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Chase Away the Chills (Wayhaught--F/F Wynonna Earp)


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I love the story! I just finished S2 and I’m looking for a way to watch S3. I have Netflix, PlayStation Vue, and Amazon Prime, but Netflix doesn’t have s3, PV only has episodes 5-10 or something, and AP costs extra. Hopefully I’ll find something soon, because I think you legitimately got me addicted to WayHaught haha

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1 hour ago, FadedRose said:

I love the story! I just finished S2 and I’m looking for a way to watch S3. I have Netflix, PlayStation Vue, and Amazon Prime, but Netflix doesn’t have s3, PV only has episodes 5-10 or something, and AP costs extra. Hopefully I’ll find something soon, because I think you legitimately got me addicted to WayHaught haha

Well thank you, but wayhaught sells themselves quite without help! Lol. Glad to have opened the door for you tho, it's just so magical. And yeah unfortunately if you want immediate S3 you have to pay for it on Amazon, but it'll be on Netflix in July I think. It's like $18 for the season, totally worth it! I couldn't wait for July either. It's the wayhaughtiest season yet... !!

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Omgz. Every time I think this story is over...it's not! But this time I think it really is lol. Maybe. Who knows. I've fallen down a WayHaught rabbit hole and there is kind of no incentive to climb out. This chapter has All The Feels...if you've seen S3, we're tapping into the post-Jolene reservoir of all of Waverly's deepest insecurities, which have been present but somewhat on the back burner from the very beginning. Waverly is the most complex character in the whole show, y'all. She has depths. Some of them are sad and insecure. Nicole knows how to make it all better. (Don't forget to brush your teeth kids, cuz this chapter is def sweet enough to give you a cavity!!!)


Chase Away the Chills

Part 6



            The next time Waverly woke up, muted gray daylight was filtering into her room through the gauzy curtains, which had been pulled shut across the windows. The first thing she was aware of was how awful she felt; the effects of the NyQuil were long gone, and Waverly realized now that the fuzzy, floaty, not-giving-a-shit feeling had actually been extremely helpful, after all. She desperately wanted that feeling back, to counteract the raw, scraping pain in her throat, the pounding in her stuffy head, the bone-deep ache that had settled through her whole body. 

            The second thing she was aware of was that she was alone in her room. She didn’t blame her sister and her girlfriend for going back to work; they both had important, life-saving jobs, after all, and she knew they’d both stayed by her side the entire day before, fawning over her after the terror of the woods, being kidnapped by a creepy demon, and kind-of-almost freezing to death. She’d gotten plenty of attention, she knew that, more than she had a right to expect. And it wasn’t as if she couldn’t take care of herself. Before Wynonna came back to town last year, she’d been taking care of herself since she was fourteen. Eventually she got so used to it, she’d forgotten what it even felt like to have someone notice if she wasn’t feeling well, or try to do anything about it. But now…now she knew better. And knowing made it so much harder to go without.

She tried not to wallow in the memory of how good it had felt to have Nicole curled up protectively around her while she shivered and sniffled and sneezed, petting her hair and cooing over her, making her feel safe and warm, feeding her tea and kisses. No boy she’d dated had ever shown her that kind of affection when she was a miserable snotty mess; if anything, quite the opposite. She was the one who was supposed to take care of everyone else; that was what made people love her, she knew that. If she couldn’t do that, she felt guilty and burdensome and useless, and she certainly couldn’t blame anyone for wanting to stay away. She had nothing to offer right now except a big dose of contagious snot cooties.

            “Chin up, Earp,” she mumbled to herself, rubbing her eyes and slowly pushing her shaky body into a sitting position at the edge of the bed, putting her bare feet on the cold floor. “Nicole will be back…you know that. She doesn’t care how gross you are. She just has to work.” Waverly shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, chilled to the bone as soon as the blankets fell away, and she was left in just her pajamas and bare feet. Before she could even summon the will to stand up and walk across the room to get her slippers, a hacking cough wracked her trembling body, making her eyes water and her chest rattle as she gripped the edge of the mattress for support. 

            “Oww…” she whimpered when it passed, wishing more than anything in the world that her girlfriend was still there to cuddle her up, feed her tea and medicine, and tell her that everything would be okay. Well, everything will be okay, the miserable girl told herself sternly. You are perfectly capable of making your own tea, Waverly Earp, so stop feeling sorry for yourself. You’re a goddam grownup. You should be glad Nicole’s not here to see you being so pathetic.

            With that rousing internal pep talk, she pushed off the mattress and stood up, steading herself with a hand on the nightstand while her head spun dizzily for a moment. Once the vertigo passed, she pulled the top layer of blankets off the bed, wrapping one around herself to ward off the shivers settling over her, and dragged herself over to the closet to stick her chilled feet into her favorite fuzzy slippers. Her next thought was for tea; but before she could take a step towards the door, her nose was running, and she sniffled wetly, pulling the blanket tighter around herself as her heavy eyes slid shut.

            “Aah’hhIISHxew!! *Snghf.*” She cupped a hand loosely over her face, dropping the blanket on one side as the puddle of snot in her palm trailed wetly down her wrist and the inside of her arm. With a soft groan, Waverly grabbed the tissues off the bedside table, mopping up the mess and blowing her nose as best she could. Past caring about being neat, she dropped her used tissues on the floor, picked up the fallen end of the blanket and pulled it back over herself, and stumbled toward the stairs, thinking about tea and Nicole’s kisses on her forehead. 

She made her way down the stairs slowly, gripping the railing with one shaky hand while the other held the blanket shut around her, awkwardly keeping hold of the box of tissues at the same time. She felt pathetic and gross and lonely, and ashamed of it all even more. The last part, especially. It was selfish of her to want more of her girlfriend’s doting attention when she’d already gotten so much, more than she thought she deserved; and she was determined to be in better shape by the time Nicole got back, so the redhead wouldn’t feel obligated to keep babying her. Nobody liked a needy girlfriend. 

            “Hhh’shxiuh!!! *Snfl*…” She dropped one side of the blanket again as she stumbled through the kitchen doorway, but managed to catch her sneeze in a tissue this time and avoid another snot puddle situation. Woo-hoo. Great adulting. I can clean up my own snot, she thought morosely. 

            “Aww, hey sniffles…you sound terrible.” The warm voice that met Waverly’s ears was so unexpected, she froze in place like a cartoon character, her tired eyes going comically wide as she took in the sight of her girlfriend in her kitchen, stirring something bubbling in a pot on the stovetop.

            “Ndicole…you’re still here?” The blatant shock in her voice must have been obvious even through the layers of congestion and raspy hoarseness, because the redhead looked utterly bemused as she quickly crossed the room to steer her girlfriend into a chair at the kitchen table.

            “Sit down, you look like you’re gonna faint,” Nicole cooed, pulling up a chair right beside her and brushing the hair back from her face with gentle fingers, pulling the fallen blanket back snugly around her small, shivering body. Warm brown eyes washed over her from head to toe, taking in her utter misery with a look of such deep sympathy, Waverly mistook it for pity. “Of course I’m still here, baby…where else would I be?” The younger girl opened her mouth to say at work; but instead she burst into tears.

            “Hey, hey, baby…shh, it’s okay, I got you,” the redhead hummed, pulling her girlfriend’s shivering body snugly into her arms while Waverly cried into her blanket.

            “I’mb s-sorry…” the smaller girl sobbed, crying until she coughed, a dull ache rattling around her chest while the tears continued sliding down her face and dripping into the blanket. 

