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I’m glad that you’re all enjoying this story! It makes me so happy to see all of your wonderful and encouraging comments. They really make my day. I’m sorry that this update is a little later than I thought it would be. I’m struggling a bit in my personal life and if you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers that would be great. Thanks so much for reading this story and I hope that you enjoy this next part!





    It was only ten minutes into some documentary about chimpanzees before Reid was out. He had his head rested against the headboard with his mouth partially opened as he snored. Hotch couldn't help but smile as he watched him. He seemed so young and vulnerable, just like Jack. He tried to push those feelings aside as he continued through the notes, texting the team when he saw fit and answering any questions that they had.


    Hotch wasn't sure what time it was when Reid began mumbling loudly in his sleep. He wasn't coherent since nothing that he said even made sense. He was still asleep, or so it looked, but something was wrong.


    Hotch was on his feet in an instant and leaned toward him. He rested his hand on his forehead and felt dry heat rising up from him. He immediately set to action and tired to shake him away. Reid mumbled something and stuck out his hand weakly, but there was no way that he could push off Hotch.


    "Come on, Reid. Wake up for me," Hotch shouted as he shook Reid's shoulders more furiously.


    Reid let out a weak cough as his head lolled to the side. Hotch grumbled under his breath as he hauled Reid to stand. He wrapped an arm around him and led him to the bathroom. He set him down on the closed toilet seat before he started to water. He make it lukewarm so that he didn't send Reid into shock.


    Once the water was to the temperature that Hotch wanted, he grasped Reid and helped him in. He didn't bother to take off any of his clothes. He more wanted him to wake up than anything else. The water ran down his face and body for a few moments before Reid suddenly realized what was happening. His eyes opened in alarm as he tried to grip onto anything and the closest thing to him was Hotch.


    "Easy, calm down," Hotch began as he stood firm to give Reid something sturdy to hold onto.


    Reid sniffled as water ran into his nose. "W-W-Whadt is goig on," Reid asked congested.


    Hotch lifted a hand and felt Reid's forehead. He still felt the same warmth and frowned. "You had a very high fever and I couldn't wake you up. This was the only way I could think of immediately lowering it," Hotch explained slowly to allow Reid time for it all to sink in. 


    Reid lifted his wet sleeve and rubbed it under his nose. "Can I finish the rest on by own," requested Reid in embarrassment.


    "You sure that you're alright," Hotch asked. The last thing that he needed was for Reid to fall and crack his head open. 


    Reid loosened his grip on Hotch's arm and tested his feet. Once he was sure that he wasn't going to plummet, he nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'b ogay. C-Can you gedt my go-bag," he requested as he fiddled with his fingers in embarrassment.


    Hotch nodded slowly. "No problem. I'll leave it just inside the door," he told him as he he headed out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He found Reid go-bag and set it just inside the door as he made sure to keep his gaze down. He headed back to the bed and looked at the clock.




    Hotch grabbed his files and set them inside his briefcase while taking out the clothes that he was going to sleep in. He hadn't changed out of his suit just in case his team called him and needed him for something. It seemed that Rossi was keeping the team in his absence and he was grateful. He felt like he needed to be with Reid right now, especially when he was so sick.


    After about twenty minutes, Reid finally emerged from the bathroom in flannel sweatpants and an FBI sweatshirt. Even in that thick clothing, Reid continued to shiver. He tensed his jaw as he shuffled forward. He sat down heavily on the bed with a groan before he leaned forward and grabbed a few tissues and brought it up to his runny nose. He was about to give it a blow when he felt the tickle return with a vengeance and overcame him almost immediately.


    "IhcSHew! IchsSHew!"


    "Bless you," Hotch offered as he grabbed his clothes and a toothbrush and headed to the bathroom.


    Reid was more than relieved when Hotch left him alone so that he could suffer without Hotch's watchful gaze on him. While he was thinking, the urge to sneeze surfaced again and this time he barely had time to grab more tissues before his nose was ready for the release. "IchsSHew! ItcsShew!" Reid was able to take a brief pause and blow his nose heavily. Once he was finished he threw the tissues away. He was about to lean back when the feeling of needing to sneeze overwhelmed him and this time he didn't have enough time to grab more tissues. He wrapped his elbow around his face and pitched forward once more. "IcshSHeW! IchsSHew! IchsSEHw!"


    Reid grumbled to himself as he reached forward with one hand and grabbed another bundle of tissues. He blew his nose fitfully, but the stuffiness in his nose lodged there and he was forced to breathe through his mouth noisily. He was starting to annoy himself. He had no idea how Hotch was dealing with him.


    Just then, as if Reid's thoughts had summoned him, Hotch came forward from the bathroom. He wore sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. It was the most casual that Reid had ever seen Hotch. In fact, Reid wasn’t sure he had never seen Hotch in anything but a suit and tie.


    "Bless you," Hotch told him as he hung up his clothes that he had worn that day. "That was some fit. Are you alright?"


    Reid nodded as his nose began to run. He reached for the tissue box, but found that it was empty. He groaned, despite himself, and set the tissue box in the trash. "I dneed sobe toilet paper," Reid told his boss as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.


    "I'll go down to the lobby and see if they have a spare tissue box," Hotch offered. Secretly he was fairly surprised that Reid had gone through almost a box and a half of tissues just in that day. 


    Reid shook his head madly. "Dno, you dond't dneed to do thadt." Reid sniffed as his nose started to run once more. "I can jusdt use toilet paper."


    "I don't mind. I'll be right back. Do you need anything else," Hotch offered.


    Suddenly, Reid's eyes seemed to fill with tears and Hotch wondered if he had said something wrong. He didn't think so, but with a fever so high, anything that he said might be able to send Reid over the edge. In fact, he was fairly certain that Reid wouldn't remember this the next day.


    "What's wrong," Hotch asked in surprise. He walked over to the bed and sat beside Reid. Reid turned away, his wet hair falling in his eyes.


    "I'b sorry. I dodn't dknow whadt's wrong with be," Reid confessed as he lifted his wrist to rub at his eyes in turn.


    Hotch sighed. "You don't need to apologize. There's nothing wrong with you. You're sick and you have a fever. There's nothing wrong with feeling bad when you're sick." Hotch tried not to treat Reid like Jack, but he couldn't help but see the similarities between his son and Reid. "What's really wrong?"


    Reid looked down and sniffed once more. He would really give anything at this point for some tissues. "I-I-I..." He gulped in discomfort. "Dno one's ever taken care of be like this before."


    Hotch nodded slowly in sudden understanding. He wasn't surprised. Reid's father had left and his mother was rarely mentally there. He had heard stories about schizophrenia patients being extremely uncomfortable and paranoid about germs and any form of illness. "You don't have to be embarrassed about asking for help. No one on the team sees you as weak or minds helping you out. Now, just rest and I'll go and get those tissues."


    Reid nodded, not sure how he was feeling. Hotch had told him that he hadn't minded doing all of this, but Reid was sure that he was just saying that. He probably had to deal with him as the team leader. Reid tried to push those thoughts away, but he just couldn't. They kept creeping back.


    Does Hotch really want to do this for me or am I just some bother that he would rather get rid of?


To Be Continued...

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  • Wolfwings22


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On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

It was only ten minutes into some documentary about chimpanzees before Reid was out

Oh I'm melting! Sweet sleepy baby

On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch was on his feet in an instant and leaned toward him. He rested his hand on his forehead and felt dry heat rising up from him. He immediately set to action and tired to shake him away. Reid mumbled something and stuck out his hand weakly, but there was no way that he could push off Hotch.

Aww oh no fever spike! I like the weak hand trying to push away Hotch

On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

    Once the water was to the temperature that Hotch wanted, he grasped Reid and helped him in. He didn't bother to take off any of his clothes. He more wanted him to wake up than anything else. The water ran down his face and body for a few moments before Reid suddenly realized what was happening. His eyes opened in alarm as he tried to grip onto anything and the closest thing to him was Hotch.

Probably best he didn't undress Reid any...Reid would die of embarrassment! I love that he gripped on Hotch. (My phone change that to hitch a zillion ties 🤦‍♀️

On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid lifted his wet sleeve and rubbed it under his nose. "Can I finish the rest on by own," requested Reid in embarrassment.

