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True or False...The Person Below Me


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True! I friggin' love socks.

The person below me thinks spiders are super cool.

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The person below loves Cuddling

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False! I hate physical contact, bleh!

The person below me has been to a musical.

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True, though it depends on the person. I'm very picky. :P

The person below me has written fanfiction.

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True. Can't get me enough of that adrenaline. The higher the drop, the better

The person below me can't say the alphabet backwards.

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false! i have been able to say the alphabet backwards from the age of 5. 

The person below me likes indie music.

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false! i don't mind germs unless they're from a family member or something 

The person below me plays dnd?

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My own...no. I have access to one though so true! 

The person below me knows part of a fictional language.

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aww false. i used to! when i was like 14 one of my friends taught me how to say, "go kiss an orc" in tolkien elvish (i don't remember which dialect), but i don't remember how anymore :lol:

the person below likes to take walks around in nature?

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You know it! Just got done reading 60 pages of my book outside today and it’s only 1:30. 

The person below me has at least ten pairs of shoes.

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true! i own the series & read them as they were coming out. i'm a hufflepuff.

the person below loves animals?

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True! I've loved animals all my life and currently own one parakeet and a dog! :)

The person below me loves seafood.

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false! i'm a vegetarian, and even when i wasn't i was very very picky about seafood. smoked fishes and canned tuna were basically the only ones i liked

the person below me knows their horoscope sign?

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Yup. Sun in Aquarius, moon in Pisces. :thumbsup: 

The person below me has at least one embarrassing habit they only do when they're alone.


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false! i have plenty of embarrassing habits, but i'm sure i've done almost all of them in front of people. the most embarrassing is that i clench my jaw when i'm nervous, and since i have tmj on one side i find myself also stretching my jaw afterwards so that it doesn't lock up or come dislocated, and i know i've caught myself doing that in the middle of talking to ppl bc they always look at me like i've just started speaking in tongues or something

the next person doesn't drink coffee?

Edited by •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.•
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