            “Shh, just breathe, Waves. Look at me…breathe…slow…that’s it. You’re doing so good, baby…” Gentle hands brushed the tears from her cheeks as they fell, stroking her hair, and Waverly was half-convinced she was hallucinating, because why would Nicole be here in her kitchen in the middle of the day, and not at the Sheriff’s station? Surely not just to take care of her? 

            “Are you…*snghf!*…sure you’re really here?” The dark-haired girl finally whispered, her voice coming out even croakier than before her crying jag. 

            “One hundred and ten percent sure,” Nicole murmured, still looking at her like she was the most beautiful, perfect thing in the world, and not a pathetic, needy puddle of snot. “Did you really think I’d leave you like this?” 

            “I…you…you’re the sheriff,” Waverly shrugged weakly, taking a fresh tissue from the box where she’d dropped it on the table, and cupping it to her runny nose for a soft, wet blow. “You’ve got…*snghf*…mbore importadt thigs to do thad babysit mbe all day…*snfl*…hhkxshh!!” She pinched her nose snugly in the tissues when she sneezed, desperately trying to keep her snot to herself. 

            “Oh, baby…” Nicole sighed, sifting her fingers through her girlfriend’s long hair while the younger girl sniffled and huffed softly behind her tissues, fumbling for more with her tired eyes glazed and out of focus.

            “I’mb…*snghf*…r-really s-sorry…uhhxchshhu!!” Her exhausted body bent double in her seat, and then Nicole’s steadying hand was on her back. Pathetic, the little demon on her shoulder whispered. You’re just making her feel sorry for you. You can’t even sit up straight. What good are you to anyone?

            “Waves. Look at me.” Nicole hooked a finger under her chin, gently encouraging her to look up; but not forcing. Waverly stared at the floor for a few long moments, her aching chest filling up with shame. But Nicole was patient, and finally she was rewarded with sad, watery hazel eyes looking back at her. “Hey,” the tall cop hummed, stroking a few more errant tears away with her thumb. “First of all…Nedley’s holding down the fort until further notice. Maybe a few days, maybe a week…however long it takes. We’re not on a schedule here, so just relax. And second…here.” Nicole pressed a tissue into Waverly’s hands, smiling sweetly and kissing her temple as her breath wobbled unevenly, and her teary eyes swam out of focus and slid shut.

            “Hhhehaaschxew!! *Snfl*…” Nicole’s warm hand rested on Waverly’s back, steadying her as she pitched forward in her chair and sneezed again, shivering weakly inside her blanket.

            “Bless you.” Another kiss was pressed to the smaller girl’s temple, and Waverly leaned into it, her exhausted body giving up and dropping dizzily into the warmth and safety of her girlfriend’s arms. “Whoa, okay…let’s get you on the couch, hmm baby? Wynonna will skin me alive if I let you pass out on the floor.”

            “Sorry,” Waverly whispered again, filling up with shame all over again as she dropped her head into the crook of her girlfriend’s neck, totally unresisting as Nicole scooped her up, cuddling her and cooing to her just like she’d wanted…but now that she was getting all her girlfriend’s attention and adoration, she felt guilty and burdensome, and wholly undeserving. 

            “That word has officially been banned from this house. By order of the sheriff,” Nicole hummed, kissing the top of Waverly’s head. The younger girl didn’t say anything; she just sighed and sniffled and wiped her nose in the tissues. “Okay, here we are…” The redhead gently deposited her precious bundle onto the couch, blanket and all, and then picked up Waverly’s legs to slip underneath them. 

“Now. Let’s get one thing straight here, Waverly Earp.” Nicole reached out and tilted her chin up again, making sure her girlfriend could see the truth in her eyes. “I am not babysitting you. Okay? You’re my girlfriend, and I love you, and right now you are super sick, baby. That means that I…” The tall cop leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to her angel’s pale forehead, holding her there for a long moment with one hand stroking the side of her face. “…get full caretaking privileges. That’s the deal. Isn’t that the same thing you’d be saying if it was me? Don’t lie, I know you wouldn’t leave my side for a second.”

“Of course I wouldn’t,” Waverly agreed without a moment’s hesitation.

“Do you not think I love you as much as you love me?” The question was gentle, not accusatory, and Waverly’s eyes filled up with tears again as loving fingers played with her hair.

“No, I—of course I…*snghf!*…I dod’t thidk that…” The fresh wave of tears irritated her sore throat, and she coughed into her blanket while her girlfriend cooed over her and stroked her hair. “Baby, I…” Waverly shook her head as her voice trailed off into a shallow huff of air, and she pushed the bottom of her nose into the soggy tissues she still held. Nicole reached out and rubbed the cute little spot between her eyes as it crinkled up helplessly. “AahhKXSHew!!! *S-snghf*…”

“Bless you baby,” the redhead hummed, reaching over to the coffee table and grabbing a box of tissues that had definitely not been there before, and passing them to her softly snuffling girlfriend.

“Thag you…” Waverly sighed, dropping the soggy ones in her lap and pulling out a few fresh ones to blow her nose. “Did you…*snghf*…go around putting kleedex all over the house?”

“Seemed like a better strategy than trying to tell you you’re only allowed to sneeze in one room,” Nicole teased gently, tucking an errant lock of hair back behind her girlfriend’s ear with the same adoring smile as always. “Let me guess where all this insecurity is coming from…Champ wasn’t exactly the best at taking care of you when you weren’t feeling great.” Waverly gave a little snort of dry laughter, cupping the tissues back to her face when it turned into a wheezy cough.

“He’d just…*snghf*…say it wasn’d sexy to see mbe like that, and that he…*snf!*…he didn’t wadt to get mby germbs,” Waverly sighed, taking another tissue and rubbing her nose snugly. “He kicked mbe out of bed once whed I was…*snfl*…catching a cold, and I woke up coughing id the mbiddle of the night…*s-snghf*…” Her breath wheezed softly as her eyes welled up, and she pushed her nose harder into the tissue. “Iiihshhx!!! *Snf.*”

“That piece of shit,” Nicole half-snarled, with a vicious, almost predatory expression that Waverly had certainly never seen on her girlfriend’s face before. Mad? Sure. But vengeful? That just wasn’t in Nicole’s nature…except, apparently, in the case of those who had caused Waverly to sincerely suffer. “I bet he was singing a different tune when he was the one who needed some nursing.”

“Well…yeah,” the smaller girl shrugged, with a soft yawn. “I always called out of work to take care of him if he asked mbe to…”

“Which I’m sure he always did.” Nicole raised an eyebrow expectantly. Waverly just shrugged again. 

“I just…*snghf*…thought it was normal,” the dark-haired girl sighed, pausing to blow her runny nose. “Ughhh…*snghf.*” She sighed miserably, exhausted and ashamed. “I mean…I thought that was just how it was…girlfriends are supposed to take care of their boyfriends. But then again, I…*snf!*…I also thought it was normal for him to enjoy sex more thad mbe…like, a lot more.”

“So you’re saying I’m better than Champ the chump at all the things?” The tall cop cocked her head and smirked, drawing a huge, sleepy grin from her woozy girlfriend.

“All the things, baby,” Waverly agreed, blushing a little through her pallor at the way her girlfriend was beaming at her. “So, so much better…” She trailed off into a rattling fit of coughing, turning away from Nicole on the couch and cupping her tissues snugly over her face. She felt her girlfriend’s hand press against her back, just steadying her there and rubbing little circles with her thumb.

“Okay babe…time to show you how things are supposed to go when you aren’t feeling good. Be right back. Do not move from this spot.” Nicole leaned in and kissed her forehead again, running a hand through her messy hair one more time before slipping out from under her legs and disappearing into the kitchen. Waverly’s head was spinning, and she let her exhausted eyes drift shut, too spent to keep fighting the river of love and affection Nicole was pouring over her, that she so desperately wanted. She just didn’t have the energy to keep feeding the little demon on her shoulder, the one that whispered in her ear that she was useless and pathetic and undeserving of this kind of attention; that everyone she loved always left her eventually, that she wasn’t enough to make them stay. 