Aw! Of course if you're able! Poor thing! Probably thinking of his mother showering him with the cold water. At least Hotch made it tepid.

On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

He blew his nose fitfully, but the stuffiness in his nose lodged there and he was forced to breathe through his mouth noisily. He was starting to annoy himself. He had no idea how Hotch was dealing with him.

Aw! I realize I am aw-ing a bunch but come on! Such a sweetie I just want to snuggle him up

On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

He didn't think so, but with a fever so high, anything that he said might be able to send Reid over the edge. In fact, he was fairly certain that Reid wouldn't remember this the next day.

Ooo, can we get the thermometer again? 😇

On 11/3/2018 at 1:38 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Does Hotch really want to do this for me or am I just some bother that he would rather get rid of?

I feel you, man. But for you, angel, anything.

I hope things are going better for you! I think the fall weather puts people down a bit or something cause I'm struggling, too. This update has certainly brightened my week, though. Thank you so much!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/4/2018 at 7:44 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Oh I'm melting! Sweet sleepy baby

Aww oh no fever spike! I like the weak hand trying to push away Hotch

Probably best he didn't undress Reid any...Reid would die of embarrassment! I love that he gripped on Hotch. (My phone change that to hitch a zillion ties 🤦‍♀️

Aw! Of course if you're able! Poor thing! Probably thinking of his mother showering him with the cold water. At least Hotch made it tepid.

Aw! I realize I am aw-ing a bunch but come on! Such a sweetie I just want to snuggle him up

Ooo, can we get the thermometer again? 😇

I feel you, man. But for you, angel, anything.

I hope things are going better for you! I think the fall weather puts people down a bit or something cause I'm struggling, too. This update has certainly brightened my week, though. Thank you so much!


On 11/6/2018 at 6:40 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Breathtakingly beautiful 😍. Hang on Reid baby, Daddy Hotch is there for you. ❤️

I’m so glad that you all enjoy this and seeing this comments just brightens my day! Here is the next part and now that Thanksgiving break is here I hope that I’ll have some more time to write. I hope you all enjoy this!



    Reid heard Hotch come in, but he purposely laid on his side and faced the wall away from Hotch. He was more than relieved that he had chosen the bed farther then the door. He worked on making his breathing as slow and controlled as possible so that Hotch thought that he was asleep. That way he wouldn’t have to deal with him.


    The door closed behind him as Hotch shuffled around. Reid closed his eyes and listened hard. It sounded like Hotch had gotten a lot more than just tissues.


    Hotch set the new supplies down as well as a few packs of tissues and some tea bags so that they could make on their own. He had also bought nasal spray that was in the small shop in the lobby. He had never used it himself, but he read that it helped with congestion and stuffy noses and that was certainly what Reid had. It might even help him sleep.


    He narrowed his eyes when he caught sight of Reid. Something told him that Reid wasn’t sleeping, considering that he wasn’t snoring due to the congestion. He decided not to say anything. There had to be a reason that Reid didn’t want to speak anymore and Hotch didn’t want to push him. He would talk when he was ready and not before. Forcing him to do anything certainly wouldn’t help.


    Hotch walked over to his bed and turned off the light. He crawled under the covers before he grabbed a book that he was reading. He rarely ever had time to read, but he was too concerned for Reid to actually go to sleep. He decided to clip a book light to the book and read just a little in case Reid needed anything else. Two could play the stubborn game.


    Reid wasn’t sure how long it had been of him pretending to be asleep when he felt a cough seem to bubble up from his chest. He tensed his jaw and tried to swallow, but the cough wouldn’t be contained. He tried to let them out as softly as possible, but they caused his body to jerk. Eventually he let out a few fitful coughs and prayed that it sounded like he was just coughing in his sleep. Can you even cough in your sleep, Reid pondered.


    Once he was finally finished, he heard Hotch shift beside him. Reid held his breath before he heard the sound of a page turning. He let out his breath in relief as he snuggled down under the covers even more and closed his eyes, trying to actually fall asleep.    


    He was almost asleep when he realized that his nose was running out of control. In fact, it had created a small pool on his pillow. Reid shivered in disgust as he made a face. He lifted his sleeve to rub at his nose and it caused his nose to squelch as if he had stepped in a mud puddle. Reid swore in his mind as he pulled his sleeve down immediately. This was certainly not working.


    On top of that, he felt the tickle spread. Reid tried everything that he could think of to stop a sneeze. He tried to hold his breath, blink his eyes quickly, touch his tongue to roof of his mouth, and wiggle his nose around. Nothing helped with the itch. In fact, it seemed like it was only exasperating the itch. Reid tried not to groan as he felt his breath start to hitch out of his control.


    “IcsHsSHew! IchsSHEw! IcshSHEw! IcshSEHw!


    These were definitely sneezes that needed tissues to cover. Since Reid didn’t have anything, he muffled his sneezes into the pillow. That caused a large wet spot to appear on his pillow. Disgust rushed over him as Reid felt his nose continue to flow like a waterfall down his face.


    Just when he thought it was over, the feeling came rushing back. “IchsSHew! IcshSHEw! IcshSHew! IcshSEHw!


    Reid felt the bed suddenly dip as someone sat on the edge of the bed. He felt a stone of dread settle in his stomach. He would’ve liked to just ignore Hotch, but his nose had other plans. “IchsSHew! IcshSHEw! IcsSHew! IcshSEHw!


    “Bless you,” Hotch murmured softly as he plucked a bundle of tissues from the box and handed them to Reid. Reid’s head was buried under the covers, but Reid stretched out a hand and tucked his hand back under the covers. He rubbed at his nose and tried to dab at his pillow. Once those tissues were ruined, Reid stuck out his hand again for more tissues.


    “If you want some more then you’re going to have to talk to me and let me take your temperature,” Hotch told Reid firmly. He hated to bargain with Reid like this, but he had to get to the root of his behavior. He wasn’t going to have Reid hide under the covers for the remainder of this illness. That wasn’t healthy to constantly hide everything from Hotch. Hotch had hoped that they had gotten over this fear, but apparently they hadn’t.


    After a few moments of Reid debating with himself, he reluctantly pulled the covers down just a bit. He then reached for the tissues and pressed them against his nose. He blew and honked, but his nose was still stuffy. Reid let out a moan and just kept the tissues there, hoping to collect anything that ran from his nose.


    Hotch caught sight of Reid’s flushed cheeks and ruby red nose. “Reid, I think that we need to talk about earlier,” Hotch suggested.


    Reid swallowed another cough as it threatened to bubble up. “Dno, I dond’t think so,” Reid rasped.


    “It’s not a request, Reid and sit up. It’ll help you breathe better,” Hotch ordered as he leaned forward. He grasped the pillows and stacked them up, just like he did for Jack. 


    Reid sat up and leaned back. He had to admit that it helped his breathing to be at an angle and his nose was no longer running down his face. He was still cold though and brought his sweatshirt even more around his small frame. His wet hair wasn’t helping matters either.


    “D-Do we have to talk,” Reid asked as he started to pick at his nails.


    Hotch nudged the tissue box closer to Reid. “I think that you already know the answer to that question, don’t you,” Hotch asked.


    Reid shrugged. “I jusdt dond’t wandt to be a bother,” Reid mumbled so quietly that Hotch could barely understand what he was saying. 


    “Blow your nose, Reid,” Hotch told him gently.


    Reid blushed as he leaned forward and grabbed more tissues. He clamped them around his nose and blew hard. It barely made a difference, but at least he tried.


    “You’re not a bother, Reid. You’re our teammate, family, and we would do anything for you. Would you say that Morgan was a bother if he was sick? Or JJ? Garcia? Me?” Hotch raised an eyebrow as he waited for Reid’s answer.


    Reid shook his head madly. “Dno! Of course dnot. I jusdt beant-“


    “Then you’re not a bother either,” Hotch interrupted before Reid could put too much thought into it. “Don’t push us out when all we want to do is help. This isn’t like when you were younger.”


    Reid took everything that Hotch said to heart. He nodded slowly. His mind was growing fuzzy and his eyes heavy. He yawned loudly, not even bothering to try and conceal it.    


    Hotch chuckled as he grabbed the thermometer and tuned it on. “Let’s just make sure that it’s under the danger zone. We’d like to avoid the hospital as much as possible.”


