes fall shut as she sniffled, tugging irritably on the bottom of her twitchy nose through the soft cotton fabric. She was vaguely aware of her girlfriend’s warm, steady voice beside her, talking to her doctor’s office so she wouldn’t have to…but she was too woozy to make her brain focus on the words. She was starting to drift off against Nicole’s side when her human-pillow shifted and stood up.

“Heyyyy,” Waverly whined softly, even as her girlfriend’s gentle hands were easing her back down against the pillows, which had been stacked against the arm of the couch so she would be propped up a bit, and not lying down flat with her breathing so congested. 

“Shh, I’m right here baby girl. I’m just gonna go make us some breakfast, okay? The doctor’s office said we can come anytime, but I really want you to eat something first.” Nicole’s fingers were stroking Waverly’s hair back, and she leaned down and dropped a few kisses across the cranky girl’s face. 

“’Kay,” Waverly agreed passively, muffling a raspy cough in her sleeve. 

“So what can I make for you, hmm?” Nicole’s hands were in Waverly’s hair again, and the woozy girl sighed and mumbled unintelligibly. “Wave.” The tall cop shook her girlfriend’s shoulder lightly, and Waverly whined, still not opening her eyes. “How about oatmeal? Or ramen? Or vegan grilled cheese?”

“Uh-huh,” the petite brunette mumbled, cupping her handkerchief  back to her face to cover another rattling cough. 

“Which one?” Nicole sighed, scratching her nails lightly down the smaller girl’s back to try to rouse her a little. 

“I…*snfl*…Waverly finally opened her eyes a little, gazing at her girlfriend absently while she rubbed her flared pink nose in the soft fabric. “I dod’t…*snfl*…r-really…care…” Her breath swelled softly between each word, the last one coming out high and breathy as she squeezed her runny nose hard through the handkerchief. “IIIHXschew!!! *Snghf*…HhehtxchOOoo!!”

“Bless you,” the redhead cooed, kneeling down by Waverly’s head and gently taking the slightly damp handkerchief from the sleepy girl’s limp hand. She rubbed the bottom of her girlfriend’s wet nose through the fabric, and Waverly made a plaintive whimpery sound, lifting her chin slightly to give Nicole better access. 

“Dod’t…*snfl*…get mbad…if I…” Waverly’s breath trembled, and the tall cop nuzzled her girlfriend’s twitchy, runny nose in the fabric. As her breath shuddered, Waverly’s hand came up automatically on top of Nicole’s, pushing her nose harder into the fabric.

“Ehhiishxuh!!! *Snfl,* the woozy girl shivered weakly again, her feverish body jerking under the blankets.

“Bless you baby,” Nicole murmured in her ear, giving her girlfriend’s runny nose one more firm wipe, and a lingering kiss on her warm temple, before gently withdrawing her hand with a sweet smile. “And if you don’t care what you eat for breakfast, then I’m making oatmeal, because that’s what I want to eat.” 

“Uhhummb,” Waverly yawned, snuggling deeper into the blankets with the slightly soggy handkerchief clutched absently in her hand.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey y'all. I know it's been basically a month since my last update...sorry about that. I had a family emergency that has kept me traveling for basically the entire last month, up until a few days ago. I am okay and I'm getting TONS of love and support, and I would rather not get into it here because everybody will feel awkward and that doesn't help me anyway (and like I said--tons of support in my life, really, it's all good). 

So I did write an update! Most of it got written on my 5-hour train ride home from MA to NYC this week. I know I said last time that there would be contagion, and maybe there still could be in another part; but it didn't happen in this one. I reverted hard back to my own personal comfort food of everybody cuddling Waverly bc she is just the sweetest little thing in the whole entire world, and making her feel better makes me feel better. I think you will still enjoy it. At least I hope so! Here you go. 



Just Because

Part 3



            Nicole did her level best to make Waverly an enticing comfort-food breakfast, but the woozy girl barely managed to get down a third of the oatmeal with brown sugar and almond milk. She wasn’t too sick to notice Nicole’s unhappy expression, though.

            “I’mb sorry I…*snghf!*…cad’t eat it all,” the petite brunette sighed, looking up miserably into the loving, slightly anxious brown eyes beside her. “You mbade it just right, it’s perfect, really. I’ll have the rest later, okay?” Waverly rubbed the side of her head absently, sniffled, and dabbed her tender nose in the folded handkerchief.

            “Aww, baby. You do not get to be sorry,” Nicole shook her head, wrapping an arm around the smaller girl’s shoulders and dropping a light kiss on her temple. “Please, Wave, try not to worry about anything right now. You’re not gonna hurt my feelings if you don’t finish the oatmeal I made you. I don’t care about that. All I care about is making you feel better. Okay, sweet girl?”

            “’Kay,” Waverly rasped softly, with a muffled cough.

