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15 hours ago, turtlesneeze said:

This is great! Can't Wait for the next chapter~~~

I’m so glad that you like it! It’s such a joy to write and I’m glad that I’m bringing joy to all you guys reading it as much as it brings me joy to write it!



Here is another part. There is a TON of sneezing in this part. There’s also fluff between Reid and Hotch, but I’m sure that you are all used to that! I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 😄







    As soon as the plane started to descend, Reid felt fresh pain surge through him. He lifted his hands to his nose and rubbed at it. It squished as he did so and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment about how disgusting that was.




    “Reid, it’s fine. You’re sick,” Hotch whispered so lowly that no one else could possibly hear it. “It’s alright.”


    That didn’t make Reid feel any better. He blinked his eyes madly as he felt the tickle spread as the burning feeling spread over him. He brought up the tissue to his face as he seemed lost in ticklish misery before the feeling was able to push him over the edge.


    “IthcsSHew! IchSHew! IcsHSeW! IcshSHew!” Reid was almost thrown forward with the force of each one. They were way more powerful than his earlier sneezes. They then seemed to catch in his nose and cause the tickle to flare once more.


    “IthcShew! IcshSHew! IcshSHEw! IcSHew! IcsSHEW!” Reid couldn’t get in a breath between the insane amount of sneezes that just tore from him. Tears caught in his eyes as he was caught in between ticklish misery and pure agony. It was as if an icepick was being stabbed into his sinuses and temples. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could actually take.


    Just when he was about to cry out, he felt a firm hand on the small of his back, rubbing small circles like before. “Just breathe. Don’t worry.”


    Tears caught in Reid’s eyes as he began to sneeze once again. “IthcsSHeW! IcshSHew! IcshSHEW! IcshSHeW! IchsSHew!


    “Oh, Reid,” JJ breathed as she reluctantly hung back when Hotch raised a hand that wasn’t on Reid’s back. She sat back down next to Prentiss and Rossi, forcing herself to look away.


    Hotch felt Reid lean against him, but he was sure it wasn’t by choice. The dizziness had taken over. “You’re okay,” Hotch continued to reassure. “Don’t try and fight it. It won’t help.”


    Reid reluctantly took in another breath that turned his nose twitching once more. “ItChShew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew! IcSHSHew! IcsSHew! IcSHew!


    “Damn, kid. Are you ever going to stop,” Morgan joked. He received a glare from Hotch and realized that teasing wasn’t the best course of action in the moment. 


    Reid wanted to answer, but another sneeze cut him off. “IthcsSHEW!” He took in another breath. “IthcsSHeW! IcshSHew! IcshSHew! IchsSHew! IthcsSHew!”


    Hotch could sense how tired Reid was becoming. The kid barely moved when he sneezed now because of how exhausted he was becoming. Hotch hoped that the fit would stop soon.


    “IThcsSHEW! IcshSHew! IcshSHeW! IchsSHew! IChsSHew!” Reid sucked in one more breath with the now sopping tissues to his nose. “IthcSHSew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew! IthcsShew! ItcSHEW!”


    One final, forceful, sneeze finally broke the fit. Reid’s eyes partially closed in the aftermath as he lifted the sodden tissues to his nose just as the plane finally touched down. It certainly took all the energy out of him and he barely managed to sit back against the couch with his eyes closed and breath coming in painful gasps.


    “Sorry,” Reid managed once he was able.


    “You have nothing to apologize for. Being sick isn’t a character flaw. It happens to everyone,” Hotch told him. Reid let out a low hum of final agreement.


    Hotch stood up from beside Reid and faced the team. “Good job, everyone. Now, I want you all to head back for a long weekend and hand in your reports when you return.”


    Usually they would all head back and work on it when the case was still fresh in everyone’s minds, but no one was asking why they weren’t. All they had to do was take one look at Reid and that answered any questions that they might have. Instead of arguing, they all walked past Reid one by one and headed out of the plane and down the stairs. Only after everyone had left did Hotch try to rouse Reid.


    “Reid,” he murmured gently. “Are you ready to try and get off the plane?”


    Reid opened his eyes and sniffled painfully. “I guess,” he replied. He didn’t seem to have much of a choice as he slowly tried to stand.


    Dizziness took over and he nearly fell back. Luckily, Hotch was there and promptly caught him. He helped him straighten up the rest of the way and he helped Reid take a few steps forward. “Just collect yourself for a moment,” he instructed while still helping to keep him upright. 


    They stood there for a while, or at least it felt like that for Reid. After a moment, he nodded. “I think I’b ogay,” Reid announced.


    Hotch gingerly released him and allowed Reid to make it off the jet on his own two legs. He grabbed the rails for dear life and slowly took almost one step a minute. Hotch was right behind him in case he fell backwards and he did his best not to fall forward.