But Nicole had stayed. Her brave, beautiful, wonderful girlfriend was here missing work to cuddle her and take care of her, when she had absolutely nothing to offer in return but an endless supply of sniffles and sneezes and horrible germs. Almost as if she could make it happen just by thinking about it, the ever-present stuffy tickle in the back of her head welled up again; and Waverly just wrapped her arm across her face, knowing the soggy remains of the tissues she held were too used up to contain another one of her sick sneezes.

“Hhhh…*snfl*…hh’txchiiew!! Iihh‘KSHXCHuhh!!!” Waverly hardly ever sneezed twice like that, so hugely; and the force required to make her small body suck in such a deep, shuddering breath in such a quick, in-between moment made her chest ache and her head spin. 

“Aww, bless you cutie,” Nicole cooed from somewhere behind her, returning from the kitchen with a big tray which she set down on the coffee table, pressing a few fresh tissues into her girlfriend’s hand and dropping a kiss on top of her head. 

“Thag you,” Waverly croaked softly, feeling the dip in the couch as Nicole sat down beside her while she blew her runny nose. “Uhghhmb,” she groaned miserably before she could stop herself. The little demon in her ear that whispered don’t be needy, don’t be whiny, nobody loves a whiner, had either gone to sleep, or else been exiled by her girlfriend’s warm, adoring smile, her hands in Waverly’s hair, her endless kisses and sweet murmurs. 

“Aww honey…I know you feel awful,” the redhead cooed, playing with her hair again as another soft, lingering kiss was pressed to her forehead, followed by the cool back of Nicole’s hand. It was such a tiny thing, but it felt so good. “You sound worse than yesterday, honestly. And you’ve got a fever now, my poor little boo. I think this could go on for a while.” Nicole made a sympathetic little pouty face that made her dimples pop; and suddenly, Waverly didn’t feel quite so horrible. “But I brought you some goodies that’ll make you feel a little better, okay sweet girl?” She gestured to the tray she’d brought with her from the kitchen; and Waverly’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. 

“You…*snghf*…you got all this…for mbe?” The younger girl’s face had gone blank with shock as she took in all the effort her girlfriend had made: there was a bottle of red Gatorade and a blue one, a bowl of soup that looked homemade—was that what Nicole had been doing in the kitchen when she came down?—along with the cough drops and the throat spray and the Vicks from the night before, plus two ginormous orange capsules of some kind of cold medicine. 

“No, for my other girlfriend,” Nicole said sarcastically; but with a huge grin on her face. Instead of answering, Waverly started to tear up again; and Nicole’s face immediately fell. “Hey, I’m kidding, I’m an asshole. Don’t listen to my stupid jokes, of course it’s all for you, Waves. Everything I have is always for you.” The redhead reached out and wiped away a fresh tear, and then leaned in to press a soft kiss to her girlfriend’s pale lips.

“Thag you…” Waverly whispered, smiling through her tears. 

“You don’t have to thank me, baby. All I want is for you to feel better,” Nicole cooed, beaming at her. “So how about we start with some medicine, huh? Then by the time you’re done with your soup, it’ll already be starting to kick in. And then I’ll put some more of the minty goop on you, it’ll probably make the soup taste weird if I put it on now. And we can watch a movie, anything you want, obviously. And I’ll cuddle you until fall asleep. Also obviously. Does that sound good?” Waverly looked up into the loving brown eyes that were beaming at her like she was the center of the universe, and grinned shyly.

“I do have to thadk you…*snghf*…doebody’s ever…*snf!*…ever…” The dark-haired girl shook her head, nuzzling her runny nose into a fresh tissue as her eyes welled up, and her breath trembled in her chest. Nicole was playing with her hair again.

“Iiihxshiuh!! *Snfl.*” Waverly sneezed, and Nicole blessed her, and kissed her, and stroked the side of her face.

“Thag you,” the sniffling girl sighed softly, looking up at her girlfriend with so much love and trust in her exhausted, but still beautiful hazel eyes, Nicole knew she’d finally made a dent in Waverly’s heartbreaking wall of insecurity. And she’d spend the rest of her life making sure every last brick was torn down and demolished, permanently.

“You’re welcome,” the redhead whispered back, pressing her forehead down against Waverly’s, feeling the unnatural heat of her girlfriend’s freshly minted fever. “Now will you take your medicine, hmm baby? I don’t want your soup to get cold.” The smaller girl snuffled and nodded drowsily.

“Instead of whatever those are…” Waverly pointed to the orange medicine capsules. “Cad I…*snghf*…cad I have more NyQuil? I wanna be floaty. I felt better whed I was floaty.” They smiled at each other, and Nicole leaned down and kissed her on the lips again. The redhead absolutely knew she was going to get sick eventually; but she didn’t care. As long as Waverly felt better first.

“Then floaty you shall be.”


Edited by wannablessedbe
stupid formatting glitches
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*screams into the void*

Anybody still interested in seeing this continued? This is not me being insecure, I'm a home security system lol. It's just hard to be motivated when you feel like you're just talking to yourself. 


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Yeah I’m still here! Just haven’t spent as much time on the forum since the last post. 

I wish I had a Nicole of my own right now, she’s the best! Or flip that around, I’d take a Waverly any day too. They’re both so adorable idek how they could get any sweeter 

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5 hours ago, FadedRose said:

Yeah I’m still here! Just haven’t spent as much time on the forum since the last post. 

I wish I had a Nicole of my own right now, she’s the best! Or flip that around, I’d take a Waverly any day too. They’re both so adorable idek how they could get any sweeter 

Cheers 😘💖

Lol I can't bring myself to pick one bc then I'd be separating them! 😆

(But if I could wiggle around that logic...Waverly is my angel, no pondering needed. Nicole would be my brotp, like she is with wynonna. I wanna go on a drunken adventure with her!)

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1 hour ago, wannablessedbe said:

Cheers 😘💖

Lol I can't bring myself to pick one bc then I'd be separating them! 😆

(But if I could wiggle around that logic...Waverly is my angel, no pondering needed. Nicole would be my brotp, like she is with wynonna. I wanna go on a drunken adventure with her!)

My logic was that right before I logged on, I spent a solid 16 hours in bed bc I was super sick, so I wanted Nicole there with me haha. I mean, I’d still take either no matter the day! I wouldn’t complain if I got to spend a whole day with Kat or Dom

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4 hours ago, FadedRose said:

My logic was that right before I logged on, I spent a solid 16 hours in bed bc I was super sick, so I wanted Nicole there with me haha. I mean, I’d still take either no matter the day! I wouldn’t complain if I got to spend a whole day with Kat or Dom

Derrr. Feel better. I feel like Waverly would also be an angelically amazing caretaker, it's definitely in her nature. (I think we can agree it's a win-win either way lol)

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21 hours ago, 20andsickfic said:

This was incredible!!! Please please please continue!!!!

Thx dear! I'm ruminating. We'll see where it goes... 😋

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I know it's been a hot second, but I wrote another part for this! I'm really pretty sure this is done now. (But I should probably just stop saying that, because I never really know! Lol.)



Chase Away the Chills

Part 7



            Nicole woke up slowly on her girlfriend’s squishy living room couch, warm and sleepy and peaceful, without a care in the world for a few blissfully lazy moments. She yawned hugely, stretching out her long limbs with a few satisfying cracks; and only then did her sleep-fogged brain register the lack of her girlfriend’s warm body curled up on top of her. The blanket was gone, too. But before the redhead really had a chance to feel worried, she heard the familiar sound of a soft, congested cough echoing down the short hall space. With a sigh, she climbed off the couch and padded toward the kitchen.

