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I know absolutely NOTHING about this series. I haven’t seen a single episode and I didn’t even know any of the characters’ names until now. 

This is really, really well written. I honestly feel like I’ve known them all my life from just this story. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2019 at 9:55 PM, ReidSeeker said:

☺ oooh I like your story soooooo much

I’m so glad!


On 1/20/2019 at 4:54 PM, Pirka said:

I know absolutely NOTHING about this series. I haven’t seen a single episode and I didn’t even know any of the characters’ names until now. 

This is really, really well written. I honestly feel like I’ve known them all my life from just this story. 

Thanks so much! That means so much to me! It is honestly a great series and I highly recommend it, especially if you like this story. I hope you continue t enjoy this story!




    The door opened and Dr. Brynn headed in. He gave his genuine, kind smile just as he had before. “The good news is that it’s not flu. However, you lungs still sound pretty clogged and I’m going to guess that it’s the beginning of bronchitis coupled with a sinus infection.”


    Reid wrinkled his nose a bit. “Oh.”


    “I can give you an antibiotic and I’d suggest some breathing treatments to help with that ragged cough. If it doesn’t improve in three days then you need to come back,” Dr. Brynn replied as he scribbled something on his prescription pad and passed it over to Reid as he tucked his pen back into his pocket. 


    “Thag you,” Reid wheezed as his chest began to tighten as he started to cough. He lifted a fist to his mouth to try and cover the slightly wet explosions, but his shoulders shook madly with each cough. His eyes watered and he couldn’t help but groan in the aftermath.


    Dr. Brynn frowned. “I would suggest that you take him someplace to get some much needed rest. Continue the fluids and cough medicine if he can tolerate. Tylenol to keep the fever down. Anything else is pretty straightforward. Just treat it as a cold and don’t be alarmed if he gets extreme headaches due to the pressure,” explained Dr. Brynn to Hotch since he would be mainly taking care of Reid when Reid couldn’t.


    “Understood,” Hotch replaced. “Thanks, doc.”


    “It’s my pleasure. I hope you feel better, Spencer,” Dr. Brynn told him as he opened the door to the examination room as Reid slid off of the table with Hotch right behind him, almost steering him out of the room.


    They walked down the hallway and to the receptionist’s desk. Reid gave the women his insurance card and checked himself out with a pamphlet of the diagnosis and what he could do for it. He tucked it into his pocket and rubbed his hand against his face tiredly. 


    “Ready,” Hotch asked more of a curtesy than an actual question.


    Reid nodded as he headed for the door with Hotch right behind. As soon as they headed out into the cold air, Reid shivered. He tilted his head up at the sky as rain started to pelt down and chilled him even more to the bone than he already was. He tightened his sweatshirt around himself and just stood there.


    “Reid, move,” ordered Hotch as he came up behind Reid. He gave him a small nudge when he continued to stand still with his eyes glanced upward at the sky. 


    He stumbled forward and headed to the passenger seat of their rental. Hotch opened the door to the driver’s side and immediately started the car and turned on the heat. He didn’t care for the way that Reid was shivering, despite having on a shirt and a sweatshirt. 


    The change in temperature caused Reid’s nose to run once more. He pulled the crumpled tissues from his pocket that barely did any good and rubbed his nose against them. It proved in vain as his nose started to itch and he was forced to duck his head to the side, almost over his elbow.


    “IchsSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew!” They were rapid, tumbling over each other in succession. Reid tried to pull his head away when he believed that he was finished before he turned away once more. “IthcsSHeW! IchsSHew! IchsSHew! IcshSHew!


    “Bless you,” Hotch murmured as he steered the car to the highway.


    Reid brought the used tissue out and wiped it under his sore nostrils. “Don’dt you ever gedt tired of saying thadt,” Reid snapped.


    Hotch heard the frustration in the young agent’s voice, but he knew that it wasn’t directed at him. It was just the situation that they were in. “I’m just being polite, Reid.”


    Reid’s glassy eyes seemed to flash at the patient, yet firm answer that Hotch gave. Reid hung his head as he pushed the heels of his hands against his eyes. “I’b sorry. I dknow. You’ve been so kind and helbful to be and I didn’dt bean thadt. I jusdt.....” He trailed off as he rubbed at his tickling nose and wasn’t quite sure how to finish that thought. He just hoped that Hotch understood what he said.


    “I know, you don’t feel well,” Hotch surmised.


    “By bind is mobing so slow and nothing makes sense like I’d should and everythig is jusdt so slow,” Reid complained as he leaned forward, his head buried in his hands. He sighed as he coughed painfully, rubbing at his sore throat. 


    Reid was partially aware of the car being steered to the side of the road and stopped. He glanced up and realized that Hotch was staring at him intently. “Your mind is working like everyone else’s at the moment. That doesn’t mean that you’re slow. You’re sick. There is a definitive difference.”


    Reid wasn’t sure what to say. He just managed a tiny nod. “Is dis whadt id’s like for everyone else?”


    “Watch it,” Hotch chided, but there was warmth and amusement in his voice. If Reid was joking with him, then he must be feeling at least marginally better.


    Reid opened his mouth to say something else when he felt the ever present need to cough. He leaned forward and hacked painfully into his hands. He was aware of a warm hand on his back offering him silent comfort. Reid continued to cough in intervals for a few moments before he felt his nose twitch and felt the need to sneeze blossoming in his nostrils. He struggled not to groan as he lifted his sweatshirt clad arm to his runny nose. 


    Hotch noticed Reid tense and he instantly lifted the glove compartment and found some tissues from earlier. He pressed them into Reid’s hands just in time. They would be more sanitary than his sleeve.


    “ItchsSHew! IcshSHew!” Reid directed the sneezed into the tissues, but he felt a bit of the spray leak out over the edges. He didn’t have time to readjust before he felt the impulsive need once more. “IthcsSHew! IchsSHew! IcshSHew!


    “Bless you,” Hotch offered simply.


    Reid raised a finger. “Dnot...eh....huh....doneChsshHSewh!” The end of the sentence ended in ticklish misery that caused Reid to feel the need once more. “ITchsSHew! IchsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHEW!”


    One final wet and painful explosion sent ripples a pain through Reid’s sinuses. Reid rubbed the tissue against his still streaming nose before he leaned back, his fingers pressed against his swollen and painful sinuses. “Ugh, excuse be.”


    Hotch didn’t answer for a moment before he pulled out more tissues and offered them to Reid. “Blow your nose,” he chided in the same gentle, yet stern tone that he would use with Jack.


    Tears seemed to leap to Reid’s eyes as he shook his head madly. “Hurdts,” Reid confessed. He was fairly surprised at how he was actually opening up to Hotch about how he felt. It was just that the spreading burning feeling in his sinuses accompanied by the pressure was enough to make him want to curl into a ball under the covers and not appear until the antibiotics started to work.


    Hotch was just as surprised as Reid was about him opening up. He managed a small nod. “I know, but you sitting there sniffling every few seconds isn’t going to work either.” He saw Reid open his mouth and he quickly beat him to it. “But, I know that this is uncomfortable for you and I wish you wouldn’t be uncomfortable about it. Anyway, I’ll stop at the pharmacy and get your meds and you can wait ere and do whatever it is you need to. Is that a deal?”


    “Yes, sir,” answered Reid as he leaned back in the car. His head slightly lolled to the side away from Hotch so that he didn’t have to see the crap running from his nose. He wasn’t even sure that it was mucus. It was starting to have a strange hue to it, if you could even call it that. Reid had never been so disgusted with his body like this before and that was saying something.


    Hotch pulled the vehicle back on the road and found the nearest pharmacy. It was fairly decent place and it was one of the places that Dr. Brynn has suggested to Hotch. Hotch kept the vehicle running for the hot air for Reid and stepped out of the car with the prescription. Reid had pulled out a couple twenties from his wallet, but Hotch left them behind. He could cover a few antibiotics. 


