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The Puppy is Sick (Suits, Mike, M, Illness)


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I'm super into Suits these days and to my dismay I've found the site is seriously lacking in Suits fics! So I'm hoping to start a Suitsapalooza with my fic. Either that or I'll just keep writing them because I have a HUGE crush on Harvey Specter. 


This fic is set in like early season 2 which is where I'm at. 


"Donna!" Harvey called over his shoulder on his way into his office, certain she would follow. Without missing a beat he hears her footsteps behind him.

"I need you to get me the fillings on the Steinbeck case, call Roger over at Intel, and clear my schedule for the day." He finished without a backward glance.

"You have a lunch meeting with Roger at 12:30, and your schedule is cleared." she said while handing him the files he asked for.

He looked at her with a smirk and said "Remind me to give you a raise."

"You already did. Just sign here." She flashed her classic Donna smile at him. He took the paper, and sign. He really had been meaning to give her a raise. Looking up, with an after thought he said

"Oh and get me Mike ASAP, we need all hands on deck for this merger."

"Get Mike? From...home??"

"He's not here yet?! You've got to be kidding me. Its 8 am! You tell that useless son of bitch to be here in 15 or not to bother coming back at all."


Mike peddled furiously, fighting to stay up-right on his bike, weaving in and out of traffic with each desperate sneeze that forced his eyes shut. He was late. He was so late. On time was late and he was way past that. His phone vibrated incessantly in his pocket. Over and over again. It was probably Harvey or Donna, telling him to get his ass there, like yesterday. 

"HEsshuuuoOOH" he sneezed, uncovered in front of him, trying to force his eyes not to close. He tried to hold back the barrage of sneeze as he rounded the last corner before the office. As he was pulling up they finally over came him "HetSHUU! HESHHOOOH!". The loud, blearing horn of a truck drowned out his next two sneezes as it swerved to avoid him. His phone vibrated again. He might as well pull over, not like he was going to be on time. Mike pulled over and answered the 10th call from Donna. 

"Where have you been? And you better say dead because Harvey is going to kill you if you weren't dead or dying" 

"He-" he tried to speak but Donna cut him off in her rapid-fire admonishments.

"I don't wanna know! Just get here and fast. Harvey wants you in 15 minutes or not at all." click. 

Mike sighed, and coughed as he dismounted his bike. He looked up at Pearson Hardman with trepidation, the large building looked even more imposing than usual. He had hoped to slip in quietly and draw little attention to himself, his lateness and his illness. Of course that was this morning when his illness has consisted only of an achy body and a sore throat. It was much more noticeable now. Not that it mattered. Harvey was already pissed. 

 He tried to walk in with confidence, or at least without blatant fear but when Donna announced him on the intercom he could feel his heart beat in his congested chest.

Harvey began yelling before he even turned around in his chair.

"Where. the. fuck. have. you. been!" he spoke every word clearly, filling each syllable to the brim with anger. "It is eight goddamn thirty! Half an hour after work starts and an hour after you should have been here!"

"I - " Mike started to speak but was cut off

"I don't want to hear it Mike! This is not you getting your shit together!"

"Ehhh EHTSHOOO!" MIke turned sharply away from Harvey and toward the floor, unleashing an uncovered sneeze. It ripped through his throat causing him to cough harshly.

Only then did Harvey look up at him. He didn't like what he saw. The kid looked awful. Pale, and shivering. He stood as though will power alone held him up, and he could drop at any moment. His glossy eyes squinted closed as another sneeze came.

Mike thrust his dace into his arm, catching three wet sneezes. "iEEEHHHHSHUMMP! HESHHH! ESSSHMMPH!" He unfurled slowly, not trusting the urge had passed. 

Harvey took in his the sad sight of his associate once again. His nose was chapped, red and dripping. 

"Salud." Harvey said dryly as he held a silk handkercheif in his out streched hand "Although," he continued "I think you are a little beyond wishes for health."

Mike took the cloth without hesitation and tiredly blew his nose. 

"Are you alright?" Harvey asked, though he could tell the kid wasn't.

"I ehh uh EHtSHOOO! HESSHHHUH" The first sneeze caught him off guard, he hardly covered. He caught the second one in his hands. 

Harvey ran his hand over his face with a sigh of frustration. "Goddamn it! We don't have time for this." He sighed again and pointed toward the door.

"Go home."

Mike looked up, face buried in his damp hands. He spoke in a deep hoarse voice, unlike his own.

"Dno, Harvey I'b fidne, really" 

Harvey shook his head and said "Home. Now. I mean it."


"But nothing Mike. You look like you're about to pass out and you ou can't make it two sentences with out sneezing. I don't have time to take care of you today and you're in no condition to work. Go home." Harvey spoke with his authoritative  'I mean business and I'm the boss' voice, but his face was full of sympathy. It was his 'You're like the kid brother I never had' face. 

With a combo like that mike knew there was no arguing with him. He gathered his things, slung his messenger bag over his shoulder and mumbled "I'b sorry Harvey" on his way out the door.

