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Netflix Castlevania (Alucard)


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So I've watched all of the Netflix Castlevania adaptation like 3 times in the last week it's SO GOOD!!  I love all of the characters, even the side characters and the villans.  I could go on forever about why I love it but seeing as I'm weak to pretty vampire boys with beautiful lone hair and elegant features, you can guess and to who I've been dying to see some content on lol.  So I took it upon myself to make some content.  His scene takes place during Season 2 episode 3, so even though there are no spoilers you might be a little lost if you watched either up to there or at least the scene itself (which starts at 9:30 if you want to watch it)



Team Bonding


The musty scent of old paper and years of isolation was the first thing Alucard registered as the trio descended the wooden steps into the Belmont hold. The landing was adorned with the statue heads of what he assumed to be past Belmonts and an elegant, if not posturing portrait of a man resembling the vampire hunter described in his father’s records overlooked the winding staircase. The place was in surprisingly good condition, though the layer of dust coating every surface was enough proof of it’s abandonment upwards of 10 years if Trevor’s story was any indication. Alucard couldn’t help a small sniff as the other’s talked, rubbing his nose to hopefully head off any unwanted reaction for a little while.

His two companions conversed on their way down, and he couldn’t help but throw a few jabs the hunter’s way. The others didn’t always appreciate his input, but they often humored him and joined in on the teasing, usually at Trevor’s expense. It had been quite some time since Alucard had others to banter with; longer than just the year he’d spent asleep under Gresit. The change was refreshing, even if slightly antagonistic at times.

Trevor opened the door as they reached the bottom and they stepped into a huge dark room; Alucard could see that past the light of the torches stretched a vast expanse of book cases lining the walls reaching from floor to ceiling. There was an efficient system of latters and landings built around every layer of shelves for easy access, and bridges high in the air to cross the room on every level. And on the bottom floor a large pool of water crossed by bridges sunk down under the floor, though it’s use Alucard was unsure of. As Sypha used her magic to light the lanterns around the room, the details became clearer, and he couldn’t help but be impressed at the sheer scope of it. Looking over the high landing they were standing on, he noted that the shelves on the bottom floor were not filled with books, but something else that sent a whir of complicated emotions through his body. Hunting trophies, collected through the generations of Belmont vampire hunters.

He watched as the Belmont in front of him took in his surroundings with a tender, melancholic expression and felt a small stab of spite rush through him as the other took comfort in what was left of his family; a vast library dedicated to centuries of hunting and killing Alucard’s own kind. Perhaps he was being a brat, but he continued to barb the hunter in a more condescending manner than he had earlier and enjoyed the upset reaction he got out of his companion. He broke off from the other two as they reached the bottom, taking the opportunity to rub and scrunch his nose away from their curious eyes. The scent of dust and old books was much stronger at the bottom, and he was starting to feel a small tickle form at the back of his sinuses.

“What was your Leon Belmont doing in Wallechia?” Sypha asked, and he felt Trevor’s eyes settle on his back as he stopped in front of a display shelf, the Speaker’s eyes following suit. He took a moment to survey the myriad of vampire skulls behind the glass, fangs still intact and the skull in the middle distinctly smaller than the rest. His complicated emotions sank deeper into his stomach as he addressed her question.

“Hunting Dracula.”

The shift in energy in the room was palpable, and he heard Trevor run his hand along the shelves. His expression reflected in the glass case had lost it’s tenderness and left only melancholy. Alucard stayed standing in front of that disgusting display while the other’s explored and chatted. Here he was in the grand hold of the Belmonts trying to find something that would help them kill his father, the same goal they had been working towards for centuries, and yet standing here almost made him sick. Understanding the reasons why the vampires were hunted doesn’t make it sit any better in his stomach. He heard Trevor break some old boards behind him, and he could feel the shift in the air as dust was tossed up. He sniffed quietly and stifled a hitched breath in his throat as he scrunched his nose, quickly becoming annoyed at the misbehaving appendage.

“It’s all here, your right! This is quite amazing.” Sypha’s eyes turned from the library index, catching him as he rubbed his nose and shook his head slightly. “Isn’t it? It’s amazing.”

“Charming...” he sniffed.

“You’re not even a little bit impressed?” Alucard almost rolled his eyes. He was under the impression that Sypha was the more emotionally emphatic type, but perhaps he had misjudged her.

“It’s like a museum dedicated to the extermination of my people. So no, not thrilled.”

Finally walking away from the display, the three continued exploring the expansive library for anything that could aid them in their mission. It was so quiet and every sound could be heard clearly throughout the hold; Alucard was constantly aware of that fact as the tickle continued to nag him as he opened dusty book after dusty book. Sypha took up a spot beside him, scanning the titles, and being caught up in his usual theatrics he snapped his book shut a little too roughly. A puff of dust assulted his nose and he dropped the book with an echoing thud, followed closely by his quickly hitching breaths.


ahh- hahh-!”


The Speaker’s eyes shot up at the sound, catching only a glimpse of his ticklish expression before he turned his back to her. His shoulder’s tensed up and she could see the swell of his chest even from behind. She bit her lip as she watched the dhampire put on a very human display.


ahH-!! aAHT’chhh!! Hht’CHh! AT’CHuh!!”


Three desperate sneezes threw him into his gloved hands, and he felt heat prickle at his cheeks as the sound bounced around the room. He recovered quickly and pulled a handkerchief from his coat, rubbing his nose and hiding his pink cheeks behind the embroidered white folds.

“Ble- Wow Alucard, that was impressive. Are you alright?” Sypha blushed slightly as she caught herself, it was probably silly but it felt wrong to offer blessings to a vampire. “I didn’t know vampires could sneeze.” Before Alucard could answer her, an amused deep voice sounded from the other side of the book shelf, a smirk attached to a certain Belmont rounding the corner.

“They can’t, I doubt we’ll be able to beat Dracula with a bit of dust. His son on the other hand...” Trevor’s smirk only got wider as he approached the taller man. Alucard lowered his handkerchief and crossed his arms, glaring at the hunter before him.

“Oh, fuck off Belmont”

His response only spurred the other into action as Trevor raised the book he was previously pretending to read and blew the dust off the cover right into Alucard’s face, and more importantly his sensitive nose.


hhAH! hAT’CHUUuh!!”


A single loud sneeze burst from him into the waiting folds oh his kerceif, followed by the laughter of his two companions. As he looked up though he saw no malice or mockery in their faces, only the amusement of learning something new about him. Trevor slapped the dhampire’s shoulder in a friendly manner, and he felt Sypha’s small hand rest in the center of his back as he sniffled.

“Bless you, you sneezy bastard.”

“Yes, bless you Alucard.”

And thinking about the journey ahead he’s be sharing with the two, Alucard couldn’t help but chuckle with them.

Edited by Akahana
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my gosh, this is adorable (and fits so well into the scene from the show you chose here)! I really love how the scene builds up to Alucard's little fit, and his shyness at showing such vulnerability in front of Sypha and Trevor. 😍

Ugh, they're all so cute. I miss this show...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got super into Castlevania, so of course I'm over the moon to find this!  Alucard is definitely my victim of choice and I love this!! 

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  • 1 month later...

Can't believe I missed this! I also just got into the netflix series. Also I am right there with you with liking the long haired pretty boys. I hope you continue! :D

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