            “Waves? What are you doing?” The tall cop sighed, a slight note of scolding in her voice as she took in the sight of her girlfriend half-asleep at the kitchen table, her head resting on her arms with her eyes closed. She was still wrapped up in her blanket, shivering weakly with fever chills now, her cheeks flushed pink to match her runny nose. Nicole looked from her miserable girlfriend, over to the tea kettle bubbling on the stove, a hint of steam just beginning to waft from the spout. 

            “Playindg soccer,” Waverly mumbled croakily, without bothering to open her eyes. “Wadt to join? We’re favorites for the World Cup. *Snghf.*”

            “Ha-ha,” Nicole sighed, taking the chair beside her and sweeping a hand through long, sleep-mussed brown hair, leaning in to plant a kiss on her girlfriend’s too-warm forehead. “I meant, why didn’t you wake me? I would have made you tea. You shouldn’t be up, baby,” the redhead fussed, her fingers sifting soothingly through the younger girl’s messy hair and rubbing her scalp. “Look at you…you can’t even keep your eyes open.”

            “Cand too,” Waverly grumbled, sitting up a little to rest her head in one hand, blinking glazed hazel eyes up at the steady, loving brown ones gazing back at her. “See? Hi.” 

            “Hi, cutie,” Nicole sighed, her fingers grazing down to Waverly’s cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to her pale lips. “We should take your temp…I think you feel hotter.”

            “That’s what she said,” the woozy girl mumbled, with a little chuckle that instantly turned into a rumbling cough, which she muffled in her blanket. Nicole rubbed a hand across her back. 

            “Baby…” the redhead cooed, pressing more kisses to Waverly’s temple, rubbing her nose in her girlfriend’s soft brown hair. “I really don’t want you pushing yourself right now, okay? That’s what I’m here for. Next time wake me up. Please? You need to save your strength so you can get better.” Nicole’s fingers grazed over the back of Waverly’s neck, unsurprised when she saw fresh tears welling up in her girlfriend’s exhausted eyes.

            “But you were sleeping…you looked so tired,” the petite girl sniffled, pulling a few fresh tissues from the box to blow her runny nose. “You’ve…*snghf*…been doing everythig for mbe, for two days…you c-can’dt always…” Waverly’s teary eyes were falling shut again as she nuzzled the damp tissues to her pink nose. “Hhtxiishu!! *Snnfl.*” She bent over the kitchen table with a weak shudder, Nicole’s hand warm and solid on her back.

            “Can too,” Nicole hummed teasingly, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulders and hugging her close, kissing the top of her bowed head. Waverly dropped limply against her girlfriend’s chest, sniffling sleepily behind her tissues. “My poor sweet girl…I wish I could snap my fingers and make you feel better,” the redhead cooed, sifting her fingers lazily through her girlfriend’s long hair.

            “You are…*snghf*…mbaking mbe feel better…” The dark-haired girl sighed, sitting up a little straighter as her breath got huffy again, steadying herself with one hand on her girlfriend’s leg. Nicole leaned closer, and kissed her temple. “Ahh…aahhxchiishu!!! *S-snfl.*” Waverly shivered and clutched the soggy tissues to her nose as her shoulders jerked sharply.

            “Bless you baby,” the redhead murmured soothingly, her fingers tracing gentle circles over her girlfriend’s back as Waverly grabbed more tissues, nuzzling her runny nose with a soft, wet blow. The kettle began to whistle shrilly, and Nicole pressed one more kiss to the smaller girl’s temple before she got up to take it off the flame, puttering around the kitchen to get a fresh mug, tea bag, and honey. 

            “You still want this one?” the tall cop asked, holding up the Ayurvedic sore throat herbal remedy tea that Waverly had been mainlining since yesterday. 

            “Uh-huh…thadks,” the sniffling girl sighed, putting her head back down on her arms and closing her eyes again. “Ughhhh…why did I get up?” she groaned softly, rubbing her damp nose on her pajama sleeve as she sat slumped over the kitchen table, half–asleep and trembling with chills inside her blanket. 

            “Because you were feeling insecure again, and you didn’t want to bother me,” Nicole replied gently, stirring a large spoonful of honey into the tea. “So it seems like I still need to remind you—bothering me is not something you are capable of. Ever.” The redhead sat back down in the seat beside her girlfriend, putting the tea on the table before she mirrored Waverly’s position, putting her head down on her own arms so she was looking straight into her sweet girl’s exhausted eyes. “From now until the end of time, Waverly Earp. You will never be a bother to me. Okay?” She slid one hand out from under her cheek, resting it in Waverly’s hair. She always wanted to be touching Waverly’s hair. 

            “’Kay,” the younger girl whispered croakily, letting her eyes fall shut again as Nicole’s gentle fingers soothed her pounding head. “I’mb so sorry you…*snghf!*…have to keep telling mbe…you mbust thidk I dod’t trust you at all, but I swear I…*snnfl*…I do…” 

            “I don’t think that, baby,” Nicole shook her head, her fingers grazing aimlessly over Waverly’s scalp. “I think you’ve been very insecure about this for a very long time…you’re allowed to be sick for more than one day, y’know.  I’m not gonna get tired of taking care of you,” the redhead promised, tugging gently on a lock of her girlfriend’s long hair. Waverly opened her sleepy eyes and smiled shyly at the look of total adoration Nicole was giving her, as real and solid as her cuddles and kisses, and her hands that were always in Waverly’s hair.

            “I know you, Waverly Earp. I know you feel like you have to take care of everyone, all the time, to be worthy of love…and then you think you don’t deserve to be taken care of just as much. It was years and years of people being shitty to you, and it’s not just gonna disappear overnight. Just like this bug isn’t gonna disappear overnight. So you might just have to practice letting me love you up and spoil you rotten for a few more days, ‘till it starts to sink in. Maybe even longer,” the tall cop teased, beaming at the girl she loved more than her own life. 

            “Practice letting you be ndice to mbe…whed I cad’t do adythig ndice for you, to mbake it equal?” the shorter girl murmured, looking up into loving brown eyes with a woefully guilty expression as she sat up woozily and reached for more tissues.

            “Yep. That. Exactly that,” Nicole nodded, her hand grazing through Waverly’s hair again. “It doesn’t always have to be exactly equal, Waves. Like when I have nightmares, and you cuddle me and sing to me until I fall back to sleep…and you never get mad that I woke you up.”

            “Well it’s ndot your fault that you…*snghf*…you get ndightmares,” the smaller girl sighed, hunching over in her seat with another rattling, congested cough into her tissues. 

            “And it’s not your fault you got sick, baby,” the redhead said gently but firmly, cupping her girlfriend’s flushed face in her hand, so Waverly was looking into her eyes when she said it. “So how about we try this…every time you feel guilty about me taking care of you, just think about how you feel when you’re taking care of me when I have nightmares. Remember that’s how I feel when I’m taking care of you, too. Okay? Can you try that, baby? For me?” 

“Ohhh…*snghf!*…okay,” Waverly nodded slowly, Nicole’s thumb stroking her cheek as her eyes narrowed woozily, and her wheezy breath stuttered. She pushed the damp tissues snugly back to the bottom of her nose, pressing hard against the tickle that blossomed somewhere deep in the back of her head. “Hhh-hhiih-aahxtchew!!! *Snfl.*” Waverly sneezed and blew her nose again, rubbing light circles through the tissues. 