    “I agree,” Reid rasped as he took the thermometer and set it under his tongue. He sat there for a while and was just about to drift off when the thermometer beeped. He took out the thermometer from his mouth and wrinkled his nose a bit. “102.7.”


    “That’s certainly better than in the 104 range,” pointed out Hotch as he took the thermometer from Reid and set it down. “We’ll check it again in the morning.”


    Reid nodded. “Ogay, and Hodtch?”


    Hotch rose from the bed and turned back to Reid. “Yes.”


    “Thag you,” mumbled Reid almost in a whisper. 


    Hotch smiled back to him warmly. “You’re welcome. Get some rest and we’ll talk again in the morning.”


To Be Continued....

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6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

now that Thanksgiving break is here I hope that I’ll have some more time to write.

I think I'm more excited for more of your writing than I am for turkey 🦃 lol

6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Something told him that Reid wasn’t sleeping, considering that he wasn’t snoring due to the congestion.

Oh, well, he tried 😁 <--pretty much my face this whole time 

6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Two could play the stubborn game.


6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid’s head was buried under the covers, but Reid stretched out a hand and tucked his hand back under the covers. He rubbed at his nose and tried to dab at his pillow. Once those tissues were ruined, Reid stuck out his hand again for more tissues.

I like the imagery here

6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

  “If you want some more then you’re going to have to talk to me and let me take your temperature,” Hotch told Reid firmly. 

Haha holding the tissues hostage! And yaaaaay temperature reading!!

6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dno, I dond’t think so,” Reid rasped.

So yay for the congestion speech, freaking love it. But also lol on this response like, nah I'm good.  goodnight 😂 Nice try, junior G-man

6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    Reid sat up and leaned back. He had to admit that it helped his breathing to be at an angle and his nose was no longer running down his face. He was still cold though and brought his sweatshirt even more around his small frame. His wet hair wasn’t helping matters either.

Aw Hotch is a good dad

6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    “You’re not a bother, Reid. You’re our teammate, family, and we would do anything for you. Would you say that Morgan was a bother if he was sick? Or JJ? Garcia? Me?” Hotch raised an eyebrow as he waited for Reid’s answer.

That's a good way to present it for Reid. *sigh* such an angel 😍

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid took everything that Hotch said to heart. He nodded slowly. His mind was growing fuzzy and his eyes heavy. He yawned loudly, not even bothering to try and conceal it.    

I love this part. Sleepy boys, I swear, help me sleep, too 😴

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He sat there for a while and was just about to drift off when the thermometer beeped. He took out the thermometer from his mouth and wrinkled his nose a bit. “102.7.”

I really love the thought of a person falling asleep while taking a temp. Not sure why, just seems sweet. 

Also, yay a little bit of fever to make things fuzzy! And I loved the "wrinkled nose" just so cute 

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

  “That’s certainly better than in the 104 range,” pointed out Hotch as he took the thermometer from Reid and set it down. “We’ll check it again in the morning.”

Yes it is. And please do. 😁 

I'm so happy you had a chance to update! I was watching old episodes again and in one of the early episodes (I think the third), MGG is definitely sick--you can hear it in his voice and if you watch he rubs his nose a bunch :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/16/2018 at 12:02 AM, ReidSeeker said:

I think I'm more excited for more of your writing than I am for turkey 🦃 lol

Oh, well, he tried 😁 <--pretty much my face this whole time 


I like the imagery here

Haha holding the tissues hostage! And yaaaaay temperature reading!!

So yay for the congestion speech, freaking love it. But also lol on this response like, nah I'm good.  goodnight 😂 Nice try, junior G-man

Aw Hotch is a good dad

That's a good way to present it for Reid. *sigh* such an angel 😍

I love this part. Sleepy boys, I swear, help me sleep, too 😴

I really love the thought of a person falling asleep while taking a temp. Not sure why, just seems sweet. 

Also, yay a little bit of fever to make things fuzzy! And I loved the "wrinkled nose" just so cute 

Yes it is. And please do. 😁 

I'm so happy you had a chance to update! I was watching old episodes again and in one of the early episodes (I think the third), MGG is definitely sick--you can hear it in his voice and if you watch he rubs his nose a bunch :) 

All of these amazing comments make me feel amazing! I’m so glad that you’re loving the story so much and I hope you love the next part just as much. I made it extra long because I wasn’t able to update on Thanksgiving. My dog had to have surgery and he had a few complications so I was a little distracted, but now I have time to really give you a longer part than usual.


On 11/16/2018 at 1:51 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Such a sweet touching moment 😍 best fanfic I've read in a long time! Please continue the magic ❤️

This means sooooo much to me! There will certainly be a lot more. This is probably one of my favorite stories that I’ve written and I’m glad that you enjoy it so much!


On 11/18/2018 at 12:00 PM, zen said:

i love this story so much holy shit ❤️ honestly i love the messy parts even though he feels embarrassed and sick poor thing

Thanks so much! I know that not everyone is into the messy parts, but I’m glad that you are since I can’t seem to stop writing them! I hope you enjoy the next chapter just as much!



I’m sorry that it’s been a little bit. I wanted to update over the holidays, but we had some family things going on and then my dog had to have surgery and he had some problems after it. He’s doing much better now and I’m back at college, but I had a little free time before finals next week. This is a fairly long chapter to make up for the wait and I hope that you all enjoy it!




    Hotch awoke early in the morning to his phone ringing. He cleared his throat before he leaned over to the end table and answered it. “Hotchner.”


    “Hotch, it’s Morgan. We think that we have a lead on the unsub. Do you think that you can look at what we have so far?”


    Hotch glanced over to Reid. He was still laying in the same position as before and he was snoring loudly. “Alright, but I’d like someone here to watch Reid in case he needs anything.”


    “JJ said that she’d come over until you’re done.”


    Hotch swung the covers off of him and stretched. “Okay, I’ll be there in ten,” he announced as he hung up the phone. He quickly got changed, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair. He found that Reid was still asleep, but didn’t bother to wake him.


    JJ will be here soon. There’s no need to wake up Reid, Hotch thought as he grabbed the keys and headed out of the room.




    Reid felt his nose give a small twitch before the tickle spread through him. “IcshSHew! IcsSHEw! IcsSHEw!” He fell forward a bit and reached around for the tissue box. He knew that it was there.


    He suddenly felt the edge of the box and pulled out some more tissues. He pressed them against his nose and blew his nose heavily. This time he felt the congestion shift. He felt air travel through his nose for the first time in two days. Instead of relief he felt as if an icepick was surged into his brain. Reid hissed as he leaned forward with his head in his hands.


    “Reid,” soothed a gentle voice as he felt someone start to rub small circles in his back soothingly. This hand was smaller than Hotch’s and the voice was feminine.


    Reid managed to open one eye and he nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized that JJ was sitting right beside him on the bed. Her eyes were warm with sympathy when she saw the pain in Reid’s eyes she felt despair wash over her. “JJ,” hissed Reid.


    “Oh, Spencer. Headache, huh? I thought that Hotch left some Tylenol that you can take. Just hang tight,” JJ told him as she rose from the bed and headed to the dresser. She found the small bottle and brought it back over to Reid. She unscrewed the top and placed it onto her hand. She then offered it to Reid and grabbed a cup of water by the nightstand. 


    Reid swallowed them down quickly, but the throbbing in his head was still very much there. He moaned a bit as he leaned back against the pillows. “I’d rather have a stuffy nose than this,” Reid complained.


    JJ let out a sigh as she reached out and squeezed his arm comfortingly. “I know. Is there anything else that I can do?”


    “Not unless you know how to help a headache,” Reid replied as he lifted this tissues once more to rub at his nose.


    JJ set her jaw for a moment before she rose to her feet. She walked over to the bathroom and wet a cloth under the cold water. She wrung it out before she headed back over to Reid. She sat back down on the bed and draped it over his eyes and around his forehead. She tucked his hair behind his ears and sighed heavily. “Does that feel any better,” she asked.


    Reid allowed the cool cloth to soak into him and he let out a breath of relief. “Yeah. Thanks, JJ.”


    “Don’t mention it. Are you sure that you don’t need anything else? Water? Food?” JJ didn’t mean to ramble, but she was just so concerned about Reid. She knew that it was just a cold, but seeing Reid like this just made her heart ache.


