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Yeah so 'Good Omens' got me bad and this is entirely self-indulgent nonsense with little plot if it can be helped. Not sure how long or not this will be but I'll definitely be open to suggestions/anything you guys wanna see! :D


Rain pattered gently against the roof of Aziraphale’s beloved bookstore, setting up a rather nice atmosphere for a day of reorganizing the store and tea drinking. The best kind of day really! Well aside from getting to spend all day actually reading that is. The angel hummed a soft but merry tune as he moved about the shop, seeming to bounce from one shelf to the next, fixing the books often so carelessly disheveled by the hands of modern man.

Sometimes he wondered how humans could be so careless with books. Perhaps because reading actual books was a dying art? With those annoying cellular thingy’s occupying so much of their attention on a daily basis anyways. He scoffed a bit at the sheer thought and if he wasn’t so holy he’d curse Crowley for ever inventing them! Speaking of Crowley, it’d been a few days since he’d seen or heard from the demon. He wasn’t worried, figuring he was simply off indulging in a bender of sorts.

His reverie was interrupted as the small bell above the front door chime noisily, signaling a customer no doubt. “Welcome~!”,he called out cheerily as he made for the front, pausing in surprise when he didn’t immediately see anyone,”Oh..well that’s rather odd. I could’ve sworn I heard someone come in?”. A sudden crash sounded behind him, the sounds of precious books hitting the floor making him rush back to the aisle he’d just been in, once again not seeing any humans but catching what looked like the literal tail end of a certain demon he knew.

“Crowley?”,he called out,”Love, is that you?”.

No response came.

Aziraphale huffed indignantly, picking up the books that had been knocked over along with the small table they’d been displayed on.

“You know I don’t appreciate you being so reckless with my books..”,he pouted, dusting off the covers and righting the table,”You haven’t spoken to me in at least two days. The least you could do is be mindful of my things..”.

A hoarse, echoing whisper met his ear coupled with the distinct feeling of a large serpent winding it’s way to his shoulder,”Sssorry, Angel. Mby sssenses are a little bunged up at the moment.”.

Aziraphale cast a glance at the large snake head resting on his shoulder, watching as it slowly shifted and morphed into Crowley’s familiar visage. Although he seemed a bit paler than normal and the angel was sure his nose wasn’t that vibrant of a red around the edges the last time he’d seen him.

As if to add to the angel’s suspicion, a thick and liquid sniffle sounded (right by his ear might he had!) just before the demon swiftly turned away,”Hh’gSTchKK! Eh’IstCHHk! Oh..bloody hell, think thad last one sprang mby throat..”. He backed off Aziraphale in favor of fishing a silken, deep red cloth from his pocket, gaze squinted at the lights up above.

“You don’t sound well at all Crowley. Are you ill by chance? You know the last I saw you like that was--”

“Nduh uh, ndope. Don’t even--Hihh!--say it! I’mb a demon, I don’t get sihh..sigk..”,his breath wavered and hitched unsteadily, cloth raised just in front of his flaring nostrils,”Probably just all these dusty books..Hh’TsCHKK! Fuck, thank Satan, there it is..”. He buried his pointed nose into the cloth, gingerly massaging it between thumb and forefinger.

The angel looked only mildly offended that his books had been insulted. Dusty? Why he cleaned three times a day for his information! And even if he didn’t he didn’t know Crowley to be allergic to anything besides certain blossoming plants but he made sure to keep those out of the shop solely for that reason alone. 

Besides, he wasn’t so confident allergies could make one look so..awful. The last time he’d seen his demon look like this was 1897 if he remembered correctly. The weather had been much like it was now, rainy and a bit frigid and Crowley had caught a particularly nasty cold from God knows where. Aziraphale could practically see him in his pressed suit now, sneezing much like he was currently, and desperately trying to look put together in front of the others in the Gentleman’s Club they’d been a part of back then. 

Such fond memories..

Crowley eyed him with a suspicious pout,”You’re thinking about it aren’t you? Stop it. Stop it right now because I. Amb. Fine. Look at me, I’mb the picture of hellish health!”. He stood a little straighter, chest puffed out a bit for all of a few seconds before a coughing fit overtook him and he quickly doubled over.

“Ah, yes..absolute health. I must say the plague victims sounded much better than you. God, what a disgusting point of history..”

“Hey! Thad was some of mby best work..”.

