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How Strong Is Your Faith? (SPN, Sam)


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So, I’ve just recently started watching Supernatural over again since I kind of rushed through it the first time. I came across the episode ‘Faith’ and I wondered what it would be like if Sam was sick and didn’t want to get Dean sick, so this was born. Hope you all enjoy and happy New Year!




Prompt- Gen, set during Season 1 episode "Faith". Sam's got a cold, and he doesn't want pass it to Dean in his brother's weakened condition.


    Worry clawed at Sam in a way that he had never felt before. Sure, he had worried about his brother before and thought that this was always going to end somehow. However, never like this. This was just not the way that he thought that things were going to end. After all, electrocution wasn't exactly supernatural, but in the way that it had happened wasn't something that Sam shared with with the doctors.


    Sam cleared his throat as he leaned forward with his hands pressed against his eyes as he rubbed at them. He sniffed heavily and felt it being a little blocked. He blinked slightly before he heard footsteps coming. He lifted his head and saw Dean's doctor walking toward him.


    Sam sprang to his feet and immediately felt his head seemed to swim. He struggled not to fall as he looked over to the doctor. "How is he," Sam asked slowly.


    "I'm going to be honest with you, Sam. It's not good at all. He doesn't have that much time left, so I would savor the time that you have left with your brother," the doctor told him as he took a step forward and looked back at the hallway. "You can go and see him if you like. I'm sure that he'd like that."


    Sam swallowed and felt a lump rise in his throat. He coughed to clear his throat before he nodded and made his way forward. It felt like such a drag to walk forward and just to force himself forward. He hoped that it was because he didn't want to see his brother in this condition, but it was something else as well. He just felt off and he couldn't exactly explain it.


    He opened the small door and saw Dean sitting in the hospital bed. His eyes were sunken into his head and he had bags under his eyes. He looked thinner than before if that was even possible. His hair was even thinner and his skin was white as a sheet. He looked like a corpse and Sam would know.


    "Dean," croaked Sam with his eyes flickering.


    Dean smiled forcefully as he looked to his brother. "Hey, Sammy. How are you," he asked as his voice broke a bit. He sounded weak and pathetic and Sam would've pointed that out if he wouldn't have sounded like a jerk saying it.


    "I should ask you the same thing," Sam pointed out as he walked over slowly to his brother and brought up a chair and sat down close to Dean.


    Dean shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm a little sore, but-"


    "Just cut the crap, dude. You were electrocuted. Your heart is as fragile as a newborns. I heard what the doctor said," Sam rasped as he lifted a hand and rubbed at his forehead. He felt his throat seem to close as he thought about not having his brother anymore. 


    Dean looked at his brother's downcast face. He smiled as he leaned forward and gripped at Sam's hand a bit. "It's okay, Sam. Now, how about you get out of here and get something to eat? I'm starving!"


    Sam wasn't really sure what to say. He looked at his brother and frowned. He suddenly lifted his elbow to his face and turned as far away from his brother as he possibly could before he pitched forward. 


    "Huhh'TcSHsHsSHSS! Huhh'TcSHsHsHSSH! Huh'TCcsHsSHs!"


    Dean looked at his brother in pure surprise while Sam sniffled in the aftermath. He drew backwards with his nose slightly twitching madly. He looked at his brother and gulped. "What," Sam asked.


    Dean raised an eyebrow. He hadn't noticed this about Sam recently, but now he saw a strange, flushed look to his brother's face. His nose was bright red and the rest of his face pale like a ghost. 


    "Sam, you doing okay," Dean asked.


    Sam looked baffled, but Dean couldn't tell if that was genuine or not. "Of course. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be," Sam asked a little too quickly.


    Dean blinked his eyes in surprise. Usually Sam wasn't that dismissive. "Oh, okay. As long as you're sure. Now, how about you get me out of this joint," Dean told him as he reached around to try and pull out his IV.


    Sam shook his head with a confused expression on his face. "Dean, are you sure-"


    "Sam, just get me out of here, would ya," Dean requested hoarsely as he pulled out his IV with a small hiss of pain. He looked to his brother before he swung his legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood. His legs shook from under him and Sam tried not to let his fear show in front of his brother.


    Sam extended a hand to help his brother, but Dean swatted it away. He let out a low growl of anger toward Sam before he pulled away from his brother and started to the bathroom to change from the uncomfortable hospital gown into something more comfortable.  


    Sam rolled his eyes before he walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down. He leaned his head against the wall and sighed heavily. He lifted a hand and rubbed at his nose as roughly as possible. It itched so much and he knew the feeling of being dragged down and uncomfortable could not be good whatsoever. 


    What was even worse about becoming ill was the fact that whenever one Winchester became ill, the other was sure to follow. Sam couldn't have that happen, not now. Not with Dean so weak from the electrocution. His body couldn't take an illness, even one as trivial as a cold. Sam would have to do his best to make sure that Dean did not catch this cold. He would do whatever he could.


