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Rainy Days (Good Omens, ineffable husbands)


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Cute little Good Omen’s fic that I threw together about my favorite ineffible husbands. Based on this adorable prompt  @Nervous-Beanwrote. I hope people enjoy reading it. 

Originally posted on tumblr and now it's here!!! 

It was the valentine’s day after the Armageddon-that-wasn’t, when Aziraphale and Crowley decided that it would be safe for them to meet up once, more for dinner.

Both were excited and anxious about seeing each other after the time spent apart.

Especially Crowley who was sitting on their normal park bench about thirty minutes ahead of schedule, well-groomed and nervously tapping his foot.

Now there’s a saying that humans have about being fashionably late which entails showing up late to already made plans, but you could say, Crowley, despite all his swagger, was the exact opposite of this rule and preferred to be unfashionably early as humans would put it.

Realistically he knew that it was silly to be sitting there, with flowers and a box of chocolates in hand patiently waiting for the angel to show up but somehow when it came to Aziraphale all logic flew out the window and his heart took control.

So, there he waited, dark clouds brooding overhead, threatening to dump rain on him.


Aziraphale was across town however in his quaint little bookshop, currently fretting like a schoolgirl over what to wear with his date with the demon. Which shouldn’t be a difficult decision as he really didn’t have many outfits to choose from anyway, but still it was posing an issue.

Eventually, he managed to settle on something, grabbing his coat ready to head out the door when a clap of thunder overhead stopped him in his tracks.

Fat drops of rain began falling from the sky, as the angel frowned, “Oh dear.” He said, uncertain about going out in such awful weather, “Perhaps it would best to wait for the rain to clear up.” He said, “Yes I’m sure that’s what Crowley’s doing as well.” Aziraphale told himself, knowing that the demon detested rain, as much as he himself loved it.

So Aziraphale spends an hour waiting out the rain, enjoying a cup of warm cocoa before the clouds finally break up and the sun shines once more

Getting up he dusts off his dry perfectly pressed suit and goes to meet Crowley.


When finally arrives at the park, he sees that it’s clear he’s overestimated the demon’s common sense. Really Aziraphale should have known better having been with this man for over 6000’s centuries, but apparently, the demon ridiculousness slipped his mind.

His heart sank when he saw his lover, hunched over on a park bench. The flowers and chocolate’s he’d brought were forgotten by his side as he had his hands shoved into his pockets trying to conserve what little warmth was left in his body, his black suit completely soaked through with water.

Frozen staring him at a moment, he noticed an odd expression come over the demon’s face. Crowley’s lashes fluttered, his nose scrunching up as his mouth hung open slightly, it almost looked like he was going to… “Hhh’tssSHUuh!!” …Sneeze.

Aziraphale sighed, watching the Crowley try to hopelessly mop up the mess on his sleeve, before he miracled a kerchief into existence, making his way towards the demon, “I can’t believe you actually sat out in the rain the whole time waiting for me…or perhaps I can.” He teased sitting on the wet bench, helping him wipe his nose getting him cleaned up.

Crowley allowed this too cold and tired to protest, “I d-didn’t want to miss you if you sh-showed up..hH-!” He answered through hitching breath, as he crumpled into the handkerchief the angel was holding over his nose, “ H’tsshuUh! Hih’gxxstUuh! Hah’AHTSHIEuw!!” He whined sniffling miserably, leaning against Aziraphale.

Crowley sniffled, sighing as he picked up the forgotten flowers, “Sorry they’re a bit wet.” He mumbled, “They looked much nicer before the sky decided to open up.” He said, with a cheeky little smile.

Aziraphale chuckled caressing his cheek, “Gesundheit.” He smiled, brushing his bangs out of his face, “What am I going to do with you, love?” He sighed, taking the handkerchief using it to wipe Crowley’s nose pinching it so he could blow it.

“It seems we’ll have to change our dinner plans,” Aziraphale said, helping Crowley up as a confused expression passed over the demon’s face, “You’re obviously unwell, so I think curling up on the couch with a hot bowl of soup sounds more your speed right now.” He said wrapping an arm around Crowley.

Crowley gave him a crooked grin, “Yeah…that sounds nice.” He said, deciding to let the angel take the lead this time, but only just this once.

Edited by ChickyNuggetOfJustice
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I love, love, LOVE this!!! I adore these two! So cute!! Well written! Thank you for sharing!

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Oh, Crowley. *shakes head* He really has no self-preservation instinct, does he? But now he has a terrible cold...and, lucky for him, Aziraphale! ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/8/2019 at 3:06 PM, Alabaster said:

ugh, SO CUTE.

Ahhhh thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!

On 7/8/2019 at 7:28 PM, Sneesee said:

I love, love, LOVE this!!! I adore these two! So cute!! Well written! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you I always worry about whether or not my writing is good so I appreciate hearing that you thought it was well written!!!!

On 7/9/2019 at 8:20 PM, facet said:

I love how you've written Crowley- so stubborn and so committed to his love that it robs him entirely of any thought to his own well-being!

