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Agree to Disagree [Part 1](BBC Merlin, m) ~SS for @monochrome


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Here’s to kicking off the new year @monochrome! I was thrilled to have gotten you as my secret santa! Admittedly this is my first time writing Merlin, so I apologize if it’s not the best—(don’t worry I’m a fan of the show)—anyways, can’t wait to take on the challenge! Hope you enjoy💗

Part 1/? (hope you don’t mind that this part is relatively small, but the next one will be good, promise☺️)


Part 1

The sun shone brightly against the pale grey stone of the castle. It was calm and serene, almost postcard perfect, with songbirds chirping their sweet melody and fluffed cotton clouds that hung low in the sky.

The interior on the other hand was a force to be reckoned with.

”Merlin! For the last time we’re not—“

”You’d think for being a king you’d be a little less arrogant,” Merlin said with an eye roll. 

“And just who do you think you are telling me how to run my kingdom?” Arthur said, matching Merlin’s level of bite.

”Arthur! People need our help! We can’t just leave them out to—“

”Helping is not a priority. Camelot is my priority.”

“Priority or duty? You treat it like it’s an option to take care of the people,” Merlin shot back, clearly not swayed by Arthur’s tone.

”This conversation is over.” Arthur pushed back in his chair, standing up.

”More like the future of Camelot is over,” Merlin muttered under his breath. 


”Yes?” Merlin replied cheekily.

”Get out of my room!”

”Well I guess I’ll have to leave your room without a cleaning until tomorrow.”

”God, Merlin, your impossible!”

”You know what’s impossible? Your ability to listen!”

“Out. Now.”

Merlin walked out with a grumble. Sometimes that royal prat was near impossible.


The next morning brought heavy banging on Merlin’s door. 

“Merlin! Wouldn’t want to be late,” shouted Gaius. 

Merlin rolled over in his sheets, cracking his eyes open. He winced slightly when he was met with the bright sunlight that flooded the room. The simple movement of getting out of bed caused his head to throb, sending the world tumbling around in circles. He grabbed the edge of his bedpost, steadying himself.

”Merlin!” Gaius shouted as he banged once more.

”I’m coming, I’m coming,” Merlin croaked out.

He knew Arthur was in a bad mood, and now he came down with something on top of it. 


Looked like there’d be some of that too. Just great. 

“h’ESH’eeww! h’ASH’oo!” Merlin released the double into his fist before heading out his door. No way in hell would he let anyone find out he was sick.


Not much sneezing in this part, but I promise when I get to the idea there will be plenty more😉

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OMG!!! I love this so much already?? It's super promising 😍Agree with groundcontrol that the forum needs more Merlin, this is very appreciated!!

On 12/31/2018 at 11:00 PM, castiel_angel said:

The sun shone brightly against the pale grey stone of the castle. It was calm and serene, almost postcard perfect, with songbirds chirping their sweet melody and fluffed cotton clouds that hung low in the sky.

OKAY I KNOW I shouldn't be stopping to comment on everything but this is so gorgeous and vivid, I really dig your writing style :)

On 12/31/2018 at 11:00 PM, castiel_angel said:

”You’d think for being a king you’d be a little less arrogant,” Merlin said with an eye roll. 


On 12/31/2018 at 11:00 PM, castiel_angel said:

”This conversation is over.” Arthur pushed back in his chair, standing up.

”More like the future of Camelot is over,” Merlin muttered under his breath. 

You capture their canon relationship so well!! I seriously love the dialogue you write, even though Arthur's not in a great mood you still manage to make their exchanges fun to read :D (Please teach me how you pull this off, haha)

On 12/31/2018 at 11:00 PM, castiel_angel said:

He knew Arthur was in a bad mood, and now he came down with something on top of it. 

Oh man, I love the setup here!! <3 The stakes are high (my heart goes out to Merlin, though at the same time I'm really excited to see what happens if he bumps into Arthur again...)

On 12/31/2018 at 11:00 PM, castiel_angel said:


Looked like there’d be some of that too. Just great. 

Love the cutting sarcasm to the narrative, that's so like him xD

I would never have guessed it was your first time writing Merlin, you totally nailed their characters!! Sorry I'm a few days late to comment, and thank you for the gorgeous first part; I'm super hyped for a continuation :D I hope your new year is going well!!

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  • 1 month later...

I’m so sorry for the delay @monochrome, I guess life caught up with me😅 I promise that the wait was worth it (okay, probably not, but please don’t hate me😬)


Part 2/?


