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Team Night with Loki (Avengers / MCU)


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Irredeemable, practically plotless Avengers fluff, in which Loki is part of the Avengers, gets sick for a noble cause, and enjoys the attention of his teammates, both male and female (but mostly female). Enjoy!

Carol Danvers blazed into the Avengers war room, where Natasha, Bruce, Tony and Steve were hard at work.

"All quiet out there," Carol reported. "And Loki and Thor are on their way back."

"I wonder how they did?" asked Natasha. 

"That they're coming back at all is a good sign. Things were pretty tense with the Jotunn," Carol said. "We still on for girls night?" she asked Natasha.

"Wouldn't miss it," said Natasha.

"I don't get how Game of Thrones became a girls night thing," said Tony. "Shouldn't it be rom-coms, or...crafting, or something?"

"Have you met us?" asked Carol.

"What season are you up to?" asked Bruce. 

"About halfway through season three," said Natasha.

"Oh my God, that was my favorite," he said. "I'd totally watch that again," he hinted.

"I haven't seen any of it yet," Steve added. "I've been wanting to..."

"I've got Thor and Loki's ship on the radar," said Natasha, and began preparations for docking.


"Welcome back! So how did it go?" Cap asked, as Loki and Thor descended from their ship.

"We succeeded! We are no longer at war with Jotunheim. We have brought peace to the Nine Realms at last. Loki was a master of eloquence." Thor was beaming with success and pride, and even Loki looked pleased. 

"Really? So they got past the whole thing where you killed your dad?" Tony asked Loki.

"They rather respected it, actually," said Loki, sounding unusually stuffy. "It's sort of a Jotunn thing to do. He left me to die, I returned to kill him...it's straight from their mythology. So it all worked ou....hah...hatchooo!" he sneezed.

"He's getting sick," Thor explained.

"As expected," Loki said with a rueful sniffle.

"You're...sick? I didn't think you could get sick...the whole immortal being thing?" asked Steve. 

"Regrettably, I can. Unlike Asgardians, Jotunn are susceptible to a number of illnesses, all of which can be found in abundance on - achooo! sniff...my native planet. I've been sick precisely three times in my life - one for each time I've been to Jotunheim."

"And you have no acquired immunity, because you weren't raised there..." realized Bruce. "Loki, that's really dangerous. You've got no resistance, you could catch something serious."

"Possibly," Loki admitted. "But Mother had me immunized against anything truly fatal."

"That doesn't sound as reassuring as I think you meant it to be," said Natasha.

"Oh, he'll be fine, he's a warrior," Thor said confidently, slapping Loki on the back. "Well, I must go to Vanaheim. Loki can inform you of the details of the new treaty."

"Unbelievable," said Natasha, as Thor left. "Spoken like someone who's never been sick."

"Don't worry, Nat, Jotunn are tough," said Carol. "As long as we keep an eye on him, he should be OK." She reached up and put her hand on Loki's cheek, who smiled mischievously. 

"What a maternal gesture, Carol. It shows more feminine instincts than I gave you credit for." 

"Shut up, Loki," she said, suppressing a smile. "You're a little feverish, but not too bad. Any vertigo?"

"Not yet," he said.

"Vertigo?" asked Natasha.

"Jotunn tend to get lightheaded when they're sick. Nature's way of telling stubborn frost giants to go to bed. You want to rest up before we debrief?" Carol asked Loki. 

"Let's do it now, before I feel any worse," he sighed, rubbing his nose. 


The team gathered around in the war room, and they went over everything. It was complicated and it took a long time, with maps and borders and treaty details. And all the while, Loki's health rapidly went downhill. He sneezed frequently and sounded more and more stuffed up, blowing repeatedly into the tissues they had fetched for him. He got up to go to one of the other screens but then swayed and reached for the edge of the table.

"And there's the vertigo," said Carol.

"I'm all right," he said as Steve took him by the arm to steady him.

"Yeah, I don't think you are, buddy," said Steve. "We need to wrap this up and you need to go to bed."

