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HP - Remus Lupin (m) (Secret Santa for @Zwee)


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Thank you for being so patient with me, @Zwee! 😊 I've finally finished your gift. It took me some time because I'm not too familiar with Harry Potter anymore. But I didn't know any of your other fandoms, so, there you go :D I hope Remus Lupin is okay ("anything but Snape" made it a difficult choice ^-^).


Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine. All characters are taken from J.K.R. (and WB). 

Notes: This is my first time writing anything but Snape in Harry Potter :DAlso my first time without a beta. Sorry for that. And I forgot to invent a title, but my flight will go soon and I probably won't manage to find one this quick :s



Remus was the first to arrive at 12 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Even though the church clock claimed it was barely 4pm, the sun had already set. Remus sighed. It was winter. Worse, even: It was November, the darkest time of the year in Remus’ opinion. And, on top of all that, it was shortly after full moon. It really couldn’t get any worse. The wizard scoffed and reached for his wand to unlock the door. Of course, it could have been shortly before full moon instead of shortly after, but he wasn’t certain which he hated more. Both meant immense pain, insomnia and fatigue, the first combined with the fear of losing control and the latter trying to forget the feeling of losing control. And, usually, also suffering from numerous injuries of unknown origin that were hard to treat, especially when they were on body parts he couldn’t even reach properly in his human shape. How on earth had he managed to bite into the space just below his right scapula?


Remus’ wand was also hard to reach today, as it had somehow become entangled with his handkerchief. The handkerchief did not exactly belong into that pocket, but since the cold wind was irritating Remus’ nose on every intake of breath, the wizard had seen no other choice. He inhaled deeply through his mouth and attempted to free his wand from the soft cloth. Before he had done so, however, he found himself caught off guard by a tingling sensation in his nose. Again. Already mildly annoyed at the side effects of his transformation, Remus lifted the handkerchief and impatiently waved back and forth, nearly tripping off the stairs in the process. “Hhh! Hehh'TSCHshh! Eht'SHhshh!”


Out of the corners of his eye, he saw his wand slipping down and landing at the foot of the stairs. He sighed, both relieved that it did not break and annoyed at his clumsiness. Of course, that, too could have been worse. There were people like Neville Longbottom or Tonks who would most likely have to wait on this cold street until someone with an intact wand came along. He was quite lucky, wasn’t he? “Heh’TGSCHhhss!”

Oh, yes, so very lucky. Today, after full moon apparently also meant suffering from a beginning head cold. Sighing, Remus blew his nose and walked back down to pick up his wand. Then, he finally unlocked the door and stumbled inside.  


But even in front of the crackling fire, Remus could not find much comfort. He was sitting in an armchair and watched the flames lick at two large logs he had added to the nearly burned-down fireplace. They didn't help. The Black’s house always felt cold to him, no matter who was living there at the moment. Remus could still feel the presence of Sirius’ ancestors, even though his childhood friend was doing a great job at making this place look different.


And yet, Remus had somehow gotten used to spending long evenings and nights alone at Grimmauld Place, when Sirius was out on some mission. Someone had to stay here, and since Remus did not have a place of his own, it was usually him. Right now, he was actually relieved to find himself somewhere warm at least. His nose, however, did not appreciate the sudden warmth. It was running and felt congested at the same time. Remus sniffled strongly, but the only effect was another tickle. Before he had the time to reach for his handkerchief, the tickle blossomed into a desperate need to sneeze. The wizard ducked away into his elbow, hitching wildly. “Huhh! Huh'TGSChhh! EHh'TSCHshhss! Hh! Hhhah!”

Remus blinked and waited, but the third sneeze did not come. It only left a tingly sensation in his nose. He groaned and wiped his nose at his shoulder. He had planned to finish some reports, but a short nap sounded like a much better option. He would not be too productive if the sneezes kept coming at this rate. And the other members of the order would not arrive any time soon. Sirius and Tonks were off on some mission, the teachers and the trio were at Hogwarts and the rest was who-knows-where, but not here. Sniffling, Remus leaned back into the chair and closed his eyes.


Remus woke from a loud bang in the hallway, a soft grunt and a triumphant voice saying: “Ha! His cloak! I told you so! He would never defy Dumbledore’s orders!”

Remus groaned. Whose voice was that?

“Alright, he’s here. Doesn’t mean he’s awake.” That was Sirius.

“Why should he be asleep? It’s not even 7pm!”

“...Watch and see!”