    Suddenly, Sam felt another sneeze grip his nasal passages. He lifted his elbow to his face and squeezed his eyes shut firmly. "Huhh'TcsHsHsSHChsH! Huhh'TcSHSHSHsh! Huhh'TcSHSHSHsh!"


    Sam was about to reach over and grab a tissue to blow his nose when the door swung open to reveal his brother. He may have been fully dressed, but he still looked beyond sad and pathetic. He just looked sick looking and Sam couldn't remember the last time, if ever, that Dean looked that bad. 


    "Dude, you look terrible," Sam mumbled as he lowered his elbow from his face and struggled not to sniff back the congestion.


    Dean raised an eyebrow. "Thanks, dude. I know that I can always count on you for a honest opinion of me. And you call me the jerk. Come on, bitch. Let's get going," he urged as he rested a hand on Sam's shoulder as he passed and shuffled forward like he was already half dead.


    Sam let out a breath of relief. Dean hadn't noticed, and if he had, then he hadn't said anything. That worked for him. Sam nodded as he coughed into his fist. "Coming!"


    He rose from the chair and struggled not to pass out from the pounding headache behind his sinuses. It had to be a sinus headache since his nose was completely clogged with snot. This was going to be a rough few days, for him and Dean.


To Be Continued....

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Yay, a Sam story! 

17 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

So, I’ve just recently started watching Supernatural over again since I kind of rushed through it the first time. I came across the episode ‘Faith’ and I wondered what it would be like if Sam was sick and didn’t want to get Dean sick, so this was born. Hope you all enjoy and happy New Year!

Thank goodness for Netflix, right?? I just got back to SPN last year and now am starting season 12! This site sure is encouraging the addiction lol 

19 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He opened the small door and saw Dean sitting in the hospital bed. His eyes were sunken into his head and he had bags under his eyes. He looked thinner than before if that was even possible. His hair was even thinner and his skin was white as a sheet. He looked like a corpse and Sam would know.

This is a good description...I remember this episode and he looked BAD in it. I mean, he's supposed to but still 

22 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Huhh'TcSHsHsSHSS! Huhh'TcSHsHsHSSH! Huh'TCcsHsSHs!"


    Dean looked at his brother in pure surprise while Sam sniffled in the aftermath. He drew backwards with his nose slightly twitching madly. He looked at his brother and gulped. "What," Sam asked.


    Dean raised an eyebrow. He hadn't noticed this about Sam recently, but now he saw a strange, flushed look to his brother's face. His nose was bright red and the rest of his face pale like a ghost. 

I love the twitchy nose. I can just see it for Sam. And big brother radar still works after electrocution!

24 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

What was even worse about becoming ill was the fact that whenever one Winchester became ill, the other was sure to follow. Sam couldn't have that happen, not now. Not with Dean so weak from the electrocution. His body couldn't take an illness, even one as trivial as a cold. Sam would have to do his best to make sure that Dean did not catch this cold. He would do whatever he could.

Poor baby not only sick but can't be cared for by Dean--too risky. :down:

I look forward to more!!

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3 minutes ago, ReidSeeker said:

Yay, a Sam story! 

Thank goodness for Netflix, right?? I just got back to SPN last year and now am starting season 12! This site sure is encouraging the addiction lol 

This is a good description...I remember this episode and he looked BAD in it. I mean, he's supposed to but still 

I love the twitchy nose. I can just see it for Sam. And big brother radar still works after electrocution!

Poor baby not only sick but can't be cared for by Dean--too risky. :down:

I look forward to more!!

Yes Netflix is really my weakness, especially when it comes to binge watching! Lol. I can’t wait to write more and I totally agree that he looked AWFUL! I hope you enjoy the next part and it should be done in a few days, hopefully.

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I’m in love with this so far!! Eagerly awaiting for more😍 poor Sammy doesn’t wanna get Dean-o sick😭💗

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On 1/10/2019 at 4:09 PM, jensdw said:

adorable and fantastically written as always. :biggrinsmiley:

Awe thanks! So glad you enjoy it and I always look forward to hearing your comments! 


On 1/13/2019 at 12:17 AM, castiel_angel said:

I’m in love with this so far!! Eagerly awaiting for more😍 poor Sammy doesn’t wanna get Dean-o sick😭💗

I’m glad that you like it so far! I know it’s a little early in the season, but I’m glad that you’re enjoying it so far!



    The two made their way out of the hospital room, down the hallway, out of the lobby, and to the Impala. Sam insisted on driving since Dean didn't look strong enough to even hold the steering wheel, let alone turn it. Dean admitted defeat reluctantly and allowed his brother to dive.


    Sam started the Impala and began the twenty minute drive back to the motel. It was silent at first before the sound of Sam's sniffling echoed the small space. Dean shifted a glance periodically to look at his brother, while Sam tried to look away and rub at his nose with part of his hand. He tried to keep it from his brother, but Dean knew Sam. He knew that something was up.


    "Sam, are you hungry? Want to stop for something to eat," Dean offered, trying to make it sound like he himself was dying for some food.