            “So let’s get you all bundled up now, and we’ll go to the doctor. You’re gonna feel sooooo much better when you get the good drugs,” Nicole cooed, threading her fingers soothingly through her girlfriend’s long hair. 

            “’Kay,” the sleepy girl agreed again passively, nuzzling her nose gingerly in the handkerchief with both hands as her eyes slid out of focus. “Hhhxchxew!!! *Snnfl.*”

            “Bless you cutie-pie.” The redhead pressed another kiss to her girlfriend’s warm temple and stood with a soft yawn and a huge stretch. “I’ll get you something to wear, okay? Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

            “Uhhumb,” Waverly sighed, slumping down bonelessly against the couch cushions once her human teddy bear was no longer there to keep her upright. Nicole ran up to the bedroom and dressed quickly, grabbing clothes from Waverly’s sleepover drawer to bring back downstairs. She debated just letting the poor thing stay in her pajamas, and putting her warm winter coat and boots over that; but it was just too cold out. Luckily Waverly’s sleepover drawer included cozy-Sunday stuff, and the tall cop settled on some warm winter socks, a pair of soft navy blue sweatpants, an old Purgatory High Athletics t-shirt and her own favorite police academy hoodie, which she knew her girlfriend loved because she kept stealing it. 

            Waverly was dozing again by the time Nicole came back down with the clothes; but she was easy enough to rouse, and didn’t resist when her girlfriend gently sat her upright and helped her change. If anything, half-asleep-with-the-flu Waverly was unnervingly cooperative. If she were cranky and disagreeable, that would at least mean she was alert enough to have an opinion about what was going on around her. But just when the redhead began to gnaw anxiously on her bottom lip, the younger girl looked up at her with sleepy hazel eyes and smiled woozily.

            “You gave mbe your favorite hoodie,” Waverly sighed, snuggling into the slightly oversized police academy sweatshirt. “Thags, baby. You’re the…*snghf*…the sweetest girlfriend ever.” 

            “No, my little snifflebug…that would be you,” the tall cop cooed adoringly, smoothing a few mussed brown locks back behind her girlfriend’s ear after pulling  all her hair out from under her collar. “You’re so sick it’s making my heart hurt, but you’re still worrying about me feeling bad over unfinished oatmeal and saying thank you for a hoodie loan. How can so much sweetness even fit inside one tiny person, hmm?” Nicole stroked Waverly’s flushed cheek protectively and kissed her hot forehead. The petite brunette just smiled sleepily again, and coughed into the cuff of the oversized hoodie.




            Nicole’s anxiousness was slightly eased when Waverly refused to be carried to the car, insisting that she could walk; but she was still a bit wobbly. The redhead stayed glued to her girlfriend’s side as they made their way slowly down the snow-crusted front steps to the driveway, easing her down into the passenger seat of the police cruiser and even buckling her seatbelt for her, which Waverly did not protest, as her eyes were already closed as soon as she was in the seat. Nicole kissed her forehead and closed the door, walking around to the other side of the car. 

            “Hhhtxiiishxew!!! *Snfl,*” the sleepy girl jerked forward in her seat with one hand pressed snugly to her runny nose. She still had the handkerchief in her hoodie pocket, but she was way too out of it to be able to unbutton her coat, reach into the pocket and pull it out again in time to catch her shuddering, sniffly sneeze. 

            “Bless you babycakes,” Nicole hummed sweetly as she dropped into the driver’s seat, producing another fresh handkerchief from her own pocket. Really they were her bandanas—or, rather, they had been. The redhead knew how much her girlfriend hated using anything disposable; she was such an adorable little hippie, with her canvas grocery bags and cloth napkins and the way she always pulled recyclables out of the trash everywhere they went. The girl was practically in a codependent relationship with her water bottle. So Nicole was perfectly happy to give up all her bandanas plus her favorite hoodie if it would make Waverly feel even a tiny bit better.

            “Thag you,” the smaller girl croaked softly, taking the offering and cupping it clumsily to her nose. She blew softly, sighed, and stilled for a few long moments, eyes closed, as her breath shuddered wheezily in her chest. “Aahh…*s-snfl*…hiiihxchOOoo!!” Her long hair brushed across her lap as she bent forward and sneezed again.

            “Bless you,” Nicole murmured, resting one hand lovingly on her girlfriend’s thigh and rubbing light circles with her thumb. Waverly wiped her nose and dropped her head back against the seat, making a soft sound that was somewhere between a sigh of resignation and a grumbly whine of complaint. 

            Nicole’s house was close to town, so it was only a short drive to the doctor’s office; but Waverly was fast asleep again by the time they pulled up. Her girlfriend woke her gently with kisses and cuddles, feeling another pang of protectiveness at the woozy little whimper that accompanied her hazel eyes blinking open. She sounded so miserable.