    Once Hotch left, Reid was able to pull some tissues from their rapidly depleted supply and give his nose a few honking blows into it. It was remarkably unproductive and sent lightning strikes of pain into his sinuses. Reid moaned loudly now that Hotch wasn’t there and just settled for pressing the clump of tissues under his nose and slightly reclining his seat back. 


    He didn’t want to sleep, especially not in front of Hotch with tissues pressed against his nose to stop from allowing it to run. He pivoted toward the window and just prayed that they would be back to the hotel soon.


To Be Continued....

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9 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

beginning of bronchitis coupled with a sinus infection.”

I like the diagnosis 

9 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    “I can give you an antibiotic and I’d suggest some breathing treatments to help with that ragged cough. If it doesn’t improve in three days then you need to come back,” 

I'm not very familiar with breathing treatments (I believe I've seen breathing exercises). Can they be done at home (or hotel room) or do you have to go in for them? 

9 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

  “By bind is mobing so slow and nothing makes sense like I’d should and everythig is jusdt so slow,” Reid complained as he leaned forward, his head buried in his hands. He sighed as he coughed painfully, rubbing at his sore throat. 

This is exactly what I go for...and the bonus of congestion :stretcher:

10 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid wasn’t sure what to say. He just managed a tiny nod. “Is dis whadt id’s like for everyone else?”


    “Watch it,” Hotch chided, but there was warmth and amusement in his voice. If Reid was joking with him, then he must be feeling at least marginally better.

Hahaha! Love this bit!

10 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Tears seemed to leap to Reid’s eyes as he shook his head madly. “Hurdts,” Reid confessed. He was fairly surprised at how he was actually opening up to Hotch about how he felt. It was just that the spreading burning feeling in his sinuses accompanied by the pressure was enough to make him want to curl into a ball under the covers and not appear until the antibiotics started to work.

Poor little angel! I'm glad he's more comfortable with Hotch now 

I'm so glad you have updated! Can't wait for more 

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On 2/7/2019 at 6:49 PM, turtlesneeze said:

I've been away since mid Nov and am just catching up! It's great!

Welcome back! It’s hard to believe that I’ve been working on this story for over six months! I hope that you enjoy the parts that I’ve written up to this point. Sometimes it’s best just to read it all at once, but I hope you enjoy the rest of it!



I had a few extra minutes (and my minutes I mean at like 2 am when I was stressed over an essay) and I decided to write some more. I hope you us like it. There’s a little more plot and not a whole lot of sneezing, but there is some sniffles as well as blows and just Reid cuteness and paternal caring from Hotch. If you’re into this, then this is the part for you! Hope you all like it and tell me what you think!





    “Reid. Reid? Reid!”


    Reid awoke to his name being called beside him. He rolled over and the tissues fell from his nose. He sniffed experimentally as he opened his eyes and saw Hotch sitting beside him. “You ready to head in? You might be able to get some rest before we leave.”


    “They found the unsub? Withoudt us,” Reid asked bewildered.


    Amusement glittered in Hotch’s usual serious gaze. He leaned forward and grabbed some more tissues, handing them over to Reid. Reid lifted his fingers to his nose and felt the sticky substance. His face burned in mortification as he pressed them against his unruly appendage. “I’b sorry!”


    “First off, you don’t need to apologize. We’ve been over this. Second, yes they managed to catch the unsub without us. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to be replaced,” Hotch reassured since he knew that was what Reid was more worried about.


    Reid tried to blow his nose, but it’s just resulted in more pain and he was forced to press a hand against his forehead. “I dknow. I dknow.”


    Hotch said nothing more as he opened the driver’s side door. Reid did the same to the passenger side and forced his way out. It was still raining, but not nearly as hard as before. He continued to shiver under his bulky sweatshirt that seemed to make him feel even smaller and weaker than before.


    “Reid,” Hotch called when Reid, once again, stood stagnant in the middle of the road, allowing rain to slowly douse his body.


    Reid shook his head to clear it, his hair beginning to grow damp before he headed after Hotch into the hotel. He sniffled as he entered the lobby into the heat. He shivered once more as Hotch directed him toward the elevators. Reid was thankful that they were alone. He didn’t like the uncomfortable and sympathetic stares that he kept getting from everyone. 


    Once they were inside, Reid leaned against the wall as dizziness took over. His vision swam for a moment and he felt like he was going to pass out. Before anything could happen, Hotch noticed and reached forward. He grasped Reid’s arm to steady him.


    “Easy, just breathe,” Hotch instructed. 


    “M’dizzy,” Reid managed to mumble after lifted a hand and rested it against his face. He felt hot and uncomfortable one moment and freezing the next. His head felt like it was stuffed in cotton and his mind was just so slow. It was almost paralyzing to him. 


    Hotch nodded. “I know. We’re almost there and then you can lay down,” Hotch instructed. He tried to keep all the fear from his voice. He had never seen anyone this sick before, let alone it being the youngest member on his team. He already felt paternal protection for him and it had only been heightened by him being ill. Not to mention he didn’t know the last time he had seen his son. That wasn’t helping his emotions either. 


    The elevator finally stopped at their floor and Hotch helped Reid forward. Reid staggered a bit, but thanks to Hotch, he didn’t fall. They headed back to their room and Hotch led Reid back to his bed. Reid all but collapsed on it, straining to pull his legs on top of the bed as he felt a few more coughs bubbling deep within his chest. He turned and coughed painfully once more, struggling to take in each breath.


    Hotch grabbed a cup of water nearby and uncapped a few pills. He tapped them onto his hand and passed them over to Reid. “Once you can breathe, take these two. Then we’ll worry about the cough medicine,” Hotch explained.


    Reid managed to suck in some breath. He nodded slowly when his lungs finally stopped contracting. He took the pills from Hotch and threw them into the back of his throat. He grabbed the water and drank it down quickly. He swallowed thickly when he was finished. The pills were capsules and tasted like nothing, but he still wasn’t keen on the idea of taking the antibiotics. 


    “They’re not narcotics,” Hotch reminded as if he had read Reid’s mind. Reid opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it. Instead, he allowed Hotch to pour him a new douse of cough medicine. He handed it over to Reid and Reid couldn’t help but grimace.


    Reid shrugged as he tipped it into his mouth and swallowed it all at once. He reached for the water to rid himself of the taste, but it did little good. “I wandt do dknow who thoughdt thadt dis tasdtes good,” he gasped.


    “It’s not meant to taste good,” Hotch pointed out as he took the tiny cup and the water away from Reid. “It’s supposed to help that cough.”


    Reid chuckled. “Yeah, I guess.” He gave another sniff. “When do we have to leave?”


    “Let me worry about that. You just get some rest,” Hotch ordered as he pulled out his phone and noticed that he had a few missed calls and texts from numerous members of his team. He guessed that it was about Reid, but he made a note to call Rossi as soon as Reid was asleep.


    Reid pulled the covers up to him as he shivered. He turned on his side, this time angled toward Hotch’s bed. He rubbed his fist against his nose before he grabbed the tissues on the nightstand. He thrust his nose into the soft fold as his breath started to hitch.


    “IcshSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew!” He was more than relieved when it seemed to be a smaller fit. He gave a tiny blow into the tissues and grimaced as the mucus that threatened to seep through the tissues. He clamped the tissue shut and pulled it away from his nose. He set it down in the trash and wrinkled his nose in disgust. 


    “When are we leabing agaig,” Reid requested. 


    Hotch nearly rolled his eyes at how stubborn Reid could be. “Reid, it’s fine. Get some rest. I’ll wake you when we need to go.”