    He eventually made it to the bottom and sniffled into the sleeve. It was only after he recalled at the texture wasn’t his sweatshirt and Hotch’s jacket that he thrust it down against his side, shuddering in embarrassment. He was aware of Hotch behind him, probably staring at him in concern since he had just stopped dead, but he felt like he had to say something.


    “I’b so sorry,” Reid began as he rubbed the sleeve on his sweatpants when he saw the small wet spot nodoubt made by his extremely runny nose.


    Hotch let his paternal side show as he came over to Reid’s side. “Do you need help getting the rest of the way down,” Hotch offered.


    Reid’s glassy eyes flashed in surprise. “Budt, I sneezed on dyour-“


    “Reid, it’s alright,” Hotch reassured after a moment. He saw Reid look away as tears seemed to show in his eyes. Reid instantly lifted a hand and rubbed it over his eyes to stop the tears from falling. “Hey, it’s really alright.”


    Reid pulled his eyes away from Hotch and sniffled heavily, his nose really running out of control. Hotch stretched out his hand and pulled Reid’s chin over to him so that Reid had to look at him. This time Reid didn’t look away. “Reid, it’s okay. You don’t have to worry about. You’re aware that I have a son, right? A little snot and tears doesn’t bother me. If it did then being a father isn’t something I should’ve committed to.”


    “Yeah, I guess,” answered Reid with a small, nervous smile.


    Hotch nodded as he took a step down the stairs with Reid following. “Good, now let’s get you home.”


To Be Continued.....

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On 4/18/2019 at 2:56 PM, 2SHY222 said:

I'm sooooooo in love with this 🥰

Awe that melts my heart!



I have another chapter for all of you. I wanted to thank everyone who has followed this story so far. I know that it’s been a long time with this story, but reading all of your comments just melted my heart. I hope you guys continue to enjoy it and let me know what you think!





    Reid reluctantly got into Hotch’s car, feeling another shiver rush up his spine. He wanted to believe that he would’ve argued more upon Hotch driving him home, but exhaustion had just sunk down any hopes he had of arguing. He knew that it would be futile as well. Hotch was way better at arguing and actually winning than Reid was.


    Hotch started the ignition and turned on the heat at full blast. Reid was more than relieved, but his nose was less so. “IthcsSHeW! IchsSHew! IcshSHew!” He couldn’t help but bring the jacket up to his nose to try and at least stop the mess from spraying since he had run out of just about everything else. He sniffled back the congestion, but it made a beeline out once more. “IthcsSHeW! IchsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew!” 


    Hotch instantly reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a half used travel sized pack of tissues. “Here,” he offered.


    “I’b. IthsSHsHew! IthcSHew! Sorry. IcshSHew!” Reid barely was able to choke out what he needed to say between harsh sneezes that ripped out of him and sent him on a coughing spree.


    Hotch waited until Reid had stopped coughing, blew his runny nose, and turned to look at him that he actually spoke. “For the last time, it’s alright. You have nothing to apologize for.” Reid stretched out a hand with the tissues in it. “You can keep those. I have plenty more at home.”


    “I didn’dt thig thadt you carried tissues with you,” Reid pointed out.


    “Again, I have a son. You learn to keep tissues close,” Hotch answered as he pulled the car onto the main road and toward Reid’s house. “We’ll be home soon.”


    Reid closed his eyes and allowed himself to actually relax. He wasn’t sure at what point, but his eyes closed and he fell asleep.


    He woke up when he felt someone nudge his shoulder. He opened his eyes and found that they were home. He opened the passenger door slowly. “Thag you.”


    “You think that I’m just going to drop you off,” Hotch asked as he parked the car and pulled the keys from the ignition and opened the driver’s side door.


    Reid was too surprised to say anything as Hotch led him inside. Reid turned off his alarm and turned on all the lights. He headed into the kitchen to take his antibiotics, coughing in the aftermath of it. His eyes slightly streamed as he pulled off Hotch’s jacket and made a mental note to wash it in the morning. There was no way that he could return it like that.


    Hotch came into the kitchen after him and almost steered him toward the stairs. “Come on. Every moment you’re standing here is a moment that you should be asleep.”


    “You cand leave dnow,” Reid told him as he started up the stairs. His muscles ached in protest with his eyes closed tightly together as he headed to his room. 


    Hotch rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry about me. You just need to worry about feeling better,” Hotch replied as he turned on the light to Reid’s room.


    Reid walked over to his bed and didn’t even bother to change. He fell down in the bed and yawned loudly. “Thags for everythig,” he murmured as he caught his boss’s gaze. If someone would’ve told him that he would’ve been looked after by his boss while he was sick the week before, he would’ve said that they were crazy. Now he couldn’t imagine it any other way.


    “Get some rest,” Hotch chuckled as he turned off the light. He stood at the door and waited until he heard Reid’s congested snore before he headed back downstairs. 


