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First Date (Harry Potter, Harry/Ginny, F Allergies)


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This idea came to me today and I haven't written these two in ages, so I thought it'd be fun! This takes place after the books, in their early 20s--


Harry hasn't had a great deal of experience dating and Ginny isn't really one for frills....


“Can I take you somewhere?” Harry asked her shyly, stroking the long tendrils of red hair that cascaded across his lap. Ginny raised her head up from his thighs and looked at him.

“Take me somewhere?” she repeated. “What, like a date?”

“Like a date,” Harry confirmed. “It's just that...I mean, we've never really properly had one.”

“I don't need a date to love you more,” Ginny said, bending her knees and sitting up in a fluid motion. She swung a leg over Harry's lap and pressed her nose to his.

“But,” she continued. “If you want to take me on a date, I won't say no.”

She kissed him deeply, feeling his body surge towards hers as he wrapped his hands through her hair once more. She hummed contently as he broke the kiss to trail further pecks and little bites down her neck.

“This afternoon then?” he asked, nuzzling her collarbone.

“If you want,” she said. “It's nearly two. If you're taking me we ought to get ready now.”

He sat back on the couch, looking at her with a grin. 

“Good. Put on that green dress and we'll leave in half an hour.”

Ginny raised an eyebrow playfully.

“The green dress? Where exactly are you taking me?”

“You'll see.”


It didn't take Harry very long to change into some slacks and a button up, so he waited on the couch while Ginny finished up in the bedroom. She emerged a short time later, her flaming red hair piled in a bun on top of her head and wearing the promised green dress. 

“I'm thinking we might just stay here,” Harry said in a low voice as he stood and took in the sight of her.

Ginny laughed and swatted his arm.

“I did not put heels and a dress on for you to decide for us to stay home,” she said. “Let's go. Floo? Apparation?”

“Floo,” Harry said. “We're going to Hogsmede.”

“Are you sure we'll be alright there?” Ginny asked tentatively.

Though over a year had passed since the fall of Voldemort, Harry remained an extremely recognizable figure and sometimes found himself swarmed by admirers and curious onlookers when he went somewhere public. 

“We'll be fine,” he assured her. “I've booked us a private area.”

“Alright then,” she replied. “Lead the way.”

They took the Floo Network to the Three Broomsticks and emerged from the fireplace into the pub. With a quick wave of 'hello' to Rosmerta, they headed outside into the street.

“Just down this way,” Harry said, taking Ginny's hand and heading down a side street. As they turned a corner, Ginny had a suspicion as to their final destination.

She couldn't help but laugh a little when he stopped under the pink sign.

“Madam Puddifoot's?” she asked incredulously. “Harry, are we third years?”

He blushed.

“I don't know,” he said, cringing. “I thought it would be romantic. Making up for lost time, since I never had the chance to take you during school.”

“You're sweet,” Ginny told him, leaning in and kissing him softly. “I didn't mean to tease. It is very romantic, love.”

Harry smiled and returned the kiss.

“C'mon,” he said, squeezing her hand. 

He led the way inside into the dimly-lit tea room. Several people glanced up as the entry bell tinkled and then quickly turned to whisper to each other as they stepped up to the counter.

“Erm, I have a reservation for a private room, please?” Harry said to the young witch behind the counter. “Potter?”

She nodded meekly, avoiding Harry's bright green eyes.

“Right this way, Mr. Potter, Miss Weasley please.”

They snaked through the maze of two-seater tables busy with young couples holding hands and giggling. Through a curtain of purple gauze, they reached a long hallway dotted with doorways.

“Right here, sir,” the witch said, opening a mint-green door. Harry stepped inside and Ginny followed, pausing to take it all in. 

The room was appointed with a plush lavender velvet loveseat with a table in front of it that was dressed with a gaudy lace and silk tablecloth. A nearby sideboard held a large vase of shimmering enchanted roses and an assortment of china dishes and cake stands. Above, a large censer released plumes of pink and purple smoke with a heady floral scent.

“There's menus on the table there,” the witch said shyly from behind them. “It's an enchanted serving room, so just speak the items you'd like and they'll come up on the plates and be sent over to your table. Should you need anything from me directly, just pull the bell ring in the corner and I'll come straight away.

Harry turned and nodded awkwardly to the young witch.

“That's great, thanks,” he said. 

With an equally awkward nod back at him, the young witch backed out of the room and shut the door.

“This is a bit much,” Harry said after a moment of silence between just the two of them. Ginny laughed loudly and plopped down on the loveseat.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” she said. “I was thinking of something like this for our future sitting room.”

“It reminds me a little of a combination of Trelawney and Umbridge's offices,” Harry said with a disgusted tone.

