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Sneeze Fetish Forum

First Time, First Love (Rocketman, Elton John/John Reid)


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Elton had never been so happy in his entire life. His heart was swimming with joy, his heart near bursting. He had found love. Love, love, love. The most beautiful man on the planet was in his arms, and all that he had ever dreamed of had come true. He gazed down at John, as the handsome man drifted off to sleep. Nothing could spoil this moment.

No sooner did he have that thought than a sudden tickle manifested in Elton's nose. He squeezed his eyes shut and wrinkled his nose, willing the tickle to subside. No. He would not sneeze, and the slight scratchiness in his throat he'd noticed earlier was definitely not the start of a cold. He sniffed wetly, and stretched ever so slowly, so as not to wake his love, and with the tips of his fingers just managed to grab the tissue that was on the nightstand. He dabbed his nose and softly, ever so softly blew. There. That took care of it. Now he could return to the perfection of this moment, and fall asleep in his lover's arms.

Elton awoke with a sudden sneeze. Disoriented for a moment, he quickly remembered where he was and realized two things: John was in the shower, and Elton was most definitely sick with a cold. "Bugger," he swore in a whisper to himself, in part out of frustration and in part to test his voice. Did he sound sick? Would John notice? He didn't think so. He grabbed the tissue and blew away the wetness that had formed after the sneeze. "Good morning," he said in a low voice. Yes, sounded normal. But then to his dismay his nose started to run again. Shit, it was that early stage drippy nose, how could he hide that?! Oh God....John was so perfect, so suave, so handsome compared to him....Elton couldn't believe John would ever be interested in someone like him, and now he had a disgusting, contagious cold. 

The water in the shower shut off and Elton still didn't know what to do, so he quickly blew his nose again and pretended to be asleep. He heard the bathroom door open and stole a glance at John emerging wrapped in a towel. Elton quickly closed his eyes again, and felt John sit on the bed next to him and run his fingers through Elton's hair. 

"Morning, sleepyhead," John said. 

"Good morning," said Elton, pretending to awaken. John leaned down to kiss Elton but Elton drew away. John's face darkened slightly with hurt, or possibly anger.

"I, uh...haven't brushed my teeth yet," Elton said starting to get out of bed. John smiled again. 

"Well go on with you, shy boy," he said. Elton got up quickly, awkwardly, and  went to brush his teeth. Well, what was he going to do now? he thought. Pretend he wasn't sick and kiss him, and risk John realizing Elton had knowingly given him a cold? Or admit it and see right away the curl of repulsion on his lover's lips, the same look his mom and dad gave him when he came home sick?

After he could no longer reasonably brush his teeth, Elton started to emerge - but then he was stopped in his tracks by the dreaded tickle. He pinched the bridge of his nose but he couldn't stop it, and muffled his sneeze as much as possible in a towel. 

"Bless you," called John from the other side of the door, dashing Elton's hopes that the sneeze wouldn't be noticed. Elton blushed and blew his nose as softly as he could. Finally he had no choice but to open the door. John was tying his shoes.

"I've got to run to a meeting," he said. "But I had fun last night."

"Me too," said John, and then his runny nose started up again and he had no choice but to sniffle. 

"You sound like you woke up with bit of a cold," John observed, finishing with his shoes and walking over to Elton and putting his arms around him. "Yes?" Elton nodded, unable to speak. "Is that why you wouldn't kiss me?" asked John.

"I...I didn't want to give it to you," Elton admitted, blushing. 

"Well, damage is probably done, frankly a cold's not the worst thing I've ever caught from a beautiful bloke," he said with a chuckle, and kissed Elton. He went to his suitcase and took out a handkerchief and a bottle of aspirin. "Here. I've got to go, but you can get some extra sleep if you need it. See you tonight?"

"Y-yeah. See you tonight." John flashed a smile and left. Elton pressed the handkerchief against his runny nose and knew only one thing - that he was going to be in love with this man forever and ever.

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I can’t even begin to describe how much I loved this! I’ve been looking for sick Elton John and I was beginning to think it was impossible to find without me writing it. I loved it so much and I hope you add more to it because I need more!! 😁😍🤤🤩

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9 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

I can’t even begin to describe how much I loved this! I’ve been looking for sick Elton John and I was beginning to think it was impossible to find without me writing it. I loved it so much and I hope you add more to it because I need more!! 😁😍🤤🤩

Thank you soooo much! That means a lot and I’m really happy you enjoyed it. My stories are generally one-shots, but i’ll think about doing another...feel free to let me know if you have ideas for a next chapter or if there was anything in particular you liked about it. 😊

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