            “Bless you babe,” Nicole murmured, one steadying hand on the younger girl’s back. Waverly just sighed and reached for another tissue, huffing softly as her nose ran and her eyes watered. 

             “Iiihiishxuh!! …*snfl*…” Waverly snapped forward and sneezed again dizzily behind her tissues. 

             “Bless you,” Nicole hummed, playing with her hair.

             “Ughhhh…*snfl*…baby?” Waverly murmured croakily, letting her forehead drop forward against her girlfriend’s shoulder as her upper body went limp.

             “Mm-hmm?” Nicole cooed, her voice warm and steady as she wrapped one arm securely around the smaller girl’s slight waist, her other hand back in Waverly’s hair, cuddling her and half holding her up at the same time.

             “Maybe I could…*snghf*…practice letting you carry mbe back to the couch?” Her voice came out soft and hesitant, and Nicole just tightened her grip on her girlfriend’s limp body, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

            “That sounds like an awesome idea, baby…c’mere,” Nicole hummed, scooping up her shivering girlfriend, still nestled snugly in her blanket. Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck, resting her face against the hollow of the taller girl’s throat. The redhead had only taken a few steps when she felt her girlfriend’s breath start to tremble; and then one of Waverly’s arms released her grip on Nicole’s neck, pinching the bottom of her raw pink nose tightly between her fingers.

            “Iiihh-hshxch!! *Snnfl.*” The redhead felt the shudder that wracked her girlfriend’s body as Waverly tried to hold in her sneeze, with her face pressed right into Nicole’s throat. 

            “Bless you,” Nicole hummed while Waverly sniffled wetly. “Don’t try to hold it in so hard, baby, you’re gonna hurt your ears. I don’t care if you sneeze on me, okay? I think we’ve established that already,” the tall cop teased gently, leaning down to deposit her fever-dazed girlfriend across the couch.

            “Ughh, I doe…mby germbs are all over you,” Waverly groaned fretfully, wiping her runny nose on the back of her wrist as Nicole sat beside her, leaning over her to kiss her forehead and stroke the side of her face. “You’re…*snghf*…for sure gonna catch it…*s-snf*…aahxchiIISHhew!!!” The woozy girl shuddered and sneezed into her sleeve, one arm pressed awkwardly across her face.

            “Maybe. Probably. But I don’t care,” Nicole shrugged, waiting patiently while Waverly sniffled and swiped her sleeve under her nose. It was still wet and running, and the redhead leaned over to grab a few fresh tissues from the coffee table. “And if I do get sick, then you can take care of me. Okay? You can make me tea and soup, and cuddle me and play with my hair and give me tissues and medicine. I promise I won’t resist. That sounds pretty good, right?”

            “But I cad’t carry you,” the younger girl pouted, taking the tissues and wiping her nose with a soft, stuffy sniffle. 

            “Yeah, that’s true…but you can sing like an angel,” Nicole pointed out, stroking Waverly’s hair again absently. “I couldn’t carry a tune if my life depended on it. Anyway, I like carrying you…I don’t wanna stop just 'cause you can't carry me, too. And I love when you sing to me. I’d say that’s pretty even-steven, huh?”

             The tall cop tucked a lock of soft brown hair back behind her girlfriend’s ear, taking the tissues from her limp hand and gently wiping her runny nose, giving it a few light rubs for good measure. Waverly sniffled and huffed softly, her hands coming up on either side of Nicole’s, pushing her nose harder into the tissues as her eyes slid closed, her breath hitching softly. The redhead just held the tissues snugly to her girlfriend’s sniffly nose, feeling it tremble rapidly through the soft cotton as her breath stuttered weakly in her chest.

            “Ehhiiischx!! *Snnfl*…” Waverly pushed her nose harder into the tissues her girlfriend for her, eyes scrunched up tight as her breath caught sharply in a trembling sneeze.

            “Bless you, cutie-pie,” Nicole murmured, relinquishing her hold on the tissues as the smaller girl gave a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering open woozily. 

“Thags…” she sniffled, adjusting her grip as her breath swelled again; and she gave her nose another firm squeeze as her eyes fluttered. “I’mb ndot…*snghf!*…godda say sorry this timbe…” She sighed softly, and her eyes fell shut. “Aaah—aahhxchew!!! *Snfl.*”

            “Bless you…and good job at not being sorry. You get a gold star,” Nicole grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to her girlfriend’s hot forehead. It was still too soon for more medicine, but the redhead knew there were other things she could do to soothe Waverly’s fever. “I’ll be right back, ‘kay baby? I’m just gonna go back for the tea, and something cold to put on your forehead. You’re burning up.”

            “’Kay,” Waverly agreed with a soft croak, accepting the box of tissues that Nicole passed her from the coffee table as she stood up from the couch, kissing the top of her sniffling girlfriend’s head one last time before heading back to the kitchen. Another snuffly, hitching sneeze echoed down the short hallway, followed by a few rattling coughs. Nicole felt her heart tug as she filled a small mixing bowl with ice and poured cold water over it, running quickly upstairs to get a washcloth and thermometer from the second floor bathroom. She had all her items assembled on the kitchen table—tea, ice water, washcloth, thermometer—and was just about to wrangle it all back to the living room, when her phone buzzed with a new text. She wouldn’t have bothered answering if not for the fact that it was from Wynonna.

            Hey Haught shot. I’m heading back from the station soon. How’s our girl doing? What do you guys want for dinner? Nicole smiled a little, comforted by the reminder that she wasn’t the only one worrying over Waverly. And although it was a small thing, she was touched that the sass-mouth, badass Black Badge agent had asked what they both wanted for dinner; not just Waverly. Though it was true that Nicole and Wynonna didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, they really had turned a corner lately. And nothing united them like fussing over Waverly. 

            She’s so miserable. It’s breaking my heart a little, Nicole wrote back. Maybe Chinese for dinner? Sweet and sour soup, and that sesame tofu she likes? And maybe you can stop at the grocery store and get some popsicles or vegan ice cream or something? The little reply-in-progress dots popped up immediately, and Nicole put all her goodies on a tray while she waited for the answer.

            Copy that. But what do YOU want? I know the answer’s not tofu, dorkus. Wanna share some Kung Pao chicken with me? And pork fried rice? And potstickers? The redhead chuckled a little at Wynonna’s reply. She was a hothead, but in the end they had each other’s backs. 

            Yeah sure, that sounds good. Oh and get more Gatorade too, she’s got a fever. I don’t want her getting dehydrated. The reply was almost instantaneous this time, a thumbs up followed by a sad face, and a feverish face with a thermometer sticking out of its little yellow mouth. Thx dude, Nicole wrote back with a little smile. Somehow, having someone else worrying over Waverly with her, made her worry less. It was good being on Team Earp.

            No worries Haught sauce, Wynonna wrote back. Tell her I’ll be home soon, and give her a kiss for me, k? A FOREHEAD kiss. I know we all love each other and shit but let’s not get pervy. Nicole chuckled and rolled her eyes, sending back a tongue-sticking-out face and setting her phone on the tray with the rest of her goodies, bringing it all back to Waverly on the couch.

            “Hey cutie-pie,” the redhead hummed, setting the tray on the coffee table before dropping down lightly on the couch next to her girlfriend, who was curled up on her side under the blanket, eyes closed, with a tissue clutched absently in her hand.

            “Hi,” Waverly murmured, blinking up at her with a shy, sleepy smile. Nicole beamed back at her, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead, lingering there for a long moment with her hand in Waverly’s hair.

            “That’s from Wynonna. She’ll be home in a bit with Chinese and some goodies for you.”

            “Oh…*snghf!*…okay. Thadks,” Waverly sighed, blowing her nose softly and coughing into her tissues. Nicole’s hand found its way quickly back into her girlfriend’s long hair. 

