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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nose Rub Game


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I rub from right to left with the back of right hand all the time. All the time. I start to panic when that doesn't relieve the itch because I have exaggerated buildups leading to my waist bending sneeze. I do not get embarrassed when I end up sneezing, but I get a little self-conscious depending on who is watching me.


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My constantly flared nostrils always have some irritating tingle in them, so I often find myself taking a knuckle and scrapping my left nostril openly. 



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I am very particular with how I rub my nose since my make is applied in a distinct way. If my right nostril (the more sensitive one I'll add) is itching, I will use the knuckles on my right hand only. I don't know if it's superstition or not, but 99.999% of the time, the itch disappears. My left nostril on the other hand, I cannot seem to find a way to relieve. It rarely leads to a sneeze, but the effort I have to take to keep the left from bothering me....can be a bother lol. 


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My nose loves to wiggle, despite it being such a nearly perfect organ. I need to make myself sneeze just to keep my nose still. I usually grab some pepper and sniff quickly for a few moments. After that, i rub my index finger sideways on the bulb of my nose to make sure the sneeze is big enough. 



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My nose cooperates with me more when I rub it with my knuckles counterclockwise. If I make a mistake and rub it clockwise, the itch increases and I may sneeze. I to this day have no idea why that happens, but it does.


Edited by ThePokeFan599
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My flared nostrils have always been so pesky with their sensitivity. Usually, a knuckle moving back and forth along my septum does the trick, but if i rub it wrong, it wriggles and sneezes like crazy. 





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First Woman: I am so perfect that not only do I have a perfect mental block to rid the possibility of sneezing, but even if the smallest itch bothers my nose, it goes away very quickly if I have the willpower to get rid of it. If I'm sick, it's a bigger challenge. Usually, I'll rub with a tissue right to left, and most of the time that works. If not, I'll have an itchy nose for a while, and still no threat of sneezing.

Woman No. 2: I rub left, I sneeze, I rub right, I sneeze, I rub up and down, I sneeze, I rub in circles, I sneeze. No matter how I try to relieve the itch, the itch wins. I try not to rub my nose so much because I sneeze enough as it is. 


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  • 1 month later...

My nostrils always flare at even the sight of any irritant. Often, I will put the palm of my hand against my nostrils and move them in circles preemptively just to ensure any nostril flare doesn't lead to a hitch or sneeze (which are the WORST)o_1541906400_fe4d5bfeefc3216dac93d58d6dd 

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If i were her, i'd rub the tip of my nose, and that would get the job done, but one wrong move and i'm sneezing like crazy.Image result for hot girl big nose

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