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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Westworld story for Chanel ❤️


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I hope this is a nice thing to read when you return! ❤️ Now, I cannot post anything until I’ve given proper thanks.  I had a rough draft all ready to post. I sent it to @Selene and with her tips, my little skeletal, 1600-word ficlet got beefed up by 500 words. Overall she wanted me to go deeper and more detailed (surface baby here as I always tell you) and she helped give me insight into Theresa’s emotions and mindset as well as the other characters. And more!! So this story would have been a shadow of what it is now without her! Thank you, Selene! 



“......hAAEERgghShoo! AERRSCHHooo!”

Theresa places tissues around the long bridge of her nose, feeling her sensitive nostrils tremble against the back of her fingers before she scrubs her nose. Her eyes constantly water from the buzzing itch, but she stopped preventing the tears from collecting and spilling down her face hours ago. She feels a rustle next to her in the bed and then Bernard’s comforting hand on her back.


The curse slips out quietly, full of despair and a vulnerable wish for things to be different. Dealing with allergies all night and into the early morning is absolute misery, but keeping Bernard up and seeing the exhaustion in his eyes in the morning is pure torture. Theresa glances again at her dresser. The early morning light seems to focus solely on the experimental allergy drug Lee offered her yesterday.

It is still in its testing stage, but the results promise no drowsiness while still preventing sneezes. The catch is that there is a chance she could have been given a placebo pill. If she was on her own, she wouldn’t have even considered it. Fortunately, she isn’t on her own.

Bernard’s gritty morning voice soothes her as he sits up and wraps his arms around Theresa.

“Come lay down while you can, Tess.”

Her voice comes out nasally since she’s pinching her itchy appendage.

“Bernard, if..I..ehh..huhh..could..Ah! AERRSCHHooo!..stop sneezing, I would.” Theresa stops and thinks about the words she just uttered. She actually can. The means to that is next to her in the form of a swallowable pill. She’s taken out of her thoughts by Bernard.

“Then multi-task. Let your body rest, even if your nose won’t. It’s all automatic, right?”

Theresa reaches for the sample packet of the allergy pill and her glass of water.

“Only take that if it’s what you want. You don’t need to take that because of me.”

Theresa’s tired eyes sparkle in the early morning light as she smiles at Bernard and teases him.

“Maybe I do. The glitches in the hosts might be completely fixed by now if the creator wasn’t so sleep-deprived.”

Bernard watches her swallow the pill. He can’t help but worry a little.

“I’ll come along on the tour and monitor you.”

Theresa snuggles up to Bernard. She doesn’t know if it’s just hope, but she swears she feels the pill already taking effect and calming her nose down.

“You do that anyways, Bernie.”


Theresa wakes up knowing she ingested a sugar pill yesterday. Her nose feels like the itch bided its time, quietly amassing a frenzy while she slept, and then struck as soon as she woke. Her nose pulses as steady as a heartbeat, keeping the itch alive and thrumming throughout her nostrils. She rubs her nose harshly, but that seems to push the itch deeper into her sinuses.

“How do you feel?” Bernard asks. He stares at Theresa as if a third arm will grow from her stomach any minute. Annoyed that she’d actually put hope in the pill, she answers brusquely.

“It’s spring. I’m allergic to the very air. Although I’d be surprised if I was completely allergy-free with the pill, I think it’s…”

Theresa’s face freezes as a wave of sneezy urge shudders through her body like goosebumps. The sensation lingers as she tries to speak.

“...s-safe to say thihh..this is the..placebo.”

“Maybe, but just in case, I’d better get back to my place and get ready for the tour.”


Every time Lee creates a new world, Charlotte and a few Delos representatives are sent in vacation plaid and floppy summer hats to analyze and give a report back.

Lee puffs out his chest and smiles at those gathered around him.

“Hello and thank you for making the trip down. If you will follow me, we will change into appropriate attire and soon go into another world.”

Theresa rubs at the spicy feeling in her nose once they reach closer. What kind of world did Lee create this time?

Within fifteen minutes and dressed in durable hiking clothes with backpacks, water bottles, and hiking boots, they step off the elevator and into another world.