            “Mm-hmm.” The redhead reached over and dipped the washcloth into the bowl of ice water, squeezing it out  firmly before folding back neatly over her girlfriend’s forehead. Waverly sighed and closed her eyes. “Does that feel good, sweet girl?”

            “Sooooo good,” the woozy girl sighed, one hand snaking out of the blankets to rest on Nicole’s leg. “Maybe I should…*snghf*…practice letting you cuddle mbe ndow?”

            “See…you’re getting better at this already,” Nicole cooed, grinning goofily at her girlfriend’s shy smile. 

            “Yuh-huh. I still thig…we should practice mbore…*snfl*…hhhiishxuh!!” Waverly cupped the tissues back to her face to cover another sniffly sneeze; and Nicole gently re-adjusted the cool washcloth on her forehead.

            “Well…” the redhead sighed, leaning down to drop a soft kiss on her girlfriend’s warm lips. “Practice does make perfect.” 

Edited by wannablessedbe
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So sweet! Maybe one of these fics we’ll see some contagion.. of course it’s your call, though :) 

I’m just wondering what caretaker Waverly would look like. We already know how loving and devoted she is to Wynonna and Nicole on a normal day.. just imagine how sweet she’d be if Nicole ended up sick 

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Thx my dears! I know it's the perfect opening for contagion, it's true. But somehow I'm just not feeling it and idk why. Waverly would obvs be the best caretaker evarrrrr!!! But I think I only love Nicole bc she's so good at loving Waverly. It's always really about Waverly for me. Nicole would be my lesbro, I would love to have drunken adventures with her! But Waverly is the one I really love, she's just too perfect for her own good, she's a freaking angel. So it always comes back to her. Maybe that'll change in the future...but that's where I'm at right now. I just wanna see everybody fussing over Waverly. :)

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Aww ok I understand, it is your work after all you have creative freedom/reign. Hopefully even if no contagion comes I hope to see more sick Waverly!!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAAUUGHHHH YOU GUYS. I had a new part almost totally ready to post before the weekend, and then I fell asleep w/ my laptop in bed and it fell and it died. RIP my beautiful macbook that lasted 10 freaking years!!!! And I truly believe if I hadn't been such a dumbass it could have lived at least 5 more. My point is I didn't have the draft backed up. Ughh. I do have a friend who's kind of a tech whiz and he offered to try to help me tomorrow, just so I can pull this one thing off the hard drive (and also the audiobook file of Once & Future, which you should also read if you love queer girl things and maybe also spaceships and swords). I'm so sad, I really wanted to post this today in celebration of Wynonna Earp S4 fiiiiinally being announced!!!

Anyway that is my story, I had to tell it. Fingers crossed that my poor little macbook can give me this one last thing before it goes to the great scrap pile in the sky. 😭😭😭

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Awww omg haha. I can’t count the times I’ve dropped my laptop off my bed and the “spine” .. (can you tell I’m not tech savvy?) fell out and I keep having to shove it back in. And don’t worry about the contagion, the story is all you! We’re just here for the ride! 

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Ok! Yes! Thank you! So my gimpy little laptop is up and running again (and, yes, held together by pink duct tape, but it still counts!)--and I have a new one on the way, thanks mom and dad. I'm gonna call it now, for real this time--for real--this story is now complete. As in, there will be more stories in the future, they will just be new stories. This one has given its all. So here you are--in celebration of yesterday's EPIC news of WE S4 being back in production after losing an entire year!!!!--one more chapter of sugary-sweet adorableness from Waverly and Nicole, and a healthy side-dish of Wynonna, because the sister-love on this show is just heart-wrenchingly wonderful too. If I can have Wynonna and Waverly and Nicole, I don't need anything else in life.




Chase Away the Chills

Part 8



            Waverly was asleep again by the time Wynonna’s clunky blue pickup rumbled up the long driveway to the homestead. The older Earp entered the house more quietly than she normally would, leaving her snow-crusted boots by the welcome mat and padding straight down the short hall to the living room, taking in the sight of her baby sister dead asleep on the couch, buried in blankets, her normally golden skin ghostly pale except for the bright fever-flush across her cheeks and her rubbed-raw runny nose. Her head was cradled in Nicole’s lap, propped up on a couple of pillows that had migrated down from her bedroom, a faint rattling in her chest with every soft breath. 

            “Aww, angelpants…” Wynonna murmured, shaking her head as she dropped her bags of food on the coffee table and knelt down in front of the couch, her overprotective expression of sympathy and worry matching Nicole’s perfectly as she reached out and gently touched the back of her hand to her sister’s flushed cheek, then her forehead. Waverly made a soft, unconscious whimpering sound, her fingers twitching a little where one hand poked out from under the blanket.

            “I know. It’s torture seeing her like this. I told you she’s miserable,” the redhead sighed, leaning forward to squeeze out the washcloth she held in a bowl of water that wasn’t really cold anymore, and pressing it lightly to her girlfriend’s burning forehead. “I’ve been trying to keep her comfortable, but I really don’t know how much anything I’m doing is helping…”

            “Of course it’s helping, dummy. You haven’t left her side for two days,” Wynonna smirked, a little of her normal snide spark returning to her sharp blue eyes as she gave her sister’s girlfriend an approving nod. “Honestly, I’m just kind of waiting for you to go down with the ship now, she’s been coughing and sneezing and snotting all over you like it’s her job. You feeling craptastic? No lying,” the brunette said sternly.

            “Nah, I’m good. I got my flu shot,” Nicole shrugged, dipping the washcloth back in the bowl and dabbing cool water over the back of her girlfriend’s neck, brushing her long hair to one side. 

            “You think it’s the flu? Not just the world’s shittiest cold?” Wynonna frowned, gnawing her lip thoughtfully, one hand reaching out and threading absently through a mussed lock of her little sister’s soft brown hair and tucking it back behind her ear.

            “At this point, yeah, I do,” the redhead sighed tenderly. “She got so sick so fast…and none of the over-the-counter stuff I’ve been giving her seems to be helping much. I can’t get her temp down…and she’s seriously drowning in snot. And even though she’s, like, pathologically incapable of complaining, I know her throat hurts a lot too, because she’s been drinking a ton of that sore throat herbal remedy tea. She can barely stay awake for two hours at a time, but then when she’s sleeping, she wakes up coughing. She’s sick, dude.” Nicole’s arm wrapped protectively over her girlfriend’s limp body when Waverly twitched and whined softly in her sleep, settling down again as the redhead’s gentle fingers stroked her hair. “Maybe we should take her to the doctor tomorrow, get her some stronger meds…she doesn’t need to suffer this much.” 

            “That’s a unanimous vote. One order of less suffering for Waverly, please.” Wynonna nodded emphatically, and Nicole smirked a little. The lanky cop couldn’t deny the strong sense of comfort she felt having her girlfriend’s sister back at their side, offering her own quirky but undeniably solid brand of support. Especially when she came bearing gifts of take-out food. 

            “Okay, good, that’s settled. Would it be wrong for us to eat without her? I don’t wanna wake her up, but I’m sooooo hungry, and that food smells so good…and dang I have to pee.” Nicole bit her lip anxiously. 

            “Haught, you’ve been a human teddy bear for two days. Get up, pee, get food. You’re allowed to leave her alone for five minutes,” Wynonna rolled her eyes; but her sideways smirk told Nicole the brunette was more than happy with how protective she was being.

            “Well thanks for your permission, but I’m not leaving her alone now, anyway. You’re here,” the redhead pointed out, and they shared a small smile. Nicole put the washcloth aside and dropped a light kiss on the sleeping girl’s forehead, sliding out from under the pillows as smoothly as possible; but Waverly still twitched awake with a soft mumble, her glazed eyes opening blearily as she cupped a hand to her mouth to cover a deep, wheezy cough.