    Reid sniffled. “Yeah, I’m okay.”


    “Okay, just try to get some rest,” JJ sympathized as she headed over to the window and closed the blinds to make it even more comfortable for Reid, or at least as comfortable it could be for him.


    “Where’s Hotch,” asked Reid.    


    JJ couldn’t help but smile. “He’s on a case right now. Morgan needed him for something, but he’ll be back,” JJ reassured. She had never thought that Reid would be actually waiting for Hotch.


    Reid nodded as the exhaustion weight down on him as he closed his eyes and drifted off into another fitful sleep.




    The next time they he woke up, his nose was completely stuffed up. On the bright side he didn’t have a headache anymore, but now he coudln’t breathe. He groaned as he turned to the side and his nose started to run. He quickly cupped one hand over his nose white grasping for tissues with the other. He brought it up to his nose when suddenly the need to sneeze overwhelmed him.


    “IcsSHew! IcsSHSHew! IcsSHew!


    “Bless you,” offered a voice.    


    Reid was more than relieved to see Hotch sitting there across from him on the bed. He wasn’t even sure why. He had been hiding from Hotch as much as he could in the hotel room and now he felt strange if Hotch wasn’t there to look after him. This fever must be really messing with me.


    Reid’s thoughts were cut short when his nose decided to disobey him once more. The tissues were practically useless and he was out of other option. Instead he lifted his sweatshirt over his nose as his eyes slammed shut and his breath began to hitch.


    “IcsSHSHew! IhcsSHshSHew!” He paused just to gear up for another sneeze. “IcHsSHew!”


    “Bless you again.” Hotch made his way over and sat down beside Reid on the bed. He helped him sit up the rest of the way as he rubbed small circles against Reid’s back. “You alright? JJ told me you had a headache earlier.”


    Reid would’ve liked to answer, but his nose continued to have other plans. “IthcSHshSHEw! IcsSHew! IcshSHew! IcsHSHeW!” Reid sniffed desperately behind his sweatshirt while his eyes streamed.    


    Hotch grabbed the box of tissues and pulled out a handful of them. He offered them to Reid, who still had his sweatshirt pulled over his nose. Reid snuffled as he grabbed the tissue, feeling the disgust in wetness in the inside of his sweatshirt. “Thags,” he responded as he lifted his head and blew his nose into the tissues. It was gurgling and semi productive. He sniffed once he was finished and looked up to Hotch.


    Hotch leaned forward and pressed the back of his hand to Reid’s forehead. “You’re warmer than when I left. JJ thought it might’ve went down, but we should probably check,” Hotch murmured more to himself than Reid. He leaned over to the grab the thermometer. He turned it on and slipped it under Reid’s tongue. Reid kept it there for a moment before he lifted a hand to rub at his running nose. 


    Hotch caught sight of it and plucked even more tissues from the box and handed it over to Reid. Reid pressed it against his streaming nose just as the thermometer beeped. Hotch pulled it away from Reid’s mouth and frowned. “103.4. That’s not good,” Hotch pointed out.


    “Id could be worse,” Reid pointed out as he blew his nose. He moaned when it did nothing for the stuffiness.


    Hotch frowned. “That’s not exactly what we’re going for,” he pointed out as he reached for the pills on the nightstand. He tapped two of them on his palm before grabbing a glass of water. He tapped the pills onto Reid’s hand and handed him the water.


    Reid drank them down quickly and grimaced at the slight chalky taste to the pills. He moved ever so slightly in an effort to get comfortable. “Whadt did Borgan dneed?”


    “Just needed an extra pair of eyes and ears with the geographical profile,” Hotch answered as he stood up and headed to the bag of supplies. 


    Reid’s eyes slightly widened. “I can helb with thadt,” he pointed out. “Thadt’s whadt I do.”


    “I know, but you’re not thinking straight. Prentiss and Morgan have it under control. It won’t kill them to work without you,” pointed out Hotch as he came back over to Reid with the nasal spray that he had gotten the day before.


    “I dknow,” Reid confessed. All this work that he did to be accepted by them and now they were doing everything without out.


    Hotch seemed to catch the distress in Reid’s gaze. He swallowed a sigh as he popped off the top of the spray and handed it to Reid. “This should help with the congestion. You can only use if for three days, but if you’re not at least a little better by then I’m taking you to the doctor.”


    Reid’s eyes widened before he shook his head. “No.”


To Be Continued.....

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I have a new phone that has something against quoting but I'm gonna try

19 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

and then my dog had to have surgery and he had some problems after it. He’s doing much better now and I’m back at college, but I had a little free time before finals next week

Three tries. Ok.

I am so glad your dog is ok! My dog had to go to the vet recently and I was so sad for him and he only had to get some shots (he such a little baby, he came over to me crying about the mean vet and I had to hold him...or maybe I just wanted to 😉) Poor puppy I hope he continues to do well!

23 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    JJ will be here soon. There’s no need to wake up Reid, Hotch thought as he grabbed the keys and headed out of the room

Two tries! Getting better

For a second d there I thought Reid was going to wake up alone and I could just cry for him! Luckily, no..

🤫 don't tell anyone but I am not a huge fan of JJ 

27 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Where’s Hotch,” asked Reid.    


    JJ couldn’t help but smile. “He’s on a case right now. Morgan needed him for something, but he’ll be back,” JJ reassured. She had never thought that Reid would be actually waiting for Hotch.


    Reid nodded as the exhaustion weight down on him as he closed his eyes and drifted off into another fitful sleep

Ha! One try!

Awww...papa Hotch, come back!

And, oh yes, so sleepy 😍

this made me think of the worst I remember ever feeling,  I was so sick I felt weighted to my bed and I wanted water so much but I just couldn't move. 

Side note: my puppy is curled next to me snoring away 😍

32 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    Reid was more than relieved to see Hotch sitting there across from him on the bed. He wasn’t even sure why. He had been hiding from Hotch as much as he could in the hotel room and now he felt strange if Hotch wasn’t there to look after him. This fever must be really messing with me.

Yay for Hotch returning! Yay for more feverish thinking 😈 I'm a cruel girl lol 

35 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid pressed it against his streaming nose just as the thermometer beeped. Hotch pulled it away from Reid’s mouth and frowned. “103.4. That’s not good,” Hotch pointed out.


    “Id could be worse,” Reid pointed out as he blew his nose. He moaned when it did nothing for the stuffiness.

Back to two tries 🤷‍♀️

I love this, the image. I don't know what my obsession with the temperature/thermometer is but I do obsess so I LOVE that you put it in there. And I love a fevered boy in the sickfics. It lets lines get fuzzy and maybe someone cuddles someone or they speak more freely or I don't know. Love it.  And it's a little on the high side, so Hotch has got to worry and watch over him. I need a 'contented sigh' emoji right here 

43 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid drank them down quickly and grimaced at the slight chalky taste to the pills. He moved ever so slightly in an effort to get comfortable. “Whadt did Borgan dneed?

Oh honey if you're going to talk like that, let me get a dictionary for you to read

Um...I mean I like the congested speech. ☺

46 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    Reid’s eyes slightly widened. “I can helb with thadt,” he pointed out. “Thadt’s whadt I do.


    “I know, but you’re not thinking straight. Prentiss and Morgan have it under control. It won’t kill them to work without you,” pointed out Hotch as he came back over to Reid with the nasal spray that he had gotten the day before.


    “I dknow,” Reid confessed. All this work that he did to be accepted by them and now they were doing everything without out

Four tries 🤦‍♀️

I knew exactly what he would think/feel. You wrote him perfectly 

And the "I dknow" ...I'm about to pass out here. Oh my GOSH I love your stuff

49 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

but if you’re not at least a little better by then I’m taking you to the doctor.”


    Reid’s eyes widened before he shook his head. “No.

One! Ha! 

Noooope he's not going to go easy!  But three days gives lots of time to play and if it ends up longer I will happily follow to the hospital 😁

Thank you, thank you for this update. I am LOVING  this story and can't wait for more. Good luck with your finals. I know it won't be possible to update with all the studying so I will content myself with multiple readings. I look forward to when you can update again 😊

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/26/2018 at 11:19 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I have a new phone that has something against quoting but I'm gonna try

Three tries. Ok.