    Clearly Reid wasn’t thrilled with that answer. Reid frowned as he snuggled back under the covers. As much as he just wanted to sleep, he really didn’t want to see useless. He shifted once more. “I should probably gedt by thigs together and-“


    “Reid,” Hotch interrupted as he walked over to him. He sat on the edge of the bed and rested a hand on Reid’s leg through the covers. “You can help me best by resting. The flight isn’t going to be very pleasant for you with all that congestion. You need to get as much sleep now as you can.”


    Reid took in all in. Even with his brain feeling like it was filled with cotton and some sort of haze, he understood what Hotch was talking about. He finally nodded. “Ogay.”


    “Sleep,” Hotch commanded once more as he stood up.


    Reid mumbled something under his breath before the tendrils of sleep were just too strong and he drifted off into a deep sleep.


To Be Continued.....

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12 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid cuteness and paternal caring from Hotch

Love it  :)

13 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Once they were inside, Reid leaned against the wall as dizziness took over. His vision swam for a moment and he felt like he was going to pass out. Before anything could happen, Hotch noticed and reached forward. He grasped Reid’s arm to steady him.


14 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

M’dizzy,” Reid managed to mumble after lifted a hand and rested it against his face. He felt hot and uncomfortable one moment and freezing the next. His head felt like it was stuffed in cotton and his mind was just so slow. It was almost paralyzing to him.

Yep, this is what I look for. Poor sick Reid! World is tilting but you have a nice anchor with Hotch :hug:

20 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He had never seen anyone this sick before, let alone it being the youngest member on his team. He already felt paternal protection for him and it had only been heightened by him being ill. Not to mention he didn’t know the last time he had seen his son.

Aw, Hotch! I'm just going to melt over here. No worries 

I liked this part a bunch! I can hardly wait for more but you get some sleep! I hope writing this bit helped your juices flow for your essay :sleepysmileyanim::typing:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/13/2019 at 1:17 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Love it  :)


Yep, this is what I look for. Poor sick Reid! World is tilting but you have a nice anchor with Hotch :hug:

Aw, Hotch! I'm just going to melt over here. No worries 

I liked this part a bunch! I can hardly wait for more but you get some sleep! I hope writing this bit helped your juices flow for your essay :sleepysmileyanim::typing:

Thanks so much for your kind words! I would certainly prefer to write this, but it did seem to help my essay and the next four that I had to do. Now that spring break is coming up things will hopefully calm down. I know it’s been a hot second since I’ve written, but I’m hoping to get back on track. If life would just give me more time for my obsessions that would be great but you know😂


On 2/14/2019 at 8:09 PM, turtlesneeze said:

Great update!!! 

Thanks so much! I hope you like the next part!



This bit is a little longer than the previous one I believe, but I’ve been cooped up in my room thanks to some help reasons and that has given me more time to write so at least one good thing has come from it. I can’t believe that it’s almost been a year since I first started this story. It doesn’t feel that long, but I guess there is like 16 chapters I’ve written and there is still plenty more to go. Anyway, I hope you guys like it and let me know your thoughts!





    As soon as the congested snoring rose up from Reid, Hotch whipped out his cellphone and called Rossi. He headed into the tiny hallwayish area so not to disturb Reid, even though he was pretty sure that a freight train wouldn't wake him up at this point.


    He heard the dial tone before there was silence and then Rossi's voice.




    "Hey, Dave, it's Aaron. Do we have a time for wheels up?"


    "In about two to three hours or so. Do you think that Reid will be fit to board?"


    Hotch lifted a hand and pressed his fingers against the bridge of his nose and gave it a small squeeze. "I hope so. He's sleeping now so I hope that that'll help. Having a sinus infection on a plane is going to be hell."


    "Well, we all will help him get through it. I'll swing by and pick you two up in an hour. It'll take us a little bit to get to the airport. That should give us a little buffer of time."


    "Thanks, Dave. See you in a bit." 


    With that, Hotch hung up and decided that he would tidy up a bit and pack up. Once he was finished with his own belongings, he turned to Reid's. Reid didn't stir the entire time Hotch worked around him. He cleaned up all the used tissues, cups of water, and the medicine casings that Reid had taken the pills out of.


    After he was finished, Hotch sat back on the bed. He felt restless and longed to do something. It had been a while since he had just sat down and done nothing. He eventually settled for reading a book. He hadn't brought any reading material, but he knew Reid did. He eventually pulled out a book on the economic downfall contributed to the crash of the stock market. It looked boring as hell, but it was better than just turning on the TV to some random channel and not actually paying attention to it.


    Hotch wasn't sure how long he had read when he realized that Rossi would be there to pick him and Reid up in less than ten minutes. Rossi was always punctual when it came to time. 


    He came over to Reid and rested his hand on his shoulder. "Reid. Come on, Reid. You need to wake up now. You can sleep on the jet."


    Reid moaned a bit before he suddenly took in a massive breath and started himself awake. He jumped from the bed and rushed up before trying to back Hotch to the corner of the room. He began to pace back and forth while his hand shook close to his ears while constantly wavering on whether he was going to lower them or raise them up again. He mumbled incoherently, his hair drenched in his own sweat.


    Hotch mentally cursed himself for not figuring out sooner that Reid's fever had probably climbed sometime when he was reading that horrendous book.


    "Reid? Reid! You need to calm down. It's alright. You're alright," Hotch reassured as he took a step closer to him.


    Reid shook his head madly. "No!"


    Hotch nearly leaped back after hearing his subordinate cry out like that. Instead, he composed himself and continued to face him. "Reid, it's me. It's Hotch. Whatever you're seeing, it's not there. You're okay."


    "Hodtch," Reid grumbled, his voice thick with congestion. He hadn't had a chance to blow his nose when he woke up and now he sounded like a clogged drain. "Hodtch."


    Hotch nodded. Even though his name was uttered through Reid's clogged passages and he was barely able to understand it, it made enough sense to him. "That's right. I'm not going anywhere and you're okay."


    Reid darted around, facing the wall with his shoulders hunched and eyes slightly narrowed. Hotch snapped his fingers and Reid's head darted around. "Reid, look at me. Stay focused on me, on what's real, okay? Look right at me." Hotch pointed to his chest as Reid's eyes grew hazy as if he was about to zone out again.


    Suddenly, Reid's head crashed to the side and didn't even bother to cover the sneezes. "IchsSHew! ICshSHew! ICshSHew!"


    "Bless you," Hotch murmured softly, hoping that his gentle tone might break through Reid's haze.


    "IchsHSew! IcshSHew!" Each sneeze seemed to make him weaker and weaker. His nose was flooding down his face as he continued to sneeze openly. “IThcsSHew! IchsSHew! IcshShew!"


    When it finally finished, he slumped against the wall tiredly. Hotch took the opportunity to take a step forward and push on Reid's shoulders to help him sit down. Hotch sat down beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders comfortingly. He felt Reid shiver under him and Hotch couldn't help but feel guilty for not realizing it earlier.


    "It's alright. You're alright," Hotch murmured. He used the same voice that he would with Jack. He didn't care that Reid was a considerable amount older than his son. He was still a kid in his eyes and a kid that needed some extra help and comfort right now.


    Reid sniffled heavily as his nose continued to run. Realization seemed to show in his gaze as Ried lifted his hand over his nose. He couldn't believe that he had allowed Hotch to see him like this!


    "Tissue," pleaded Reid.


    Hotch looked up to the desk and pulled out a few out. He handed them over to Reid, who took them gratefully. He pushed it up to his runny nose and wiped the remanences of his prior sneezing fit away. He pressed his head against the back of the wall as tears threatened to spill down his face. He had never been more embarrassed in his life and that included the previous days of being with Hotch in a tight hotel room.