            “Hey baby. We’re here,” the redhead murmured, leaning across the seat to stroke the petite brunette’s pale cheek.

            “Okay,” Waverly croaked, rubbing absently at her puffy eyes. “Thad mbeads I have to get up, huh?” Her nose was running gently on one side, and she sniffled, sucking the thin trail back inside her head for a moment. But the sniffling just made the wispy tickle in the back of her head blossom more intensely, and she raised both hands to her face, still holding the hanky even though she had totally forgotten about it.

            “Iiiihhsxh!!!” Waverly trembled woozily, snapping forward in her seat. Nicole rested one hand protectively on her back.

            “Bless you,” the tall cop hummed softly, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend’s warm temple as the younger girl sighed and blew her nose. “And you know you don’t have to walk if you don’t feel up to it, right baby? I can carry you.”  The redhead was giving her girlfriend such a gooey look, her warm brown eyes nearly melted into chocolate puddles.

            “Ughhhh, ndoe. I cad walk,” the petite brunette huffed grumpily, which Nicole actually found a bit reassuring. “It’s…*snfl*…nod like I’mb dying.” 

            “Okay. Just offering.” Nicole gave her a lopsided, dimpled grin, and Waverly’s cranky pout dissolved into tears as she closed her tired eyes again and rubbed her forehead.

            “Sorry, baby…*snghf!*…you’re so good to mbe, and I’mb…*snfl*…acting all bratty…” 

            “Shh, nope, not happening. You don’t get to be sorry for anything until your temp is back under 100, at least. It’s a very important rule that I have just now created.” The redhead leaned over and kissed her baby’s hot forehead. Waverly sighed and smiled weakly. “Now c’mon, let’s get you inside.”

            The moment they were out of the car and the frigid winter air hit her blazing hot skin, Waverly began shaking like a leaf, teeth chattering as she shrank involuntarily against her girlfriend’s strong frame. The tall cop wrapped an arm protectively around her, hugging her close.

            “C’mere sweet girl, let me help you…” Nicole pulled the heavy hood of Waverly’s coat up over her head, keeping the icy Canadian wind off the back of her neck. 

            “Thag you,” the smaller girl croaked, shivering weakly, her face still flushed with her soaring fever. Nicole just kissed her forehead and pulled her in more snugly by the waist, practically dragging her out of the cold and into the cozy little office where the only two family doctors in Purgatory shared a practice. 

            “Hhh-hhkxiiishew!!! *Snghhf.*” Waverly stumbled through the open doorway with a miserably sick sneeze into the hanky cupped in her hands, Nicole’s steadying arm half holding her up as her body bent weakly. 

            “Whoa, I got you…poor little thing,” the tall cop cooed softly, practically holding her girlfriend up while the younger girl dissolved into a bout of rattling coughs. 

            “I dodn’t wadda stand up adymbore,” the petite brunette whined softly, pressing her flushed face into her girlfriend’s throat. Nicole’s hand landed automatically in her hair, cuddling her close for a moment.

            “Okay, shh…that’s okay baby. Here we go, sit down right here okay? I’ll go get the paperwork, just close your eyes for a minute and relax.” Nicole planted her girlfriend in a corner seat in the waiting room, even though there was no one else there, so Waverly could lean her head against the wall. Which she did, immediately, her eyes sliding shut again. She was only peripherally aware of the world outside herself, or the passage of time while her girlfriend filled out her paperwork. After what felt like a long time (but really it was more like 5 minutes), Nicole tugged Waverly up again and wrapped a strong arm snugly around her to guide her into the doctor’s office. The woozy girl climbed up limply onto the exam table, shivering and hanging onto Nicole’s arm to steady herself.

            “Baby? Will you please…*snghf*…sit ndext to mbe, so I cand…*snnfl*…lead od you?” The petite girl mumbled huskily.

            “Aww, honey…yeah, of course I will.” Nicole hopped lightly onto the padded exam table, crinkling the paper lining when she scooted snugly against Waverly’s side.

            “Thag you,” the younger girl croaked, dropping her head gratefully against her girlfriend’s arm and closing her eyes again. The next time the door opened, they were expecting the weathered face of old Dr. Higgins; but instead they got a wide-eyed, very anxious-looking Wynonna, who appeared from the way she was panting to have just run there from the police station on foot. 

            “Wynonna, you didn’t have to come charging in here like a one-woman cavalry. I told you I’d bring her back to the homestead after we see the doctor,” Nicole shook her head, secretly relieved to have her unofficial sister-in-law there to share the job of worrying over Waverly with her. 

            “Dude.” The tall brunette shook her head with a trademark little snort. “All your text said was Wave’s really sick, taking her to the doctor, will meet you at home after. Was that supposed to instill some kind of, like, tranquility or patience or something? Because that is super not my brand.” Wynonna huffed, blowing some dark hair out of her eyes. Nicole smiled a little, though she tried to hide it. Waverly yawned softly and started to cough.

