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When An Intern Get's Sick (BONES; M Wendell)


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Hey guys. I have been wanting to write a fic for some time now and haven't because I think I'm  a terrible writer. However, through some encouragement I started writing this little fic from my favorite show…BONES. I accept any critiques and criticisms necessary to help improve my writing.

Wendell Bray is by far my favorite intern in this show. Dr. Hodgins is my favorite character period. Combine the two and you get a sweet sweet brotherhood.

I do not own Bones or it's characters.


Wendell is sick but refuses to go home.

SPOILER! Dr. Hodgins after season 11.


"Hih…IGHHShhuih!" Wendell Bray sneezed forcefully into the crook of his elbow for what seemed to be the tenth time since he had arrived at the lab early that morning. He woke up with a pounding headache and a sharp pain in his throat, but when Dr. Brennan needed an intern for this case he jumped at the opportunity. He really needed the hours, plus he wanted to prove to his mentor that no matter what, he would always do great work.


He carefully took off his gloves and reached into his white lab coat pocket for a packet of tissues. He came fully prepared that morning. He knew something was making it's way through the Jeffersonian. Dr. Brennan was out last week with a nasty cold, and that later took down Agent Booth, Dr. Saroyan, Dr. Hodgins, and finally Angela. I guess he was next on that list.


This case was proving challenging to say the least, and a little cold wasn't going to get in his way. He gently blew his nose, applied hand sanitizer to his hands, and put on fresh new gloves. He resumed analyzing the bones when Dr. Hodgins rolled in, tray in lap, eager to swab for more particulates.


"Hey there's my favorite intern." Wendell gave the cheery entomologist an accusing look. "What seriously you're my favorite." Wendell smiled but knew that as soon as he said something Hodgins would instantly realize how sick he was. The last thing he wanted was to be sent home.


Hodgins' smile turned into concern at the lack of response. "You okay Wendell?"


Wendell sighed, here goes nothing.  He cleared his throat and began speaking, inwardly cursing to himself at how hoarse he sounded no matter how hard or often he cleared his aching throat. Hodgins caught on right away. It was obvious from his bright pink feverish cheeks, his burning raw looking nose, and the look of  sheer misery in his eyes.


"Wendell stop." The intern stopped talking and looked pathetically at Dr. Hodgins. "Do you have anything for me to swab?"


"No, but take a look at the…" He trailed off as an intense tickle suddenly magnified within his sinuses. He quickly turned so he wouldn't contaminate the bones. "Hh'iGKXtt!"


"Bless you…"


 Wendell held up a finger, the itch was not through with him yet. "hi'NGKxtt!.....IGHHShhoo! IGHHShieew! Ugh." He waited a moment then sniffed carefully making sure he wouldn't sneeze again.


Hodgins' mouth gaped open in both awe and disgust as he watched his friend took off his gloves once again to blow his nose. "Whoa, dude you're definitely sick. Why haven't you told Dr. B or Cam?


"Because I need the hours." The intern confessed as he slumped down in his roll away chair, grasping his head as if to contain a mini explosion, with how powerful those sneezes felt it might as well had been. " Please don't tell anyone. I'm taking all the necessary precautions to keep the bones from contamination and…"


Hodgins rolled closer to his colleague. "I'll make you a deal. Let me take your temperature. If it’s low I won't tell anyone, if it's high you're going straight home and into bed. Got it?"


The young blonde nodded in agreement, tears began rolling down his cheeks. Man he felt pathetic, but he was determined to solve this case, even if it meant his health suffered in the process. Dr. Hodgins grabbed an electronic thermometer and scanned the intern's forehead.


"38.6 Celsius. Well it’s low grade, still a fever, but a low one. Are you sure you feel up to working?"


"Yes whatever it takes." Wendell said getting back up with whatever strength he had left.


Hodgins eyed him. He's a good kid, a stupid one, but good, he thought to himself. "Alright. I'll be back to check up on you. You're lucky Dr. B is out undercover, otherwise this would've gone differently. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and take something to calm that fever."


"No need to worry I'll be fih…fiiihheh…IGHHSshiew! *sniff* ugh, fine."


Hodgins shook his head and rolled back to his lab. Sure he felt terrible for his friend, but he knew well not to get in the way of a man and his work. Wendell has to learn the hard way, he thought, I just hope he doesn't kill himself in the process.


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I’ve never watched the show, but gave this story a try either way. I liked it and hope you will continue it! I have a soft spot for guys trying to keep up they’re normal work/routines and whatever they are up to even though they have a cold. That makes a nice setting to get comments on the cold, which I like 👌

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On 3/27/2019 at 7:17 AM, Feo said:

I’ve never watched the show, but gave this story a try either way. I liked it and hope you will continue it! I have a soft spot for guys trying to keep up they’re normal work/routines and whatever they are up to even though they have a cold. That makes a nice setting to get comments on the cold, which I like 👌

I'm glad you liked it  

On 3/27/2019 at 11:22 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I love Wendell! Looking forward to more :)

Wendell is my absolute favorite as well. I had to mess with him. 