    Hotch noticed the expression on Reid's face and sighed. "What's wrong?"


    Reid tried to pull away, but Hotch's arm was still around his shoulder. "I'b sorry. I forgodt where I was and thend I saw you and I sordt of rebembered and dknow you saw be like thadt and all I wandted was for you to see thadt I'b dnot jusdt a kid and thadt I can do thigs on by own."


    "Reid, I've always known that. Sure, you're not a typical FBI agent and that's okay. We need someone to think outside the box and that's you. You're young, yes, but that's not always a weakness," Hotch pointed out gently as he gave Reid's shoulder another reassuring squeeze.


    Reid blew his nose into the tissues to rid himself of the rest of the congestion. He tried to rub the tears from his eyes, but it was almost too late. Tears started to roll down his face before he could stop himself. Hotch blinked his eyes in surprise as he debated exactly what to do or say. He finally settled on leaned over and giving Reid a firm hug around the shoulders.


    "Whadt are you doing," asked Reid between sniffles. Whether or not that was from emotion or his illness, Hotch wasn't sure.


    "Studies have shown that physical reassurance during times of emotional distress can comfort the other person better than any other measure," Hotch replied. He was sure that Reid had spat off that information at some point. There was no way that Hotch would know that off the top of his head unless Reid had said it before and it had just stuck with him.


    Reid stiffened under his grasp. "Ogay."


    "If you want I can stop," Hotch offered. He was sure that this wasn't easy for Reid and he didn't want to make him anymore uncomfortable than he already was.


    Reid shook his head, sniffling once more as more tears ran down his face. "Dno, id's ogay," Reid replied.


    That was as much as Hotch was going to get to it's helping, so he allowed the matter to drop. He continued to tighten his grip on Reid to allow his body time to actually relax. He stopped shaking after a while and his breath turned controlled. He finally seemed to be at ease for the first time in a long time.


    There were perks to being a profiler.


To Be Continued.....





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Oh wow...I guess I've really missed this story. This was AWESOME.  I loved this bit!

46 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

he was pretty sure that a freight train wouldn't wake him up at this point

Poor sleepy baby

47 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

"Well, we all will help him get through it. I'll swing by and pick you two up in an hour. It'll take us a little bit to get to the airport. That should give us a little buffer of time."

I just love Rossi

3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He mumbled incoherently, his hair drenched in his own sweat.

I can barely decide where to quote here. The whole high fever-confusion thing is like...HIGH point for me. Exactly what I want. You're so good at this!

3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

When it finally finished, he slumped against the wall tiredly. Hotch took the opportunity to take a step forward and push on Reid's shoulders to help him sit down. Hotch sat down beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders comfortingly. He felt Reid shiver under him and Hotch couldn't help but feel guilty for not realizing it earlier.

Oh...just so perfect 

3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He was still a kid in his eyes and a kid that needed some extra help and comfort right now.

Omg I adore this! Yes, sweet baby Reid needs hugs

3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

tudies have shown that physical reassurance during times of emotional distress can comfort the other person better than any other measure," Hotch replied. He was sure that Reid had spat off that information at some point. There was no way that Hotch would know that off the top of his head unless Reid had said it before and it had just stuck with him.

(Sorry the quote is imperfect)

I love this. It rings true. The statement and that he thinks he heard it from Reid. Also presented in this way probably would make it easier for Reid to accept the comfort 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He finally seemed to be at ease for the first time in a long time.


    There were perks to being a profiler.

Aw! 😍

Thanks for the update!

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On 3/1/2019 at 7:09 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Oh wow...I guess I've really missed this story. This was AWESOME.  I loved this bit!

Poor sleepy baby

I just love Rossi

I can barely decide where to quote here. The whole high fever-confusion thing is like...HIGH point for me. Exactly what I want. You're so good at this!

Oh...just so perfect 

Omg I adore this! Yes, sweet baby Reid needs hugs

(Sorry the quote is imperfect)

I love this. It rings true. The statement and that he thinks he heard it from Reid. Also presented in this way probably would make it easier for Reid to accept the comfort 

Aw! 😍

Thanks for the update!

Awe thanks to much! I’m so that that you’re liking it! I love writing fever confusion and it just seemed so perfect to do it then and you’re comments just brighten my day!


On 3/5/2019 at 11:49 AM, 2SHY222 said:

This is fantastic 🥰

Thanks! I’m so glad that you enjoyed it!




So, Spring Break started in like three hours for me. However, I am in my cousin’s wedding as a bridesmaid and I don’t think that I will have that much time to write since there will be family everywhere in a small house and there’s no way that I’m going to risk them seeing my writing. I’ll do my best to update at least once, but it might not be until I am back in the privacy of my own dorm lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this little update and it can tide you over until I get back. Thanks for everyone who has followed this story and enjoyed it. I hope you like it!






    Once Reid was fully relaxed against Hotch, Hotch decided that it was finally time that they get moving. Rossi would be there any moment and he was sure that Reid wouldn’t want his teammates to know about this. He gently pulled his arms from around Reid and nudged his shoulder.


    “Think that we can get ready for the ride home?”


    Reid’s eyes sprang open. He hadn’t realized that there had already been a flight time. He stood slowly and blew his nose into the wad of tissues once more. He threw them away as he passed and came over to his go-bag. He frowned when he realized that it was already packed.




    “It’s alright. You’re all set. Do you need anything else before we go? Food or anything,” Hotch offered. He wasn’t sure the last time that Reid had eaten. It had been a while.


    Reid broke through his haze enough to shake his head, instantly feeling the pressure deep within his sinuses. “I’b ogay, budt thags.” He gave another sniff. “Thags for gedding by thigs.”


    Hotch shrugged. “It’s alright, Ried. I knew that you weren’t up for it.” He grabbed his own go-bag and leaned down to pick up Reid’s go-bag. Reid lunged for it to take it from Hotch, but Hotch pulled away. “It’s okay. I got it. You just worry about keeping yourself vertical and let us help you.”


    The tone of Hotch’s voice told Reid not to argue it. He nodded as he grabbed some tissues and stuffed them into his pockets. He knew that he would need them for later and he didn’t want to be in an uncomfortable position again. It was one thing to be weak in front of Hotch. That was bad enough. Being weak in front of his entire team, his family, was not an option.


    Hotch opened the door and waited for Reid to head out first. Reid headed out and tried not to feel bad about allowing Hotch to carry his bag. The two of them made their way into the elevator, just as Rossi texted them to let them know that he had just pulled up with the rest of the team.


    “Cand you bake theb dnot ask bany questions,” requested Reid on the way down.


    Hotch grinned ever so slightly. “Not even God himself could make them not be concerned about you, Reid. They just do it because they’re worried.”


    Reid sighed, which ultimately turned into a cough. He lifted his hand to his face, which was covered by his sweatshirt. He coughed painfully for a few moments before it tampered off. He was more than relieved that it wasn’t a horrible fit. “I dknow. They’re good friends.”


    Hotch nodded in agreement. The elevator finally came to a stop and the two headed out. Reid led the way out of the lobby where Rossi and the rest of the team was waiting in a black SUV. Reid opened the back passenger door and climbed in beside JJ and Prentiss. Morgan was in the back with Rossi and Hotch up front. Reid prayed that no would say anything to him or that his nose and lungs would behave themselves. At this point he had no idea which might come first.


    “Spence, are you alright,” JJ asked as she leaned around Prentiss to get a better look at him.    


    Reid had tried to cram himself against the window, but couldn’t help it when JJ looked at him. He couldn’t be that rude and ignore her. “I’b ogay.”


    “Wow, you sound like you swallowed a dozen cotton balls or something,” Morgan assessed as he leaned forward so that his hands dangled over the seat, close to Reid’s head.