"Do not ride that bike home! Take a cab!" Harvey called out after him. 

As he passed by Donna mouthed "feel better" to him while on the phone with a client. He nodded, sneezed and walked away 



That's a wrap on part one. Its mostly dialogue and set up for the next part. Let me know what ya think and if you want me to continue. 

I;m sorry if there's any typos or spelling mistakes, ya girl is dyslexic. 





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🙇‍♀️ *insert all proper emojis here*

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I haven't watched Suits but now I feel the need! Is it on Netflix? Please say yes while I google what these guys look like ;)

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On 1/15/2019 at 3:04 AM, ReidSeeker said:

I haven't watched Suits but now I feel the need! Is it on Netflix? Please say yes while I google what these guys look like ;)

Same here, I have never watched Suits, but I do know Mike is played by Patrick J. Adams, husband of my favorite actress, Troian Bellisario. Coincidentally, I've been writing a fanfic on her character in Pretty Little Liars here, if anyone's interested. ;) 


Please keep up, I've Googled the other characters and I can totally picture this scenario. 

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Yes yes yes yes yes!!

Absolutely wonderful! I was just thinking the other day that it may be a long time before someone writes another Suits sickfic about Mike. Thank you for proving me wrong!

You're writing is great; I love the story so far :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, love this! Would love to see Mike accidentally infect Harvey ... I bet Harvey would be the biggest baby while sick!

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I can’t believe I only posted part one! I have many scenes done that I totally love but there’s like plot jumps in between that I have to fill in. 

Also my laptop died so I gotta type this on my phone, so there might be some errors. 


Here’s part 2!

He was almost out the building, almost home free when he heard Louis’ distinct yell. 


“Golden boy! My office!” 


Mike stopped in his tracks and slowly turned. Louis was already heading to his office. 


“Louis, I -“  Mike called out to him weakly but was cut off. 


“I don’t want to hear it. You work for me too and I have a huge case I need actual, competent help on. So shut up and follow.”  


Mike cleared his throat and tried again. 


“But Harvey -“


“But Harvey isn’t your only boss! You will do the work your are assigned or you will be fired.”



Mike struggles to keep his eyes open as he pours over the court document Louis dumped on him. He couldn’t possibly hate Louis more than he did right now. 


Every fiber of his being called out desperately for rest. His throat is on fire. He’s freezing. Wait no, he’s on fire. No actually he’s freezing again. 


 He can’t go 5 minutes without his eyes slamming shut for another bout of sneezing. The other associates had been slowly inching their desks away from him for about an hour when Rachel stops by. 


The first thing Rachel notices is everyone is sitting weirdly. Pushed into odd corners away from a central point. 


 When that central point was seized by yet another sneezing fit she saw it was Mike everyone was trying to get away from. 


“Heshh! ETSCHHH! HesshhUuuh!” He caught every sneeze tiredly in a sodden royal blue handkerchief. Clearly trying not to spread his germs, yet clearly too tired to keep that up for much longer. 


The sight of him broke her heart. He looked utterly miserable. His face was deathly pale, except for his bright feverish flush and chapped red nose. His glossy eyes stared at stacks of court documents. That is when they weren’t flickering closed as he fought against a sneeze. 


He was so caught up in the fight and his work that he didn’t notice her until she had her hand on his forehead. 


He jumped back, almost hitting her down with his chair. 


“Calm down I’m just checking your temp.” Rachel said in a soft whisper, trying not to embarrass him in the middle of the cubicles.  He let her put her hand gently back on his head. 


“Mike! Your burning up!” She continued in her whisper. 


“I can’t believe Harvey is making you work like this. I’m going to have a word with him!” She began to stride off but he called her back. 


“ Harvey sendt be hobe” he said in a too deep voice muffled by congestion. 


Rachel was shocked taken aback by his voice. She kinda liked it actually. So deep and hoarse. Very manly. Wait. Focus girl, not the time!


“Harvey what?” She said with that adorable confused crinkle in between her eyebrows. 


Mike tried to clear his throat but ended up in a harsh coughing fit. The coughs rattled through his congested chest. 


He tried to speak again. 

“Harvey. Sendt. Bee. Hombe.” He tried to speak clearly, enunciating each word. 


Understanding dawned on her face, followed again by confusion. 


“Why are you here!?”


“Louis bade be stay. He gabe be sobe urgedt case.” 


“Mike, sweetie, blow your nose I can’t understand a word.”


He flushed even more. After a gurgling blow he turned back to her and clarified. 


“Does Harvey know?”


“I’b dot ruddidig to Harvey. He’s really busy.” 


She fixed him with her classic look of disbelief and annoyance. Her face asked if he could be any stupider but her mouth said 


“You really need to go home, Louis can do his own work.”


“He said he’d fire bme if I diddt get this dode” he said with a heavy sigh and a defeated look. 


“What!? That’s not ok. He can’t do that! You need to go talk to Harvey or even Jessica.”


“Rachel, I cad’t.” He barely had the entertainment to stay awake. 