I am so glad your dog is ok! My dog had to go to the vet recently and I was so sad for him and he only had to get some shots (he such a little baby, he came over to me crying about the mean vet and I had to hold him...or maybe I just wanted to 😉) Poor puppy I hope he continues to do well!

Two tries! Getting better

For a second d there I thought Reid was going to wake up alone and I could just cry for him! Luckily, no..

🤫 don't tell anyone but I am not a huge fan of JJ 

Ha! One try!

Awww...papa Hotch, come back!

And, oh yes, so sleepy 😍

this made me think of the worst I remember ever feeling,  I was so sick I felt weighted to my bed and I wanted water so much but I just couldn't move. 

Side note: my puppy is curled next to me snoring away 😍

Yay for Hotch returning! Yay for more feverish thinking 😈 I'm a cruel girl lol 

Back to two tries 🤷‍♀️

I love this, the image. I don't know what my obsession with the temperature/thermometer is but I do obsess so I LOVE that you put it in there. And I love a fevered boy in the sickfics. It lets lines get fuzzy and maybe someone cuddles someone or they speak more freely or I don't know. Love it.  And it's a little on the high side, so Hotch has got to worry and watch over him. I need a 'contented sigh' emoji right here 

Oh honey if you're going to talk like that, let me get a dictionary for you to read

Um...I mean I like the congested speech. ☺

Four tries 🤦‍♀️

I knew exactly what he would think/feel. You wrote him perfectly 

And the "I dknow" ...I'm about to pass out here. Oh my GOSH I love your stuff

One! Ha! 

Noooope he's not going to go easy!  But three days gives lots of time to play and if it ends up longer I will happily follow to the hospital 😁

Thank you, thank you for this update. I am LOVING  this story and can't wait for more. Good luck with your finals. I know it won't be possible to update with all the studying so I will content myself with multiple readings. I look forward to when you can update again 😊

Your kind comments mean so much to me and I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed this story thus far and there will much, much more to come. I finally fished all of my finals and I will have a month off of school with uninterrupted time to write! Yeah! I hope that you enjoy this update and there should be more to come soon!







    “No,” echoed Hotch in shock. Reid had never spoken to him like that. “It’s not a request, Reid. You’ve had extremely high fevers as well as you’re no better after rest and medicine. You need to see someone.”


    Reid sniffled as he looked at the nasal spray. “Will this helb?”


    “It might. Like I said, we will give it until this afternoon. If you’re not feeling any better or if that fever is too high then we’ll take you to a walk-in clinic. I think that there is an urgent care somewhere near here,” answered Hotch as he grabbed his phone and thought about calling Garcia. He closed his phone. He would give Reid the benefit of the doubt.    


    Reid took the nasal spray and inserted the tip in his nose. He sprayed the spray in his nose and hissed in surprise. It wasn’t exactly burning, but it certainly felt strange and more than uncomfortable. He set it aside as his nose started to run and he started to rub at his nose madly.


    “You have to use that on the other side too,” Hotch began.


    Reid said nothing  as he forced the tissues against his nose as he felt the itch spread and turn into a burn. He blinked his eyes madly to try and urge the sneeze out. “IchsshSHew! IcsHSHew! IhsSHew! IcshShew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew!” The itch was still there, but Reid desperately didn’t want to sneeze again. He rubbed at his nose with the drenched tissues and moaned.


    Hotch pushed the box of tissues closer to Reid. Reid plucked more tissues from the box and pressed it against his nose. “ItcsSHew! IcsSHew! IcshSHEw! IcshSHEw! IchsSHew!”


    “Bless you,” Hotch started as he watched Reid blow his nose again and pant in the aftermath. “Maybe that stuff isn’t such a great idea.”


    “I’ll go,” rasped Reid.


    “What,” Hotch asked. 


    Reid sniffed painfully. “I’ll go.” He coughed to clear his throat. Big mistake. His lungs immediately protested and he pitched forward, hacking painfully into his lifted elbow. He leaned forward, wheezing between each cough. Tears flowed from his eyes in the effort while he struggled for each breath to just be replaced by a painful cough. He gasped and struggled as he looked over to Hotch as his chest squeezed.


    Hotch grabbed a glass of water and pressed it into Reid’s hand. Reid took a spluttering breath before he managed to gulp down almost half of the water. Hotch pulled the glass back to stop Reid from vomiting it back up. He set it back down as he waited for Reid to fully compose himself. “Why don’t you get changed and then we’ll head out?”


    Reid reluctantly conceded to Hotch’s request and stood up. He shrugged off any help from Hotch, but Hotch didn’t take it personally. He allowed Reid to grab some different clothes from his suitcase and headed into the bathroom, either sniffling or sneezing the entire way.


    Hotch took the opportunity to whip out his cellphone and made a quick call to Garcia. It rung only once before he heard her voice.


    “Boss man! What can I do for my very special agents?”


    “I need to know if there’s an Medexpress or something like that close by,” explained Hotch as he sat back down on the bed.


    “I can pull it up right there. Right now I see an Urgent Care about a half mile down the road. I take it this is for our boy genius.”


    “Afraid so. Kid’s only getting sicker. I want to check it out before it gets much worse. Over the counter cold medicine isn’t helping.”


    There was a sudden inhale of breath from the bathroom before a few sneezes broke out. “ItcHsSHew! IcshSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew!


    “Oh, is that Reid? My goodness! Bless his soul. He sounds terrible.”


    “I know, that’s why I’m taking him in. Okay, thanks, Garcia.”


    “Don’t mention it! Tell Reid I hope that he feels better.” 


    With that Hotch hung up just as Reid came out. He looked no better than before with tissues clamped over his streaming nose as his nostrils continued to flare as the need to sneeze once more overwhelmed his much abused nose. “ItcSSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew!” He paused for a moment, his face drawn in a ticklish expression as well as frustration. “IthcSHew!”


    “Bless you,” Hotch offered as he picked up what was left of the tissue box. They would certainly need that for later. “Are you ready?”


    “Ready as I’b goig to be,” Reid answered as he threw the sodden tissues in the trash. He shoved his hands into his sweatpants pockets while shivering even more into the large sweatshirt that he had just put on. He swallowed a few more coughs as dizziness swept over him.


    He stumbled, but Hotch was right there to catch him. He grasped Reid’s bicep to keep him upright. “Easy,” chided Hotch. “I got you.” He helped Reid stay upright, but he didn’t release him. Reid tried to pulled away, but Hotch wasn’t having any of it. He led Reid forward and to the door. They walked down the hallway and when they made their way into the elevator, that was when Hotch finally released Reid. 


    Reid leaned against the wall, breathing heavily through his nose. He lifted his finger and rubbed it against the dripping undersides of his nostrils. “T-ThhisssShew!”


    Hotch pulled some out and offered them over. Reid took them and pressed them against his running nose, preparing for the next fit. “IthcSHsew! IchsSHew! IchShew! IthcSHew!”


    “Bless you.” Just then the doors opened to reveal the lobby. Hotch stepped forward with Reid following. Reid stiffened when he realized that it was raining outside. He tried not to complain as he forced himself into the rain. 


    It started to pummel him and drenched him almost immediately. He staggered forward as his body started to shiver and shake. By the time that they made it to the black Sudan, Reid was exhausted. He fell into the passenger seat and started to cough. He lifted his hands over his nose and mouth as he perched himself forward, his elbows almost on his knees. 


    He felt a hand on the small of his back and it comforted him. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. He fished out the tissue from earlier from his pocket and pressed it against his wet and drippy nose. He managed to regain composure, his throat burning in protest. “Sorry,” he managed to exclaim.


    “There’s nothing to be sorry about. You’ve done nothing wrong. Are you alright,” Hotch murmured slowly to give Reid’s mind a few moments to process.


    It took a little bit before Reid nodded. He shoved the tissue hard against the underside of his nose as he leaned back against the seat. “I’d fide.”


    “Yeah, I see that,” Hotch responded as he started to engine. “We should be there in about five minutes. Garcia texted me some directions.”


    Reid nodded slowly. Despite his best efforts, his head started to fall. It rested on the edge of the cool window, soothing the heat in his head while causing the rest of his body to shiver. 