    Reid slid away ever so slightly. “I’b bedder thad before,” Reid reassured as he lifted a hand to discretely scratch at his nose, or at least as discretely as he could.


    “Then I would’ve hated to see you before,” announced Prentiss, her face drawn in sympathy.


    Reid’s cheeks flushed, once more, in pure embarrassment as he shrugged. “Id wasn’t so bad,” he muttered as he played with his nails in front of him, just wishing that they would hurry up and be at the airport.


    Luckily, JJ seemed to take the hint and started to talk about weekend plans. Morgan seemed more than willing to tell what he was doing and so did Prentiss. Reid rested his head against the cool window and closed his eyes. He frowned when he felt his nose start to run. He lifted a tissue clad hand up to his nose and rubbed it sideways. Tears suddenly sprang to his eyes as the need to sneeze started to tickle his nose.


    No, not now!


    Reid blinked his eyes rapidly to no avail. He stuck his tongue against the roof of his mouth, but it was clear that no matter what he did. There was no way that this was going to happen now. It just couldn’t!


    When he knew that he was going to loose the battle, he immediately lifted his tissue clad hand to his nose to squeeze his nose shut. “Itcxxh! Itxxxh! ITxxxxh! Icxxxh! Ixccxxh! Ugh.” He gave an exhausted wet sniffle that sounded disgusting, even to Reid himself.


    “My goodness, bless you,” Prentiss exclaimed.


    “God bless you, Reid,” JJ added.


    “Bless you, man,” offered Morgan.


    “Salud,” Rossi called from the front.


    Hotch didn’t say anything since he could tell from the way that Reid had stifled his sneezes that he was uncomfortable. He longed to say something about how that could cause Reid more pain than the embarrassment was of actually letting go his sneezes. He stopped himself just short. That would probably just cause Reid even more embarrassment and that wasn’t what he wanted.


    “Reid, are you alright,” asked JJ in her usual motherly tone that made Reid a little uncomfortable, especially now.


    Reid nodded as he rubbed his nose heavily against the sodden tissues. “I’b fide,” he snapped. However, the slight rasp in his tone made his voice sound less harsh.


    “Yeah, okay,” Morgan replied slowly, his voice drawling in disbelief.


    Reid wrinkled his nose a bit as he rested his head against the glass once more. His entire body ached and each breath was torture. His nose was clogged and the stifling had made his sinuses burn. He struggled not to allow the tears to fall from his eyes as he managed to drift off.


    “He sounds horrible,” whispered Prentiss when they heard Reid’s congested snores rise up from the window.


    JJ nodded in agreement. “Isn’t there anything that we can do, Hotch,” she requested. The until chief hadn’t spoken a word since he got in, but he knew that he had to speak for Reid now.


    “He’s just embarrassed about being seen as weak among you.” Everyone started to talk at once, but Hotch lifted a hand to unite them. “It’s just a thought that he has. He just doesn’t want to be a burden and he’s embarrassed. I think that best thing that you can do is almost ignore him. I know that it sounds cruel, but it’s what he wants. Don’t make a big deal out of anything if you can help it.”


    JJ tensed upon hearing that. That was the last thing that she wanted to do to help Reid and that was ignore him. That didn’t sound fair. However, if that was what Hotch thought was best, then that was what she was going to do. “Okay, Hotch.”


    Hotch turned back to face the road in front of him while the three in the back started to delve back into their weekend plans, but in a little bit of a lower voice. Hotch was more than relieved that their topics weren’t revolved around Reid, even when Reid was sleeping.


    “How is he really doing,” asked Rossi quietly as so not to alert anyone else that they were talking about Reid.


    Hotch sighed. “He’s sick and embarrassed, which isn’t a good combination,” he pointed out as he scratched at the back of his hand subconsciously. “I’m just trying to get him to relax a bit. It’s just difficult for him and I hope that he will let us help, eventually.”


    “I’m sure that he will, eventually. What is that saying?” He gave a brief nod before continuing. “Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is the care of Spencer Reid.”


To Be Continued....

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12 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid broke through his haze enough to shake his head, instantly feeling the pressure deep within his sinuses. “I’b ogay, budt thags.” He gave another sniff. “Thags for gedding by thigs.

Oh he's such an angel, I can't even...

Love the congestion and haze :wub:

12 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Cand you bake theb dnot ask bany questions,” requested Reid on the way down.


12 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch grinned ever so slightly. “Not even God himself could make them not be concerned about you, Reid. They just do it because they’re worried.

Yeah, no way, sweet baby.  Poor Reid is so embarrassed though! 

12 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch didn’t say anything since he could tell from the way that Reid had stifled his sneezes that he was uncomfortable. He longed to say something about how that could cause Reid more pain than the embarrassment was of actually letting go his sneezes

I mean, it would be rude of everyone to not bless him, and they aren't rude people. Poor baby. And yeah Reid that's going to make that flight painful!

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    Reid wrinkled his nose a bit as he rested his head against the glass once more. His entire body ached and each breath was torture. His nose was clogged and the stifling had made his sinuses burn. He struggled not to allow the tears to fall from his eyes as he managed to drift off.

Oh, sleepy boy...:kicking: (I can't find a melted puddle emoji but...yeah)

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

I’m sure that he will, eventually. What is that saying?” He gave a brief nod before continuing. “Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is the care of Spencer Reid.”

Haha aaaah Rossi!

I really,  really liked this part! So much!! I guess I wanted some team time cause it just made me so happy. 

Have fun being a bridesmaid! I've been one 4 times and it's a lot to deal with but it can be fun. Totally understand not being able to write around family but I will certainly be missing this. Thank you so much for all the work you've put into this already!

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The love of the whole team melts my heart  and I can't wait for what happens next 😱🥰. Good luck at the wedding and have fun 

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On 3/7/2019 at 11:43 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Oh he's such an angel, I can't even...

Love the congestion and haze :wub:


Yeah, no way, sweet baby.  Poor Reid is so embarrassed though! 

I mean, it would be rude of everyone to not bless him, and they aren't rude people. Poor baby. And yeah Reid that's going to make that flight painful!

Oh, sleepy boy...:kicking: (I can't find a melted puddle emoji but...yeah)

Haha aaaah Rossi!

I really,  really liked this part! So much!! I guess I wanted some team time cause it just made me so happy. 

Have fun being a bridesmaid! I've been one 4 times and it's a lot to deal with but it can be fun. Totally understand not being able to write around family but I will certainly be missing this. Thank you so much for all the work you've put into this already!

Thanks so much for your kind words! I had an incredible time being a bridesmaid, but I am glad to be back at school where I have a lot more time to write. I hope that I’ll be able to update a little more regularly, hopefully. 

On 3/8/2019 at 12:26 PM, zen said:

aaaah this update was super cute, i love how the team cares for him ❤️ can’t wait for more!

Thanks! I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the aspect of the team. I hope you like the next bit!


On 3/14/2019 at 2:59 PM, 2SHY222 said:

The love of the whole team melts my heart  and I can't wait for what happens next 😱🥰. Good luck at the wedding and have fun 

Awe I’m sorry to keep you waiting! I had a wonderful time at the wedding, but I am glad to be back and writing more of this story. I hope you like the next part as much as this one!



Thanks for your patience everyone. I hope that I will be able to write a little more regularly. This part is a little longer and has a lot of sneezing in it as well as team fluff as always. I hope you guys like it!








    Reid stirred when he realized that they had stopped moving. He tried to stretch, but that just caused his lungs to tighten in pain and a coughing fit instantly followed. His ribs felt like they were splintering in his chest while he struggled for each breath. He lifted his hand to his chest and he gasped with each intake of breath.


    “Wow, easy, man,” chided Morgan as he slid in beside Reid and started to rub his back.