Excellent work and thank you for sharing this! It's delightfully sweet!

Thank you!!! I'm glad you liked how I wrote Crowley, he's such a fun character to write for, such a stubborn man!!!

On 7/10/2019 at 6:56 PM, Masking said:

Oh, Crowley. *shakes head* He really has no self-preservation instinct, does he? But now he has a terrible cold...and, lucky for him, Aziraphale! ❤️

Yeah, Crowley is a dumb snake baby that overthinks everything, but I love him so much!!! 

Here's something I wrote for another Request that I got on Tumblr, I'm starting to think I should have made this a drabble thread though lol!!! Especially if I get more requests for writing, oh update people can also make a request here if they want to see something for Good Omens!!!

Crowley was feeling pretty pathetic right about now as he walked through the rain, hands shoved in his pockets as he fought off a shiver.

He sniffled thickly through his clogged nose, pawing at it as a deep-rooted itch flooded it, “HGgxshu!! guh…” The demon sighed, stifling a harsh sneeze into his fist, trying to sniffle up the mess leaking from his nose without much luck.

Crowley wished he hadn’t stormed out in a huff. That he was still in Aziraphale’s cozy little bookstore, being coddled by the angel, but he had to be stupid enough to pick a fight.

The demon didn’t even remember what the argument had been about, all he remembered was Aziraphale scolding him about one thing or another and snapping because he was tired and didn’t feel like being lectured.

Now he stuck a sniffling shivering mess out in the cold because he was too stubborn to go back and apologize. Or perhaps it was really because Crowley was scared of what would happen if the angel didn’t accept his apology.

So he kept walking, not really sure where he was going.


Aziraphale sat on his couch with a hot cup of tea, listening to the storm rage outside. He chewed on his lip, nervously trying not to think about Crowley being out there.

He was supposed to be still mad at the demon. The nerve of the man always waltzing into his bookshop, acting like he owned the place, putting his feet up on his furniture and expensive books.

It didn’t help that Crowley seemed to be in a bad mood, snapping at him when he commented on his rudeness, storming out like a child who hadn’t got his way.

…But now that the angel had calmed down a bit he realized that even though Crowley was usually a bit childish that this was odd behavior even for him. Often, he’d laugh a bit and tease Aziraphale about how uptight he was before doing what the angel asked.

He didn’t pick a fight then sulk off, and that tipped Aziraphale off that something was wrong.

The angel sighed, setting his tea aside, before getting up putting on a coat before braving the cold weather to look for his ridiculous husband.


Crowley stumbled around in a feverish daze not sure where he was at all, the icy rain pelting his back. He’d given up on trying wipe or sniffle away the mess dribbling from his nose ages ago, as there wasn’t much point in it, it’s not like you could tell with the rain anyway.

Not that there was anyone around to see, most people with common sense were in there lovely cozy homes probably sitting by the fireplace, reading a book.

That’s probably what his angel was doing, sitting on his couch with a good book and hot cup of tea, busy forgetting all about him.

This thought ran through Crowley as he sat down slowly on a park bench sulking, pulling his knees to his chest, childishly rubbing his stuffy, runny nose on them. His breath hitched airily as a buzzing itch filled his pink nose, “Huuh’NnGSHhuuh!!! guh…hih’” He sniffled liquidly, breath still hitching as his eyes flutter shut,” HaAATSSHuh! Heh’ITSSHIiuew!”

Crowley tried in vain to sniffle up the aftermath his poor nose was a mess afterward, and his head spinning. He was tired, and all he wanted to do was sleep.

He could feel himself start to drift, off just barley hearing someone call his name before the world around him when dark.


When Crowley peeled his eyes open again, he could feel his head throbbing uncomfortably. He tried moving a hand up to rub his aching head but found that it was buried in a mountain of blankets wrapped around him.

Looking around, he swore he was dreaming because he recognizes his surroundings to be Aziraphale’s cozy little book shop.

Speak of the…well angel I guess in this sense, Aziraphale walked in carrying a steaming mug of tea, “Oh thank heavens you’re alright.” He said, sitting on the couch setting the tea aside for the moment brushing Crowley hair gently away from his face frowning, “Well I guess not entirely, you’re burning up.”

Crowley blinked up at the angel owlishly not quite believing what he was seeing, “Angel?” He said hesitantly.

“Well, who else would it be you silly man.”Aziraphale smiled lovingly at the demon combing his fingers gently through Crowley’s hair, “You should have told me you weren’t feeling well.” He scolded lightly but with no real heat behind his words.

Crowley still couldn’t believe that he was really there with Aziraphale, wrapping his arms tightly around the angel making him squeak a little. Tears welled up in the demon’s eyes, “ I’m sorry.” He mumbled into Aziraphale’s shoulder.

Aziraphale rubbed his back, “All is forgiven.” He said, smiling, “Let’s just worry about getting you feeling better.” He cooed rubbing Crowley back, making the demon feel warm and safe in his arms.


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Aww, poor little demon. ❤️ He does get all adorable and grumpy when he's poorly. D'aww. 

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