    Relief could not come soon enough.


To Be Continued.....

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4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

there will much, much more to come.

Yaaaay! 💃

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

I will have a month off of school with uninterrupted time to write

Yay for us both! I am trying to send muse-like vibes lol 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid took the nasal spray and inserted the tip in his nose. He sprayed the spray in his nose and hissed in surprise. It wasn’t exactly burning, but it certainly felt strange and more than uncomfortable. He set it aside as his nose started to run and he started to rub at his nose madly

Oops! :)

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He coughed to clear his throat. Big mistake. His lungs immediately protested and he pitched forward, hacking painfully into his lifted elbow. He leaned forward, wheezing between each cough. Tears flowed from his eyes in the effort while he struggled for each breath to just be replaced by a painful cough. He gasped and struggled as he looked over to Hotch as his chest squeezed

😮poor little angel, so sick 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

sniffling or sneezing the entire way.

That's just a lovely image 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Ready as I’b goig to be,” Reid answered as he threw the sodden tissues in the trash. He shoved his hands into his sweatpants pockets while shivering even more into the large sweatshirt that he had just put on. He swallowed a few more coughs as dizziness swept over him.

Omg this BOY 😍

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

  Reid leaned against the wall, breathing heavily through his nose. He lifted his finger and rubbed it against the dripping undersides of his nostrils. “T-ThhisssShew!”


    Hotch pulled some out and offered them over. Reid took them and pressed them against his running nose, preparing for the next fit. “IthcSHsew! IchsSHew! IchShew! IthcSHew!”

Aw couldn't quite get the request out. I LOVE that...trying to say tissue is just...mmm 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

. Reid stiffened when he realized that it was raining outside. He tried not to complain as he forced himself into the rain. 

He would try not to cause he's awesome. Poor sweet baby,  rain can't be good for you 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid nodded slowly. Despite his best efforts, his head started to fall. It rested on the edge of the cool window, soothing the heat in his head while causing the rest of his body to shiver. 


    Relief could not come soon enough.

5 minutes is like 4 1/2 minutes he'll be fast asleep 😴😁

Hotch is such a good "dad"!

I can't adequately express how much I love this story. It really makes my day when I see an update. Thank you soooooo much--I look forward to more!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/9/2018 at 10:13 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Ahhhh you tease 🤩. Poor Spence, I've never been that sick but I've been close. I can't wait for the next part 😍


On 12/10/2018 at 12:02 PM, caramelfuzz said:

Aaaaahhhhh you put him in the rain too!!!! I love this so much ❤️ 


On 12/10/2018 at 1:54 PM, zen said:

aww poor baby ❤️ loved the update 

Thank you all for the encouraging comments! I’m so glad that you all enjoy it so much. Sorry for the small break, but I promise to update more regularly. Merry Christmas and I hope that you all enjoy the holiday season with friends and family!




    Reid shifted a bit in the stiff waiting room chairs. He pulled at the cubicles of his nails while his eyes remained downcast. He had already filled out the forms about all his preexisting medical conditions and family history. He had already turned it in and now he was just waiting for a doctor to call his name.


    Reid couldn't remember the last time he had been to the doctors like this. He had been to the hospital due to his time in the FBI, but he had never made an actual appointment to go. There was just something about doctors that he loathed. They couldn't usually do anything for him that he couldn't do or figure out himself. However, he knew that Hotch wouldn't leave him alone until he finally decided to try a doctor. Antibiotics would probably make him feel just a bit better.


    "Stop fidgeting. You're making everyone else nervous," Hotch hissed.


    Reid looked around and realized that a few coughing kids were looking at him with panicked eyes. He gulped and instantly fought to sit still. "Sorry," he rasped.


    Reid tipped his head back against the wall, sniffling a bit. The burning itch seemed to flood through his nose immediately and he couldn't help but pull some tissues from his pocket and wrap it around his nose. "Icchcxxh! Ithxxh! Itcxxxh!"


    "Reid, stop that," ordered Hotch as he shook his head to his youngest agent. "You're going to hurt yourself."


    Reid rubbed the tissues against his nose. "Dnot here, dnot dknow," he pleaded almost more with himself than Hotch.


    Hotch looked around before he looked to the bathroom. "If you're embarrassed how about you go into the bathroom? There's no one in there. It's pretty private."


    It was a nice medium and Reid nodded. He rose from his seat and walked over. He disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, locking it. He wasn't sure what was more embarrassing; sneezing in front of everyone, or disappearing into the bathroom upon suggestion from his boss to sneeze. He closed his eyes tightly as he grabbed some tissues on the sink and threaded it over his nose, blowing heavily.


    The blow only succeeded in causing his nose to itch as if feathers were tickling the insides of his nostrils. His eyes started to water as the need to sneeze built in him. He blinked his eyes furiously, trying to taper off the sneeze that he knew would be loud and messy. Even in the bathroom there would be no way for him to keep quiet at this point.


    His breath started to hitch before he pitched forward in the tissues. "ItchsSHew! IcsSHEw! IchsSHew! IchsSHew!" He took in a few breaths as the tickle tampered off for a moment. He threw the tissues away before he grasped some more tissues and rubbed it against his runny and stuffed up nose. He had no idea how he could be so congested and stuffy and still have such messy sneezes that did absolutely nothing for his full nose.


    He felt the itch resurface and he couldn't help but cover his nose and mouth with his hands quickly, completely forgetting about the tissues. "IthcsSHew! IchsSHew!"


    Reid was more than thankful that he was in the bathroom. He immediately turned on the sink, washed his hands, and cleaned up his nose and face. Once he was finished he headed back out into the waiting area and saw Hotch reading some magazine that had a special segment on Star Wars. Reid sat down heavily beside him, coughing raggedly into his shoulder. He struggled to remain his composure as he struggled for each breath not to turn into a cough.


    "You alright," Hotch asked, closing the magazine.


    Reid gave a liquid sniff and reluctantly swallowed whatever gunk lowered into his throat. "Ub, yeah," Reid answered as he lifted his hands and rubbed at his sinuses. They flared in pain with each sniff or sneeze.


    "You're going to have to be honest with the doctors or they can't help." Hotch caught himself before he could continue. He offered a small smile. "Right, not Jack."


    "I dknow," Reid told him, trying to ignore how paternal that statement had seemed. "Hodtch, do you thignk thadt you could cobe....."


    Hotch seemed to read between the lines and he couldn't stop surprise from edging into his voice. "You want me to come in with you?"


    "I bean, if dont, id's ogay. I'b sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I'll do ogay on by own," Reid quickly stammered as he lifted a hand to rub behind his neck, feeling the sweat from earlier start to return.


    "It's not a problem." Hotch reminded himself that Reid probably didn't have anyone to actually come with him to doctor's appointments ever, if he was even taken to the doctor's office. Something told Hotch that Reid didn't seek medical attention for anything, or at least his mother didn't.


    Reid still looked more than embarrassed for even suggesting it. "You dond't have do. I shouldn't have bentioned id," Reid muttered.


    "It's alright, Reid. I have a few questions for him anyway," Hotch replied, trying to make it seem like he had wanted to go with him all along, which he sort of did. He didn't need Reid lying about how he felt and he would be less inclined to do so with Hotch right there.


    Reid sniffled as he pressed a fist against his reddened nostrils. Hotch reached over to the small table beside him and pulled out a few tissues, just as Reid stumbled forward into his elbow. "IthcSHSew!" He gave a brief pause before his face took on ticklish desperation and his nostrils flared madly as he crushed back into his elbow. "IthcSSHew! IcshSHew!"


    Hotch pressed the tissues into Reid's hand and Reid took them grateful. "ThagsSHshew! Thags. IthsSHeW! IcshSHew!"


    "Bless you," Hotch murmured softly as so not to embarrass him. "You good?"


    "Yeah," answered Reid as he rubbed the tissues upward against his runny nostrils. "Ugh, I'b sorry, Hodtch."


    "For what," Hotch asked in surprise.


    Reid rubbed a hand against his rheumy eyes. "Beig so disgusting," Reid asked as he looked down at his lap. "Id's really gross."


    "Reid, I have a son. Trust me, you're not disgusting, you're sick. There's a definitive difference. A little snot and sweat doesn't bother me," Hotch told him gently as he rested his hand on his shoulder and give him a reassuring squeeze. "There's no need to be embarrassed."