    Reid tried to push him away, but his strength was ebbing and he was forced to lean against him. Morgan didn’t seem to mind, but Reid wasn’t sure if he would say anything if he did. “Hey, it’s okay. Just breathe and get your bearings. There’s no rush.”


    Reid wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. He didn’t have to ask. The coughs just continued to surge from him and it was a real struggle to breathe. Black dots showed in his vision as Morgan started to thump the heel of his hand against Reid’s back to try and break up at least some of the congestion. He remembered when he was little and his mother doing that for him. 


    “That’s better. There we go,” Morgan chided with a look of relief on his face. He had never heard anyone short of a chain smoker have a coughing fit like that. Ried looked exhausted and in pain with his eyes sunken into his pale face. He looked into Morgan’s eyes in a way that he never had before. “Are you okay?”


    Reid shrugged. “Dnot really. Thadt hurdt,” he confessed as he lifted a fist and almost kneaded against his chest painfully.


    “I can imagine. It was pretty painful to listen to too,” Morgan assessed as he looked at the youngest member of the team. He felt a rush of protectiveness. Reid was like his little brother that he wanted to look after. Unfortunately, there was really nothing that he could do about illness. That he couldn’t very much help with.


    Reid grimaced as he pulled more tissues from his pocket. He sucked in a preparatory breath before he felt the itch spread through his nose. He suddenly ducked forward, not even bothering to stifle any sneezes this time. He had learned his lesson from earlier.


    “IchsSHew! IchsShew! IcsSHew!” Each sneezed caused his chest to absolutely throb. Reid lifted his hand and pressed his hand to his chest, sucking in a painful breath. He wished that it was over, but his nose was still not satisfied. “IthcsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHEw!


    “Damn, bless you, man,” Morgan offered, trying to look away from Reid to give him some more privacy, at least as much privacy in that SUV. “I heard you have a sinus infection and bronchitis. I’m sure that sucks.”


    Reid nodded slowly. “Id does,” he replied as he rubbed his nose dry with the tissues and tucked it in his pockets. He rubbed his rapidly sore throat and coughed softly. “Didn’dt you ever gedt sick?”


    “Well yeah, but I was always hit with a cold or the flu. It sucks, but I’m guessing what you have it worse,” pointed out Morgan. 


    Reid sniffled his answer before his door opened. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed that it was Hotch. “Are you ready,” he asked.


    “As ready as I’b goig to be,” answered Reid as he reluctantly stepped out of the SUV. He immediately shivered and tried to pull his sweatshirt around him.


    Hotch immediately shed his coat and placed it around Reid’s shoulders. Reid stood there for a moment before he tried to shrug it off. “Hodtch, I’b fide.”


    “You need it more than I do,” Hotch responded firmly.


    Reid decided that he would save his sore throat some pain and not argue with his boss. He pulled the coat tighter around his shoulders and continued to shiver. His nose ran like a faucet and he was rapidly running out of tissues. Soon he would be on the jet and that meant more tissues to his disposal, he hoped.


    He had only taken a few steps when he fumbled for the tissues. His hand was shaking too bad and he decided to just use his sleeve since it was a quicker alternative. “IthSHSew! IcshSHew! IchsSHew! IcshSHew!


    Hotch stopped beside him and Morgan did the same. Hotch nodded to Morgan and Morgan reluctantly left Hotch and  Reid alone. Hotch frowned as Reid continued to shake. “Reid, are you-“


    “IthcSHew! IcshSHew! Sorry,” Reid began, the only word that he could choke out between sneezes. He took another breath and sneezed a few more times messily against his sleeve. “IthcsSHEW! IcshSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew!”


    “Bless you,” Hotch offered as he pulled out yet another handkerchief from his suit pocket. He handed it over to Reid and pressed it into his free hand.


    Reid shook his head. “I already took ode. I don’dt dneed to take another ode,” he argued quickly.


    “Reid, take it. You need it. Clean yourself up here and then we’ll head aboard the jet,” Hotch offered, trying to stop Reid from feeling anymore embarrassed.


    Reid knew that they wouldn’t move until he obliged. He brought the handkerchief up to his nose and rubbed his nose madly against it. He blew his nose in the aftermath and tucked the still viable handkerchief into his pocket. He knew that he would need it for later and he would need to wash it and give it back to Hotch. He couldn’t believe that he had taken two of Hotch’s handkerchiefs in just a few days.


    He finished cleaning himself up just like Hotch’s had said and made his way up the stairs. He frowned when he felt his nose start to tickle once more. He crinkled his eyebrows in distain when he finally made his way into the cabin, his breath hitching madly.


    “You okay,” Prentiss asked as she passed by, a small bottle of water in her hands. She came beside him and rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder.


    She felt the heat, even through a sweatshirt and Hotch’s coat. She pursed her lips together as Reid tried to pull away. I don’t need her fussing all over me. It’s a simple virus. Why does everyone keep insisting that I’m going to perish by the plague.


    In the middle of the monotone in his head, his nostrils started to flare. Prentiss opened her mouth to say something when Reid lifted the tissue to his nose and buckled forward. “ItcSHew! IcshSHew! Ichsxxh! Itxxh! Icxxxh! IchcXxxh!


    “Bless you, Spencer. Are you okay? Those sounded like they hurt,” Prentiss sympathized. Her words were more awkward than JJ’s, as if she was nervous about actually saying something so maternal, too maternal. You could say that the concern went both ways.


    “Come on, man. You don’t need to do that,” Morgan butted in as he came forward. Prentiss stepped forward and allowed Morgan into the small space beside Reid. He gripped Reid’s bicep and started to cautiously lead him forward ever so slowly. “Let’s get you sitting down.”


    Reid gave a sniffle of agreement as Morgan helped him to the couch. Reid would’ve protested, but his nose gave another form of protest. “Icxxxh! Icxxxh! Itcxxxh! Itxxxh! ItxxXH!


    Reid kept the handkerchief over his nose and clamped it over to stop any sneezes from really becoming sneezes. The stifles caused his already enflamed sinuses to throb even more. They were hardly satisfying and he still felt the need to sneeze. The tickle was still blossoming, but he was just too exhausted to give it much more thought.


    “Pretty boy,” Morgan started just as Hotch came up in front of them with a bottle of water and a box of tissues. 


    “Reid, that’s enough,” Hotch scolded, but his voice was still warm enough that it didn’t sound too harsh, especially in Reid’s slightly compromised state. 


    “I jusdt dond’t wandt to be a bother,” Reid confessed once the tickle finally died down for a few moments.


    Morgan stretched out his hand and pulled Reid’s handkerchief clad hand from Reid’s nose. “You’re not a bother, but you will be if you rupture an eardrum,” he whispered.


    Reid frowned smugly before he looked up to Hotch, who had cleared his throat in an effort to draw Reid’s attention toward him. “Morgan is right. We’ve been over this. You don’t need a ruptured eardrum. Especially on a flight, that isn’t fun,” he told him as he passed by him to speak to the rest of the members on the team.


    Reid and Morgan exchanged a glance. Reid’s eyes slightly widened. Hotch ruptured a eardrum? He had to have! He wouldn’t have spoken that like personal experience if he hadn’t.


    “Take off will commence in five minutes.”


    Morgan stood up, but not before resting a hand on Reid’s shoulder. “You should try to get some rest before we take off. Maybe you’ll sleep through the flight.”


    “I doudbt id,” he replied as he rubbed a bleary hand over his face. 


    Morgan sighed. “Humor me, would you? I know that it would make us all feel a lot better if you at least tried,” he pointed out.


    Reid reluctantly laid his head back before Morgan shook his head madly. “No, all the way. Actually lay down. It’s a couch, you know. That’s what it is designed for. It’s a perfect place to be sick.”


