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Another 100 fic because well why not!! I’m not usually a fan of AU stories, but I decided to dabble in one and see where it goes. Enjoy ❤️





Bellamy Blake tapped on the steering wheel of his black pickup truck, the sound of classic rock blaring through his ears as he sped down the road toward’s Raven’s apartment. He had never been there before, which was surprising because they had been friends for way too long for him to have never been to her place. He also lived way too close for him to have never been there either. It was actually only a 6 minute drive from his place to hers. It was shameful honestly. Raven and Murphy invited Bellamy to go try a Chinese restaurant that has just opened in town and to go see the new Marvel movie that was premiering that night and as much as he didn’t have any interest in either of those things including third wheeling, it was better than sitting home alone on a Friday night. 


He snapped out of his own self loathing as he pulled into the complex and parked his car in front of what he presumed to be their address. He walked up and knocked on the door, only for Murphy to answer. 


“Look what the cat dragged in,” Murphy smirked. “Nice of you to join us.”


Bellamy rolled his eyes. He knew better to shoot back at Murphy. It was a fight he would never win. 


“Don’t mind him.” Raven said, giving Bellamy a friendly smile. She didn’t have to say that. Bellamy never minded him. Murphy kissed her on the cheek before moving aside for him to walk in. He sat down on the navy blue couch that was facing their kitchen. Even though the apartment was small, it was cozy and inviting. It was a lot girly than he expected, but then again it was a girl’s apartment. He didn’t really know what to expect. He definitely didn’t expect for it to have so many candles or flower arrangements or accent pillows.


While they chatted up in the living room, Clarke Griffin was in the next room over, cuddled up beneath two thick comforters, trying desperately to find warmth in their unusually cold apartment. They normally kept the thermostat at a comfortable 72, so Clarke was annoyed at the fact that it felt like an icebox. She didn’t want to accept the fact that maybe it wasn’t the air, but instead it was her body. She had been fighting a fever since the night before and had been blazing hot, but in the last few hours, her skin grew cold and she could feel the chill slowly creeping into her bones. That, coupled with the aching pain that had also taken over her body and the intense headache that was currently causing her head to pound, was enough to make her feel like pure shit, and that wasn’t even factoring in her other symptoms including a completely blocked nose, a burning throat, and an itch that just wouldn’t leave her sinuses. She hadn’t felt this bad in a long time, and she absolutely hated it. Being in med school, she was used to seeing sick people, not being sick. She also had absolutely no time to get sick. She had an extensive amount of homework that was sitting in a large stack next to her bed on the night stand. However, that stack was slowly getting overrun by crumpled up used tissues. She needed medicine, but she couldn’t move from her bed. Her body wouldn’t let her. Every time she moved, it screamed out in protest and sent her either into a sneezing fit or into a dizzy spell that caused the room to start spinning. As she laid there wallowing in a pool of sorrow and self pity, the lingering tickle in her nose flared up, sending her scrambling for the tissue box. She brought a heap of tissues to her face as she fell into yet another harsh, messy sneezing fit.




Her normally quite, soft sneezes were replaced with loud, attention commanding sneezes that sent a shooting pain through her head and down her spine with every single one. She had gotten somewhat used to them, seeing as they were coming in pairs no less than two and were becoming more and more frequent since she had woken up. She blew her nose and tossed the used tissues with the others. Even though she has just blown her nose, it immediately started running again. She reached over to grab another tissue, only to discover that she was out. That was the  third box that she had gone through since yesterday morning. It was unhealthy amount. She sighed. She was now out of tissues and still without medicine, two things that she needed the most. She had no choice but to get up at this point, but she really wasn’t certain that she could make it to the kitchen where both things were stored. She thought about texting Raven to bring them to her, although she remembered telling her, somewhat bitterly, to not bother her for the rest of the day when she had poked her head in earlier that morning to check on her. Clarke felt bad for snapping at her. Raven meant well, and while she wasn’t a caretaker, she was still a concerned friend. She made a note to apologize the next time she saw her, which was looking like it was going to be sooner rather than later. She took a few deep breaths before sitting up. The walls were still upright, so that was a good sign. She swung her feet over to the edge of the bed and placed them on the floor. Even with thick fuzzy socks on, the carpet still felt like snow. She slowly stood up and instantly another bout of pain raced throughout her head. She grabbed the footboard of her bed and waited for it to pass, but it didn’t. She knew it probably wouldn’t. She reached out for the wall and followed it through the doorway and down the hallway to the kitchen. She kept herself braces against it the entire time in fear that if she let go, she would crumple to the floor.




She sneezed into the crook of her right arm while still holding onto the left for dear life. 


Bellamy heard a sneeze down the hallway, but he didn’t see anyone. He looked over at the TV and attributed it to that. A few seconds later, he heard shuffling and looked back over to see a ghastly looking figure slowly making her way out of the shadow of the dark hallway. 


Clarke sauntered across the open kitchen that was connected to the living room. She held her head down, hoping that no one would notice her. She made it about halfway before the ever persistent tickle crept back into her sinuses and stopped her in her tracks.




“Clarke?” Raven called out. Clarke sighed under her breath. So much for being invisible. “How are you feeling?”