    Sam frowned. He wasn't very hungry, but if eating would make his brother feel better then he couldn't complain. "Oh, okay. That sounds good. There was a 24 hour joint across from the motel. We should try there."


    Dean nodded as he stretched out. He lifted a hand to the back of his neck and felt the tension of sore muscles. He had been thrown quite hard and then when the electrocution happened he felt it through every nerve, every muscle, every bone. He didn't remember much of it, but from what Sam had told him it hadn't been good whatsoever. He had stopped prying Sam for answers when Sam had started to shut down. It was one of his coping mechanisms and Dean knew it only too well.




    Dean was started from his thoughts by his brother's powerful sneezing. Sam was a sneezy person by default, but these sneezes were a lot more intense than his regular ones. Coupled by the fact that he looked the way that he did, Dean was fairly certain that Sam was starling to come down with a pretty debilitating cold.


    "Bless ya, Sammy. Cat got your nose," he chuckled warmly. 


    Sam raised and eyebrow. "That's you, Dean. I'm not allergic to cats," Sam argued as he sniffled again with his face crinkling a bit to prevent possible sneezes from escaping.


    Dean tapped his foot against the ground of the car. "Right, right. Forgot about that. You just sneeze because you're 'sensitive' to everything," he snarked. 


    Sam gulped a bit as he lifted a hand to rub at at his nose. It was quite annoying the constant sniffling and sneezing without Dean reminding him of it. "Cad we talk aboudt sobethig else, please?"


    "Fine. How about the fact that you really have to blow your nose," Dean suggested with another shrug. "Does that work?"


    Sam tried to ignore his brother as he pulled into the diner. He was able to park the car without much trouble. Sam was just glad that they were finally there. Every bone in his body was starting to ache and he could feel himself become hotter and more swollen. He hated getting sick probably more than any injury. However, he wasn't going to complain about it this time. He just couldn't in front of his brother. He had to keep up the facade as much as possible.


    "You coming, Sammy," Dean asked.


    Sam lifted his head when he realized that he was still sitting in the diver's side while Dean was already barreling out of the car. Sam narrowed his eyes as he swung open the door and climbed out. "It's Sab," he snapped as he walked past his brother. He would've hit him with his shoulder if he didn't fear knocking his brother over.


    The two of them headed into the small diner and took  a seat in a booth toward the door, in case they needed to make a sudden exit. Menus were already on the table with pictures of the specials. Everything looked delicious even though neither brother was overly hungry.


    A few minutes passed before an older women with big, blonde hair thrown up in a messy bun, bright blue eyes with large pink glasses, and green fingernails made her way toward them. She looked to be in her late sixties or early seventies. She looked energetic and happy, the complete opposite of the brothers. 


    "Hi! What can I get for you two today," she asked as she brought out her pad and looked at the boys. "Coffee? Tea? Iced Tea?"


    "I'll have, coffee, thanks," Dean told her before he waved to his brother.


    Sam sucked in a heavy breath before he blinked his eyes a bit at the foggy menu in front of him. "Ub, sabe," he replied as he gave a small cough to clear his throat. It did little good.


    The waitress nodded. "I'll be right back with that."


    Dean opened his mouth to say something to Sam when she left, but it was quickly interrupted by Sam speaking. "I deed to use the bathroob," he replied as he rose from the booth and shuffled out before Dean could even say anything about it.


    Sam rushed to the small bathroom and was more than relieved to see that it was only for one person. He forced himself in before he turned on the lights and locked the door. He rushed quickly to the tissue box on the sink and started to blow his nose heavily. After a while he felt like he was going to faint from lack of oxygen until he was finally able to breathe in a breath of relief. However, his nose filled up rather quickly so the relief was short lived.


    "Huhh'TcSHsHsHS! Huhh'tTcsHsHsh! Huhh'TcSHsHSH!"


    Sam didn't even feel the sneezes coming and once he had started, he hadn't even tried to contain them. Instead he just sneezed them openly and freely and tried his best not to be repulsed at himself. He knew that this wasn't usually how he acted, but he hadn't meant to.


    Sam felt the mess make it's way down his face and resting on his upper lip. He touched it with his finger tip and felt the wetness. He reached for more tissues and was relieved when he finally found them. They had been cast aside during the fit, but Sam was more than relieved to have found them again.


    He brought them up to his nose and blew. He filled the tissues quickly and had to replace them. Once he had blown his nose three more times into multiple sets of tissues, he was finally able to relax. He tried to tell himself that he was okay and could return to Dean. But, he didn't want his brother to worry about him, or worse, try and help him in any way, shape, or form. Dean couldn't afford to catch this illness and he knew it. 


    Eventually Sam knew that he couldn't hide in the bathroom for forever. He tucked a few more bundles of tissues into his pockets so that he would have them for later. It wasn't like they actually kept tissues with them or anything, really for them to use when they were sick. 


    Sam quickly washed his hands as thoroughly as he could manage before he headed back to his waiting brother. Sure enough, Dean was sitting, waiting for their meals since their drinks had already arrived. He looked beyond exhausted with his eyes looking even more sunken than usual and his skin even more pasty. Sam wanted to slap his brother to make sure that he wasn't a ghost.