    Reid would’ve rolled his eyes if that wouldn’t have killed him to do so. He reluctantly lifted his legs and swung them over onto the couch. He rested his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes, hoping for rest.


To Be Continued.....

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Hotch with a ruptured eardrum? Current or past? Wow great possible twist. Also the concern is soooo sweet. I love this 🥰. (If reid can't sleep he and Morgan should play cards. Just an idea 🤔😉)

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On 3/21/2019 at 7:09 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

I can imagine. It was pretty painful to listen to too,” Morgan assessed as he looked at the youngest member of the team. He felt a rush of protectiveness. Reid was like his little brother that he wanted to look after. Unfortunately, there was really nothing that he could do about illness. That he couldn’t very much help with.

I love when Morgan is sweet to Reid, the little brother he never had

On 3/21/2019 at 7:09 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

He immediately shivered and tried to pull his sweatshirt around him.

Poor cold baby. Ha I guess I like shivery boys, too

On 3/21/2019 at 7:09 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

  She felt the heat, even through a sweatshirt and Hotch’s coat. She pursed her lips together as Reid tried to pull away

Aw...she's not even sure what to say...he's all fevered. Guh, I like your story!! 

On 3/21/2019 at 7:09 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

“I jusdt dond’t wandt to be a bother,” Reid confessed once the tickle finally died down for a few moments.

Oh, so shy...

A lovely update


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On 3/21/2019 at 8:11 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Hotch with a ruptured eardrum? Current or past? Wow great possible twist. Also the concern is soooo sweet. I love this 🥰. (If reid can't sleep he and Morgan should play cards. Just an idea 🤔😉)

I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the story so far and that you liked the added Hotch with a ruptured eardrum and it was in the past, but I just thought that it would be an interesting little twist.


On 3/24/2019 at 1:20 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I love when Morgan is sweet to Reid, the little brother he never had

Poor cold baby. Ha I guess I like shivery boys, too

Aw...she's not even sure what to say...he's all fevered. Guh, I like your story!! 

Oh, so shy...

A lovely update


Awe thanks! I’m glad that you’re enjoying the story, especially the fevered bits. They have to be my favorite parts to right as well just because I imagine him so cute when he’s oblivious thanks to the fever.



Here’s to another update. I hope you guys like it and thanks so much for following this story so far! I know that it’s been a long one since I can’t seem to write a short story to save my life. This part has a good bit of sneezing in it, so it should be interesting. Hope you all like it and let me know what you think!






    Morgan walked to the back of the plane where everyone else already was. Hotch had been asking about the case, but when Morgan came behind him, he promptly stopped.


    “Isn’t there anything else we can do,” requested Morgan as he flicked his head back to Reid. “You know.”


    Hotch shook his head. “We’ve done all for him that we can possibly do for the time being. We just need to give him some space. We’re right here in case he needs anything, but privacy is what he could use right now.”


    Morgan set his jaw in disagreement as he sat down beside Rossi while JJ and Prentiss were across from them, Hotch on the end. They spoke quietly for a while until the plane started to take off. They were only about halfway into the air when there was a sudden gasp from Reid’s direction.


    Hotch was on his feet before anyone else could contemplate what happened. He came over to Reid as Reid fought to sit up, pulling his hand to his face. That only caused to increase the pressure in his sinuses enough to make them literally throb. It was one of the most painful things that he had ever experienced in his life. It was hot and fiery pain as well as pressure that seemed to cause agony to spread through him, especially in his head. It was a headache mixed with sinus pressure.


    “Easy, easy. Slow, go nice and slow,” Hotch told him as he allowed Reid to reach and grab for his suit jacket. He helped Reid sit up slowly before Hotch sat down right beside him. He waited for Reid to stabilize before Hotch took his chance to speak again and actually have Reid understand it. “Are you good now?”


    Reid didn’t dare nod. He was sure that would be even more painful. He settled for just trying to respond in words. “I’b ogay. S-Sorry,” he stammered as the pain continued to spread through him. 


    Hotch shook his head. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I’m just glad that you’re alright,” he replied as he pulled the tissue box from beside the couch when he saw the expression on Reid’s face. 


    Reid was clearly trying to tamper the sneezes off, but Hotch pulled out a few and pressed them into Reid’s hand. “Just don’t stifle them. You’ll do more harm than good.”


    Reid pressed the tissues to his nose and tried to pull as far away from Hotch as he possibly could. “IthcShew! IcsSHew! IcshSHew! IcsSHEw! IcsSHew! IchsSHew!”


    The sneezes just kept tumbling out of him and they were horrible. The pain flared in his sinuses once more and his eyes started to water. The plane hadn’t stabilized yet and he couldn’t believe how much it hurt.


    “Bless you,” Hotch offered as the rest of the team seemed to draw attention to Reid. Hotch noticed Reid’s ticklish expression and knew that it was far from over.


    “IchsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew!” Reid was slightly thrown forward, which did nothing for the pressure in his head. He wrinkled his nose in disgust as even more sneezes tumbled from him. “IThcsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHEw!


    “Bless you, Reid,” exclaimed JJ. Her loud voice did nothing for Reid’s headache. He knew that she cared, but he wished that she would care a little quieter.


    Hotch stretched out his hand to JJ and slightly shook his head. She quickly quieted herself as Reid started once more. “ItcsSHew! IchsSHew! ICshSHew! IcsSHew! IcshSHew!” With one final ticklish explosion, Reid’s fit seemed to halt for the time being.


    “Man that was intense. You alright,” called Morgan.


    Just the range in volume from everyone made Reid rest his hands almost over his ears and forget about his runny nose. Hotch looked around with his famous ‘Hotch glare’ and the team instantly quieted. Hotch turned his attention back to Reid and pulled out another handful of tissues and passed them over to Reid. Reid didn’t even think about taking them as he continued to rub at his ears and then moved his hands to his sinuses. Tears were apparent in his eyes as the pain seemed to intensify.


    “Just try to breathe normally,” urged Hotch.


    “C-Cand’t. Hurdts,” Reid managed to choke out between small cries of pain.


    Hotch nodded slowly. “I know. I know.” He motioned for JJ and she quickly came close, her eyes round in fear. “I need you to get some water and some towels and see if you can make them hotter. We can then put it over Reid’s face to see if that helps with the pain.”


    JJ immediately rushed forward and did as Hotch was told. Hotch stayed with Reid while the other watched on in quiet horror. Hotch frowned when he saw Reid almost whimper as the pain spread. Hotch shuffled closer to Reid and rested his hand between his shoulders. “Come here,” he whispered as he pulled Reid toward him. 


    Reid fought him with what little strength he had left. Hotch tightened his grip now on his shoulders, but didn’t do so that it would harm Reid. “Reid, it’s alright. You just need to work with me. It’s okay,” Hotch whispered in his clear fatherly voice. Reid had grown to recognize the different tones in Hotch’s voice.


    Reid didn’t have much of a choice. He allowed Hotch to lay him down. To his sheer embarrassment, he found himself laying down with his head rested on Hotch’s lap. He tried in vain to stand up once more. “Reid,” Hotch ordered.


    He finally stopped frightening as he closed his eyes. To his mortification, Hotch lifted his hands to his inflamed sinuses and began to gingerly press his fingers against it in a sort of massages. He moved his hands from his sinuses to his temples and pressed gingerly. It sent agony through his face at first, and then it almost started to soothe the pain.


    “Hodtch,” began Reid with his eyes opened only to slits.


    Hotch looked down. “Yes?” 




To Be Continued....

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11 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Morgan set his jaw in disagreement as he sat down beside Rossi while JJ and Prentiss were across from them, Hotch on the end.

I just love the thought of grumpy Morgan. It just tickled me. 