It's been a few days and I can't get this story out of my mind so here is the next part. I'm still an amateur writer but hope this reads better than the first part. 

Pt 2 

Time had passed and the blonde intern was no closer in determining cause of death. "Okay", he thinks aloud to himself, "there are defensive fractures to both hands as well as nicks in the Scapula and Clavicle. The left Humerus is fractured into multiple pieces, and there is hemorrhagic staining on the Frontal bone. What does this all mean? What happened to you?" He grabbed the skull and re-examined the hemorrhagic staining once again. Suddenly he remembered something Dr. Brennan had said in a previous case. "Of course". He exclaimed carefully placing the skull back on the table and eagerly ran toward Angela Montenegro's office.


"Angela… I think… I found… cause of death." Angela was taken aback at how out of breath the normally fit intern was as he rushed into her office.


"Um. Are you okay Wendell?" she asked looking him over making mental notes of his current state of being. Flushed cheeks, pale complexion, red chapped nose, sweaty brow, and shortness of breath. She wasn't a doctor but she knew the intern definitely caught what was going around the Jeffersonian.


He attempted to reassure her and put her at ease, but his lungs had other plans. He choked on his words as soon as he opened his mouth, resulting in a harsh coughing fit. Damn it, he inwardly cursed. Angela grabbed a water bottle from her desk drawer and handed it to the young intern. The cool water soothed his burning throat and he was able to compose himself after a few deep breaths. "I'm fine."


"Sweetie that didn't sound fine." Wendell ignored her concern.


"Anyway, Angela I need you to run a scenario on the Angelatron." He sniffed harshly fighting his sinus's desperate plea for relief. Angela grabbed her tablet awaiting details to put into her beloved software.


"Okay shoot."


*sniff* "We know that there are fractures on the right Scapula and Clavicle…sniff… as well as a shattered left Hu...Hum..hih..hih.. " he cupped his hands over his fiery red nose and turned away from Angela. "hi'NGKxtt! IGHHSshiew! sniff."


"Bless y...." Angela said but was interrupted by another harsh sneeze.


" HIGHHShieew! Humberus," he said as he searched his lab coat pockets for more tissues.


"Bless you, Wendell. How long have you been sick?" worry flooded her voice.


"Sinds d'is borngig." the blonde intern admitted, blowing his nose once again. No use lying to her. Hodgins would probably tell her anyway so he decided to tell the truth. 


"Do Cam and Brennan know?" she asked suspiciously knowing full well if they did he would be home in bed instead of working. Everyone at the Jeffersonian loved their work so much that their health always came second. Wendell had been through a lot these past few years, from his cancer diagnosis to chemo treatments, and his current remission. She hoped that his immune system was strong enough to fight whatever God awful virus this was.


"dno." he finished blowing his irritated fiery nose and cleared his throat hoping that would keep the growing congestion at bay, at least for now. "Please don't tell Cam or Dr. B. I promise I will rest once I've determined cause of death. Hodgins knows I'm unwell and I assured him I would take it easy if I feel worse. Please, Angela, I think I got it."


She eyed him skeptically. Every instinct in her was screaming 'send him home', or at least check his temperature, but his puppy dog blue eyes convinced her otherwise. She'd send her husband to check on him later after all those two were best buds.


"So you were saying?" she sighed.


A smile came over the intern's face. He joyfully relayed all the information he had gathered mixed with the idea he got from Dr. Brennan's previous notion." Now a slash from this angle should replicate the injuries perfectly."


Angela computed the information and started the simulation but it didn’t line up with the victim's injuries. "Sorry Wendell not a match."


"What if the victim was laying down when she was struck?" Angela tried again. Still nothing.


"Damn it! I was sure cause of death was a nicked artery but the simulation says otherwise." Wendell sat down defeated cradling his aching head in his hands. Tears welled in his eyes. He felt like a failure.


Angela sat next to him and rubbed circles on his back. "It's okay Wendell. We all make mistakes. Maybe you should go home and rest. You're clearly overworked and this virus isn't going to get better if you're stressed. I'm sure Brennan would understand if you took the rest of the day off."


Just then a call came in through the Angelatron, It was Booth. "Hey, Angela!"


"Booth?" Why was he calling? Angela thought. "What's up? How's Brennan?"


"She's fine, anyway, I tried getting a hold of Wendell in the Bone room but no answer so I figured he was with you," Booth said.


Wendell wiped the tears from his face and composed himself once again, relieved Booth couldn't see how pathetic he looked and felt at the moment. "Yeah I'b here." He winced at the congestion in his voice.


"Bones needs you to check for any abnormalities on the right distal femur." The special agent declared.


