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As Difficult as a Graphorn (Fantastic Beasts: Theseus)


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Happy holidays all! This started as a drabble and then became a one-shot little story. 


“Keep your answers short and to the point,” Theseus said as he and his brother walked down the halls of the Ministry. It was Newt’s day to give witness testimony about the events in Paris and Theseus was giving him last minute advice. “It’s not you they’re concerned about,” Theseus reminded him. “Just answer their questions honestly and you’ll be fine. It’s Grindelwald they want and the information you have regarding Paris is valuable enough they’ll overlook heh…ehh…” Theseus’ voice faltered and he paused a moment, drawing a handkerchief out of his robe pocket. Newt stopped walking and turned his head.

heh EhhMFSHHoo! hhMFSHH!

“Bless you,” Newt said.

“Thank you. Excuse me.” He wiped his nose and put the cloth back in his pocket. “As I was saying, they’ll overlook the travel issue. It’s going to be okay, Newt.”

“I know.” The two brothers paused in front of a set of double doors.

“I’ll see you after,” Theseus said.

Newt was a little surprised that his brother wasn’t waiting for him when he’d finished giving his testimony, but he supposed Theseus was busier than usual. It had been a few weeks since Paris and the whole Ministry was pulling extra hours trying to figure out Grindelwald’s next move. Newt knocked softly before entering his brother’s office and frowned at the sight that greeted him. Theseus was asleep at his desk. He looked pale and there were worry lines in his face that hadn’t been there a year ago. Newt knew Theseus was having a hard time (they all had) but it wasn’t often he got to see his brother unguarded and what he saw made Newt’s stomach twist with worry.  Almost on cue, Theseus startled awake but broke into a hacking cough before he had a chance to ask Newt how it had gone. He took a drink of cold tea and got his cough under control.

“Are you alright?” Newt asked.

“Fine,” he said. “Sorry. I meant to be there when you were finished. How did it go?”

Newt sat down in one of the chairs opposite Theseus’ desk. He fiddled with the handle on his case.

“It went fine. Went well, actually. You were right—they just wanted information.”

“Then why do you still look worried?” Theseus asked, leaning forward and resting his hands on his desk. Newt fidgeted while trying to decide whether or not to ask the questions that had been bothering him all day. “Newt? What is it?”

“Are you okay?” he blurted out. Theseus looked surprised.

“I’m fine. Why—”

“You don’t look fine,” Newt said. They both seemed a little surprised at Newt’s insistence. Theseus sat back in his chair and flicked his wand towards his tea set, bringing it over and filling it with tea. He poured them each a cup while Newt gathered his thoughts. When he heard the quiet clink of the tea cup being set in front of him, he looked up and saw Theseus calmly waiting for him to explain himself. Newt glanced around the office and then pushed his unruly hair out of his eyes before attempting to explain himself.

“We haven’t really talked much…well we haven’t talked much in general, but specifically about Paris,” Newt said. “And I suppose I’m wondering how you are and…well…if there’s anything I could do to help.”

The muscles in Theseus’ jaw twitched slightly and he focused his eyes on a point over Newt’s left shoulder. A tense silence filled the office and Newt was afraid he’d crossed a line. This wasn’t something they did—at least they hadn’t in a very long time.

“I should go,” he mumbled and started to stand.

“Stay,” Theseus said. “Please,” he added. Newt resettled himself and Theseus cleared his throat. “I’m okay, Newt, but it’s been difficult. I’m not sure how…” For once it was Theseus who found himself at a loss for words.

“Are you sleeping in your office?” Newt asked. A smile ghosted over his brother’s face.

“You’ve always been so ehh…perceptive—ehh…excuse me.” He took his handkerchief out of his pocket (Newt noted that it had been used quite a bit in the two hours he’d been in the Ministry) and pressed the fabric to his nose. As the tickle increased, his breath hitched and he tilted slightly away from Newt.

ehh heh EhhMFSHHoo! hhMFSHHoo!

Theseus raised a finger and indicated to Newt that he wasn’t done.

heh Ehh…

The sneeze toyed with him, taking him right up to the edge of sneezing and then backing off just slightly. It made his eyes water and his throat tickle. Newt frowned—definitely sick then. The sneezes from earlier weren’t a fluke and now he was watching his brother struggle through one of his trademark sneezing fits that only came with the onset of a head cold. Theseus made a series of sputtering noises that were a cross between coughs and sneezes before finally pitching forward.

hehh EhhNGmfftshhh! hehMPFTshhhhoo!  EhhMFSHHoo! hhMFSHHOOO!

“Bless you. Here, take mine,” Newt said, reaching across the desk and placing his handkerchief within his brother’s reach. Theseus blew his nose and then used the fresh cloth to wipe his eyes. He put the used cloth in his pocket but kept the clean one within easy reach. His nose still felt wildly unstable and he was afraid there were more sneezes coming soon. He took a sip of tea and considered his little brother.

“I have trouble sleeping,” he said. “And you’re right; I am staying in the office more than I should. Going to the house I shared with…with her is difficult.” Theseus rubbed his temples.

“And now you’re sick,” Newt added.

“A bit.” When he saw the worry deepen in his brother’s eyes, Theseus added, “I’ll be okay, Newt. Really.”

“Come stay at my house for a few days,” Newt said. “It’s not your office but it’s not home. I’ve got some things that might help you sleep—”

Hehh—ehhIHHMFSSHHHooo! hehMTSHHH! ehhMFTSHHHooo!

“—and some that will help with your cold.”