    "Hey, Sammy. Took you long enough. Thought you'd like the salad, right," Dean asked with a forced smile on his face.


    Sam nodded before he took a seat. He rubbed a hand over his face before he coughed into a fist. He tried to smother it as much as possible, but it seemed to be done in vain. 


    "Thanks for ordering for me," Sam told his brother as he leaned forward and picked his laptop bag. He pulled it out and opened. "So, I've been doing some research and-"


    "Sammy, we need to talk."


To Be Continued....

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15 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He had stopped prying Sam for answers when Sam had started to shut down. It was one of his coping mechanisms and Dean knew it only too well

Poor Sammy...Dean's a good big brother 

15 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam was a sneezy person by default, but these sneezes were a lot more intense than his regular ones. Coupled by the fact that he looked the way that he did, Dean was fairly certain that Sam was starling to come down with a pretty debilitating cold.

Sneezy person Sam is the best Sam! And still Dean's a good big brother

15 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

narrowed his eyes as he swung open the door and climbed out. "It's Sab," he snapped

Haha I just wanted Dean to correct 'Sammy' with 'Sab'!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2019 at 2:06 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Poor Sammy...Dean's a good big brother 

Sneezy person Sam is the best Sam! And still Dean's a good big brother

Haha I just wanted Dean to correct 'Sammy' with 'Sab'!


So glad that you’re liking it! Sorry it’s taken a while to update, but I certainly hadn’t forgotten about it. Hope you enjoy this next part that has a lot more sneezing in it.


On 1/21/2019 at 10:21 PM, castiel_angel said:

Awe so cute!😊 can’t wait for what’s next!

This next part is a little loner than the previous parts and I hope that you like it!




    "We are talking, Dean. Right now," Sam pointed out breezily as he continued. "Anyway, I've been doing some research and I think that-"


    "Sam, no," replied Dean sternly with a narrowing of his eyes. "I really don't want to do this."


    Sam looked at his brother with anger sparkling from eye to eye. "You don't even know what I was about to say. How could you possibly disagree with that now?"


    "Because, I know what you're thinking, Sam. You're thinking about some sort of way for you to heal me or fix me or whatever and I don't want to hear it. Now now, not for the rest of this, got it," Dean snapped a little harsher than he had actually meant to. He just wanted, needed, Sam to understand and he had a feeling that his little brother didn't.


    Sam bit at his lower lip before he felt his nose start to run again. He growled to himself before he lifted his wrist to his nose and wiped upward harshly. "You don't know that this is the end, Dean. You have to fight for it! You have to do something."


    Dean shook his head. "I've made peace with it. I think that it's about time that you do too."


    Sam opened his mouth to snap at his brother when the coughing took over a lot harsher than he had meant to. He felt his chest seem to seize as he continued to hack painfully with his entire body slightly thrown forward against the booth. He pressed his shoulder against the wall off the booth to try and ease the coughing fit that had gripped him, but it seemed to be of little use.


        "Sam, easy, Sam. Sam? Sammy!" Dean immediately moved from his spot on the booth and went to sit in the one beside Sam. He lifted a hand and rubbed it down Sam's back before Sam elbowed him hard in the ribs. Dean let out a gasp of shock before he shook his head to clear it. "That's one way to try and get rid of me, but nice try. Not happening."


    Sam swallowed thickly before he continued to hack and sputter. The waitress came back and gasped when she saw Sam. "Water, please," Dean requested as the waitress hurried off.


    Meanwhile, Dean rubbed his hands up and down Sam's back and shoulders, even hitting him a few times to ease the coughing. When that didn't work, Dean pushed a bit on Sam's chest. At first, Sam felt like the wind had been knocked out of him before Dean's pounding actually seemed to work and Sam started to take in a few gulps of air that didn't end in harsh hacking.


    "That's it, little brother. There we go. We weren't arguing about anything that should send you this over the edge with me," he chuckled as he tried to lighten the situation.


    Sam desperately wanted to shove him off, but he wasn't strong enough for it and he knew it. It was pretty bad when his dying big brother was stronger than him in his condition. 


    A moment later a glass of water was brought and the waitress set it on the table. She glanced at the brothers before she drew back a bit. You food will be ready soon, okay?"


    Dean nodded in appreciation before he grabbed the water and brought it up to Sam's lips. Sam pushed the water away and ripped it from Dean's hands. "I'm fine! I don't need your help," Sam rasped in rage.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "Whatever,  Sam. Do what you want," he muttered as he pulled back from Sam and went into the next booth. "But, I don't think that you're up for this conversation."


    Sam curled his lip in distain. "I'm fine, Dean!"


    The entire diner could probably hear Sam and Sam shrunk back in embarrassment. He narrowed his eyes before he felt his nose start to tickle once again. He grabbed the tissues in his pockets and brought them to his nose. He tried not to sneeze at the table, but it was inevitable.


    "Huhh'TcsHsHsSHh! Huhh'TcHSsHSHsh! Huh'TcSHshhhSh!"