Merlin made his way to the table, that is if you count nearly tripping over his own two feet progress. Gaius was too busy sorting through various bottles and vials to notice. 

“Merlin, glad you finally decided to grace me with your presence.”

”Good morning to you too,” came the drowsy reply.

”Before you make your rounds to Arthur there’s a pail that needs filling.”

Merlin gave a grumble, shoveling the food on his plate with the edge of his fork. 

“Not hungry?”

Merlin looked up suddenly as if it had just occurred to him that someone was speaking to him.

”Hmm? — Oh-um not really, no...” Merlin rested his head in his hands, massaging the dull ache that settled in for a long stay.

“Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, Arthur tends to get fiendish if you wake him up a minute late.”

”I could get him up early and he’d still be a prat,” Merlin said with a small smile.

”You better get along then,” Gaius said, more or less pushing him out the door.

”See yo—h’tsch’IEWW!” 

“Bless you. That reminds me, this place could use a good dusting when you get back.” 

Great, Merlin thought, just another thing he’d have to do.


Merlin creaked open Arthur’s door, walking over to draw the velvety curtains.

Sunlight spilled into the room, practically dripping off the walls. If he hadn’t felt so bad the view would almost be irresistible; so close that you could reach out and touch it, yet so far from the the thunder that boomed and the lighting that crashed inside his pounding head.

“h’shh’eww! ash’EWW!” Merlin’s eyes traveled guiltily over to the king’s sleeping frame. 

Arthur stirred, but his eyelids remained closed.

Merlin said a silent prayer of thanks, stealthily walking to fetch Arthur’s breakfast.

Upon return the king was upright in bed, blinking sleepily as he untangled himself from the sheets.

”Good mornig, sire,” Merlin said with about as much enthusiasm as he could muster. He winced at the congestion laced in his words.

”Ah, Merlin, perfect timing. There’s some armor for you to clean before practice today, and plenty of things to do to prepare for tomorrow night’s feast.”

”Yeah, good morning to you too,” Merlin said with a smirk.

”A little early for sarcasm Merlin, don’t you think?”

“And it’s a little early for acting like a royal prat, wouldn’t you say, sire?”

”I sometimes think you forget who your speaking to.”

Arthur tossed a shirt at Merlin, who stood with a dazed expression on his face. The shirt in question sailed right past his head, instead hitting the wall with a thud.

Arthur rolled his eyes as Merlin scurried to pick it up. “Needs mended, I expect it back no later than tomorrow morning.”

Merlin set to making Arthur’s bed, pausing to quell the itch that buzzed in his nose. 

h’TSCH’ieww! ‘sh’eww! h—hn—etch’EWW!” 

Arthur raised an eyebrow in his direction, but said nothing so as not to raise his concern. 

“Coming down with something?” Arthur asked casually, not looking up from his sword as he polished the blade.

Merlin gave a light sniff. “N-no, just huh-just allergies—h’ETCH’eww!

Arthur smirked to himself. “Good. Then I suspect you’ll have no problem mucking the stalls for me.”

Merlin groaned inwardly, the thought of it making his muscles ache.

”Well hurry up then, Merlin. Can’t keep the horses waiting.”

”Yes, sire.” Merlin left the room without a single biting remark.

Arthur frowned. His manservent must be feeling pretty awful if he didn’t bother getting the last word.


Mucking out the stalls was no vacation, but at least it allowed him to be alone.

“h’ETCH’eww! huh—h’tsh’IEWW!” Merlin let the sneezes tumble out, relieved that no one was there to see.

He wasn’t sure how long it had been, but he was sure that his muscles ached, his head was throbbing, and the world was practically spinning.


He hadn’t done his best work, but it was descent enough. Arthur would probably send him back to do it over, but all Merlin could think about was sleep.

Even the thought of it caused his eyelids to go heavy, his mind to fog over.

A little rest wouldn’t hurt; just something to make the pain dull and his head clear. 

Before he could think better of it his eyes drifted closed, and his breathing shallowed—his chest rising and falling steadily.


Hope it’s okay, sorry again for such a delay☺️







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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

!!!! Sorry I haven't been online for awhile, but this was such a nice thing to log into!! It always makes my day to see writing of these two :D

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

“Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, Arthur tends to get fiendish if you wake him up a minute late.”

”I could get him up early and he’d still be a prat,” Merlin said with a small smile.

”You better get along then,” Gaius said, more or less pushing him out the door.

Haha, I love their dialogue!! I can totally picture them saying this (especially with "I could get him up early and he'd still be a prat" ❤️, that's so in character xD) It's been awhile since I've watched the show but Merlin offhandedly commenting on Arthur being a prat always makes me laugh (we all know he loves him anyways) 😊

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

“Bless you. That reminds me, this place could use a good dusting when you get back.” 