“Don't!” Ginny admonished. “You'll spoil a perfectly lovely date by making me think of them!”

“Sorry,” Harry said, sitting on the loveseat next to her and leaning in for a kiss. She returned it with a little smile. “Should we order?”

They thumbed through the menus, browsing a selection of various exotic tea blends, petit-fours, sugared flowers, and tea sandwiches. 

“What about the rose cakes?” Harry suggested, pointing to the image of several cream-coloured cakes with sugar roses on the top.

“Hmm?” Ginny said, looking up from her own menu and rubbing at her left eye, which was a little red and swollen. “Sure. Those look good.”

“Err...two rose cakes and a pot of Darjeeling?” Harry said in the direction of the sideboard. The dishes appeared and casually floated over to settle on the table. 

“And a pot of the Lapsang Souchong for me, please,” Ginny added. 

Their flower patterned teapots poured cups full and they came to rest on the table alongside the cakes.

Harry splashed some milk into his cup and stirred in his usual two lumps while Ginny tended to her own brew with just a singled sugar cube.

“Cheers,” Harry said, raising his cup. “To you, Ginny Weasley. And to making up for lost time and dates.”

Ginny sniffled and pressed a hand under her nostrils for a brief moment.

“Sorry,” she said, running the back of her hand across her nose and then reaching for her tea cup. She clinked it against Harry's. “To us. And to you, for being so very sweet.”

He blushed faintly and smiled.

“I'd kind of forgotten how silly this place is,” he said after a sip of his tea. “The only time I came here before was a rather disastrous date with Cho and I'd sort of blocked out how ridiculous it all looked."

“At least we're not crammed between thirty other young couples,” Ginny remarked. “The private rooms aren't toobad.”

She sniffled once more and set down her tea so she could fish inside her purse.

“You alright?” Harry asked.

“Yes, just a runny nose. Tea's hot,” Ginny said, pushing aside lipstick and a bag of coins but not finding what she was looking for. “You don't happen to have a handkerchief on you?”

“Err, no,” Harry said, patting his pockets ruefully. “I can make you one up, if you like.”

Ginny nodded distractedly, her breath suddenly coming in hitching inhalations. She scrunched up her brow and her full lips parted a little as she panted in anticipation.

“Um, bless you?” Harry said as she struggled.

“Stop,” Ginny moaned, pressing a finger against the tip of her nose and groaning in frustration. Her pale freckled chest rose and fell in a shuddering gasp. Then, with a final rushing breath, her head snapped foward.

Eh-tshCHII! Ngh'TSCHI!

Harry picked up a frilly-bordered silk napkin from the table, tapping it with his wand and turning it into a more practical cotton.

“Here,” he said, passing it over. 

Ginny took it and pressed it to her nose.


She pinched the cloth around the offending freckled nostrils and gave a soft blow.

“Excuse me, she said, folding the handkerchief into her lap and taking one final soft sniff. 

“You okay?” Harry confirmed.

“Yes,” she said, giving her nose a little wriggle. “An itch, that's all.”

She reached for a rose cake and took a bite.

“Mhm,” she said, chewing. “Try one.”

Harry took a bite of one and they sat, chewing in silence, only interrupted by the occasional sniffle from Ginny. When he'd polished his off, he took a big sip of tea and sighed contentedly.

“Well,” he said.

“Well?” Ginny replied, setting down her cup.

“We're here, amidst all this fluff and flowers,” he said, chuckling. “Wanna fool around?”

“Fool around?” Ginny laughed. “Who says that?”

“I do,” Harry replied, leaning towards her.

“You nerd.”

He sided up against her, pushing the table back slightly. Ginny turned her hips, leaning against him, angling in for a kiss. He pressed his lips to hers and explored her mouth for a moment, their noses bumping slightly as they moved. Ginny whined softly, which Harry took to mean more. He nibbled softly on the edge of her lip and Ginny whined again, carefully moving away.

“I'm sorry-” she said breathlessly, barely getting her face away from his own before she sneezed into his shoulder. 


“Sweetheart...” Harry began, reaching to cup her cheek, but she pulled away and turned her face into cupped hands.

Eh'TSCHI! Ehh...heh'TSCHII!

“Ginny?” he said, tentatively putting a hand on her bare shoulder and rubbing her back soothingly. 

She raised the handkerchief from her lap and pressed it to her nose firmly, stifling two more rapid sneezes.


Withdrawing the handkerchief, she paused, suspended in motion, breath quivering. 

“Ginny,” Harry repeated, gently pulling her to him. 

“Don't,” she stammered, shaking her head. He shushed her and pulled her head to his shoulder.