    "Gesundheit," Dean murmured as Sam started to blow his nose in the small amount of tissues that he had left. It was barely anything, but Sam really didn't want to use a napkin since those were so rough against his nose.


    Sam said nothing until their meals came. He thanked the waitress, who still seemed a little on edge about what had happened earlier. After that the two just ate in silence. Dean ate almost all of his burger meal while Sam barely touched his. He moved it around with his fork while he took small sips of water. It wasn't exactly what Dean had hoped for in bringing Sam to the diner. 


    Once Dean was finished and he knew that Sam wasn't going to eat anymore, he got up to pay. Once he had he came back and nudged Sam's shoulder. Sam pulled himself to his feet and staggered to the car.


    He went to get into the driver's side and Dean stopped him. "Sam, no," he told him firmly and with a shake of his head. "You're in no condition to drive and you know it."




    Dean ducked out of the way just in time since Sam hadn't been quite quick enough with his hand. He had caught a bit of the spray, but Dean still saw an impressive amount fly by him. He sighed as he rested a hand on Sam's shoulders. "Bless you."




    Clearly, Sam wasn't done.




    "And again."  




    "Gesundheit. Got one more in there?"




    "Yep, that's what I thought. You good now, Sammy," Dean asked as he watched his brother rub a bit at his nose with his hand, but it was out of view so Dean had no idea how messy those sneezes had actually been.


    Sam shrugged before he breathed heavily. "Just Sam. Dizzy," he confessed in a muffled mumble.


    Dean nodded in amusement. "That's what you get for sneezing like you do that many times in a row. I don't know what you were hoping for, but whatever it was, this clearly wasn't it," Dean joked as he held out his hand to Sam. "Okay, the keys." 


    Sam accepted defeat and began to rummage around his pockets for the keys. He handed them over to Dean and Dean tossed them in the air and caught them over again. "That's what I like to see. Now, how about we crash in the motel for a few days and get you feeling better?"


    Sam had no real strength to argue. Last time he had tried that it led to him not being able to breathe. He definitely didn't want a repeat of that event. "O-Okay," he stammered with another tired sounding cough.


    "That's what I thought. Now, let's get this show on the road. You're not the only one who's exhausted."


To Be Continued.....

Edited by Wolfwings22
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Love it! Can’t WAIT for the next installment—Why is Sammy so freaking cute? Great job as always!😍

Edited by castiel_angel
A comment without an emoji is a sin
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/4/2019 at 9:15 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I think this was my favorite part :sneeze::lol:


That was probably one of my favorite parts to write too! 


On 2/4/2019 at 9:24 PM, castiel_angel said:

Love it! Can’t WAIT for the next installment—Why is Sammy so freaking cute? Great job as always!😍

Awe I’m so glad that you’re excited for it and thanks for the compliment! It means a lot!


On 2/5/2019 at 12:18 PM, Coffee Mug said:

Love it!! 😍

This is great, cant wait for the next update!!!!


Thanks so much! I’m so lad that you’re enjoying it!



Happy Valentines Day everyone! Whether you celebrate it or not (or are single or not) I hope that this brightens your day! It was really fun to write and I hope that you all love it as much as I did writing it! Let me know what you think!







    It took almost a minute to get from the diner to the motel and in that short period of time, Sam had fallen asleep. He could hear his brother's snoring from the passenger side. Sam was almost reclined back with his mouth gaping open to snore since his nose was completely clogged. He would've looked almost cute if it wouldn't have been from the gross liquid coming from Sam's left nostril and dripping on the side of the seat.


    "Ewe, gross, Sam," Dean huffed when he pulled the Impala into park. He turned off the ignition before he fumbled around for an extra napkin or something.


    When he finally found it, he reached over and started to clean up his brother's nose and face for him. He used only the softest touches and started to clean his brother up. He wiped up all the snot and even some of the droll in the corner of his mouth. It was just like when they were little. Dean had actually enjoying taking care of his little brother. Things were a lot different now, but the same roots from before still remained.


    While Dean was finishing up, Sam started to stir. It only took him a moment to realize what Dean was doing. "D'n? Wha? Seriously?"


    Dean shrugged while he looked at Sam and tucked the napkin into his pocket. He was also used to carrying Sammy's snot rags. It didn't faze him much now.


    "Hey, if you want to be covered in snot and sitting here, by my guest! I was just trying to help," Dean answered as he opened the driver's side door and climbed out. He tucked his head back in, suddenly, to whisper to Sam. "Hey, you, uh, might want to check the mirror. Got something with here." Dean pointed to his left check and snickered as he drew away from the Impala.


    Sam checked himself in the rearview mirror and saw a speck that Dean must have forgotten. He lifted a fist to rub it away before he tried not to shy away too much in embarrassment. He exited the car and marched to the motel room with as much fury as he could manage. 


    He opened the door to the room and headed right for his bed. He coughed painfully into a fist until he crumpled almost on the bed and squeezed his eyes together. "Dabit," he swore.