Yooo omg. It's so clever that Merlin's sneeze is the thing to remind Gaius that the place hasn't been dusted for awhile xD Like it's such a subtle thing but I love characters making casual conversation based off of a sneeze, it's totally endearing!

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

Sunlight spilled into the room, practically dripping off the walls. If he hadn’t felt so bad the view would almost be irresistible; so close that you could reach out and touch it, yet so far from the the thunder that boomed and the lighting that crashed inside his pounding head.

Back with the gorgeous writing again--?? 😍😍😍Seriously, I'm a sucker for setting details like these!!

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

“h’shh’eww! ash’EWW!” Merlin’s eyes traveled guiltily over to the king’s sleeping frame. 

Arthur stirred, but his eyelids remained closed.

Merlin said a silent prayer of thanks, stealthily walking to fetch Arthur’s breakfast.

Aww, I love that Merlin is so nervous with not accidentally waking Arthur up!! It's so considerate but it's also so like, ('I don't want him to know I'm sick'), which is good (in both ways 😇😈)

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

“Coming down with something?” Arthur asked casually, not looking up from his sword as he polished the blade.

Merlin gave a light sniff. “N-no, just huh-just allergies—h’ETCH’eww!

Arthur smirked to himself. “Good. Then I suspect you’ll have no problem mucking the stalls for me.”

Arthur just casually throwing the suspicions out there and Merlin's like 'it's just allergies' is one of my favorite tropes ever xD 

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

Arthur frowned. His manservent must be feeling pretty awful if he didn’t bother getting the last word.

This is actually so sweet?? Like he knows Merlin well enough that the lack of a feisty response has him like, 'something is definitely up' haha, like their morning banter is a routine :D honestly such a good reminder to how close they are!

On 3/3/2019 at 11:59 AM, castiel_angel said:

Even the thought of it caused his eyelids to go heavy, his mind to fog over.

A little rest wouldn’t hurt; just something to make the pain dull and his head clear. 

Before he could think better of it his eyes drifted closed, and his breathing shallowed—his chest rising and falling steadily.

Duuudddee this is my favorite ending ever, like it almost feels like a cliffhanger (it's like, is someone going to find him there?? Or is he going to be late for something in the afternoon? Seriously such a good setup for a confrontation of some sort which I'm a total sucker for 😍) Catch me anxiously awaiting your next part!!

Sorry for quoting like your entire update, haha, but seriously—thank you so much for putting in the time to write this for me!! It's super brilliant and it seriously made my day :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/3/2019 at 3:23 PM, monochrome said:

!!!! Sorry I haven't been online for awhile, but this was such a nice thing to log into!! It always makes my day to see writing of these two :D

Haha, I love their dialogue!! I can totally picture them saying this (especially with "I could get him up early and he'd still be a prat" ❤️, that's so in character xD) It's been awhile since I've watched the show but Merlin offhandedly commenting on Arthur being a prat always makes me laugh (we all know he loves him anyways) 😊

Yooo omg. It's so clever that Merlin's sneeze is the thing to remind Gaius that the place hasn't been dusted for awhile xD Like it's such a subtle thing but I love characters making casual conversation based off of a sneeze, it's totally endearing!

Back with the gorgeous writing again--?? 😍😍😍Seriously, I'm a sucker for setting details like these!!

Aww, I love that Merlin is so nervous with not accidentally waking Arthur up!! It's so considerate but it's also so like, ('I don't want him to know I'm sick'), which is good (in both ways 😇😈)

Arthur just casually throwing the suspicions out there and Merlin's like 'it's just allergies' is one of my favorite tropes ever xD 

This is actually so sweet?? Like he knows Merlin well enough that the lack of a feisty response has him like, 'something is definitely up' haha, like their morning banter is a routine :D honestly such a good reminder to how close they are!

Duuudddee this is my favorite ending ever, like it almost feels like a cliffhanger (it's like, is someone going to find him there?? Or is he going to be late for something in the afternoon? Seriously such a good setup for a confrontation of some sort which I'm a total sucker for 😍) Catch me anxiously awaiting your next part!!

Sorry for quoting like your entire update, haha, but seriously—thank you so much for putting in the time to write this for me!! It's super brilliant and it seriously made my day :D

I’m sorry sorry for my inactiveness, but I’m so so sooooo happy you love it! This is so much fun to write😄 thank you so much for your support!💗

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