    Despite Hotch's words, Reid still felt embarrassed. He tried to push those feelings away as he heard the door open. A middle aged women in a white lab coat stepped out with a clipboard in her hand. "Spencer."


    Reid blinked his eyes in a haze before Hotch nudged him. He immediately rose to his feet with Hotch right behind. Reid held his breath as he nervously followed the nurse into the hallway.


To Be Continued.....

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Ooo, there is so much stuffy talking! 😍 Poor little angel, the doctor's office is just where you need to be. 

It's sweet that he wants Hotch to go in. And Hotch is right, it should keep Reid honest instead of downplaying everything. Like his fever being all over the place 

I'm so freaking happy with this fic, I can hardly wait for more!



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/26/2018 at 12:06 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Ooo, there is so much stuffy talking! 😍 Poor little angel, the doctor's office is just where you need to be. 

It's sweet that he wants Hotch to go in. And Hotch is right, it should keep Reid honest instead of downplaying everything. Like his fever being all over the place 

I'm so freaking happy with this fic, I can hardly wait for more!



I’m so glad that you’re still enjoying it! I know that I’ve been writing it for a few months but the fact that you’re still loving it makes me never want to end this! (Lol I probably will eventually 😊)


On 12/27/2018 at 9:46 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Yaaaaay! Thanks for the amazing Christmas gift that is more sneezy reid 🥰

Merry Christmas and I’m glad that you enjoyed it!



Once again I am sorry for the lateness, but I’ve tried to make this part as long as I could. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!




    The nurse led Reid into the hallway and had him stop by a wall. “Can you step back and I’ll get your height and weight?”


    Reid lifted his elbow to his mouth and coughed painfully, trying to tamper them off. The last thing that he wanted to do was sneeze or cough all over this nurse. He straightened against the wall as the nurse assessed his height. The nurse nodded before she motioned to the scale. 


    “Step on,” she instructed. 


    Reid did as he was told as he stepped on the scale. He coughed once more and brought his fist to his face. He frowned before the nurse wrote down his height and weight before escorting him to the nearest examination room, Hotch right behind.


    Reid sat on the examination table as the paper underneath him crinkled loudly. The nurse sat down on a rolling stool by the desk while Hotch sat in a chair beside the examination table. He was close enough that Reid knew that he was there, but not too close that he was smothering the agent. It was a nice medium.


    “Okay, what seems to be the-“


    Reid stopped listening as his nose decided that it wanted to betray him. He blinked his eyes rapidly before he lifted his elbow to his face and tried to tamper off the itch, but to no avail. “IthcSHSew! IchSHEw! IchsSHew!


    “My goodness, bless you,” exclaimed the nurse as she grabbed a small box of tissues and set it beside Reid. Reid wouldn’t answered, but he still felt the need to sneeze. “I’m suppose I can guess why you’re here.”


    Reid nodded as he closed his eyes shut and didn’t bother to remove his elbow from his face and replace it with tissues. “IthcsSHew! IchsSHew! IcshSHew!”


    “Bless you again!”


    Hotch immediately stood and came over to Reid. He could sense his embarrassment as he nodded to the nurse. “Could you give us a moment.”


    “Of course,” she exclaimed as she stepped off the stool and headed for the door. She closed the door behind him and that seemed to give Reid’s nose permission to try once more to get rid of the ever present itch.


    “IthcsShew! IchsShew! IchsSHew!


    “Easy, Reid, deep breaths,” Hotch urged as he pulled some tissues from the box and padded it over to Reid. 


    Reid reluctantly pulled his head from his elbow to reveal a gushing mess while strings of mucus still hung from his nose. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he pushed the tissue to his nose to try and break the stream. He was only able to rub at his runny nose before he pulled a large glob of mucus from his nose and clamped it shut in the tissue. He set it aside before he grabbed a few more tissues and blew his nose heavily.


    “I’b so sorry, Hodtch,” Reid mumbled once his nose was partially under control.


    Hotch wasn’t fazed as he took the used tissues and threw them away. “It’s not your fault, Reid, for the last time. You’re sick. It’s not a crime.”


    That didn’t make Reid feel much better. He managed a tiny nod as he snuffled heavily. He swallowed whatever fell back into his throat before grimacing ever so slightly. Unfortunately for him, the mucus lodged in the back of his throat and he started one of his marathon coughing fits that scraped the back of his already sore throat. It released whatever mucus was still in his nose and it started to run. 


    Reid was a mess.


    Hotch said nothing as he started to rub small circles on Reid’s back as he offered him tissues. He pressed them into Reid’s hand and Reid brought them back up to his nose as he continued to hack painfully. He found specks of black around his vision, but Hotch was there to make sure that he didn’t pass out.


    “Deep breaths, Reid. It’ll pass in a moment,” Hotch chided as he mentally cursed himself for not bringing water or at least something. Reid was struggling, but he was sure that he wouldn’t appreciate Hotch saying anything about it to anyone else. They would just have to wait this out.


    After about thirty seconds, Reid managed to regain at least some composure. He gave his nose one more gurgling and actually productive blow before He gave his nose a final wipe and set it down. “I’b sorry-“


    “Reid, you don’t need to apologize every time you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose. You’re not a bother,” Hotch reminded as he nudged the tissues closer to Reid, just in case.


    Reid opened his mouth to say something else when the nurse came in. Her eyes were alit with sympathy as she came over to Reid and grabbed the blood pressure cuff. “I’m just going to do a few things and then the doctor will be right in,” she explained.


    Reid just nodded as she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around his arm and pressed the stethoscope to his arm. Reid waited as the cuff squeezed him before it finally released. He struggled not to move, even though his nose was threatening to run down his face.


    “Next I’ll check that pulse,” the nurse explained. She grabbed his wrist and pressed two fingers against it. Her hands were cold and he couldn’t stop a shiver from squeezing his shoulders. His jaw tensed as he waited.


    She finished quickly and wrote it down. “Okay, now let’s see about your temperature,” she murmured as she pulled out a thermometer. She set it into Reid’s ear and Reid struggled not to flinch. His ears weren’t throbbing, but they were certainly uncomfortable. 


    It beeped and she instantly pulled it out. She threw the cover away and frowned. “102.6. Is that higher than it’s been?”


    “Lower, actually,” answered Hotch. 102 sounded amazing to Hotch. It certainly beat the up 103 range or 104. He didn’t say that, though. 


    The nurse set the thermometer aside and grabbed his chart. “The doctor will be here with you shortly,” she announced as she headed out of the room.


    As soon as she was gone, Reid blew his nose. It felt like it was just constantly streaming and it was very uncomfortable. “Whadt do you thignk they’re goig to tell be?”


    “Not sure, Reid. That’s why we’re here,” pointed out Hotch.


    Reid shifted around uncomfortably on the examination table. “Oh, right.” He lifted a hand and rubbed at his eyes. “Yeah, I dknew thadt.”


    Hotch didn’t argue him. He could tell that Reid was uncomfortable and tired at best. His mind was clearly not working admirably. They delved in silence for a while until Reid started sniffling again. It was as if his nose would just not give him a break and he wasn’t sure why. 


    Reid pulled some more tissues from the box and clamped it around his nose. “IthcSHSew! IchsSHew! IcshShew!” Luckily, the itch seemed to be rid in only three sneezes and they weren’t overly messy. Reid blew his nose once he was finished and felt his eyes start to almost close completely. 


    Hotch caught sight of it and couldn’t help his fingers drumming impatiently on his thigh. Come on. This is the most that he’s sat up in days. I’m surprised he’s still going and his body hasn’t completely shut down yet.


    “Reid, you can lay back,” Hotch told him after a moment of watching him shift around and try new positions that would make him feel comfortable, but not too comfortable so that he would fall asleep.


    Reid shook his head. “Dno, I’b ogay. I’ll waidt undil we gedt back,” he answered as he rubbed the side of his hand against his nose, sniffling as discretely as he could manage.


    Hotch wasn’t one to engage in small talk, but he didn’t think that he could sit in silence much longer. He could tell that Reid was just as opposed to the silence, especially when tried to make his sniffling as discrete as possible. Hotch decided to at least give him a partial way out of being so stiff and embarrassed.