“Out of all of the debauched and rotten worlds he’s created, of course Lee had to pick this one today.” Theresa muttered bitterly before her jaw clenched shut. It was a hiking enthusiast’s dream, but her outside nightmare with pollen so thick in the air that she couldn’t inhale without the urge to cough. 

As soon as Theresa reluctantly steps onto the hiking trail, the sweet smell of the flowers are rebuffed by the spicy tingling sensations stuffed up in her nose. She clamps her hand around her nose into a fist as a fierce tickle sprouts around the tip of her nose. She draws in a rather lengthy breath to the point her chin starts to tilt back.

“Just sneeze.”

It is a comment made in passing where even encouragement might’ve been discernible between the bored and flippant tone if Theresa hadn’t been the one to hear it and Charlotte hadn’t been the one to say it.

Theresa’s mood sours more from a combination of Charlotte and the false start she huffs out as the tickle dulls. Theresa runs a hand down her face in misery as she sniffs thickly. She can’t figure out why she decided to trust Lee and take the pill. Telling her about a drug test to cure her allergies and then giving her a placebo just to fuck with her while she’s in this new world sounds just like something Charlotte would convince Lee to be a part of for fun. Wanting to blame something, she attacks the object of her aggravation. The itch in her nose.  

Her graceful, elegant nose is smooshed, squished, rubbed, and pushed around in a circle. Theresa’s eyes widen at the still burgeoning itch. Her hand picks up speed. Her nose is so tickly and she rears up again in breathy anticipation before crying out in frustration.

Lee looks back in annoyance before continuing to lead the Delos representatives.  Charlotte slows down until she’s walking next to Theresa and can taunt her quietly enough that the Delos representatives can’t hear. Her voice comes out warm and sympathizing.

“I know exactly how you are feeling right now, Theresa. Having to hear you deal with those symptoms and seeing those expressions you make…” Charlotte makes a disgusted face that Theresa realizes is supposed to mimic her own pre-sneeze expression. “...is just awful for me.”

“Feel free to send someone else in your place next time, Ms. Hale.” Theresa says smoothly. Charlotte smirks and walks ahead. Theresa stops next to a cluster of flowers.

Bernard looks at Theresa in alarm. “You sure you want to be this close?”

Theresa starts to bend down toward the flowers. “No, b-but I’m ready to sn-sneeze. I’m unbelievably ihhtchy and haven’t sneezed once t-today.”

Theresa’s already flared nostrils hoover in a harsh sniff that has her crinkling her forehead and blinking watery eyes. The itch is insane as the pollen wafts up to her. She turns her head away automatically, but there is nowhere to escape as her nose is ambushed. The force behind her building sneeze grows and grows, but her vocal hitches turn into a quiet groaning sound as she loses the sneeze again.

Theresa has had enough. Each time today she has reared up today in a heaving gasp to sneeze, she is left in that state of misery until her body turns numb for a moment. It’s almost as if there is a cap to the itchiness she feels before the urge to sneeze passes. Then the build up starts going again with a higher cap. It is absolute allergic hell because she still feels the itchiness. There’s just no release while her nose fills up with congestion. She takes a tissue out and blows her nose roughly with her head held high away from the flowers.

Theresa knows that the sooner they get moving, the sooner she can get out of here. Unfortunately, Theresa’s breathing becomes ragged and her pace slows the farther out the group plods along the flowery trail that’s hedged on both sides by wind-pollinating trees.

“Perhaps we should take a break?” Bernard suggests mildly. Theresa glares at him, not appreciating his attempt at helping as she catches up to them.

“Mr. Lowe, if you can’t keep up, feel free to return to the starting point. We are closer to the entrance than exit, so it would be wise to go back now.”

“I think I’ll manage fine, Ms. Cullen, but thank you for your concern.” He gives her a small smile as he peers at her over his glasses. All too soon, the much-needed break is over and a hot and sweaty Theresa continues her journey.

Theresa is an allergic mess at this point -- itchy and red-rimmed eyes filled with urgent need, her teeth firmly pressed into her lip as she nods against her palm, trying to find the friction her nose needs to finally sneeze. Her already narrowed eyes find Lee.