“If you say so, dear. Why don’t I close up shop and we head upstairs for a spot of tea, hm? I bought that kind you like. The stuff from India.”.

“I’mb ndot sigk but that sounds ndice, Angel..”.


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Oh, poor Crowley. Poor, sweet, snakey Crowley. ❤️ I LOVE IT when characters refuse to admit they're sick.

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9 minutes ago, Masking said:

Oh, poor Crowley. Poor, sweet, snakey Crowley. ❤️ I LOVE IT when characters refuse to admit they're sick.

Thank you! I really liked his snake form and definitely wanted to include it! :D❤️ 

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oh my god im MELTING, they're so sweet jklsalkjaskdlj

i love the way you write crowley's dialogue, its so perfect ! lovely job!

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1 hour ago, Nervous-Bean said:

oh my god im MELTING, they're so sweet jklsalkjaskdlj

i love the way you write crowley's dialogue, its so perfect ! lovely job!

Oh my gosh, thank you! :D I live for your Good Omens content so this is quite the honor of a comment!

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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Ohh Aziraphale... You absolute darling angel. Of course you would go and take care of Crowley even if he can't admit he needs it. :heart:  Who is an adorable sulky demon? :lol:  

There cannot be enough Good Omens fiction out there and I'm very glad you added to it. ;) Ooh and I loved the little mention of the plants Aziraphale keeps out of sight and pray what kind of Gentleman's club was that? :lol:  I can't tell whether Azira was referring to the Gavotte or Crowley's... affliction. I mean both sound delightful. :lol: 

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53 minutes ago, TheCakeIsAlive said:

Ohh Aziraphale... You absolute darling angel. Of course you would go and take care of Crowley even if he can't admit he needs it. :heart:  Who is an adorable sulky demon? :lol:  

There cannot be enough Good Omens fiction out there and I'm very glad you added to it. ;) Ooh and I loved the little mention of the plants Aziraphale keeps out of sight and pray what kind of Gentleman's club was that? :lol:  I can't tell whether Azira was referring to the Gavotte or Crowley's... affliction. I mean both sound delightful. :lol: 

He is an adorable angel isn't he? ;) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it but I'm not sure I know what you mean by Crowley's affliction?

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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This is cute! I’d love to read where you go from here, if you’re ever inclined to update 😊

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1 hour ago, curlyq9393 said:

This is cute! I’d love to read where you go from here, if you’re ever inclined to update 😊

Thank you! And I do intend to write at least one more chapter! :)

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23 hours ago, SneezyHolmes said:

He is an adorable angel isn't he? ;) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it but I'm not sure I know what you mean by Crowley's affliction?

Oh, I meant Crowley's previous illness during the time they were part of the gentleman's club. Was trying to be eloquent, I should really stop doing that. :lol: 

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1 hour ago, TheCakeIsAlive said:

Oh, I meant Crowley's previous illness during the time they were part of the gentleman's club. Was trying to be eloquent, I should really stop doing that. :lol:

Oh! My bad, I'm a bit dense lol but he was referring to both: how dashing Crowley was back then and the Gentlemen's Club/Gavotte!:)

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                               An eldrich howling resounds up from the void, growing with strength as the sound waves hit the edges of reality itself. 



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2 hours ago, Willowwhip said:

                               An eldrich howling resounds up from the void, growing with strength as the sound waves hit the edges of reality itself. 