“ I just wadt to get this dode and go hobe.”


“Alright. Move over.” 


He looked at her with shock and untold admiration. 


Their moment was interrupted by the shrill noise of his phone ringing. 




“I see your bike’s still here. Glad you listened to me for once”


“Umbb...I’b still here.”


“Here? Here!? Where?”




“If you can’t manage say that you should be at home.”


“Louis gave be some urgedt case And threatened to fire be if I didn’t get it dode.”


“Meet me in my office.”

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I still haven't watched this but I am LOVING this fic. What a sweet little 'puppy'!  Your congested spelling is awesome and he's just so tired. I want to find d an office couch (sounds like a fancy place that has couches) and tuck him in it. Maybe the first aid kit has a thermometer? :whistle:

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@ReidSeeker there is a thermometer! And couches! Also I’m not sure if it’s on Netflix, I watch it on Amazon Prime  

@dragonko ughh duuuuude, you totally called it man. I wrote this entire doc JUST so Mike could get Harvey sick. I don’t even like Mike, but oooh buddy I got a thing for Harvey. 

@sneezy_frnk I actually don’t really like Mike, I think he’s ungrateful and rude as hell to Harvey and Jessica. and kinda controlling with Rachel. Harvey is my man! 😍

On 1/20/2019 at 10:40 PM, sneezy_frnk said:



On 1/18/2019 at 1:06 AM, Midnight said:

Yes yes yes yes yes!!

Absolutely wonderful! I was just thinking the other day that it may be a long time before someone writes another Suits sickfic about Mike. Thank you for proving me wrong!

You're writing is great; I love the story so far :)

@MidnightThank you so much! I’m sorta self conscious about my writing but I try. So it means a lot to hear you think it’s great 🤗

And heeeeeresss Part 3 



“Louis, Are you out of your fucking mind? HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU GIVE MY ASSOCIATE! MY SICK! ASSOCIATE BULLSHIT BUSY WORK AFTER I SEND HIM HOME!” Harvey inched closer to Louis’ face with each shouted word. 


Louis leaned away till he was against the wall. 


“It wasn’t busy work.” He said quietly, looking everywhere but Harvey’s eyes. 




“I didn’t know!”


“HESHHUUUH! EsshOOO! HESSSHGG!” He tried weakly to catch them.  


“You didn’t know!? YOU DIDN’T KNOW?!” Harvey pointed at the obviously ill, sneezing Mike. 




Louis looked sheepish and guilty. 


“Get out. Get out, go downstairs and bring your car around. You’re taking Mike home or I am going to personally represent him in his suit against you.”


Louis looked shocked. Defiant. And then scared. 


Harvey’s entire demeanor changed when he turned to talk to Mike. He softened. 


“Come here, you look like your about to fall.” Harvey called to his young associate and gestured for him to sit down. 


Mike collapsed onto the couch and said, in suspicious disbelief, 




Harvey shrugged “It was a guess.”  He said as he brought he hand down to Mike’s forehead. 


Harvey’s eye widened in shock and concern the moment he touched Mike’s forehead. 


“ And a damn good one by the way the heat is rolling off you” 


“Why does everyone thigk they cad just feel my forehead today?” He said in exasperation. 


“Donna! Bring me a thermometer! The puppy is sick” she was already there with a thermometer in hand when he turned around. 


He gave her a quick wink and turned back to the patient. 


“Fuck! 103! I under sold our hand.”


“That’s what codcerds you about thad dumber?” Mike said dryly. 


Talking was too much for his throat and he was once again racked with coughs. 


“Hey, kid! Keep your germs to yourself. One of us needs to close this merger and it sure as hell won’t be you.” 


Tiredly, Mike turned away. 


Harvey slapped his back and handed him water. 


Mike choked out a hoarse  “You do care.”


“Shut up.” Harvey said with an eye roll. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

I’ve been waiting till I had more to post but I’m having trouble with connecting the scenes I’ve already written so I’ll just pop this here in the meanwhile. It’s very short. 


Mike curled into a sniffing ball in the front seat of Louis’ immaculate Prius. 


“Do you have to keep sniffling like that?” Louis said in open disgust. 


“I cad’t help it. My dose is ruddigg add I dodt have ady bore tissues.”


“Ugh. It’s disgusting.”


“I already feel gross without you calligg bme disgustigg.”


“How could you come to work like this? You’re a sniveling mess.”


“You’re the ode who wouldd’t let bme leave!”


“I didn’t know!”


“You kdow what Louis? I dodt wadt to argue. I really, really dodt feel well. Okay?” 


“I’m sorry, it’s just that germs really freak me out.”

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This is so cute, I really like it. 

1 hour ago, Lexi said:

You kdow what Louis? I dodt wadt to argue. I really, really dodt feel well. Okay? 

I like this part; he's just so sick now and I want someone to take care of him


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Ahhhh I love this! I've never seen the show, but Mike seems adorable and I'm such a sucker for the "bad guy" having to take care of the person they tormented because that person wound up being sick. Can't wait to see what happens next!

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