Her warm breath rushed over his skin, puffing in erratic hitches. She moaned softly in irritation and sniffled a loud snort of congestion.

“Sweet,” he soothed, running a hand down her hair. “What's wrong? Do you feel ill?

“I--” she began, but she could barely speak. She looked up at him briefly, eyes shimmering on the verge of an overflow of tears. For a moment, his heart sank at the thought of her being upset, but then he realized they were allergic tears and not tears of sadness. She sniffled wetly again and he nestled her head back into the safety of his shoulder.

“Harry,” she groaned in warning.

“It's okay,” he assured her.

He felt her breath rush in and back out with the soft mist of a sneeze into his shirt.


He felt her laugh against him.

“I'm sorry,” she croaked. “Oh my god.”

Her head lolled back against the tufted loveseat and she snorted thickly.

“I'm sorry,” she repeated. “I think I might be allergic to the incense...”

They both looked up at the brass ornamented censer emitting the hazy pink and purple smoke.

“We should get out of here, then,” Harry said. 

“But your tea-” Ginny began. 

“We have tea at home, love,” he said. “This was a silly idea.”

“No, no,” she said, nuzzling against his neck. “It was sweet. It was so- hehh....”

She turned into his shoulder as her nose rebelled once more.

Ehh-ngh-CHI! Tsh'CHII! Hehh-tschiii!

Harry held her as she spasmed with the fit.

Ehh-tshcCHIII! Heh'TCHI!

She exhaled a rattling final sigh and went boneless against him.

“Bless you!” he exclaimed. “C'mon love, we need to get you to some fresh air.”

He fished in his pocket for some Galleons and left enough for the bill along with a generous tip.

Ginny folded the handkerchief over her nose and rose shakily to her feet with Harry supporting her.

“C'mon,” he encouraged. “Out of here.”

They made their way to the mint green door, pausing only once to allow a stifled sneeze from Ginny, and then hurried through the crowded main tearoom and out to the street.

Harry quickly found a bench and sat the wheezing and sniffling Ginny down on it, siding up to her and rubbing her back soothingly.

“Get some air and then we'll go get you an allergy potion.”

“Mister Potter?”

A passing witch and wizard had stopped to observe the scene, recognizing the pair of them.

“I'm sorry, I'm a bit occupied at the moment,” Harry said protectively. “You must excuse me.”

He turned his back to the onlookers and stared intently at Ginny.

“Can I do anything to help?” he asked her softly.

“No,” Ginny said with a thick sniffle. “I didn't even think. I've had bad reactions to scents before but I didn't think to say anything when I saw the smoke. I'd like to just go home now, if that's alright? I have some allergy potion there.

“Alright,” Harry agreed. “I'll side-along you back. It'll be safer than the Floo.”

With an arm around her middle, they stood and Harry disapperated them.

They reappeared in the alley next door to their building and made their way upstairs into their flat. 

When Ginny was comfortably in her Gryffindor sweatpants and a t-shirt with a dose of allergy tonic in her, Harry curled up on the couch at her side. She let her hair down out of the bun and snuggled into him.

“You're beautiful,” he said, wrapping an arm around her.

“Even like this?” she asked, gesturing to her still-pink nose and slightly swollen eyes.

“Even like this. Even more so,” Harry said. “We don't need Madam Puddifoots or green dresses. This is just as nice.”

She grinned and leaned up to kiss him.




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This was extremely sweet and lovely. I love the way you write; descriptive enough without getting bogged-down in details, and the way you captured both Harry and Ginny's voices. Really nice job. 

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*Brushes aside the cobwebs that have formed on this account*

I HAVE.  MANY FEELINGS. Partly because I just finished an HP marathon last night, and the characters are still fresh in my mind, but mostly because of your writing. The way you captured the two of them so. dang. well

On 11/4/2018 at 12:49 PM, Dusty15 said:

“I don't know,” he said, cringing. “I thought it would be romantic. Making up for lost time, since I never had the chance to take you during school.”

I love the subtle ways you hinted at Harry's patented romantic awkwardness throughout :laugh: I like to think it took him a few years/decades to truly never grow out of it.

On 11/4/2018 at 12:49 PM, Dusty15 said:

Um, bless you?” Harry said as she struggled.

I literally heard this in his voice. Also excellent use of the word "struggle" as a sign of what's to come. :yes:

On 11/4/2018 at 12:49 PM, Dusty15 said:

“I'm sorry, I'm a bit occupied at the moment,” Harry said protectively. “You must excuse me.”

Haaaaarrryyyyy! :inlove:

Seriously, this was so good. I love these two so much, and your writing is always just my absolute weakness. 

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