"I'm not tired, I slept on the ship," he said crossly, but then he closed his eyes against another wave of dizziness at the same time as the maddening tickle in his nose resurfaced. "Ahhhhtchoooo! Ugh..." He sighed, frustrated. "I don’t want to stay in bed. It's so bloody boring."

"I know, Loki, but you're sick, and you need to rest," said Natasha, sympathetically. "Why don't you watch Game of Thrones with us? We'll keep you company. Pepper and Wanda should be here any minute, and we'll get an early start."

"Hey! How come he gets invited to girls night?" complained Tony. "I had the flu last month, and nobody asked me." 

"Maybe it's because Loki sacrificed his health for intergalactic peace, and you just forgot to get a flu shot," said Natasha. "Bruce, can you check Loki out first?"

"I was going to say," he said getting up. "I don't know anything about your physiology or whatever bug you've got, but I can at least get a baseline."

"I don't think that's necessary," said Loki, wiping his nose again, but there was something in his look that suggested he was grateful for the attention.

"Humor us.” Bruce said, taking his other arm and guiding him towards the medical wing.


In a short while, Game of Thrones was cued up in the living room. Natasha, Wanda and Pepper were chatting on the couches, and tables were laid out with snacks and wine. Steve and Bruce walked in with Loki, who had changed into pajamas. Each kept a steadying hand on Loki's shoulder, and Tony came in behind them.

"Oh sweetie, you look terrible!" Pepper when she saw Loki. "Come in and lie down." 

"Sweetie?" said Tony.

"Were you able to figure out any medicine you could give him?" asked Natasha.

"Yeah. Alcohol," said Bruce. "I think that's the best we can do."

"On it," said Wanda, taking mug of hot tea with honey and lemon that they had prepared for Loki and adding a liberal dose of whiskey. 

"You don'd deed to bake a fuss," he said, as Natasha tucked a comforter around him and Carol felt his forehead again.

"Oh come on, Loki, don't pretend you're not enjoying this," said Steve.

"I would dot say edjoyig. Appreciatig the best of a bad situation, is bore like it," he said with a sly smile. "Ahhhh.....Atchooo! Atchooo!" he sneezed into a handful of tissues, as everyone blessed him. When the girls were done fussing, they realized the boys were still hovering. 

"Oh for goodness sake," said Pepper, who had initiated girls night. "You might as well join us too, just this once. Loki's never seen it before so we're going back to the first episode."

"Oh, well, hey, if it's all right with all of you....I mean we don't want to impose..." said Tony.

"Yes, it's fine, come on in," said Pepper, rolling her eyes and handing Loki a fresh box of tissues. "Loki took one for the team, so tonight can be team night." And they pressed play, and over Loki's sniffles, the opening credits began to roll. 

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9 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

This is so cute! I hope there is more :wub2:

Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it! My stories are generally one-and-done, but never say never! If you have any thoughts of where you’d like to see it go next, let me know!

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Sick Loki has been my favorite thing in the world lately and I read everything there is to read and I need more so bad and this is the cutest aaaaa

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10 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:


Sick Loki has been my favorite thing in the world lately and I read everything there is to read and I need more so bad and this is the cutest aaaaa

Thank you sooooo much!! Makes my day when someone reads and likes one of my stories. I’ll try to get inspired for some more!

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/2/2019 at 11:08 PM, ReidSeeker said:

This is so cute! I hope there is more :wub2:


On 9/8/2019 at 10:20 AM, sneezy_frnk said:


Sick Loki has been my favorite thing in the world lately and I read everything there is to read and I need more so bad and this is the cutest aaaaa


On 9/15/2019 at 11:20 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Wow this is incredible. Please continue 😊


On 9/18/2019 at 4:05 PM, doggo said:

Omg this is so cute I might explote! :yay:  ❤️


On 10/22/2019 at 3:25 PM, BookQ36 said:

:clapping2:Too much cute... :hyper:

More please?

This will probably remain one and done, but I just did a new Sick!Loki fic. Different feel but hope you like it too!

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