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First Times (Star Trek AOS) McCoy


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So I came across this lovely piece of artwork https://sfanimeakahana.tumblr.com/post/182341987584/bigbadsnez-kotyonoksnz-please-do-not 

and got inspired

 Because I have a million other things on the go so let’s start a new fic.

First Times


“Bless you, Bones.”

It’s a casual response Jim throws behind him before going back to his PADD and the other captains surrounding him discussing…frankly McCoy didn’t know and he didn’t care.  

He nodded softly in response, even though Jim couldn’t see, as he removed his nose from the crook of his arm.  He kept that arm close to his body though and the other one too, squeezing his elbows trying to fight against the chill that hadn’t left him even with the ranging thunderstorm over the Starbase now separated from them by thick windows and sturdy walls.

He knows what it means, what it always means when his throat gets dry no matter how much he drinks.  What it means with the steady pressure behind his eyes that brings with it a building congestion in his sinuses that makes his nose sensitive to everything.

His point was proven as Uhura walked by him and her perfume, normally a pleasant vanilla like scent, caused his nostrils to flare, revealing the insides that were quickly turning red.


He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed gently and the sneeze thankfully backed down.  McCoy sighed, grateful that he could still do that for now.  There was no way he wanted to give this to anybody else or have anybody suspect there was something wrong.  A single sneeze could be written off as nothing, two so close together and people were going to get suspicious.  And they were supposed to be making a good impression to the other crews.  They were still seen as the raw cadets who had been given a ship to look good for recruitment posters and fill empty seats.  They needed to prove they had earned the right to have the Enterprise out in the black so the last thing anyone needed was to see the CMO in anything less than 110% health.  Everyone had to be on their best behaviour, uniforms pressed, and hair perfectly in place.

Speaking of perfection McCoy noticed as Spock pulled his head back from Jim’s for a moment to look in his direction and raise one perfectly shaped eyebrow.   McCoy forced himself not to glare back, but instead straightened up and headed over to the buffet table for his fifth glass of water. 

He was being petty and he knew it.  Spock and Jim being closer was a good thing and he understood that.  It certainly beat them yelling at each other and getting ejected off the ship, but Jim spent most of his time after his shift playing chess now and thus McCoy spent most of his off time drinking alone.

He just missed what they’d once had that was all.

Dumping his empty glass on a tray McCoy ducked into the nearest bathroom to have a few moments to himself. 

His nose quivered as the sneeze from earlier made an attempt to return, and now that he was alone McCoy allowed it to come.


Oww that hurt.

Getting this stuffed up already meant this was going to be one hell of a cold.

He grabbed for the tissue dispenser and blew his nose and he felt a bit better, but the stuffy feeling didn’t completely go away and for the most part everything just felt …heavy.  McCoy sighed and rubbed at his eyes.

He couldn’t wait for this night to be over.

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Fun fact (and maybe you already knew this :lol:), but I was the one who commissioned that McCoy piece on tumblr. I was secretly hoping someone would be inspired enough by it to write a fic, so thank you for stepping up! :wub: 

Poor Bones not feeling well, awww. I love the scene you set up here—like, of course he’d come down with something when he can’t really afford to??—and gahhh, I hope there’ll be more! :D 

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Star Trek! (Happy dance)

Poor McCoy, he seems quite miserable (physically and emotionally)...

My favorite part:

8 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

What it means with the steady pressure behind his eyes that brings with it a building congestion in his sinuses that makes his nose sensitive to everything.

Please continue that fic? Please??? 

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Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments and especially to @Spoo  for commissioning that great artwork.  It's so fluid and McCoy looks so deliciously miserable there so let's make him more miserable here!  


