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Cherry Blossoms (Supergirl, Alex Danvers) (WARNING: Language)


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Alex rubbed her prickling, irritated nose in the hanky, brow furrowed in frustration. Just her luck to be allergic to fucking cherry blossoms and to be in the one damn city in the US where they were blooming this time of year. No amount of fondness for Olivia Marsdin was worth this. “Fuuuhhh…...huhh, hhhh…..hehhh….*snfl*

She knew perfectly well that sniffling wouldn’t help and that she should probably go pick up some allergy meds, but Alex Danvers was nothing if not stubborn. These allergies weren’t going to get the best of her, at least not without a fight. “Fuck me….”

Alex had never had allergies before, and she didn’t know how anyone managed. This was torture. Her nose was constantly tickling, constantly running as it slowly flushed a deeper and deeper pink. No matter how much she rubbed, wiped, or blew her nose, the itch remained deep in her nostrils. Sneezing did nothing to relieve her and just made the running worse. “This is fucking bullshiiiiiiih……..hiiiiihh, hehhh…...huh, uh, uh! Alex hitched softly, instinctively cupping the hanky tighter around her nostrils. Hhh…...heegh-CHOO! Heh--CHXUH!”

She blew her nose with a frustrated growl, squeezing her itchy pink nose through the hanky in a useless attempt to alleviate the torturous tickle. “Fucking heeeeeeeh-CHOO!” Another sneeze, this one unexpected and violent, and Alex doubled over, helpless against the allergic urge to sneeze and sneeze and sneeze until the irritants in her nose were gone. “Heeeh…..huuuhhh, uhh, hehhh…..haaaah…...HEEGHT-CHXSH! *snf….snfl*”

She groaned, wiping her nose with the hanky, pushing hard against her irritated pink nostrils even though she knew it wouldn’t help. Alex set the hanky down on the bed, lifting a finger to the underside of her damp nose and beginning to slowly rub her itchy nostrils and swollen septum back and forth. The hanky was made of soft material, and while that made it less likely to rub her nose raw, there wasn’t much friction against the itch. Maybe friction would help. “Hhh,” Alex hitched softly, dark eyes narrowing as allergic wetness dripped from irritated pink nostrils, “Hhuuhhh…..heehhhh…….haaah, aaaah, aaaahhhhh……*snfl*”

Her head tilted back slightly, breath hitching as the tickle welled up in her nose. Hhhhhh! Oh gooohhhhhh…...heeeehhh, heeehhh, haaaaaahhhh…...huh-huh-huh!” Her eyes were clenched tightly shut, an itchy tear running down her cheek. “Juuuhhhh….just…..let meeeeehhhh…...let me…..!”

The itch was torturing her, but the sneeze wouldn’t come. Alex frantically rubbed her nose, whimpering slightly. God, she just wanted to sneeze! Huuuhhhhh! Ahhh, aaahhhh…..hhhh!! HhhEEEGH--!! HEEGHT--CHOO!!! Huuhhhh--HUUUUH-CHXUSH!” She groped on the bed beside her, grabbing her discarded hanky and lifting it to her allergic nose. Sneeze after sneeze exploded from ravaged sinuses, and Alex was helpless to stop it. All she could do was submit to her allergies, hitching and sniffling and spraying itchy, wet sneezes into the hanky over and over again. “Heehhh--CHOOO! Haahhh--hahhhh-CHXOO! AAaaahhh…..aaahhhh, ahhhh, aaaahhhh…….AAAHH-CHOO!! Ahh-CHOO! HEEHH---huuuhhhh…….*snfl, snf, snf*”

Finally the fit let off, and Alex slumped back against her pillows, blowing her now-crimson nose weakly. She pinched her nose through the damp hanky, rubbing up and down, working her flushed, irritated nostrils. There was no way she could continue to go on like this. She’d have to go get some medicine. With any luck the front desk of the hotel would have some. Hhh--! Hhhh…...hhuuUH-CXHSH! Alex sneezed stuffily. “Ughh….fucgk hay feber…..”

Next time, Vasquez was going to go to DC if anything happened. If any of the DEO agents caught wind of this, they'd never let her hear the end of it.

Edited by JadeStone
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Wow!! This was SO good! The way you wrote her itchiness, her frustration, the hitching....perfect!!

Do you have plans to continue? I reallllly want to read more 😍

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On 1/28/2019 at 9:01 PM, JadeStone said:

and while that made it less likely to rub her nose raw, there wasn’t much friction against the itch. Maybe friction would help. “Hhh,” Alex hitched softly, dark eyes narrowing as allergic wetness dripped from irritated pink nostrils, “Hhuuhhh…..heehhhh…….haaah, aaaah, aaaahhhhh……*snfl*”

I always enjoy reading scenarios where even with desperate attempts to keep the sneezes at bay by nose rubbing, the sneezes just cannot be contained. Makes the build-up seem so much more intense :D 

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This was intense, and better for it! I loved how desperate she was to stop her sneezes by the end. Always love a good buildup, and this had many!

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