“This pill I took --”

“You’re not sneezing, nor do you look drowsy.” Lee points out.

“Hnngh!..listen L-Lee.” Theresa says breathily as her face starts to scrunch up again. She moves her inflamed and trembling red nostrils against her fist, her eyebrows drawing together instantly.

“Fix this.”

Theresa’s head tilts back as her eyelids begin to lower and a glimpse of her angry-red nostrils can be seen arching wide open as she inhales a deep breath through her nose. She does not snap forward. She just reaches a new level of itchiness. Her face shows the exquisite torture of an impending sneeze with her eyes half-lidded, forehead creased, and elegant nose wrinkling up in irritation as once flexible nostrils suddenly turn firm.

“It’ll wear off within 12 hours of taking it. I don’t know what the big deal is. It’s just a bit of itchiness. The important part is that your loud sneezes can be contained in business meetings now. I was doing you a favor. I had to call in favors to get you on this trial and I had to….”

Theresa doesn’t hear the rest of what he says. There comes a point when the itch becomes so unbearable, it takes over some of the other senses. There she stands in the middle of nature, stuck in limbo, at the edge of the sneeze as the itch parades throughout her olfactory organ. Her glazed over eyes have a film of allergic tears and her nose twitches and wiggles.

She manages a few more steps before her head suddenly recoils back, curled upper lip pushing against the skin around her nose as well.  Her pink nostrils bristle as the itch feathers along her already irritated, abused rims that quiver in wait for the next trigger that won’t set her off.

Creases appear around her eyes as she squeezes them tightly, pushing out the allergic tears that are starting to burn. She is caught in helpless breaths that flutter in and out of her parted mouth.

Bernard grits his teeth and puts a guiding hand on Theresa’s back. The direction he pulls her just happens to be closer to him. He whispers so only she can hear.

“Based on when you took it, it should be over in a few minutes. Just hold on till then.”

Tense as a board, Theresa leans her head away from him even as she lets him guide her.

“Mr. Lowe, I don’t w-want to snee..heh....ehh...sneeze on you.”

“Ms. Cullen, you can barely see. Let me help.”

With her mouth closed off, a ragged sniff forces her nostrils wide open. She exhales a bit before she automatically has to draw in more air. Her watery lashes flutter before she squints her eyes closed again. Another short exhale followed by a rather deep inhale finally breaks the seal over her mouth and her eyebrows shoot up to her forehead, eyes open wide, when she gasps out in warning.

“Gonna...sn...hehhhhhh....uhhhHuERSSHugh!..... F-finally!.....HuERSSHugh! Huh-EERGSSHoo!”

She isn’t done. Theresa lifts her head with forced gusto, inhaling deeply through tense, flared out nostrils before she pauses. Her back arches with the weight of the tremendous sneeze building within her and her body tenses like a rocket about to go off. There’s a split second of calm before she blasts out a slew of violent sneezes that keep her bent at the waist.

AAEESghhCHhooo! ...........AEERRSCHHhoooo! ......hAAEERgghShoo!

Sweet relief fills Theresa and utter bliss warms her bones. Like she’s been pumped full of helium, Theresa imagines she could float from how light and airy she is, making her a combination of dizzy and giddy. Bloodshot eyes peer open as she gives a cautionary sniff.  

“Let me know if you want more of the allergy pills. It sounds like you need it again.”

Lee saunters off to continue the hike. Charlotte follows with a last remark and a dramatic sigh.

“And there goes our quiet, peaceful hike.”

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So, I haven’t been on the forum at all in several days, because my fetish drive has been super-low ‘cause of things, and I haven't been in the mood for anything on-topic. 

But checking in today and seeing this, well, it got me right back in the mood. :shifty: WOW, it was intense! I love, love, LOVE it, thank you so much!!! :heart::wub:  I want to quote the whole thing, but I’ll try to limit myself a little… :yay: A little

First off.. the spellings... :drool:  The harsh, annoyed desperation is perfect!