            “Hey, baby girl…how ya doin’?” Wynonna murmured, her voice gentler than Nicole had ever heard. 

            “Wyndoda, hey…*snghf*…are we…awake? I thought I was dreambing…” Waverly yawned softly, then coughed again. Wynonna winced a little at the rattling sound. 

            “You’re not dreaming, Waves. But it’s okay, you can go back to sleep…we didn’t mean to wake you.” Wynonna took the damp washcloth that Nicole had discarded, dipping it back in the lukewarm water and dabbing it lightly over her sister’s flushed face.

            “I thought…Ndicole was here…did I dreamb that, too?” Waverly sighed. 

            “I’m right here, baby,” The redhead hummed, leaning down to press a fresh kiss to her girlfriend’s hot forehead, smoothing her hair back protectively. “I’m just getting up for a minute, I promise I’ll be right back.”

            “Since you’re up anyway, take that bag to the kitchen?” Wynonna gestured to one of the grocery bags sitting on the coffee table, next to the even bigger bag of Chinese takeout. “It’s freezer stuff.” 

           Nicole nodded, stretching her long arms over her head with a deep sigh after sitting on the couch in the same position for so long. Then she grabbed the bag, and in a rare display of affection for her unofficial sister-in-law, she tousled Wynonna’s dark hair on her way past. For once, the older Earp had no smart remark at the ready; she just glanced up at the redhead and gave her a little wink. Waverly sighed sleepily, completely oblivious to what was going on around her if the glazed look in her barely-open eyes was an indication. Wynonna made herself comfortable on the floor, sitting by Waverly’s head and stroking her hair quietly for a minute. 

            “So I see you’ve been catching up on your beauty sleep, huh? Dreaming those super-fun-times, 3D-IMAX NyQuil stoner dreams, were we?” the older Earp teased gently.

            “I’mb…*snghf*…too tired to remember,” Waverly yawned, swiping the back of her hand under her nose with a soft, liquid sniffle, clearly not up to the task of reaching for the tissues on the coffee table. The underside of her nose was still wet, and she just pinched it absently between her fingers with a groggy sigh. “Uhhgh…*snnfl*…I thig I ndeed mbore tissues…”

            “No worries, kiddo…” Wynonna murmured protectively, pulling a few from the box and lightly wiping her baby sister’s runny nose. “Now blow,” Wynonna hummed gently, folding the damp tissues over and cupping them firmly back to the younger girl’s damp pink nose. Waverly sighed listlessly, and obeyed without argument, blowing her stuffy nose wearily into the tissues her sister held for her. The total lack of resistance from the younger Earp—or even any complaints that she was perfectly capable of blowing her own nose, thank you very much—just made Wynonna worry more. “Aww, Wave…you’re really sick, aren’t you?” 

            “Just…*snghf*…gotta sleep a little mbore…I’ll be fi…*snfl*…fide…” the younger girl sighed, fumbling woozily to take the tissues from her sister as her breath swelled and stuttered. “Hhhkxiiishew!! *Snf, snnfl.*” Her small body jerked weakly in her nest of blankets, tissues cupped snugly to her fever-flushed face as her pink nose twitched and ran.

            “Bless you, baby girl,” Wynonna murmured soothingly, petting her sister’s hair like the younger girl was a puppy. 

            “Uhhhgh…*snf!*…thags,” Waverly sighed, folding the tissues over and blowing her nose again gingerly. “Wyndoda?”

            “What’s up, angelpants?” The older Earp passed a few more tissues to her sister when Waverly dropped the thoroughly used up ones on her blanket, the bottom of her nose still wet and shiny and trickling snot.

            “Cad I h-have a…*snfl*…a glass of w-water? Hhit’CHXIISHuh!!” Waverly sneezed breathlessly into her tissues, her exhausted body snapping forward under the blankets like a whip.

            “Bless you baby,” Wynonna cooed, sounding very un-Wynonna-ish as she leaned over and peppered Waverly’s forehead with kisses. “And I brought you something better than water. Check it out.” She leaned over the coffee table and pulled out two large bottles of Gatorade, one red and one blue. “Which one do you want?” She waved them both around and wiggled her eyebrows, trying to look goofy. Waverly seemed too out of it to even notice, blinking glassy eyes and sniffling softly again. 

            “Red,” she mumbled, with a stuffy yawn.

            “You got it.” Wynonna winked, more alarm bells going off in her head when her sister didn’t say thank you for bringing home the Gatorade. Not that Wynonna even cared—but Waverly always said thank you. She never wanted anyone to feel unappreciated. 

            “Okay, I’ve got plates. Let’s eat,” Nicole announced rather enthusiastically as she returned from the kitchen. 

            “Here, sit up and let your girlfriend give you some dinner, ‘kay baby girl? I’ll get you a glass with ice and a straw. Be right back.” The older Earp dropped a few more kisses on the top of her sister’s head, and hauled herself off the floor, patting Nicole’s shoulder absently as she passed the redhead on her way to the kitchen.

            “She’s being so nice. This is very surreal,” Nicole chuckled a little as she came and sat on the couch beside Waverly’s curled-up body, setting her stack of plates on the coffee table.

            “Mm,” Waverly mumbled. Nicole looked down at her and sighed, stroking a lock of long hair back and kissing her girlfriend’s flushed cheek. 

            “Aww, baby…c’mere, can you sit up? You’re gonna feel a little better with some food and electrolytes in you, I promise.”

            “’Kay,” the sleepy girl agreed passively, allowing her girlfriend to help scoop her up into a sitting position, more or less; but now she was leaning heavily against Nicole’s side, her head resting limply against the tall cop’s arm. Nicole stroked her hot cheek and kissed the top of her head.

            “Look what we got you, babe…hot and sour soup and sesame tofu, your favorite.” The redhead awkwardly reached out and opened the takeout containers on the coffee table one-handed, trying not to move her left side so her girlfriend wouldn’t be jostled from her snuggled spot. Waverly blinked at the food, and gave a soft whine. 

            “Cad I just…h-have Gatorade…? Ehhiiishxew!! *Snfl*…” The woozy girl shuddered and sneezed into her damp tissues, sighing wearily as she dabbed at her runny nose. 

            “Bless you,” Nicole murmured, rubbing her face in her girlfriend’s silky hair. Waverly sighed, her glassy eyes out of focus as she sniffled and squeezed her nose in the crumped tissues, very obviously hovering on the cusp of another sick sneeze as she stared absently into space. 

            “Hhhhhuuh…*snnfl*…” The redhead waited patiently, one hand threading through her girlfriend’s messy hair and grazing over her back. How could she be such a mess, and still be so cute? “Iiihxhhshew!! *Snfl*…Aah-ahhtxchOOoo!!!” Waverly doubled over sneezing, with barely enough time for a breath before she broke into a congested cough. Nicole rubbed her back, hating the rattling sound.

            “Bless you baby,” the tall cop hummed, turning away from the food to put both hands on her girlfriend, steadying her while she coughed. “I got you, shh, you’re okay…” Wynonna returned from the kitchen with a glass of ice for the Gatorade, complete with bendy straw, and plopped herself down on the couch on Waverly’s other side, so they could hold her steady between them.

            “Uhhhgh…owww,” the woozy girl whimpered, one hand pressed to her collarbone as the painful coughing jag passed. There were tears streaked down her face, but it wasn’t entirely clear whether she was crying, or if her eyes were watering from coughing herself breathless. She sniffled and sighed dizzily, wiping her nose unselfconsciously on the back of her sleeve.

