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Admitting Defeat (HP universe, R/S)


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A little fic for a Tumblr prompt for "Remus trying to hide a cold from Sirius but like, of course, he can't hide anything from Sirius"


The kitchen at Grimmauld Place was abuzz with activity and Sirius Black was tiring of it. The innumerable Weasleys, the various other Order members coming and going, and so on. He liked having people around to soothe the doldrums that came with being trapped in his hated ancestral home, but too many people was overwhelming. He was used to being alone with only the tortured cries of those in neighbouring cells. 

He poured a glass of Firewhiskey and sat down at the table, massaging his temples against the din of Bill and Charlie Weasley's booming voices discussing Wizarding politics in Spain. Hestia was at the stove, cooking up some concoction for the evening's supper.

It was a great relief when a quiet, safe face appeared in the kitchen. Remus Lupin, stooped over with his usual withdrawn hunch, came in and went straight for a tea cup and then paused in front of the tea storage to select a box from the back of the cupboard.

Lemon ginger, Sirius noted curiously. He normally drank Darjeeling.

“Hiya Moony,” he said as Remus sunk into a chair opposite him with his hands curled around his steaming mug.

“Hey,” Remus replied. He sounded a little hoarse, which wasn't unusual, but coupled with the odd choice of tea made it more suspect. While there were many things about his past that were foggy in Sirius' memory, the memories of his friends remained crystal clear. Even twenty years later, he could tell just by a slight change in Remus' demeanour that something was wrong. Not to mention that the man's nose looked distinctly rough and reddened at the nostrils.

“Where have you been? It's like a can of pixies flying around down here. I was just considering going to hide out upstairs.”

Remus raised an eyebrow.

“A can of pixies?”

“Isn't that the expression?” Sirius asked.

“Maybe in your family. The expression was clown car in my house.”

“That makes no sense,” Sirius replied. “What sort of clowns drive cars? I thought you said they were in that...err, is it a sirrus?”

“Circus,” Remus answered, his voice betraying a hint of weariness. “Also an apt metaphor. Should we hide out in the library instead?”

“I think so,” Sirius agreed, taking up his Firewhiskey and leading the way.

Remus sunk down onto the overstuffed couch and flicked his wand at the fireplace, sending flames bursting to life. With a grimace, he hoisted his legs up and rested them on a pillow.

Sirius watched carefully. Remus seemed to grimace a lot more than he remembered. They'd both aged, of course, but the aches from transformations seemed ever-present. He'd wondered about sending an owl to Madam Pomfrey to ask if werewolves could get arthritis from their frequent injuries, but he figured she had enough on her plate keeping the current students at Hogwarts alive. And she'd never really liked him much after the whole Prank situation anyhow...

Remus yawned furtively, turning his face away from Sirius.

“You've been tired a lot,” Sirius commented. “You okay?

“Mmhmm,” Remus confirmed. “Fine. War is tiring.”

“Where did Dumbledore have you to off yesterday?”

“It was to look at that Selwyn tip,” Remus replied. “Mostly it consisted of me sitting in the rain watching a storefront for six hours. Thrilling, tiring stuff.”

“”Hopefully under an Impervious charm, at least?”

“Yeah, one on my coat. Couldn't make the full bubble shield though. It was a Muggle neighbourhood. Had to settle for an umbrella.”

He cleared his throat with a cough and sipped at his tea.

“And you got a cold?” Sirius pushed.

“What?” Remus replied. “No?”

“Lemon ginger tea, Moony?”

“It's good.”

“You've never liked lemon things.”

Remus scowled.

“I don't have a cold. What, are you Molly now?”

“Your nose just looks a little sore,” Sirius commented.

Remus rubbed his nose with his hand distractedly. This seemed to trigger some sort of unexpected response, however. Remus cupped his hands over his nose and sneezed roughly.


He kept one hand clamped over his nose and held out the other, twisting his wrist. A handkerchief appeared there and he wiped off his face.

Sirius watched, appreciating the wandless magic. Remus has always been the best at it, though he rarely showed off how well he could do it. The ability was too tied up in his werewolf DNA to be one he felt confident about. But this simple, necessarily bit was still impressive, even if Sirius knew that the handkerchief only had to dissolve and reappear from the nearby safety of Remus' pocket. He never went anywhere without one when he was ill.

“Want to tell me again that you don't have a cold?”

“It's winter, it's dry,” Remus said. “My nose isn't a fan.”

He sniffled and wiped his nose again.

“I know what will help with that,” Sirius said. “A humidity charm on your room and a good nap.”

Remus glared at him.

“Padfoot can come keep your company. I could use a kip.”

“Fine,” Remus relented. “You're right. I'm trying to fight it and I should just rest up and not get it worse.”

“Oh my god,” Sirius exclaimed. “Did Remus Lupin just admit to feeling unwell and agree to go to bed? Mr. Lupin, I'm a reporter for the Daily Prophet. Do you care to comment on this incredible change of tune?”

Remus laughed hoarsely and began to cough, waving his hand at Sirius to stop.

“Cut it out,” he wheezed. “You git.”

Sirius grinned.

“I'll go get you another cup of lemon-ginger,” he said. “Go on up and get comfy.”

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I am LIVING for your Remus fics right now. Please please keep posting them!! Your characters are so spot on and I'm just...🤤 Ugh! They're so good!!!!! And Sneezy Remus is my absolute and ultimate favorite. There can never be enough. ❤️ Thank you for writing these!

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Aaaaa I finally had the time to read this (never mind the fact that I should be sleeping but my brain is doing that thing where it goes through lists of things I've been meaning to do but haven't yet done) and aaaaaaa I love this. Their interaction is so great and I really like the bit about wandless magic?? Also aaaaa the denial and the joking



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