M̶̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̢̢̨̛̖͙̜̟͎͉͙̰̗͉͕̠͎̦̲̬͔̼̰̥̞͎̤͈̣̻͖̳̟̳̫͔̟̭̖̗̯̪̥̲̻̳̺̹͍̬͍̳̹͙̫̙͍̺̝̱̦͕̫͖̬͓̪̦͈̺̟̦̭̼̞̻̝̪̘͍̟͔̹̼̗͉̘̋͌̏̄͂͒͐̍͊̇̊͂͒̋͂̀͗̆̀̎́̎̄̊̅̅̍̐̌̀̔̒͆̃́̎̎̽̽͐̈́͛̽́̅̇͌̅͒̈́̎͗̀̐͑̚͘̕̚̕͘͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅ ̷̨̢̡͕̪̫̥͉̬͇̼̞̳̻̯̩̫͖͖̟̭͇̦̻̠͉̞̗͍̳̺̭̙͖̰̟̜̲̺̪̮̦͎̩͇̥͖̾̂̆̑̾ͅͅǪ̴̧̨̢̛̛̛̛̛̳͙̺͔̣͈͎̘̜͈̟̳̦͚̜̻̬̝̫͖̠̬͍̱̟̙͈̦̮̦̤̥̫̤͓̥͙̤̦̥̤̮̻̩̪̪͐̎̄͐͐̑͂̽̑͋͂̓͆̒͋̇̉̓̇͗̈́̿̒́͂̋̽̑̃̆͐̓͑͂̈̿̏́̄̓̋̉̂͐̉̇̌̈́̋̆́͗̈́́͒̅͗͛̍̒̏̏̀̓̅̐́̈́̄͒́̋͒̃̀̓͂́̀͒͐͗̊̃̐̍̔͗̓̅̈́̋̽̊͋͂̒̇͆̂̽̈̐̀̋̒̓̓͗͛̈́͒͑̀̀͌̈́͊̑̏̌̓̅͌͗̍́̀͌́̈́̂̑͆̑̇͌̎̎͑̂̈́͑̈̊̃͐͂̓̋̿́̌̓͛̿̐̄̀̏̾̀̽͊̃͋̐́̌̒̈́͐͒͌́̈́̔̾̐̑̌́̆̍̔̎́̌̿̌́̉̈́̾̂͐̈́͑͘͘̕̕̚̕̚̕̕͘̕͘͘̚̚̚̚͘̚͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͠͝͠ͅͅ ̶̢̛̛͙̥̲͙͓̗̒͋̉͌͐͋̑̏̊̊̄̈̓̐͐͌̿̎̊͆͗͗̒̎͆̑̇̔͗͊̑̈́͊̿͒͋̎̈́́͐̄̿̊͗̀͛͊̍͆̍̄̿̆̿̑̋̑̈́̿̈́̓͊̽̽̋͗̆̑͆̅̍̀̿͒̀͋̐̀̽̿͛̈̀͒̒̽͆́̊̔̏̍̾͑̌̀̊͋͂͗͐̄͛̽͂̈̀̂͌̿̆̆̏̀͘̚͘̕͘̚͘̚̚̚̚̕̚͠͠͠͠͝͠͠͝͠Ŗ̴̧̛̼̲̯̮̱̻̺͕̳̼̱̗͚̜̥̗̥̼̫̖̘̝̣͊͆̍̑̌̇̑͆́́̇̔́͊̒͐̑̀̒͊̍͂̓̿̽͛̑̈́̔̅̏̄̿̀͐̽̈́̇̏̋̍̋̔̓̾̀̾͒̿̏̉̋͌̃̆̿̽̑͗̎̏̍̀͐́̄͋͋̅̆̍̓̿͐̌̔͗̇̍́̿͐̏͒͑̎͊̒̄̄͛͆̌͗̀̈̿̆̄͌͋̀̋̆̑̉͑̕̚̕̚̚̕̕̚͘̕̕͘͝͝͝͝͝͠ ̸̧̢̡̨̢̡̡̨̨̡̢̧̨̡̧̡̡̨̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̬͈͙͇̱͉͉̝͙̙͈͎̗̠̖͓͖͖̖͕̖̲̹̣̱̯̞͖̜̻̰͔̠̙̜̦̮̠̯̟̰̼͕̫̳̰̳̼͍̞͔̟̣̙̦̳͕̥̩͇̫͔̣̮͎͙̭̞̜͚̜͙̬̦̘͖̤̘̩̻̠̬͚̲̲̟̘͖̳͕͖̱̘̝̝̰͉̲͚̭̫͈̺͍͔̞̞̩͍̯̜̤̳̘̲̙̖̻̰̥͈͉̠̰͙͎̠̳͎̩̰͉̭̳̻͕͙͈̰̬̗͖̘͔̳̖̩̰͉̳͙͖͎̣͉̫̘͍͈͙̖̰̫̲̟̻̼̪̞̺̼͔̭͙̮͑͒̒̅̾͌͌̑͋͑̈́́̂̒͂̅͂̿̍͂̈́͂̃͒̆̅͛̔̄̊͐̀̈̅̀̄̀͗͌̄̓̅̒͋̇̆̓̇̂͋̈͊́̎͂̽̈́̒̽͐̑̅͑̇͊̅̎́̒̽̈̀̈́̂͛͌͂̆̏̈́̆̈̽͑̓̊͐̾́̆̃̐̂̈́́̅͌̇͐̋̈̇̄̿͌̃̏̈́͊́̏̏̐̀̾̊͂́́̅̊͊͋͆̂͆͐̑̽̄͒͋̃̏̓̿͗̀̈́̀͂̀̿͋͛͊̊̑̊̊̇̿̌̽͋͌̽́̍́̒̌̃̑͒̏̍̀̾̾̐̓̋̒͗̿̍͛͌͌́̓̏̕̕̚̕͘͘̕̚̚̚̚͘͘̕̚͘̕̚͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅĘ̷̢̧̡̡̧̢̨̨̢̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̪̫̬̠̘̫̫͓̜̤̠̪̖̼̮̺̫̺̺̤̱͇̞̮͈̞̤͓̼͖̳͈͔͓̠̥̼͇̠͔̘̦̠͎̲͍̹̱̫͚̩̥͖͇͙͖̱̼̜̠̗͉̥̫͔͕̻̩̗͙̲̞̤̤̙̱͇̰̩̼̦͓̘̤̪̖̖̪̜̟͓̮̯͍̣̗̖̮̤̮̭̞͔̻̟̩̟̠̯̳͚̬̜̬̺̥̣̝̞̻̦̺̤̱̼̙͚̬̹̩̻̠̪̖̺̦̃̅͌̏͒̀̐̎̈́̈́̏̔̎̂͗̿̉̄͋͛͛̓̽͌̇͛̀͒́̓̌͐͛͂̉̃̅̽̐̓̿̓̇̓́̄̓̀́̉͐̇̔̾̇̀͗̈́̈̔̒̐̊͂̽̏́̈́̄̍͋̔̀̔̅̆̓̃̏̔͌̇͂̓͒̌͗̀̐̑̓̉̀̿͆͊̎͛́̓̈́̇̈́͆̂̉̄̃͗͆̌̒̈́͐̔̐̆̐͂̏̊͐̋̀͌͂̈́̄̈́̐́̐̉̽͆͑̋̑́̏̅́̄̆̏̈̐͋͛̀̂̀̀͗̏͊̇́͗̽͗̇̅̅͌͑̍͛͛̓̅͛͐͆̉̀̍̄͊̓̅̈́̌̃̏͋͒̏̂͂̓̿͂̀́̌̔̍̈́́̾̀̎́̐͊͑̌̅̽͒͒̂͑̂͒̒͘̕͘̚̚̕̚͘̚̕̚͘͘̕̕͘̚̚̕͘̕͘͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅ



Lmfao! xD Yes, there shall be more! I fear Crowley needs to be utterly wrecked just a tiny bit more. ;) 

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I’m not trying to tell you what to do but there’s this one picture that wrecks me...it’s got Az acting as Crowley’s pillow and Crowley just.......


sneezes into his shirt.



it wounds  me


just a suggestion.

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14 minutes ago, Willowwhip said:

I’m not trying to tell you what to do but there’s this one picture that wrecks me...it’s got Az acting as Crowley’s pillow and Crowley just.......


sneezes into his shirt.



it wounds  me


just a suggestion.

I'm more than open to suggestions! :) I'll see if I can fit it in somewhere! 

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Crowley's snake form. Love it! The sibilance! Love the idea of them hanging out in a gentlemen's club! Awww.

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2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Crowley's snake form. Love it! The sibilance! Love the idea of them hanging out in a gentlemen's club! Awww.

Haha, glad you liked it! :D Thanks for reading!

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Here's part two! :D 



Once upstairs, Aziraphale made quick work of putting the kettle on while Crowley made equally quick work of laying claim to his sofa, looking rather miserable with his handkerchief held securely to his nose in preparation for a fit.

Ehh..”,the demon hitched, lip raised just enough to reveal an all too pointed canine while yellow serpentine eyes squeezed shut,”HH’ISTCHHKK! Heh’ISTCHKK! Nngghh..”. He blearily looked up at Aziraphale from behind askewed glasses, lowering the rapidly dampening cloth with a liquid sniffle. He knew the look his angel was giving him, a well practiced and blended look of concern and affection. 


“Oh nothing, just y-you look, um, you look..hm.”

“Well go ond then, spit it out!”

