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My mixed success of today: my family & i decorated our house fantastically for Halloween, and i made myself a great costume. i'm really proud of how everything came out! and even my mom dressed up! the less successful part is that only like 25 kids came out this year all night 😅 it was sooo slow 

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  • 3 months later...

I found myself trying to write in the snake pit, mental health butt kick thread, and even the happiness department. So yea, I’m digging this up. 

Had some disappointingly bad news. For some dumb reason, I either haven’t told people in real life or I have in the most flippant “I’m fine” way so now I have to be fine. 

Most of the time I’m not thinking about it and going about my regular day with family, friends, food, and laughter. And I’m kinda on a yolo streak, so there’s that 😍

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  • 2 months later...

mixed success: i accidentally popped a disc in my neck slightly out of place this morning (big owches) but i was able to carefully press it back into place this afternoon (big relief!!) so my muscles are still really sore from being tense as fuck all day, but this should heal up soon now

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  • 4 months later...

Mixed success: I found PLENTY of chanterelles in the woods today. ^_^ However, I also fell into a disgusting, swamp-ish ditch. Water smelled like farts.  :yuck: 

Also, my wifi stopped working today. BUT, after a lot of searching, I found the cable for the connection I had before wifi, and that (knock on wood) seems to be working. 😌 

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I've got two jobs, and lots of regular hours. And that's good! More money, and some much-needed structure in my daily life, and fun and learning and being busy and in motion!

...aaaaaand I totally freak every time I think about all the things I have no time for now, and it makes me sad, and a little bit scared, and I feel like a child who is supposed to do ALL the adult things! but WTF I'm not an adult! but of course I frkn am, come on already! This is what I want! ...but it isn't. But it is! But it isn't. And so on. :lol:

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