    He turned off the lights and made his way to the couch in Reid’s living room. He found a pillow and blanket and laid down. It was nearly one in the morning and he was exhausted. Taking care of Reid had zapped all of his energy over these last few days and he wanted nothing more to know that Reid was alright and that he was safe to sleep.


To Be Continued.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/30/2019 at 10:45 PM, 2SHY222 said:

🥰 Reid is adorable 

I know right! There’s just something about sick Reid that melts my heart!


On 5/13/2019 at 3:08 PM, zen said:

this is such an adorable story 💕💕 can't wait for the next chapter! 

Awe thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it!






I can’t believe that it has almost been a year since I’ve started this story. I’m so thankful for all of you reading this story and all of your feedback. This has been probably one of favorite stories to write. I certainly have more stories in the work, but I’m always open to requesters and suggestions. I hope you like the conclusion and you’ve loved all of story as much as I have loved writing it!







    Reid awoke the next morning and realized that he was still in his clothes from the night before. He sat up and saw sunlight streaming through his blinds. He reached over and looked at his alarm clock and realized that it was nearly eleven thirty. He threw the covers off and stumbled out of bed. He didn’t quite gauge how dizzy he really would be and immediately staggered into the wall. 


    He heard footsteps rush up the stairs and his first thought was that someone had broken into his house. He immediately staggered forward as his door opened and he saw Hotch. His boss seemed just as surprised to see Reid leaning against the wall for support.


    “Hodtch,” questioned Reid, his voice extremely congested.


    Hotch nodded as he turned on the light. “Are you alright?”


    Reid was about to answer when his head crashed into his elbow. “IthcsSHew! IcshSHeW! IcshSHEw! IcshSHew!” He was pleased that there weren’t more sneezes lurking in his nose, at least for the time being. He lowered his elbow and gave a few wet sniffles in the aftermath. “I’b good.”


    “How about you come downstairs? I made some breakfast,” Hotch offered as he headed to the door slowly in case Reid had anymore questions.


    Reid nodded slowly. “Ogay. I’b jusdt goig to gedt cleaned ub,” Reid told him as he grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom.


    Once he heard Hotch downstairs, he gave his nose a few powerful blows. He was pleased that the congestion released a bit and he was able to breathe through his nose without causing a splintering headache. He changed into another pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt since he was still so cold. He quickly washed his hands in almost scolding water and headed downstairs.


    He saw a plate of eggs and toast on the table that he rarely sat at and slowly made his way over. “Thags for dis,” Reid replied as he sat at the table.


    Hotch brought over a glass of orange juice with the antibiotics and set it on the table. “You didn’t have much to make. Perhaps I should text Garcia and ask her to bring you over some groceries?”


    Reid shook his head madly. “Dno, id’s ogay. I can when I’b feelig bedder,” Reid replied as he picked up the pills and tossed them into the back of his throat. He downed half the orange juice in a matter of seconds and set it down beside his plate. “Where’s Jagck?”


    “He’s with his grandparents, but I’m supposed to get him.” He looked at his phone before he tucked it in his pocket. “Do you need anything else?”


    Reid shook his head madly once more. “You’ve donde enough for be already,” Reid pointed out as he coughed to clear his throat. “Thags for everythig, agaid.”


    “Don’t mention it. If you need anything before Monday, just let me or at least someone on the team know and if you’re not 100% by Monday then don’t bother coming in,” Hotch told him sternly.


    Reid knew that Hotch was certainly serious about that and it wouldn’t be smart to try to pull one over on him. “Thag you.”


    “Eat that and then get some rest. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call,” Hotch called as he headed for the door, but not before grabbing his jacket from earlier.


    Reid opened his mouth to say that he would wash it, but the door had already closed. He coldn’t help but chuckle as he started to eat the eggs and toast that Hotch had made for him. 


    All in all it had been an interesting week that Reid would never want to repeat, but he was glad that he had been through it. He felt like he had bonded with the team, especially with Hotch. He may have been pretty sick, but at least he had a wonderful team there to help him through it.


The End

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Awww! I really,  really enjoyed this. I'm kind of sad! 

And, I'm kind of sad he is all alone but he IS on the mend and does live alone all the time.

Thank you for all the time and effort you put towards this! I'm going to back and read if as a whole soon. You did an excellent job as always and I look forward to your future fics.

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omg this was amazing! sad it’s over so now i don’t have any reid fics to obsess over, hope you write more of reid in the future!


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  • 1 month later...

You are an amazing writer. I tip my hat off to you in respect. You should write an epilogue because I don't want this to end 🥰😍 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was a great story! I liked it because it did take a year to write... There has been something to look forward to off and on for a year! Thank you so much for finishing it. Lots of writers lose motivation after a while... Great job!

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