“It’s just, you look like you’re really not feeling well and--”

Crowley made a face and immediately raised a hand in protest, unwilling to hear any more of that ludicrous thought train. Just because his nose was bunged up, his throat felt as if he’d swallowed Aziraphale’s flaming sword, and he’d been fighting against the urge to cough for the last two minutes or so. Even if he was sick, he didn’t dare burden Zira with such trivialities. That would be rude and surely the angel had better things to do than--oh.

Serpentine eyes widened at the sudden feeling of a cool hand against his blazing brow, a thick swallow the only noise that managed to escape his throat followed by a sigh at how divine it felt.


“Yes, dear?”

“I thigk I mbight have a touch of cold.”

“You don’t say? My, I never would’ve guessed! Why, color me surprised!”,he mused, shifting his hand from Crowley’s brow to gingerly comb through fiery locks, noting that they were the slightest bit damp though from the rain or sweat he could not be sure. His expression softened considerably as he tilted his demon’s face upwards towards him.

Pale save for the crimson hues of his cheeks and nose. How pitiful. He tsked gently, snapping and replacing Crowley’s suit with the softest pair of sweats from his own closet. There. Now he looked a proper sick person! Granted most knowledge of sick people came from what was witnessed on the telly. He wasn’t the angel that dealt with the ill. No, no that was a wholly different department all together!

“There, now you look comfortable. Suits simply don’t bode well for fevers I’m afraid.”,another chiding as he hurried back to the kitchen at the sound of the kettle whistling,”Now, do you want lemon or honey in your tea? Both are wonders for the throat.”.

Crowley, still relishing in the comfort of his new threads, called back as loudly as he could,”Just honey, love. Lembon gives mbe hives. Hh..Hh’ISTCHkk! Hah’EsTCHK! Zira..I really don’t mbean tdo be a burden. Germing ub your loft and all..”. Despite his words, a miserable pout had made it’s new home on his face, a mere testament to the aggravation caused by his illness.

“Oh hush and let me worry about what is and isn’t a burden to me, alright? Here, extra honey.”,the cheerful angel smiled, offering the cup of tea before promptly sitting down beside the ailing being,”And besides, I think I might be more comfortable with you staying here where I can keep an eye on you and make sure you’re actually taking care of yourself. Need I remind you of 1897?”.

The demon sighed, staring down into the steaming liquid in his cup before feebly replying,”Ndo..I remember it quite fondly actually. But ind mby defense..ahh, one mboment..”. He turned away slightly to blow his nose, gently massaging his nostrils afterwards to clear away any residual and unsightly dampness.

“Sorry, as I was saying, how was I supposed to know I’d cause a minor outbreak? At least it was only a cold, right?”

Aziraphale exhaled through his nose, humming a bit in disagreement,”If you’d listened to me and stayed in bed and not galvanting about Paris then it would’ve never happened at all. I’m just saying that perhaps you don’t always take the best care of yourself. That’s all, nothing more..”.

Crowley shrugged, sipping his tea before setting it down on the coffee table and unashamedly sprawling out, head coming to rest right in his angel’s lap.

“Mm so what I’m getting is that you want to be my nurse. Got’cha!”.

“W-Wha..? I--no! I mean..nurse is such a strong word..”.

“But it’s the right one, hm? No worries, perhaps it might be nice to be fawned over a bit for a change. I think you’ve got yourself a deal, angel..”.

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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Oh, noes, the threat of contagion! Aziraphale, it's your civic duty to stay and make sure your demon is warm and happy while he's stuck in the flat with a cold. ❤️

Crowley's capitulation as soon as he felt Aziraphale's lovely cool hand on his brow was so wonderful.

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6 minutes ago, Masking said:

Oh, noes, the threat of contagion! Aziraphale, it's your civic duty to stay and make sure your demon is warm and happy while he's stuck in the flat with a cold. ❤️

Crowley's capitulation as soon as he felt Aziraphale's lovely cool hand on his brow was so wonderful.

Oh don't you worry there, I fear Aziraphale is simply too kind for his own good and it unfortunately will lead to his downfall! :evileyes2: :heart: And Crowley just needed a little nudge to admit to his own downfall!

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Oh... bless them. This is so cute and fluffy. Poor Crowley and such a wonderfully fussy Aziraphale. :D 

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4 hours ago, TheCakeIsAlive said:

Oh... bless them. This is so cute and fluffy. Poor Crowley and such a wonderfully fussy Aziraphale. :D 

They're quite the pair, aren't they? ;) They're certainly fun to write, that's for sure!

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50 minutes ago, Willowwhip said:







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