    "Dude, you have a cold. You're not dying, alright," Dean joked as he threw his duffle on his bed. He started to rummage around for something more comfortable to wear before he brought out sweatpants and an old t-shirt. It wasn't like anyone but Sam was going to see him anyway.


    Sam raised an eyebrow before he huffed. "Dnot fuddy," he spat.


    Dean rolled his eyes. Touchy. Touchy. "Okay, fine, we'll just ignore what's happening, unless you want to bitch more about it."


    Sam huffed in annoyance. He didn't have enough energy to actually bitch about anything. He wasn't about to point that out to Dean. Instead, he ignored it as much as possible and plopped down on the bed with his eyes almost falling shut. 


    He was abruptly awoken to Dean swatting his arm. Sam sat up and recoiled in surprise and annoyance. "Deadn, whadts wrong with you," Sam muttered.


    "Sorry, but you can't sleep in those clothes and with your boots on. Go and take a shower or something with a lot of steam. It'll help with your congestion," Dean told him while he started to pull clothes from Sam's duffle. It was as if Sam three and not in his twenties. Dean picked out his clothes for him and set them on the bed beside Sam's feet. 


    Sam wanted to ignore it and push Dean away, but it was nice that he didn't actually have to think about much since Dean was always a step ahead of him. "Ub, Deadn, steab doesdn't really helb," Sam argued.


    "Yeah it does! I used to spend nights and days with you in numerous motel bathrooms with steam so that you could actually breathe. Don't give me that shit that steam doesn't help," Dean muttered with a telltale roll of his eyes.


    Sam had lost that battle, again. He sighed again as he grabbed the clothes and marched off toward the bathroom. He slammed the door shut and locked it. He hated the idea of his brother walking in on him. 


    "Huhh'TcsHsHsHS! Ugh," Sam gasped as he lifted a fist to his nose and pushed hard. He kept it pressed against his nose before he walked over to the shower. He turned it on and felt a little of the water drip onto the back of his neck. He swore loudly as he fell back against the sink.


    "Sam, you okay in there?"


    Sam didn't answer. He didn't want to answer his brother right now. So, he reluctantly started to strip. He stepped into the shower and felt the warm water starting to relax his aching muscles. The water was a lot warmer than he expected and it was very nice. He allowed it to run down his hair and his face.


    He felt his nose running freely as well. It didn't bother him that much. He blinked his eyes slowly before he realized the need to sneeze was upon him. Luckily, he could sneeze openly in the shower and no one would reprimand him there.


    "Huhh'TcsHsHsHshsSH! Huhh'TcSHsHshSHsh!"


    Sam felt it almost vibrate into his throat. He rubbed at it in frustration. He coughed a bit before he rubbed at his nose with his dripping hand. The undersides of his nostril was wet in moisture and he tried not to think about it too much. It wouldn't be any better until he could actually blow his nose.


    Sam lifted a hand to the underside of his nostrils and blew his nose heavily. Once he was finished he ran his hand under the water to clean it off. Once he was finished he climbed out of the shower and started to towel himself off. He was completely exhausted from just taking a shower, but at least he could breathe just a little bit better.




    Then again, that hadn't lasted very long. Sam groaned loudly as he rubbed again at his nose. He drew backwards and grabbed some toilet paper and blew his nose. He threw it away and then washed his hands, even though he had just gotten out of the shower. He just couldn't risk getting his brother sick.


    He changed afterwards and unlocked the bathroom door. He headed out and staggered forward, just as Dean rushed past him. Sam rubbed at the back of his neck while Dean closed the door. Sam made his way over to the bed and sat down heavily. He completely plopped down as he coughed weakly against the bedspread.


    Sam wasn't sure how long he had laid there, but eventually he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head a bit and caught sight of Dean. Sam coughed once again. "Dean," he stammered in surprise.


    Dean nodded as he pushed Sam's sweaty hair from his forehead. "Okay, kiddo. Let's get you up," Dean told him as he grasped Sam's forearm and shoulder and hauled him into sitting position so that he could breathe a little easier.


    Sam mumbled a bit as he pulled away from Dean. "Dno," he stammered weakly. "You're goig to gedt sick!"


    Dean was used to Sam's feverish ramblings. Now they made a little more sense, but they probably wouldn't for much longer. "It's alright, kiddo. I promise that I won't. You just need to work with me since I'm kind of tired too."


    Instantly Sam's demeanor changed like flipping a switch. He tried to haul himself into sitting position with his back rested against about three pillows. Sam was able to take in a partially full breath and it calmed him down almost instantly.


    Dean smiled as he stroked Sam's shoulder gently. "That's it, Sammy. Just breathe for me."


    "Dnot, Sabby," argued Sam with a pathetic shake of his head that almost had him toppling over ."Id's Sab."


    "Right, well, Sab, do you think that you could open your mouth for me while I take your temperature," Dean requested as he took the thermometer and waved it around Sam's face and head.


    Sam's eyes struggled to follow it before he opened his mouth a bit. Dean slid the tip in and tucked it under Sam's tongue. Sam grimaced at the taste of it as he looked up to his brother. "Deadn?"