            “We got you baby girl,” Wynonna murmured, echoing Nicole, one steadying hand on her sister’s shoulder while the other grabbed some more tissues. 

            “I dod’t like feeling like this,” Waverly whimpered tearfully, with a shallow sigh as she fumbled to take the tissues from her sister’s hand. 

            “I know baby, I know,” Nicole cooed lovingly to her miserable girlfriend, while Waverly snuffled and wiped her nose. “C’mon, you need to drink…” She reached for the Gatorade, and Wynonna jumped to hand it over, petting her sister’s hair soothingly while the redhead held the tall glass. Waverly put her hand on top of Nicole’s to hold herself steady, and they all sat quietly for a minute while the feverish girl sipped slowly but steadily from the straw, drinking more than half the glass before she sighed and slumped back against her girlfriend’s arm.

            “Good job kiddo,” Wynonna hummed approvingly, kissing the younger girl’s forehead as she leaned over to take the glass back from Nicole, since the redhead was now kind of pinned against the couch by her girlfriend’s limp weight. “Now, how about some food?”

            “I’mb really…*snghf*…ndot hundgry,” Waverly yawned softly, wiping her nose against the back of her hand as she burrowed deeper into Nicole’s side. The redhead handed her another tissue. “But you guys should eat…I cand…*snf*…hear your tummy rumbling, baby.” 

            “Nuh-uh. You’re gonna eat something too, Wave. All you’ve had all day is a bowl of noodle soup,” Nicole shook her head stubbornly. 

            “Yeah…you cooked for mbe,” Waverly murmured, and they could hear the smile in her sleepy voice. “You’re so awesombe, baby…and I love you so mbuch…*snnfl*…” Wynonna pressed another tissue into her sister’s hand as it migrated absently to hover in front of her face. “Aahhh—chxshiiew!!!” Both hands pushed the tissue to her pink nose as Waverly bent double in her nest of blankets, and Nicole wrapped an arm protectively over her back.

            “Love you too, my little snifflebug,” the redhead murmured low in her ear, pressing a kiss to her warm temple and pulling the blankets up more snugly around her. “But you still have to eat.” Wynonna chuckled.

            “I’m with Haught sauce on this one, angelpants. You gotta eat, it’s two against one. It’s okay if you don’t want the takeout…I got some other stuff too, just in case.”

            “You did? …For mbe?” Waverly yawned, leaning heavily into Nicole’s arm again as she dabbed her runny nose in the damp tissues she still held. 

            “Unless there’s someone else here I don’t know about who’s interested in vegan pizza and ice cream,” the older Earp teased gently, petting her sister’s head like a puppy again. The poor thing was so out of it, Wynonna felt compelled to keep her grounded with as many gentle touches and cuddles as possible, to make sure she knew she was safe, and loved, and protected. 

            “What…*s-snffl*…what kind of vegand ice creamb…?” Waverly sighed softly, groping for a fresh tissue as her sleepy eyes narrowed again, and her breath shuddered. “Ehhiiishxiuh!!! *Snfl*…”

            “Bless you,” Nicole murmured, kissing the top of her girlfriend’s head while Wynonna pushed more tissues into the sniffling girl’s hands. The used-up ones littered the blankets, but nobody seemed to mind very much.

            “What kind, she asks,” the older Earp rolled her eyes dramatically at the tall redhead across the couch, making Nicole smirk despite her worry over her miserable girlfriend. “Like I’m gonna get just one kind of vegan ice cream for my baby girl when she’s sick. I’ll have you know there are currently four kinds of vegan ice cream in the freezer, and they are all for you. Chocolate-peanut butter, cookies and cream, salted caramel and green tea.”

            “Wow…that’s a lot of ice creamb,” Waverly yawned, her eyes drifting closed as she rubbed her nose on the back of sleeve, apparently forgetting about the tissues she was still holding. 

            “Eh. It’s a modest beginning. We can get more tomorrow if you want. You can have anything you want, Waves. Are you getting that?” Wynonna prodded her sister’s arm gently. 

            “Yuh-huh…got it,” the younger girl nodded, remembering the tissues again as she pressed them to her runny nose, shivering weakly against her girlfriend’s side. “Wh-what about…*snfl*…Ndicole…? Aahxtchiihew!!” Another wet, breathless sneeze rattled her feverish body, and the redhead in question wrapped her arm more firmly around her girl, kissing the top of her head.

            “Nicole has everything she wants,” the tall cop smiled gently, tucking a lock of hair back behind Waverly’s ear while the smaller girl snuffled into her soggy tissues. “Wynonna ordered enough takeout to feed a small village. I’m all set. Now how about we get that vegan pizza in the oven…and in the meantime, you can start with an ice cream appetizer? Does that sound good, hmm cutie?”

            “Uh-huh…*snghf*…Wyndoda cad do it,” the sleepy girl mumbled through a yawn. “You took care of mbe all day…ndow you have to relax, baby. And eat.” Waverly summoned her strength to stretch up and wrap both arms around her girlfriend’s neck, kissing her soundly on the cheek.

            “Well, you heard the girl, Wy,” Nicole smirked, looking immensely pleased with the situation. “You just said she can have whatever she wants. And she wants you on kitchen duty. Hop to it.” Wynonna narrowed her eyes in a you’re going to regret this later sort of expression; but she couldn’t keep the sideways smile off her face.

            “I did say she gets whatever she wants…and as it happens, I’m also running a special right now, for people who spend all day taking care of her. But only if they do a really, supremely excellent job at it. I suppose you qualify, Haught Pocket.” Wynonna winked, and Nicole rolled her eyes, and Waverly sneezed. With a little chuckle, the older Earp stood up and patted them both on the head on her way to the kitchen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another sweet chapter as always! Sorry it took so long to get some feedback. Sometimes I read it and forget to comment.. that’s definitely my new bad habit. Sorry! 

I’m so excited for season 3 to come to Netflix on Tuesday! I didn’t know that was happening until my friend told me a few days ago (I got her to start watching it so I could geek out about it with someone and she LOVES it). When I found out I nearly had a heart attack. And the show got renewed for season 4!! That’s so exciting! 

Also in the car yesterday, someone had written #Win4Wynonna on the dust on their back windshield. Let’s just say I’m on a super big Wynonna Earp kick right now! :) 

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This is so good! I have finished everything on Netflix through June. It's such a good series! You've done a great job on portraying the actresses! Love it!

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On 7/13/2019 at 3:06 PM, FadedRose said:

Another sweet chapter as always! Sorry it took so long to get some feedback. Sometimes I read it and forget to comment.. that’s definitely my new bad habit. Sorry! 

I’m so excited for season 3 to come to Netflix on Tuesday! I didn’t know that was happening until my friend told me a few days ago (I got her to start watching it so I could geek out about it with someone and she LOVES it). When I found out I nearly had a heart attack. And the show got renewed for season 4!! That’s so exciting! 

Also in the car yesterday, someone had written #Win4Wynonna on the dust on their back windshield. Let’s just say I’m on a super big Wynonna Earp kick right now! :) 

No worries, thx dude. And YES it's so friggin amazeballs about S4 finally happening!!! A friend of mine who works at a bar already announced she'll host the premiere party there, with the giant sports TV (you know, a YEAR from now...assuming she still works there lol). 100% pure, vanilla-dipped-donuts, wayhaught magic! It's awesome you got a friend on board to geek out with, so much more fun that way. Yaassss queen!!!

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17 hours ago, turtlesneeze said:

This is so good! I have finished everything on Netflix through June. It's such a good series! You've done a great job on portraying the actresses! Love it!

thank you, and welcome to the forum! 

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