13 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch told him as he allowed Reid to reach and grab for his suit jacket

I love the image of Reid grabbing Hotch's jacket for support and comfort 

15 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hodtch,” began Reid with his eyes opened only to slits.


    Hotch looked down. “Yes?” 



Aaaaaa so cute!!!!! I'm doing a "too cute" dance in my head lol 

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On 3/31/2019 at 4:15 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I just love the thought of grumpy Morgan. It just tickled me. 

I love the image of Reid grabbing Hotch's jacket for support and comfort 

Aaaaaa so cute!!!!! I'm doing a "too cute" dance in my head lol 

Thanks so much! I know that this story has been a long one, but I hope you continue to like these last couple of parts.


On 4/1/2019 at 2:44 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Yeeeep 🥰. I'm speechless. Bravo Bravo. 

Thank you!




It’s been a little longer than usual for this story. I’ve been pretty sick myself and just had a ton of stuff going on. I’d like to say that things are going to go smoother, but I don’t want to jinx myself. There’s not going to be a whole lot more parts to this story, but I’m already brainstorming for another. I hope you all enjoy this next part, even if it is shorter!







    Hotch felt as if his heart was melting, seeing Reid so vulnerable and weak. This wasn’t what Reid wanted, but it was what he needed and that was all it took for Hotch to at least try and alleviate his suffering. He recalled doing the same for Jack when he was still a toddler. It had seemed to work for him, so he was sure that it would’ve worked the same for Reid.


    “Don’t mention it. Just try and relax,” Hotch told him. He continued to alternate between massaging his temples and his sinuses. He didn’t care that Reid’s nose was still running like a faucet down his face. It was better than causing him more pain. Hotch would take causing Reid less pain than his dignity, or the mild level of disgust that he felt. It wasn’t nearly enough to cause him to stop, not even close. Paternal concern washed over Hotch for Reid.


    JJ returned a moment later with the items that he had requested. She set them down beside Hotch and Hotch immediately took the water and drizzled some into Reid’s mouth. Reid managed to swallow a few times before Hotch set it down. He reached for the towel next and draped it over Reid’s sinuses. He continued to massage them through the towel as his eyes slowly drew to a close and his ragged breath finally began to grow more controlled.


    “Thank God,” JJ exclaimed as she placed a hand over her heart. Tears nearly fell from her eyes when she looked at Reid and Hotch. “Is he okay?”


    Rossi crept over behind him and looked down on Reid with his own level of concern in his eyes. “I think that okay is too strong of a word.”


    “Yeah, that was terrible. He was in so much pain,” Prentiss added as she and Morgan clustered over to everyone else.


    Hotch shook his head gravely. “That can sometimes happen when flying with a sinus infection or an ear infection. It’s not pleasant by any means. Barely even tolerable.”


    “How did you know how to do that,” asked Morgan as he watched Hotch continue to massage Reid’s sinuses through the towel.


    “Long time ago. I remember Haley doing this for me when I was ill. That’s how I learned,” answered Hotch in a rare display of vulnerability. 


    Morgan nodded. He seemed to accept that answer. “Is there anything else that we can do for him, Hotch,” Morgan pressed in concern.


    “I think that the best thing we can do for him is to let him rest and be as quiet as possible. Sleep is what he needs the most right now,” Hotch replied.


    Prentiss turned back to her work while JJ came beside Morgan. She rested a hand on his shoulder and slightly pulled him back. Morgan reluctantly followed to leave Rossi standing across from Hotch.


    “Do you need anything,” Rossi offered.


    Hotch shook his head. “I’m alright. I don’t think that I should move, though. The last thing that he needs to be is woken up or jarred again,” he replied, still massaging Reid’s sinuses in gentle circular patterns as he began to snore softly.    


    Rossi gave a small dip of his head before he headed back to the rest of the team, leaving Hotch alone with Reid. Hotch glanced down at him and offered a rare smile for no one to see. If this was what it would take to make this flight bearable for Reid, then this was what Hotch was going to do.




    “Our descent will begin in ten minutes.”


    Hotch opened his eyes when he heard the pilot’s voice. He stretched out his hand to Reid’s shoulder and shook it gently. “Reid. Reid, you need to wake up.”


    Reid groaned as his eyes slowly opened. They were about to flutter shut when they seemed to notice who he was staring up at it. He tried to sit up, but Hotch tightened his grip on his shoulders. “It’s alright. Just wait a minute before you start sitting up and when you do, you have to do it slowly.”


    Reid pulled the towel from his sinuses and realized that his nose was fully running as well as his eyes watering. He tried to reach for a tissue, but Hotch just took the towel and pushed it over Reid’s nose. Reid gripped the towel and pressed it over his settled for just wiping it instead of blowing. He was sure that would cause him even more pain.


    “Want to try and sit up,” Hotch asked him when he was sure that Reid was fully awake.


    Reid nodded slowly as Hotch gripped his shoulders and slowly eased Reid into sitting position. He helped him lean against the couch while his nose gave a small twitch of distain in the change of pressure. Hotch handed the tissues over to Reid and Reid took them eagerly as he pressed it to his nose. “IthcsSHew! ICshSHew! IcshSHew!


    “Bless you, man,” Morgan called from his seat and pulled his headphones from his ears.


    Reid didn’t answer as he rubbed at his nose gingerly with the tissues. The edges of his nostrils were now chapped and burned when he tried to rub at them. He pulled it from his nose and blinked his eyes painfully.


    “Sorry,” Reid managed to gasp out.


    Hotch almost laughed at the irony in that. “Reid, there’s nothing to be sorry for. You don’t need to apologize,” he pointed out.


    “Ogay. Where are we,” Reid asked as he lifted his fist to his eyes and rubbed hard like a child might.


    “We’re going to begin our descent soon. I thought that you would want to be awake for that,” Hotch pointed out as he took the tissues from Reid’s hand and set them in the trashcan. He set the box on Reid’s lap for later use, since he was sure that he would need them for the way down.


    Reid tried to sniff painfully, but his nose was completely blocked. He swallowed hard and felt his ears pop. He squeezed his eyes tightly in pain before he was able to composure himself for a moment. “Y-Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled.


    “Trust me, you will,” replied Hotch as Morgan came over to them and kneeled down in front of Reid and met his eyes slowly. 


    “Do you need anything, Reid,” offered Morgan softly.


    Reid hated to be fussed over by probably his best friend. “Dno, thag you. I’b ogay,” he replied. “I jusdt wandt to gedt hobe.”


    Hotch said nothing. It would be best not to frustrate Reid at the moment. If he brought it up now it would just make things more complicated later.


    “Okay,” Morgan replied as he stood up and gave him a small nod before he made his way over to his seat and sat down once more.


    Hotch sighed as the fasten seatbelt sign flashed. He looked over to Reid, who was still rubbing at his sinuses. “Going down is going to be just as painful as going up, maybe even more so.”


    “Ogay,” Reid croaked.


    “I’ll be here if you need anything. I’m not going anywhere,” Hotch told him, guessing that that was what Reid needed to hear at the moment from the way that he was shifting uncomfortable.


    Reid blinked his eyes slowly. “Ogay.”


To Be Continued.....

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18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Paternal concern washed over Hotch for Reid.


18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Ogay. Where are we,” Reid asked as he lifted his fist to his eyes and rubbed hard like a child might.

So freaking adorable!

 I am definitely still enjoying this and look forward to more!

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On 4/9/2019 at 1:22 PM, zen said:

loved the update ❤️ 

I’m so glad!


On 4/10/2019 at 6:22 AM, ReidSeeker said:


So freaking adorable!

 I am definitely still enjoying this and look forward to more!

I’m so glad! This has probably been of of my favorite stories to write and I’m just so glad it brightens other peoples day just like it brightens mine when I write it! 😀

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