    "Sam, you can't talk. We go through this every time that you're sick. Just, shhh," Dean ordered as he lifted a finger to his lips to silence his brother.


    Sam wrinkled his nose as he lifted a hand to blindly grab at the thermometer. Dean beat Sam to it and took it from his mouth in time for Sam to pitch to the side. "Huhh'TcsHsHsHsHSSH! Huhh'TcsHshhShsSH! Huhh'TcSHsHsHSSH!"


    "Damn, bless you. I didn't know that you had that in you," Dean joked as he rubbed his hand through his own slightly spiked hair. It was starting to clump with sweat at the work that he was putting in, but he didn't need Sam to know that.


    Sam shrugged. "Be either," he replied. 


    "Well, let's try that temperature again, shall we," Dean suggested as he tucked the thermometer back under his brother's tongue and watched the temperature starting to rise and wondered if it would ever stop.


    Eventually, it did and when it beeped, Dean swiped it out of his brother's mouth before Sam could. Sam narrowed his eyes while Dean read what it said. "Hmm, 102.5. That's not too good."


    Sam shrugged as he rubbed at his nose with his wrist. "Could be worse," he pointed out weakly.


    "Yeah, that's the spirit!" Dean stood from the bed and headed to the kitchen area. There he pulled out the roll of paper towels and handed it over to his brother. "Here. Those will probably work better than your sleeve."


    Sam huffed, but he took Dean's advice. He blew his nose into the paper towels and relaxed once he was finished. He passed it aside and started to crawl back under the covers with a little help from Dean.


    "Feel better," Dean asked.


    Sam shook his head as his eyes started to tear up. Emotions always toyed with him when he was sick.


    Surprise showed on Dean's face. He gripped Sam's shoulder tight and looked into his eyes. "Sam. Sammy, what's wrong? What's going on?"


    Sam gnawed on his lower lip. "You're going to die, Dean, and there's nothing I can do about it."


To Be Continued....

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7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He would've looked almost cute 

Aw...Dean is the best big brother

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean shrugged while he looked at Sam and tucked the napkin into his pocket. He was also used to carrying Sammy's snot rags. It didn't faze him much now

See! Best. I'm jealous but I think Sam is aware that Dean is the best.

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam raised an eyebrow before he huffed. "Dnot fuddy," he spat.


7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam wanted to ignore it and push Dean away, but it was nice that he didn't actually have to think about much since Dean was always a step ahead of him. "Ub, Deadn, steab doesdn't really helb," Sam argued.

Is that true? I really have no idea.

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dno," he stammered weakly. "You're goig to gedt sick!"

Wonderful congestion.  Poor worried Sam

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean was used to Sam's feverish ramblings. Now they made a little more sense, but they probably wouldn't for much longer. "It's alright, kiddo. I promise that I won't. You just need to work with me since I'm kind of tired too."

A) Sam will be feverishly rambling and I am SO IN :laughbounce: :eat:

2) he promises he won't get sick. That is so sweet and he can't really promise it but to ease Sam's mind he does it. :cry:

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Right, well, Sab, do you think that you could open your mouth for me while I take your temperature," Dean requested as he took the thermometer and waved it around Sam's face and head.

:clapping: Haha yes, you did it! Ah I love it! Also, THERMOMETER TIME! Have I told you I love this story? Cause I love this story 

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean joked as he rubbed his hand through his own slightly spiked hair. It was starting to clump with sweat at the work that he was putting in, but he didn't need Sam to know that.


    Sam shrugged. "Be either," he replied

Oh, no, heart-failure Dean makes me sad.

I love the Be either tho 

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:


This number thrills me. I'm a cruel girl.

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam shrugged as he rubbed at his nose with his wrist. "Could be worse," he pointed out weakly.


    "Yeah, that's the spirit!" Dean stood from the bed and headed to the kitchen area. 


7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

"Feel better," Dean asked.


I'm so, so glad you updated this story. I'm overly obsessed with sick Sam and I need more. There is never enough! 

Edited by ReidSeeker
Cause you can't make point b
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/15/2019 at 12:36 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Aw...Dean is the best big brother

See! Best. I'm jealous but I think Sam is aware that Dean is the best.


Is that true? I really have no idea.

Wonderful congestion.  Poor worried Sam

A) Sam will be feverishly rambling and I am SO IN :laughbounce: :eat:

2) he promises he won't get sick. That is so sweet and he can't really promise it but to ease Sam's mind he does it. :cry:

:clapping: Haha yes, you did it! Ah I love it! Also, THERMOMETER TIME! Have I told you I love this story? Cause I love this story 

Oh, no, heart-failure Dean makes me sad.

I love the Be either tho 

This number thrills me. I'm a cruel girl.



I'm so, so glad you updated this story. I'm overly obsessed with sick Sam and I need more. There is never enough! 

Awe I hope this added to your Sam obsession. I love writing him for some reason! There’s just something about writing about him that just seems to flow from me so well. 