Her brain wasn’t processing fast enough to form an appropriate response so she merely groaned, rubbing her temple with the palm of her hand. Her head was swimming and it seemed as though the ceiling was about to collapse on her. She took a few more steps before throwing herself towards the counter, gripping the edge to steady herself. All she wanted was some damn tissues and medicine, but she couldn’t get her bearings straight enough to do anything. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to get her mind and her nose under control, but it only made things worse. She gave up on searching through the cabinet and stumbled over to the kitchen table. She slumped down in a chair and placed her head on top of her crossed arms. Bellamy sat there, watching the scene play out in front of him. He wasn’t quite sure what to do. Raven and Murphy didn’t seem too concerned, but then again they weren’t necessarily the concerned type. The stranger thing was that he didn’t even know Raven had a roommate. He always thought that she was the kind to live alone. 




She sneezed towards her legs, her head still on the table. 


“Clarke you good?” She called out again.


“Mhmmm.” Was the muffled response that she got.


She wanted to help her, she just wasn’t quite sure how. Clarke didn’t want to be bothered and Raven wasn’t clear on what to do for her. She contemplated getting up, but she knew that Clarke would just push her away, so there really wasn’t a point. If Clarke wanted help she would ask. That’s just how she was. 


“You about ready to go?” Murphy asked, bringing Bellamy’s attention away from Clarke and back to him.


“Uh yeah,” Bellamy snapped back into reality. “Let’s go.” 


They stood up to leave and walked out the door and towards their cars, Bellamy lingering behind. He searched through his pockets, only to them both empty.


“I left my keys inside I’ll be right back.”


“Jesus Bellamy could you be any more inconvenient?”


He was joking, and Bellamy knew that, but his remarks were still annoying and uncalled for sometimes.


“Don’t worry you don’t have to wait for me. I’ll just meet you guys there.”


“Thank god I know how slow you walk.” Murphy laughed before hopping into his car with Raven in the passenger seat.


He walked back into the house to find Clarke had somehow moved from the table to the couch. She had really wanted to go back to her room, but the couch was as far as she could make it without passing out. Her back was towards him and even without seeing her face, he could hear the hitching in her breathe. He listened as she inhaled sharply and then exhaled with a groan. This cycle went on for a good thirty seconds before the sneezes finally came.




She groaned and sniffled thickly, reaching for a tissue box that wasn’t there. Bellamy noticed this and grabbed a wad of paper towels off of the kitchen counter. 


“Bless you,” he said quietly. “Here.”


Clarke rolled over to face him, both confused because she didn’t know who he was but also horrified because he had just witnessed one of her disgusting fits. She blushed slightly and meekly took the paper towels. She needed to blow her nose, but she settled for dabbing it. They were rough against her already chapped nose and it hurt to even press them against her skin. There was no way she was blowing her nose in front of this oddly attractive stranger. 


Bellamy watched the clearly sick blonde, feeling both sympathetic and grossed out by her current state. Her hair was sloppily thrown up in a bun, matching her oversized sweatshirt from college and grey sweatpants. Her bloodshot eyes made the bags underneath stand out even more. Her pale skin was a stark comparison to her crimson cheeks and tomato red nose. Even though her body was fighting a losing battle with the infection that was presently attacking, he thought that she still looked beautiful. He was actually kind of mad that Raven has never introduced them before. 


“Who are you?” Her voice was raspy from the constant coughing and sneezing but she was able to barely squeak out her words.


“Bellamy,” He felt his own cheeks get slightly warm. “I’m Raven and Murphy’s friend. I just left but I forgot my keys.”


She hadn’t seen him when she was sitting on the couch, but then again she was a little preoccupied with not dying in her sad attempt to gain tissues, which she realized that she still didn’t have.


“Oh,” was all she could respond with at first. She rubbed her face with her hands as she she tried to form a coherent thought. “I’m uh Clarke. I’m Raven’s roommate.”


She sat up and coughed, trying to clear her throat.


“Are those your keys?” She pointed to the coffee table.


Her vision was still somewhat blurry and she wasn’t sure if she was looking at his keys or the remote. 


“Yeah they are. Thanks.” 


He grabbed the keys off of the table. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, not quite sure what to do. He felt so bad for this poor girl. Her friends had left her to suffer alone for the rest of the night and something about that didn’t sit right with him. He took a few steps towards the door before turning around. Clarke was taken back when he sat down on the couch next to him. 


“I can stay if you want.”


She blinked rapidly at him, partially to get the tears from her sore throat out of her eyes and partially because she wasn’t sure if she was hearing things now too. 




“I feel bad that they left you alone, especially like this,” He said. “I don’t mind hanging out with you tonight.”


“You don’t have to...” she trailed off. 


“It’s fine. I didn’t really want to go third wheel with Raven and Murphy anyway.”


He could think of at least five other things that he would rather do instead of listening to them bicker about who’s buying dinner and where they were going to sit at the movie. Lucky for him, Clarke didn’t mind being included in one of those five things.


She smiled. “That would be nice.”


It was the first time she had smiled in days, and for a moment she felt slightly better. After all, misery loves company.

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