If he was being honest, he was surprised Theseus had agreed to stay the night at his house. Their relationship did better when they weren't confined to the same space. But no matter what he said, Theseus was battered and Newt was worried. After a quick dinner Newt fixed a dose of Pepper Up potion and sleeping aid for Theseus. After downing it, the steam poured from Theseus’ ears and he felt like his whole head was an angry tea kettle.


A series of fittish little sneezes came tumbling out of him, causing the steam to come out in little puffs from his ears.

“Bless you. You look like a train engine when you do that,” Newt said, not teasing but simply making an observation. Theseus huffed a laugh and blew his nose.

“Pepper Up always does that to me when I take it.”

“I remember,” Newt said quietly. He transfigured his sofa into a soft bed near the fireplace. "Do you need anything else?" he asked. Theseus shook his head and took off his tie, leaving the top buttons of his shirt undone. 

"I'm fine. Thank you for letting me stay tonight and looking after me. You’ve always been brilliant with wounded creatures.” Newt, always uncomfortable with a compliment, shuffled back towards his bedroom while trying to form a response.

“If you need anything just…I’ll be just in here,” he said.

“Good night, Newt.”

A crashing noise startled Newt from a sound sleep. He grabbed his case but quickly realized everything was in order. Then he remembered Theseus was in the next room. Newt opened his door and stepped into the living room. Theseus was standing by the fireplace, one hand on the mantle as if he'd lose his balance without it. His breathing was shallow and his pupils blown wide. The blankets were in a tangled mess on the floor and the general state of disarray made it clear Theseus had just woken up from a nightmare.


Theseus kept one hand on the mantle and rested the other over his racing heart. He tried to take a deep breath but ended up coughing violently instead. Newt kept his distance but levitated a glass of water from the kitchen and towards his brother. Theseus seemed scarcely aware of his surroundings, but drank the water until the coughing subsided.


“Yeah. You’re at my house, remember?”

"I uh...I'm...I’m…"

"Spooked," Newt said.

"I'm not spooked. I'm just...a little..."

"It's okay," Newt said. "Even the bravest creatures get spooked every now and then.”


“Bless you.”

“M’not spooked,” Theseus muttered, rubbing his nose back and forth in his handkerchief. Newt watched his brother fight to get himself under control, the way he struggled to get a deep breath, how his hands trembled uncontrollably. It made his heart ache. 

“Have I ever shown you the graphorns? They’re incredibly strong, fiercely protective creatures, but every once in a while something frightens them. Do you know what I do for them when it happens?"


Newt focused on keeping his voice low and calm. "Well, I start by reassuring them that they’re safe with me. They know that of course, but it never hurts to be reminded that they’re completely safe with me." Theseus looked at him briefly before rushing to get the handkerchief to his nose again.


Newt slowly came into the room and sat down on the sofa before continuing. "Then I settle in and wait for them to come to me. It doesn't matter if it takes five minutes or five hours; I'm content to be patient and let things settle. Every creature is a different. Some need more time than others." He could see it was working. Theseus looked steadier on his feet and less likely to bolt for the door. "I occasionally remind them that I'm here and I'll look after them but mostly it's about waiting until they’re ready."

A few minutes passed with nothing but the sound of the ticking clock, the crackling fire, and Theseus’ sniffling. Eventually, he shuffled over to the sofa and sat down, his elbows resting on his knees and head in his hands. He took a choppy breath and then ran a hand through his hair before glancing over at his brother.

"Then what?" he asked.

"Then, I try and figure out the best way to comfort him," Newt said, sliding closer. He hesitantly put a hand on the back of Theseus' neck and gave it a squeeze. "Every creature likes something different." He felt the tension start to ease as Theseus dipped his head lower. Newt ran his fingers through the hair at the back of his head and started to work on a knot with fingertips. Newt knew what was coming before Theseus did. "I usually know when I've found the right thing," he said.

"How do you know?" Theseus asked. When he looked his younger brother in the eye, tears splashed down his face. Newt moved his hand to Theseus' shoulder and his brother crumpled, resting his head on Newt's shoulder and breaking into a ragged sob. 

"Because that's when their defenses come down," Newt said, wrapping his arms around him. Newt could count on one hand the number of times he and his brother had hugged as adults (and over 50% of those times had come in the last ten days). Theseus gradually calmed down and quickly became dead weight as exhaustion began to pull him back under. Newt knew he must be nearly asleep when Theseus sneezed against his shoulder—something an even half-conscious Theseus would never do.

heNtschhoo! hhMTschhh!

“Bless you,” Newt whispered. With the help of a few pillows and a levitation charm, he got Theseus settled with his head resting in his lap. Newt had no intention of leaving his brother unattended for the rest of the night. He rested his hand on Theseus’ forehead. “Just as difficult as a graphorn,” he said quietly.

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23 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“Bless you. You look like a train engine when you do that,” Newt said, not teasing but simply making an observation. Theseus huffed a laugh and blew his nose.



23 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

"I'm fine. Thank you for letting me stay tonight and looking after me. You’ve always been brilliant with wounded creatures.”

I love this. The comparison. So beautiful and sad. Especially referring to himself.


23 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“Have I ever shown you the graphorns? They’re incredibly strong, fiercely protective creatures, but every once in a while something frightens them. Do you know what I do for them when it happens?"

I absolutely Love this whole section!!! How he explains his method with the graphorns, obviously referring to Theseus, just letting it sink in. Letting him  come to him on his own. It's so perfectly Newt. 


23 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

"Because that's when their defenses come down," Newt said, wrapping his arms around him.

And then this, when he finally let's go and gives in. It's just beautiful.


23 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“Just as difficult as a graphorn,” he said quietly.


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