            “Hey baby girl…hey, hey, shh,” Wynonna murmured, immediately taking a protective stance on her sister’s other side, so they could hold her up between them. One of her hands steadied Waverly’s shoulder while the other felt her flushed face. “You don’t look so good, kiddo.” The older Earp’s lack of a smart remark told Nicole how worried she was, too. They shared a brief glance, both feeling grateful for the other’s presence even if they weren’t very good at saying it. 

            “Oh, hey…*snfl*…Wyndoda’s here.” The younger girl smiled sleepily, blinking glazed hazel eyes as she drew the slightly damp hanky up to her pink nose, huffing softly behind the fabric as her breath quivered wheezily. Nicole and Wynonna both tightened their grip on her slight frame. “Iiihkxiiishew!! *S-snf.*”

            “Bless you,” they chorused quietly together while Waverly snuffled and wiped her nose.

            “Ughhh…*snghf*…guys…whed can we g-go hombe…? Hhhshhxh!!!” Another congested sneeze was muffled in the damp hanky as Waverly snapped forward, trembling with fever chills. 

            “Soon, baby girl. Like, super-soon. As soon as I go drag that stupid doctor in here already.” Wynonna jumped off the table, then froze, looking uncharacteristically flustered. “I mean—no—not that Dr. Higgins is stupid! He’s a great doctor. Like the best doctor in Purgatory, which, now that I’m hearing it out loud, doesn’t quite sound like the top-notch Yelp review I was going for, but he did get us through all our childhood calamities without any permanent damage, which we all know is a pretty freaking tall order, okay? So, um, yeah, you guys just sit there, and I’ll be right back. With the doctor. Who is very smart.” The older Earp scrambled out of the room, and Nicole chuckled a little, cuddling up more snugly to her girlfriend’s side. 

            “I think you broke her,” the redhead teased gently, nuzzling the top of her girlfriend’s head and dropping a kiss there.

            “She’ll be okay…*snfl*…she’s just worried.” Waverly yawned softly, and coughed. 

            “Mmhmm. That’s her job, Wave. Mine too. And you can’t make us stop, so you just have to take it,” Nicole cooed, threading her fingers aimlessly through her girlfriend’s long hair. “We’re gonna keep taking care of you whether you like it or not, so you might as well just give in.”

            “Baby…cad I tell you a secret?” the smaller girl murmured, dabbing absently at her runny nose. Without waiting for an answer, she tilted her head up and whispered woozily in Nicole’s ear, “I do like it.”

Edited by wannablessedbe
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On 10/19/2019 at 2:14 PM, wannablessedbe said:

The redhead knew how much her girlfriend hated using anything disposable; she was such an adorable little hippie, with her canvas grocery bags and cloth napkins and the way she always pulled recyclables out of the trash everywhere they went. The girl was practically in a codependent relationship with her water bottle

I got such a kick out of this paragraph.. I’ve come to the conclusion that Waverly and Dom are eerily similar haha. I love the memes all over twitter that fans make of Dom and her orange water bottle that she takes everywhere with her :laugh:

Cute as always! Sorry to hear you’re going through a rough time. Sending strength your way :)

I also love how much accuracy you have in portraying fictional characters in your writing. In literally every single one of your fics, you’ve absolutely nailed the characters & especially so here! Your writing is so, so good!!

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12 hours ago, FadedRose said:

I got such a kick out of this paragraph.. I’ve come to the conclusion that Waverly and Dom are eerily similar haha. I love the memes all over twitter that fans make of Dom and her orange water bottle that she takes everywhere with her :laugh:

Cute as always! Sorry to hear you’re going through a rough time. Sending strength your way :)

I also love how much accuracy you have in portraying fictional characters in your writing. In literally every single one of your fics, you’ve absolutely nailed the characters & especially so here! Your writing is so, so good!!

Thank you thank you!!! And lol yeah I took a few creative liberties in putting more of Dom's save-the-earth crusade into Waverly...I figure, they're both vegan, so it's a pretty short leap. It's one of the (many) things I love about Dom, bc I'm tooootally the same way! I hate everything disposable and I've been fishing recyclables out of the trash since I was a little kid. Also in a codependent relationship with my water bottle, lol. I saw a pic of someone at a con actually dressed as Dom's water bottle!! 😆😆

...but I also like it for the fic bc it's a good reason to get her to use handkerchiefs instead of tissues. I just like them so much better. In ADDITION to being better for the earth! 

Also are you going to update yours PLEAAASE since it's already written and everything??? I hardly ever get to read any f/f stuff here that I didn't write myself, let alone wayhaught!

Edited by wannablessedbe
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