This will be the last part since we all know what happens after, but I hope you all enjoy! I’m working on another Supernatural story and I hope you guys like that just as much. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!




    "You still want to talk about that? Sammy, how about we wait until you're feeling better? You're not up for this argument right now," Dean chided him gently.


    Sam tried to pull away from his brother's grasp, yet he felt himself doing the opposite. He leaned into his brother's chest and Dean realized that he wasn't going to be able to hold up his brother for too much longer.


    "Okay, if you're going to do this then you need to scoot over." Dean nudged Sam and Sam crawled to the edge of his twin bed. Dean crawled next to him on top of the covers and allowed Sam to drop his head on his shoulder.


    Dean recognized emotional and sick Sam if ever there was one. Sam always got like this during the worst part of the cold. Dean couldn't blame him. Even when Dean became sick he was a little emotional. It was just that Sam had a lot going on. For one he had left school, his girlfriend was killed, his father was missing, and now Dean was going to die. That was a lot for anyone to endure, let alone someone like Sam. Sam wasn't always great about confronting his problems so this was usually the result. 


    "We really don't need to talk about this now, kiddo," offered Dean with a sly smile.


    Sam shook his head. "I jusdt don't wandt you to die," he sputtered as he coughed into his hand and felt his entire body shaking with the shivers that raked his body.


    Dean wrapped an arm around him to keep him sternly and tried to keep him from moving. "Just relax, Sammy. Just relax," he urged as he used his other hand to grab the paper towels. He ripped off a section and started to fix Sam's runny nose for him.


    Sam's crying had caused his nose to run even more than it usually would. Sam tried to draw away, but Dean wouldn't allow him to. Instead, Dean finished cleaning him up and threw the paper towel aside. "Sam, if you really want to talk about this now, we can, but I can't promise that you're going to like where it leads."


    A few stray tears leaked from Sam's eyes before Sam quickly lifted a fist to force them away. "I dond't wandt you to die."


    "I know. You've told me that a few times," he pointed out as he sighed heavily, thinking about what exactly he should say to his brother to make him understand. "Sam, I know that you don't understand-"


    "You're gibing ub. You cand't gibe ub," argued Sam stuffily.


    "I'm not giving up. That's not it. I'm just tired and if this is how I go I'll be okay with that," he tried to explain even though he could tell by the look in Sam's eyes that he was losing him.


    Sam shook his head once more. "I dond't belibe you."


    "Okay, well, then it's a good thing that I didn't ask you, huh?" 


    Dean suddenly paused when the saw the look in his brother's gaze. He sighed heavily as he grabbed a chunk of the paper towel roll and pressed it against Sam's twitching nostrils. Sam tried to hold his breath and stem it off before Dean jarred him ever so slightly. "Just sneeze, Sam. I'm not moving until you do."


    "Huhh'TcsHsHsSHSHs! Huhh'TcsHsHSShshSH! Huhh'TcsHshSHS!"


    Dean jumped at the noise before he caught each of the sneezes. He rubbed Sam's nose in the aftermath before Sam raised his own hand and cleaned himself up. He barely finished before he was already sagging against his big brother again. This was exactly where he was the safest, with his big brother.


    "Bless you, Sammy," Dean told him as he watched the light start to fade from Sam's eyes. Whatever point Dean wanted to get across, was gone. Sam wasn't able to understand anything right now with his fever being this high and Dean wasn't angry with him. After all, Sam had had just as rough couple of days that Dean had, sort of.


    Dean stroked Sam's hair gently and he knew that it would put Sam right to sleep if he wasn't already. After all, it always worked when Sam was a kid. It worked just as well now.


    "We'll talk about this later, Sammy. Just rest," urged Dean even though he was sure that Sam was already asleep. That also meant that he was trapped under Sam's weight. He would just have to wait it out.


    But, Dean didn't mind. There was no other place that he would rather be than with his little brother. He just wished that Sam would understand that Dean didn't want this life anymore and he was tired of it. But, for the time being he would enjoy this moment with Sam. Even a sick Sam was better than no Sam at all. He just wished things would work out different.


    The End

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5 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam tried to pull away from his brother's grasp, yet he felt himself doing the opposite. He leaned into his brother's chest and Dean realized that he wasn't going to be able to hold up his brother for too much longer.

So adorable. The whole thing is but this snuggling :cry:

8 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean recognized emotional and sick Sam if ever there was one. Sam always got like this during the worst part of the cold.

Yes yes yes all this

8 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    Sam shook his head once more. "I dond't belibe you."


    "Okay, well, then it's a good thing that I didn't ask you, huh?" 

I love the stuffy talk and Dean's smart remark

Oh, these boys

8 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He barely finished before he was already sagging against his big brother again. This was exactly where he was the safest, with his big brother

Brother snuggles are the best

This was so, so excellent! Thank you so much for the story!!

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On 3/1/2019 at 3:12 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

But, Dean didn't mind. There was no other place that he would rather be than with his little brother.

AWWWW😍😍😍 this was the absolute cutest thing ever😊 gotta love the BM moments (and I don’t mean bowel movement😂)

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