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Stroll in an English garden (Hetalia, usuk)


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Bringing back some old school stuff; first time posting here so I hope you like 




Alfred’s nose twitched. The gardens really were beautiful, but he could feel it starting to get to him. Just a bit, and he wasn’t going to let it bother him. It was just the un-American air, you know? Or those stupid Jasmine flowers, but, whatever.


… He felt it again. How much longer were they gonna be out here again?


Alfred subtly rubbed at his nose as they walked, urging whatever the hell was bothering him to go away.


Arthur, relaxed from tea, was focused on the scenery around him, not having been able to go to a proper English garden for quite some time. Things had been rather busy, these last few weeks. It had only recently begun to slow down.


The American, on the other hand, wasn’t quite so composed.


Damnit. Alfred’s breath hitched, then, Nnsh’t-- It was quiet, softly stifled into his wrist, a habit he kept from his colonial days; It was surprisingly soft, actually, compared to his normal booming voice, and quite the contrast. (Matthew, on the other hand…)


He sniffed lightly.


And Arthur, did he notice? The answer, of course, was a resounding yes. That is to say, Arthur was… rather alert, regarding these things. Particularly Alfred, the wanker, because-- Well-


Arthur felt that familiar little squirm in his stomach, of anticipation and that unplaceable feeling. Which was wrong, he told himself, the boy hadn’t even any ideas and yet here he was, ready to lap up the sight of—




“Bless you, Alfred.”


The other blinked, distracted by the incessant tickle still consuming his attention, “Ah… thanks.”


Arthur couldn’t let himself draw his eyes away. You see, with Alfred’s sneezes, they always came in-


H-... k’sht!


Bloody fucking adorable fits. It wasn’t often that he got to witness them, no, but he savored every opportunity. Discreetly, of course, as best as he could. Arthur felt the same rush of arousal and warmth he fought many a time to hold back as Alfred struggled through with another stifled Hh-ngsht!


Good lord.


“Are you quite alright, love?” One of Arthur’s favorite parts, he’d be wont to admit, was having Alfred struggle to fight through his fit to respond, to try and hold some semblance of a conversation, because he knew the boy was too prideful to show a weaker side to him.


Alfred nodded and sniffled wetly, glancing at Arthur for a moment. “Yeah, I- I’m good. Just, Hh-...“ he drew his hand back to his (enticingly desperate) face, “Give me a se- ha- ng’tsh! k’tsh! Hah… Gimme a sec, these stupid s-... Nn... hih- h’ngsh!”


Arthur could have melted, right then and there. How the bloody hell was this boy allowed to be so damned- so damned attractive standing there, helpless against those precious, captivating sneezes? Oh and the way he stifled them so cutely, good lord. Arthur was counting his lucky stars at being able to witness Alfred like this, because it really was a treat. And what he wouldn’t give for a recording.


“Bless you again, goodness,” He put on his best neutral expression, pointedly ignoring the flush in his cheeks as he moved a hand to steady Alfred’s shoulder, giving himself any excuse to get closer to the other.


Alfred rubbed at his nose, lips quirking. “Geeze, this is annoying…” He sniffled. “I think… Mm. I think it’s going away.”


Arthur couldn't lie and say he wasn’t disappointed, and left wanting more. Alas.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow I haven’t read a new Hetalia fix in a long time!!  And I’ve never seen Alfred written like this, so cute I love it ❤️

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On 8/20/2019 at 11:56 PM, Akahana said:

Wow I haven’t read a new Hetalia fix in a long time!!  And I’ve never seen Alfred written like this, so cute I love it ❤️

Thank you so much!

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