Time dragged by slowly, mostly because there was little to keep McCoy occupied from how rotten he was starting to feel.  Even though he’d managed to tamper his symptoms down to periodically clearing his throat and occasionally, just occasionally, rubbing his nose.  He was trying to keep that to a minimum so he wouldn’t start looking like Rudolph.  He still didn’t dare join in the other medical groups gathered around the room.  They were trained just like he was to look for the signs of injury and illness, but that also rather limited him in terms of an engaging conversation.  No matter how much he missed spending time with Jim command bored him to tears.  Uhura was currently on her fifth language in conversation with another communications officer.  He was pretty sure Sulu had snuck off to the facilities’ gym and Chekov was working his way through every available person at the bar trying to get a date.  So he mostly hung around Scotty for the evening.  If it didn’t involve engines or circuitry Scotty wasn’t observant enough to notice McCoy’s quiet and hesitant behaviour, and would assume the glass he was drinking from contained vodka not water. 

Then at long last it was over.

McCoy held back as groups slowly made their way out of the hall wanting as few people to be with him in the turbolift as possible.  The building pressure had transformed into a proper headache and the congestion was moving downward and threatening to make his nose run.  So much so that he risked a liquidly sniffle and brushed his nose against his sleeve as he pulled on his jacket.  Checking his pocket to make sure the tissues were still there.

He did manage to take the turbolift alone, but waiting turned out to be a mistake as he found when he got to the ground floor and found the transportation to his quarters where isolation and warm sheets were waiting was cut off.

“What do you mean you can’t beam anyone else back to the Enterprise?”

The clearly flustered lady at the desk glared at him.

“Sir, as I just finished explaining to everyone else here the storm has been declared to make transport to the orbiting ships too dangerous.  Those of you still here will have to wait while we make other arrangements.”

McCoy sighed and went to wait in the emptiest corner he find.

That turned out to be mistake number two as that corner was nearest to the doors and when they opened abruptly to let a group out the sudden rush of cold air sent McCoy’s nose aflame.


He fingers knuckled under his nose and rubbed hard trying to supress the sudden tickle.


His nostrils twitched against his fingers the tickle only making them flare harder despite his efforts.


The hitching became more frequent and the itch just wouldn’t back down.  It’s no use he can’t hold it back.  He needed to sneeze.

He quickly gabbed for a tissue and crushed it against his nose.

HUH’mmphshu! Heh-heh-huh’EEMMPHshu!

By the time McCoy was finished blowing his nose and wiping it dry the lady from the desk had come up to him.

“Well we’ve got the gym cleared out and will get the cots set up, but I’m afraid you’ll all have to share for now until we get more rooms opened up.”    

McCoy shook his head.  He can’t spend the night in an open space like that.  He’s going to give this cold to fifty people easy and the crew would never hear the end of it!

“Absolutely not I’m a senior officer I’m not sharing space with enlisted personnel.”

He hated pulling rank and the lady could easily see how uncomfortable he was trying to do it.

“Well unless you want to make a late transfer to the command track, sir, that’s all I’ve got we’re booked solid.”

McCoy eyes widened and he turned back to look out at the storm.  Command that was right they were still in meetings tomorrow and Jim was staying planet side for the night.  He glanced down the street towards the building at least three blocks away.  There probably wouldn’t be much room, but it would at least be a roof over his head and he wouldn’t infect anyone.

Decision made McCoy pulled his jacket up around his neck as high as he could and started out into the storm.

It wasn’t that far he told himself as the rain pelted down he could make it.

Edited by Fuzzy&Warm
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When it rains, it pours! Literally in this case. :lol: Poor Bonessss, omg. All he wants to do is get away from everything and rest up. I loved how he was trying to keep a low profile about being sick (the other doctors would have picked up on it for SURE if he’d have joined them). I hope he gets dry and comfy soon!

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I've not been on the forum for some days and you posted a second part! Yes! Thank you!!! I can't wait to see what will happen next. Rain + cold isn't a good mix... :rolleyes:

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You know, I've known this was here and have been saving it for a moment to sit back and read it properly.  It's just wonderful!  Your voices are excellent.  And oh, poor Dr. McCoy, wanting nothing more than to just go suffer in peace back on his ship and in his quarters.  

