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The Next Morning (HP fic, R/S, cold)


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I can't seem to quit Remus Lupin. I'm sorry (not sorry). So have a short drabble about a grumpy werewolf.



It was late afternoon when the bedroom door creaked open and Remus Lupin came shuffling out towards the toilet. In the adjacent living room, Sirius sat up on the couch and turned his head.


“You're up!” he said cheerfully. “How are you?”


Remus, bundled up in a jumper and flannel pyjama bottoms, grunted noncommittally and disappeared into the loo, shutting the door behind him.


“Good morning to you too,” Sirius muttered to himself as he shut the Daily Prophet he'd been reading. He couldn't really blame Remus for being grumpy, though. Last night had not only proved to be a tiring one spent constantly redirecting the angry werewolf from biting himself, it had also been ridiculously cold out. Early that morning, he'd brought a shivering and achy Remus home to bed and there hadn't been a peep from him since.


From the bathroom came the sound of the sink running and the muffled noise of a nose being blown repeatedly. Remus emerged shortly after with his face shiny from where he'd splashed it with water and a wad of toilet tissue clutched in his fist.


“D'want some tea or something to eat?” Sirius offered.


Remus shook his head no and headed back towards the bedroom.


“Hey,” Sirius called. “Remus?”


Remus paused in the doorway, leaning on the frame to keep his balance.


“You okay?” Sirius asked, standing and rounding the couch.


“Yeah. Just going back to bed,” Remus croaked and he shut the door behind him.


Ahh. Sirius knew what this was. Remus, ever proud and always reticent to accept anything from others, was sick. He'd seen this once before when they were at Hogwarts. Remus came down with a cold after a transformation and he spent two days holed up in bed behind his hanging curtains, insistent that the others leave him alone. It was only after they'd complained about Remus' congested snoring keeping them all up that he'd allowed James to fetch him some Pepper-Up Potion from the infirmary.


The hospital recovery time required after transformations had always been a source of angst for Remus, who hated being stuck in bed any longer than was necessary, even if it meant showing up to class looking like death warmed over. Any additional time that he was forced to be an invalid was done in a private cocoon of blankets, far away from Madam Pomfrey and his friends. It seemed, Sirius thought, that Remus was hoping to uphold this tradition.




The sound of a throat-wrenching sneeze was clearly audible through the flat's thin walls, confirming Sirius' suspicions. With a frown at the closed bedroom door, he turned to go to the kitchen and put on a pot of tea. When he had a steaming mug in hand, he sided up to the closed door and knocked softly.


“Fuck off, I'm sleeping,” Remus growled.


“I'm coming in. I hope you're decent.”


“Liar,” Remus retorted as Sirius pushed open the door with his hip.


Sirius laughed.


“Look, I wouldn't be mad if you were naked under those blankets but I know you too well. You probably have two pairs of socks on. A warming charm would be easier.”


He set the mug of tea down on Remus' nightstand.


“Can I stay a little while?” he asked gently.


Remus rolled over, pulling the blankets up to his chin.


“I just want to sleep, Pads.”


“You're sick, love,” Sirius pressed.


“Yeah, no shit.”


“I know you're grumpy,” he continued. “I'm just trying to help.”


“I don't need help,” Remus sighed. “I just need to –teh...ehh-GTSHHHH!


He sneezed into the pillow with a wet, congested sound.


“Bless you,” Sirius said. He rounded the bed and sat down on his side, tentatively reaching out and stroking the hair on the top of Remus' head where it poked out from under the blankets. “Do you need some handkerchiefs?”


Remus sniffled thickly and cleared his throat.


“I'll take that as a yes.”


Sirius flicked his wand towards the dresser and a fresh handkerchief sailed across the room into his waiting hands.


“Here,” he offered, passing it under the blankets to Remus. There was the sound of a congested blow followed by a few soft coughs before Remus was quiet again.


“I won't fuss if you don't want me to fuss,” Sirius said after a moment. “But I want to stay if that's okay with you.”


Remus murmured a sound of soft agreement and rolled over to release his grip on the blankets. Sirius slid his legs underneath and curled his arms around the thin torso of the ill man, pulling him close. Remus' skin was warm and a little clammy from hours of being tucked under blankets. Sirius stroked a hand tenderly along the curve of Remus' spine and down to his hips, pressing gently where he knew Remus was often sore after transformations. A small groan told him he'd found the right spot.


“Sleep,” Sirius urged after a few moments of working at the knots in Remus' back. “Here.”


He tugged the man gently up to his chest, elevating him ever so slightly to ease his congestion. Remus settled his head back into the crook of Sirius' shoulder, sighing wearily.


The soft sound of his snoring came not long after. 

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This is so cozy and sweet!! Please don't ever quit Remus Lupin, you write him so well and he's such a lovely character to make sneeze!

I love the idea of him being grumpy and withdrawn when he's sick! Definitely a fresh perspective. It's so realistic--he can't always be the kind, good-natured, weary patient, not to mention he goes through such an ordeal every month, it's bound to take a toll on his mood!

And I love how Sirius gets it and tries to make him feel better without getting on his frayed nerves ❤️

Also, I'm sure I've told you before how I love your sneeze-spellings, but I still do.

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Amazing as always. I know I've said this several times before but you write Remus (and Sirius and the two of them together and all things related) so, so well. 

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9 hours ago, Zwee said:

Please don't ever quit Remus Lupin, you write him so well and he's such a lovely character to make sneeze!

What she said! 🙂

I love your grumpy!Remus and persistent!Sirius! Awwww! I love how Sirius just keeps asking to stay. He's not going to smother Remus; he just wants to be there. And he knows that alone is going to be a help. Of course, the back rub and intimate knowledge of where Remus usually hurts after a transformation helps, too. I love how knowledgeable Sirius is about Remus here--predicting each reaction, understanding what's wrong, knowing how to help. Even the light joking is perfect between them here. And that ending with Remus leaning against Sirius so he can breathe a little better and fall asleep... *happy sigh*  

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14 hours ago, tarotgal said:

*happy sigh*  

Happy sigh from me too! I used to LIVE for your R/S fics when I first discovered the fetish. I still go back and re-read some of them every so often ;)

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On 12/29/2018 at 4:26 PM, Dusty15 said:

I can't seem to quit Remus Lupin. I'm sorry (not sorry).

You really dfon't have to be because it's such a great character and you write him very well!

On 12/29/2018 at 4:26 PM, Dusty15 said:

“Do you need some handkerchiefs?”

Remus sniffled thickly and cleared his throat.

“I'll take that as a yes.”


Thank you for sharing!

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