Just as Remus had managed to open his eyes, bright light filled the room. “Seriously?!” he called, rubbing his eyes. “I’m awake. Wide awake. I have no idea what you were talking about.” Then, he flicked his wand and dimmed the light. If he was lucky, Tonks would not see the dark circles under his eyes this way. Sirius knew how he looked like shortly after full moon, but Tonks did not, and he did not want her to find out. Or see him like this… Not only did she always look at her best, she was also one of the cleverest witches Remus knew, and he neither wanted her to think bad of him nor find out about his condition.  He tried his best at smiling at her and hoped he didn’t look as if he had spent all night demolishing his safe house in search for blood. “Hey, Tonks”, he greeted her awkwardly.

“Hey”, she replied and looked at him with a quizzical expression. Her hair grew several inches shorter and erected slightly. “Is everything alright?”


“Sure. Ihh- I’ve only hhahhd ahh’TSCHGshh! TSCHshh! Hahh'GSHhsshh! Hhh… Heh’TSChschh!”

Four in a row. That was unusual, even for Remus. But to his displeasure, the tickle had no intention of leaving his nose anytime soon. His breath hitching, he found himself unable to reply to Tonks’ question. Sirius chuckled slightly and sat down on the arm of the chair. “Allergic to dogs, Remus?”


Remus furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, but grinned anyway. This was how the marauders had called Remus’ all to frequent cases of the common cold after his monthly transformations. Peter, James and Sirius seemed to love the reference to both Remus’ and Sirius animal forms, and seeing his old friend laughing at that old joke, Remus could not help but reply: “That would be very… very unfortunate - Hhh'GSHhhh! Ehh’PSHHhsshh!”

They both laughed, and Remus relaxed when he felt Sirius’ warm arm around his shoulders. “I can see that.”


Tonks, however, could not. She watched the two men and cocked her head, her pink hair falling into her eyes. “Why would that be unfortunate?”, she asked. Her curious yet sharp tone caused Remus to tense up and move closer to his friend. With Sirius at his side, he had somehow forgotten that the young auror knew nearly nothing about the old members of the order.


“Why would what be unfortunate?”, he asked with his most innocent voice. Knowing Tonks, she would not be fooled by that, but Remus knew no better answer.

“Why would it matter if you were allergic to dogs?”, Tonks repeated her question, her hair waving impatiently up and down, “Because I don’t see dogs anywhere near.”


Remus attempted to answer her, but was cut off by his very own body: “There arehhh- aren-hhhihh! HETCHXchh!”

Sirius frowned next to him. “There are?” The two men looked at each other, and Sirius  shook his head. “Not exactly…” Remus began, “It’s more likehhh! hhh’HETSChhh! Eh'PSchh! Hihhh… Hh!”


“He can’t bring his dog inside, you know”, Sirius continued, not sounding entirely convinced of what he was saying. Remus shook his head, but it was too late.

“You’ve got a dog?”, Tonks exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me? I love dogs! What kind of dog is it?”


“Eh'TSCHhsshh!” Remus sniffed strongly and turned to face Sirius, who was now furiously shaking his head. “You won’t make me do that, Moony. You’re allergic, after all.” Remus shrugged apologetically and gestured towards Tonks, who was already at the door, her hair gleaming in a neon pink tone. “It’s a mixed-breed dog. Black and large and very fluffy”, he said and smiled at his friend. “Sometimes he’s a bit grumpy. But a good belly rub will take care of that, won't it, Sirius?”

Sirius groaned and got up. “Alright. I’ll go find him.”

Tonks jumped out of the door and Sirius followed her. At the door, he turned back to Remus, who was blowing his nose once more. “You know, you're so gonna pay for that.”

Remus grinned and folded the handkerchief. Then, he cocked his head and gave his most innocent smile: “Double belly rub?”

Sirius scoffed. “Dog allergy. Whose silly idea was that?”, he muttered to himself before leaving the room to join an excited pink-haired witch outside.



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Omg this is so so cute! Thank you Sequoia!! I'm really sorry my requests gave you some trouble (I'm so unhelpful 😬) but, for what it's worth, you did a fabulous job anyway, especially with a fandom/character you aren't familiar with anymore!

Also, absolutely love the way you've spelled his sneezes! Thank you again!!

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This is great. I love Remus and Sirius' bantering at the end. Adorable.

On 1/4/2019 at 9:23 AM, Sequoia said:

Remus grinned and folded the handkerchief. Then, he cocked his head and gave his most innocent smile: “Double belly rub?”

Sirius scoffed. “Dog allergy. Whose silly idea was that?”, he muttered to himself before leaving the room to join an excited pink-haired witch outside.


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