On 2/18/2019 at 2:07 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

If it didn’t involve engines or circuitry Scotty wasn’t observant enough to notice

This is just so spot on.  As it Spock's raised eyebrow, and the little twinge of jealousy (louder, maybe, because he's not feeling quite well?)  This is just yummy!  Looking forward to more. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is Sooo good! Poor Bones! 

On 2/18/2019 at 2:07 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

No matter how much he missed spending time with Jim command bored him to tears.  Uhura was currently on her fifth language in conversation with another communications officer.  He was pretty sure Sulu had snuck off to the facilities’ gym and Chekov was working his way through every available person at the bar trying to get a date.  So he mostly hung around Scotty for the evening.  If it didn’t involve engines or circuitry Scotty wasn’t observant enough to notice McCoy’s quiet and hesitant behaviour, and would assume the glass he was drinking from contained vodka not water. 

I absolutely love the analysis of the the other crew members activities. Spot on!


On 2/16/2019 at 11:02 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

He was being petty and he knew it.  Spock and Jim being closer was a good thing and he understood that.  It certainly beat them yelling at each other and getting ejected off the ship, but Jim spent most of his time after his shift playing chess now and thus McCoy spent most of his off time drinking alone.

He just missed what they’d once had that was all.

This is just sad. Poor Bones!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments :) 


McCoy burst through the doors and would have whopped with joy if he thought his voice could have handled it.  Dry land at last!

Ignoring the large puddle he was creating on the floor he quickly checked the medical tricorder on his hip to make sure he hadn’t damaged anything.  Satisfied that it was safe he checked the board on the wall to find Jim, and when he found the corresponding number he headed up to the second floor and buzzed the room. 

Only to be completely shocked when Spock answered the door.

“Doctor McCoy?”

“Sorry, Spock, I must have gotten the wrong room I was looking for Jim.”

“He is here-”

“Yeah, we had to share and-whoa, Bones, what happened to you?”

“They weren’t allowing anyone to beam back up thanks to the storm.  I was hoping to bunk here, but you’re clearly full up so I’ll just go.”

Before he could Jim grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

“Yeah, no you’re staying put,” he declared.  “You already look like a drowned rat and if I let you go back out there we’re going to be sending out a search party for you in the morning.”

As he was pulled further inside apartment he could feel the warn air from the fire in the fireplace and a now shivering McCoy wasn’t inclined to argue.

“I’m sure I have something dry you can wear.”

As Jim went to the bedroom McCoy looked over at the small kitchenette against the far wall.

“You may make use of the amenities, Doctor.”


He was saved from anymore awkward small talk as Jim came back holding an old sweatshirt and pants that McCoy immediately recognized as his own.   Jim had kept them had brought those clothes with him here because he wanted to have them with him.

As he accepted the clothes McCoy had to admit it was nice.

“And hey, Spock, I want to talk to you about-”

Never mind McCoy thought, as he rolled his eyes, storming off to the bathroom and wished the door didn’t slide so he could slam it.

Still as he stripped off his soaked clothing and stepped into the shower stall the hot water eased away the chill of the rain and a bit of his congestion, it was wonderful.


So of course something had to ruin it.

Normally he would take advantage of the warm air to try and help clear his lungs, but how thin were the walls, and just how sensitive were Vulcan ears?

McCoy didn’t want Spock to hear him.  He didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of the Vulcan.

So he pressed his hand against his nose and stifled as best he could.

heh’huh’ISHch! ITCHhh! ISSHhuh!

The rest of his shower continued uninterrupted, but as he stepped out his nose filled with a teasing feeling that was becoming all too familiar.


McCoy managed to muffle most of the sneeze in a towel then groaned as he pulled away and dared to look at himself in the mirror.

Well he could look worse he supposed.

At least he could blame his flushed cheeks and pink nose on the heat of the shower if they asked.  Pulling on his dry clothes McCoy went out to find Jim and Spock waiting for him.

“Better?” Jim asked.

“Yeah, thanks.”

It was then that McCoy got a good look at the bedroom and noticed yet another problem.

There were only two beds.