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

Theresa places tissues around the long bridge of her nose, feeling her sensitive nostrils tremble against the back of her fingers before she scrubs her nose. Her eyes constantly water from the buzzing itch, but she stopped preventing the tears from collecting and spilling down her face hours ago. She feels a rustle next to her in the bed and then Bernard’s comforting hand on her back.

Oh good morning to you too...! :drool: 

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

“Then multi-task. Let your body rest, even if your nose won’t. It’s all automatic, right?”

True... although I doubt Theresa would agree... :lol:

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

“You do that anyways, Bernie.”

D'aaaawwww!!! :wub:

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

“It’s spring. I’m allergic to the very air. Although I’d be surprised if I was completely allergy-free with the pill, I think it’s…”

Theresa’s face freezes as a wave of sneezy urge shudders through her body like goosebumps. The sensation lingers as she tries to speak.

“...s-safe to say thihh..this is the..placebo.”

Of course it is. :whistle: Well... kind of. Because it wouldn't be fun otherwise. I love the idea of Lee himself thinking he's actually doing her a favour (while also getting back at her), while Charlotte is just amused, and Theresa is miserably allergic. :lol: 


On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

Her graceful, elegant nose is smooshed, squished, rubbed, and pushed around in a circle. Theresa’s eyes widen at the still burgeoning itch. Her hand picks up speed. Her nose is so tickly and she rears up again in breathy anticipation before crying out in frustration.

Jesus, this is hot...!! :dribble:


On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

“...is just awful for me.”

“Feel free to send someone else in your place next time, Ms. Hale.”

:lol: Oh poor, poor Charlotte!! :lol: 

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

Theresa has had enough. Each time today she has reared up today in a heaving gasp to sneeze, she is left in that state of misery until her body turns numb for a moment. It’s almost as if there is a cap to the itchiness she feels before the urge to sneeze passes. Then the build up starts going again with a higher cap. It is absolute allergic hell because she still feels the itchiness. There’s just no release while her nose fills up with congestion. She takes a tissue out and blows her nose roughly with her head held high away from the flowers.

*fans self* Oh my God, this is allergy torture at its best... :twisted: 

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

“Mr. Lowe, if you can’t keep up, feel free to return to the starting point. We are closer to the entrance than exit, so it would be wise to go back now.”

“I think I’ll manage fine, Ms. Cullen, but thank you for your concern.”

I could hear their voices so clearly here it made me laugh! :lol:  Also, maybe I'm weird, but I think it's really, really sexy when they address each other formally as Mr Lowe/Ms Cullen though they’ve actually been very intimate for quite a while! :yay: 

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

Theresa’s head tilts back as her eyelids begin to lower and a glimpse of her angry-red nostrils can be seen arching wide open as she inhales a deep breath through her nose. She does not snap forward. She just reaches a new level of itchiness. Her face shows the exquisite torture of an impending sneeze with her eyes half-lidded, forehead creased, and elegant nose wrinkling up in irritation as once flexible nostrils suddenly turn firm.

Uh, yeah, that's sheer sexiness right there... :dribble: 

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

She isn’t done. Theresa lifts her head with forced gusto, inhaling deeply through tense, flared out nostrils before she pauses. Her back arches with the weight of the tremendous sneeze building within her and her body tenses like a rocket about to go off. There’s a split second of calm before she blasts out a slew of violent sneezes that keep her bent at the waist.

Sweet relief... or... maybe not so much... :twisted: 

On 7/25/2019 at 3:36 AM, Reader said:

Charlotte follows with a last remark and a dramatic sigh.

“And there goes our quiet, peaceful hike.”

:lol: Almost makes me want to write something to make HER suffer a bit... she's so deliciously evil, though. :shifty: And Theresa is just the right amount of vulnerable. I love how she's not embarrassed at all but rather annoyed with Lee and Charlotte, while allowing Bernard to see the more sensitive side. Just love that. :heart: 

Thank you so much, I ADORE this!! And thanks to Selene for adding some extra depth and spice to it, too! I love you guys so much! :heart::hug::heart: 

(and I love Theresa too. Although anyone would be hard pressed to tell from all the sneezy torture, I'm sure... :lol: )

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