"What exactly are we looking for?" Angela asked sparing Wendell from any further embarrassment.


"There should be a hairline fracture," a female voice shouted from across the room. No doubt about it. It was Dr. Brennan.


"Right! On it." Wendell sprang up and hurried to the Bone room.


"Um. Sweetie? I don't think…" but it was no use, he was gone. Angela looked around the empty room. "I better talk to Hodgins about Wendell now that I have the chance".



Edited by 2SHY222
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Sorry, it's been ages since I last uploaded. A lot has happened since then. This has been a work in progress but I finally finished it 😀. Again I am open to critiques and any advice to enhance my writing. 

Also thank you @turtlesneeze. I enjoy Bones, I recently started rewatching the entire series. Enjoy!


 Pt. 3

"Damn it!" The young intern swore as he paced the room. Doctor Brennen was right like always. How could he have missed it? Anyone could've noticed it. Damn this cold. Not only was it making him feel weak and frail amongst his peers but his work was suffering as well.

"Okay, calm down." He thought aloud to himself. "look at the evidence. This microfracture has little to no remodeling so that means it’s fresh trauma." He breathed deeply, pleased with this deduction, however, his sinuses retaliated in rage. His breath hitched as he dug frantically in his pocket for tissues. No luck.

Great, just great. This day was turning into a real disaster. He hated the idea of sneezing into his lab coat but there were no other alternatives. Sure he could gather a wad of toilet paper from the bathroom across from Dr. Saroyan's office, but he didn't wanna risk running into her. He had enough things to worry about.

"hheh…hih…IGHHSshiew! hi'NGKxtt! Eh..heh.. hih...HIGHHShieew!" The last sneeze was so much more powerful than the others. His vision left him briefly as stars formed around him. He grabbed the observation table for stability. Damn it, I can't concentrate, he thought.

Tears trickled down his cheeks as he felt his brow grow hotter and hotter. He felt pitiful. Suddenly a powerful cough came over his frail frame. This fit was unlike the ones he had throughout the day. This one was painful and scary. His mind swelled with panicked thoughts.

 I can't breathe. My chest feels like it's going to explode. Gotta get Hodgins or Angela. Need water.  Just then a thought about the case swam into his jumbled head. It all makes sense now. Gotta tell someone before I lose consciousness. Gotta…

His frail body gave into the fit causing his weak stature to sway. He had to grab something sturdy and quick. To his dismay, he missed the observation table and instead leaned full force onto an instrument tray. *Crash*



Dr. Hodgins was looking over some rather interesting particulates as Angela entered his lab. He peeked up from his work and instantly knew something was bothering his beautiful wife. "Hey Angie, what's wrong? You need help with something?"

"Why didn't you tell me Wendell was sick?" Concern spilled out her mouth.

Hodgins sighed, "I was going to tell you, but he begged me to keep it a secret and I caved. We need help with this case, Ange. What was I supposed to do?"

"You man up and tell him to go home." She paused. "Look, we all care about him, but there are other interns we could call. His health is more important than his pride." Angela was right, there are other interns, but Hodgins felt bad for his friend. Today just wasn't his day.

"We did make a deal that if he got worse I'd tell Cam and he would have to go home," Hodgins explained.

 Angela sat in a nearby chair."That's what I'm worried about. I think he is worse."

The Entomologist was stunned. "Wait, how worse?"

" He came into my office a hot mess and fell apart. Sweetie, I'm worried about him."

"I am too", Hodgins chimed grabbing Angela's soft hands. "But he's a grown man, who can take care of himsel…" Just then a loud crash echoed through the Jeffersonian. "Did that sound like it came from the bone room?"

Angela nodded in concern. She shot up and sprinted toward the sound, Hodgins followed frantically pushing his wheelchair as fast as physically possible.

"Oh my God Wendell!" Angela exclaimed as she flung herself onto the floor to comfort the young intern, who laid passed out on the ground. Silver instruments and tools were scattered everywhere.

Hodgins rolled in shocked as he laid his eyes on his best friend. Sweat beads covered his pale face, his nose red and raw, shallow raspy breaths came from his seemingly lifeless body. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know." Angela placed her hand on the young blonde's forehead as she slowly laid his head on her lap. Her mouth dropped. "Hodgins I think his fever spiked." She frantically thought for a moment trying desperately to remember how to bring his fever down. "he needs an ice pack and a cool towel."

"I..I'll get it. You stay here with him." Hodgins offered.

"Hodgins?" The wheelchair-bound scientist spun around. Tears rolled down his wife's face. "Get Cam too."

"Planning on it!" And with that, he wheeled out of the room.

A soft moan came from the sick intern, "so hot." Angela hushed him, her maternal instincts kicking into overdrive. "It's gonna be alright Wendell. You're gonna be alright." Oh, Hodgins please hurry.

Edited by 2SHY222
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