Jim smiled and clapped him on the shoulder.  “It’ll be just like old times right, Bones?”

McCoy was dumbstruck.  Did Jim think they would each take a bed like they had at the academy and leave Spock to what, sleep on the floor?  Or were Jim and Spock planning to share and leave him the other bed…no they couldn’t be that close, could they?  Well if they were McCoy didn’t want to know about it.  He felt awful enough already and wasn’t about to make it any worse.

“I’ll sleep on the couch.”


Neither man followed McCoy back out to the living area and for that he was grateful.  He was even more grateful to see that the fire was still going and that there was a box of tissues available on a small stand next to the couch.   It wasn’t his Starfleet issued bed, but it was good enough.  McCoy gathered up the pillows to one side, pulled the blanket lying across the top around himself as tightly as he could and eventually fell asleep.

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McCoy's bitterness and jealousy just compound the misery that his cold is already providing him, and it just makes him that much more wretched and sympathetic a character for this story.  Poor, lonely Leonard, I just want to cuddle him!  If only the other two knew, Jim would be cooing reassurance and Spock would be telling him how illogical he's being.  You write McCoy so well, I'm really looking forward to more!

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I love McCoy's feelings towards Spock and the fact that he's becoming closer to Jim.

On 4/1/2019 at 7:13 AM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

Normally he would take advantage of the warm air to try and help clear his lungs, but how thin were the walls, and just how sensitive were Vulcan ears?

He really doesn't want to be caught vulnerable, does he?...

Thanks for the update!

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/8/2019 at 11:01 AM, Aliena H. said:

He really doesn't want to be caught vulnerable, does he?...

No he does not, but poor McCoy is not getting his wish :evilsmiley03:


The room was dark as McCoy opened his eyes with the barest hit of a sunrise out the window.  He didn’t have much time to dwell on it though as he was quickly overwhelmed with what had awoken him.  A harsh coughing fit that just seemed to go on forever.

At some point McCoy heard footsteps and running water from the small kitchen, and felt the couch dip down next to him and a glass of warm water was pressed into his hands.

He drank slowly and the fit finally eased.  As he wiped away the irritated tears caused by the fit from his eyes he turned and nearly jumped when he saw not Jim at his side, but Spock.

“Are you all right, Doctor McCoy?”

“Yeah,” he answered, wincing at the sound of his voice, and cleared it trying to get back to his normal timber. “Don’t know what came over me.”

“Such things are a classic symptom of illness.”

McCoy ducked his head and ran one hand through his hair, embarrassed that his charade hadn’t even lasted a full day.

“Was I that obvious?”

“No, in fact your desire to be discreet was my first hint to your condition.  You drank copiously last night but exhibited no behaviours associated with alcohol consumption, allowing me to deduce you were not having your usual drink.  You worked to blend into the background so as not to make others aware of your symptoms and avoided large groups so as to lessen contagion.  I admit to having used such tactics myself when I have been ‘under the weather’ as you say.”

McCoy was momentarily speechless.  Spock actually got sick and was willing to admit to him!  Would wonders never cease?

“I could have picked a better time though right?  With us having to look good for everyone else and all.  Anyway, thanks, sorry I woke you.”

“It is of no consequence.  I often rise early to mediate.  Would you be comfortable if I did so here?”

“Sure go ahead.”

 Spock did, moving over to a small corner where he had set out a mat and a lamp.  He lit the lamp and slowed his breathing, keeping one ear tuned to McCoy’s as well.

It wasn’t long before it became shaky and uneven.


Spock could hear the rustling of fabric as McCoy presumably was rubbing at his nose, trying to hold back.

huh’gntch! Hh’tichu!


hahh-heh’gntSHU! ASSShhu!  Sorry, S-Spock, I-ihhh-ISSHuh!

While the sneezes were tightly stifled Spock thought they were still more on average for a human with a cold.  Spock’s eyes snapped opened as he realized that the residual scent in the lamp might be too much for McCoy and he quickly blew it out.

“My apologies, Doctor,” he said, coming back to the couch.

“Not your fault.  Whenever I get a cold like this perfume, cologne, spices, the wind blowing an ounce of pollen the wrong way.  It all makes me-heh…m-makes me huhh’ISSuh! ISSHUu! Ihhh…ehhh’ERSHUUu!  Snf makes me sneeze,” McCoy finished.

“Bless you.”

“Thanks.   You don’t have to stop on my account,” McCoy said, as he grabbed for the tissues to blow his nose.

“I would not wish my actions to cause you any further discomfort.”

Spock stood up and disappeared into the bedroom, returning later in his uniform.

“If Jim asks please tell him I have left for my meetings early.”

“Spock, that really isn’t necessary-”

McCoy stopped short as Spock placed his hand lightly against his shoulder.

“I hope you feel better, Leonard.”

With that Spock left the suite with McCoy gapping after him.

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On 5/20/2019 at 10:40 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

Spock actually got sick and was willing to admit to him!  Would wonders never cease?


Great update! Those two are my favorite characters and I love when they learn to know and take care of each other. I'm looking forward to the next part!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Catching up from being gone and love where this is going!

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Aww, Spock is so concerned ❤️ 

I hope you continue! I'm really enjoying this! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to everyone for enjoying this story :)  Just a small update so I don't completely lose my touch among the Good Omens euphoria.  Of course there are always crossovers.


Despite his cold McCoy did manage to fall back to sleep and the next time he opened his eyes it was to a brighter room and full sun outside the window.  Not that he could see it over the two bright blue eyes currently an inch from his face.

“Gah!  Jesus, Jim, don’t do that!”

“What?” he asked with a grin, “I had to get you up somehow.”

“Normal people usually go for the shake the shoulder method.”

“Already tried that,” he answered, and got up from the couch, practically bouncing as he did.

McCoy groaned as he remembered what their time away from the academy he allowed him to forget.  Jim was a morning person.  Happily whistling away as he bustled about the kitchenette, returning with oatmeal and coffee for both of them.  Well one out of two was still a passing grade.

“What, no scrambled eggs and bacon?”

“Nothing heavy we have meetings today.”

“You mean you have meetings today.  I’m not supposed to be on planet and I’m getting the first transport off here now that it’s stopped raining cats and dogs.”

“Well actually since you are here and there are medical conferences going on I thought you could make a good impression and show up to some.”

McCoy frowned.  “I thought Christine was doing that?  She takes better notes than me and I spent last night with all that spit and polish, preening for others.”

Jim rolled his eyes. “I did that, you didn’t.  Look, Bones, I like department mingling as much as the next guy, but you spent all last night either in a corner or with Scotty.  Did you learn even one other doctor’s name?”

“Geffory M’Benga.”

“He has already put in a transfer to the Enterprise he doesn’t count.”

“Look, Jim, I really shouldn’t be-”

Jim sighed in frustration. “All right, McCoy, consider it an order then.”

McCoy just looked him in silent shock.  Had their relationship really been reduced to this? Just clean cut professionalism and nothing more?  He finished up the rest of his breakfast quickly and retreated to the bathroom, as the warm of the food and drink pushed at the congestion in his sinuses.  He was surprised Jim had noticed, but then Jim had the tendency to be dense when the mood struck him.

Hah’ASHUh! eshh! ERSHu!

Blowing his nose roughly McCoy grabbed for his now dry uniform and put it on.  Then he turned his attention to the tricorder that rested beside it.  He pulled open the bottom compartment and took out the hypospray that he had tucked away in there.  Just in case.  He had hoped he wouldn’t need it.  Had thought he wouldn’t need it, but now…  

McCoy gripped it tightly and pressed it against his neck.  He couldn’t let Jim down.

The flood of stimulant pushed back the congestion and the weariness from his cold.  A quick bit of foundation was thrown on to hide the lingering bits of red.  Then McCoy was pulling Jim out the door before he could realize what a stupid decision he’d just made.


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Poor Bones. Jim can be a bit dense sometimes!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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