    “I remember the first time that Haley and I took Jack to the doctors when he was sick. He was not happy about it. They took his blood, between his toes, and he screamed the entire time. I thought Haley was going to demand to take Jack home. I just remember sitting there, thinking about what I could possibly do to make it better.” Hotch wasn’t really sure if this was making anything better for Reid, but he hoped so.


    Reid wrinkled his nose a bit. “I’b sure you didn’dt like those doctors.”


    “They were only doing their jobs. It just took me a few years to actually understand that. I never really liked doctors,” Hotch confessed. 


    A smile showed on Reid’s face, understanding the pun in what Hotch had said. During his conversation, Reid was allowed some harsh sniffs that seemed to at least control his nose a bit. He was about to say something else when the door slowly opened.


To Be Continued.....

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2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid sat on the examination table as the paper underneath him crinkled loudly. The nurse sat down on a rolling stool by the desk while Hotch sat in a chair beside the examination table. He was close enough that Reid knew that he was there, but not too close that he was smothering the agent. It was a nice medium

I hate that crinkle. I KNOW it's sanitary and blah blah but I hate it. And yay papa Hotch!

2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

She finished quickly and wrote it down. “Okay, now let’s see about your temperature,” she murmured as she pulled out a thermometer. She set it into Reid’s ear and Reid struggled not to flinch. His ears weren’t throbbing, but they were certainly uncomfortable. 

Poor thing, ear aches suck 

And yay temp taking! You know what I want lol

2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

It beeped and she instantly pulled it out. She threw the cover away and frowned. “102.6. Is that higher than it’s been?”


    “Lower, actually,” answered Hotch. 102 sounded amazing to Hotch. It certainly beat the up 103 range or 104. He didn’t say that, though. 

Haha yep, that's what I want

I love Hotch here, you can feel his concern (it's still high) and relief (lower)

2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch caught sight of it and couldn’t help his fingers drumming impatiently on his thigh. Come on. This is the most that he’s sat up in days. I’m surprised he’s still going and his body hasn’t completely shut down yet.

Soooooo sleepy and sick. 

2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid shook his head. “Dno, I’b ogay. I’ll waidt undil we gedt back,” he answered as he rubbed the side of his hand against his nose, sniffling as discretely as he could manage.

I love your congested spellings! And yeah, waking up in five minutes when the doctor comes would probably be harder than staying awake...but still, I feel for him 

2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:


    A smile showed on Reid’s face, understanding the pun in what Hotch had said. During his conversation, Reid was allowed some harsh sniffs that seemed to at least control his nose a bit. He was about to say something else when the door slowly opened.

It was sweet if Hotch to tell the story. It took me an embarrassing long time to get Hotch's joke. LOL I was like huh? OH RIGHT lol 

I am enjoying this so much! Can't wait for more 

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aaah this is so cute and amazing i love it ;__; ❤️ poor spencer, i really liked this update and i’m excited to see more!

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On 1/7/2019 at 11:05 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I hate that crinkle. I KNOW it's sanitary and blah blah but I hate it. And yay papa Hotch!

Poor thing, ear aches suck 

And yay temp taking! You know what I want lol

Haha yep, that's what I want

I love Hotch here, you can feel his concern (it's still high) and relief (lower)

Soooooo sleepy and sick. 

I love your congested spellings! And yeah, waking up in five minutes when the doctor comes would probably be harder than staying awake...but still, I feel for him 

It was sweet if Hotch to tell the story. It took me an embarrassing long time to get Hotch's joke. LOL I was like huh? OH RIGHT lol 

I am enjoying this so much! Can't wait for more 

Your comments always brighten my day! It actually took me a little bit to get my own joke at the end when I was proofreading. I was like why would I write that and then it came back to me. College is certainly rotting my brain! Lol jk. Anyway, I hope you like the next part. It’s quite a bit longer since I had a little free time and I hope you enjoy it!


On 1/8/2019 at 1:27 PM, zen said:

aaah this is so cute and amazing i love it ;__; ❤️ poor spencer, i really liked this update and i’m excited to see more!

Awe thanks so much! There will certainly be quite a bit more and I hope ou continue to enjoy it!



So this part is pretty long. There is some mess as well as the flu test where they stick a cotton swab up your nose. I had that done last year and it was one of the most uncomfortable feelings and it made my nose so irritated afterwards so I tried to write it from my own experiences. I hope you all enjoy it!




    The door slowly opened to reveal a middle aged man in a nice shirt and tie with in a white lab coat. He was clean shaven and seemed professional, yet kind. He smiled when he saw Reid and Hotch. “Hello. I’m Doctor Brynn. And you must be Spencer.”


    Reid nodded slowly. He opened his mouth to speak when he felt a cough start to rise inside of him. He lifted his elbow and directed a few coughs there. “Excuse be,” Reid rasped once he had finished.


    “That doesn’t sound very good,” Dr. Brynn pointed out as he set the chart down and lifted a few pages. “Is the respiratory symptoms all that you’ve been having?”


    Reid looked down, almost unsure about how to answer. He gulped before Hotch broke in. “He’s been sick for a few days now. Mostly respiratory and a lot of sinus pressure. His fever climbed almost to 104 and that was when I decided that it would be best to see someone.”


    “And you are,” Dr. Brynn asked as he glanced over to Hotch once he looked up from the notes.


    Hotch seemed a bit taken back by his tone, but he didn’t let it show. “I’m Aaron Hotchner. I’m his boss,” he replied, realizing how that must sound. He really didn’t care to go into further details.


    “We work with the FBI,” Reid finally managed to rasp out as if trying to spare Hotch anymore explaining under the watchful eye of Dr. Brynn.


    Dr. Brynn nodded. “We all need good friends in this world. It’s a good thing that you kept a close eye on him and brought him in. Fever spikes can sometimes cause seizures and other serious conditions. They’re usually found only in children, but we can never be too safe,” he confessed as he set Reid’s chart down and came over to Reid. 


    “Let’s see what’s going on here,” he murmured as he stretched out his hands and felt Reid’s swollen lymph nodes on either side of his throat. Reid swallowed thickly and uncomfortably as the doctor continued to push on his tender area. Dr. Brynn drew back and nodded. “Certainly some swelling going on. Any pain in your throat? Sinuses?”


    “A liddle,” replied Reid. Dr. Brynn lifted his hands and ran it along the outside of Reid’s throat, gingerly pressing on it. Reid stiffened periodically before he moved to his sinuses. Reid practically jumped from the table and Dr. Brynn lowered his hands.


    “I’d say that’s a little more than a little,” the doctor replied as he pulled out a light and shown it on his hand before to make sure that it worked before he turned back to Reid. “Open your mouth for me and stick out your tongue, please.”


    Reid did as he was told, despite how foolish he guessed that he looked. Dr. Brynn nodded as he pulled the light away. “Very good. I’m going to check each of your ears too. Any pain, redness, or itchiness?”


    Reid shook his head as the light was shown in both ears. Dr. Brynn pocketed the light and made a grab for his stethoscope. He rested it against his palm to warm it before he came behind Reid. “I need you to take in a deep breath and try to hold it. Do you think that you can manage that?”


    “I’ll try,” answered Reid. He was so tired and holding his breath like that just seemed so difficult at his moment. He didn’t want to appear weak in front of Hotch, though, and that propelled him forward. “I can.”


    “Good. Okay, deep breath,” ordered Dr. Brynn as he set the stethoscope on his back. Reid took in about as deep of a breath as he could manage before he felt the ever present tickle. He leaned forward so not to assault Dr. Brynn’s hearings before he started to cough painfully into his hands. He stayed bent over for a while before he finally managed to straighten, his nose running freely.


    “I’b so, so sorry! I didn’dt feel Id coming and-“


    Dr. Brynn lifted a hand. “It’s quite alright, I promise. Let’s just try normal breaths instead of deep breaths and see where that’s gets us,” he told him gently and with a kind edge to his voice.


    Reid gulped as he allowed himself to lean back so that the doctor could press the stethoscope back to where it needed to be. He instructed Reid to breathe some more and this time not as deeply. Once they were finally finished, Dr. Brynn wrapped the stethoscope around his neck and headed for the hand sanitizer and nodded to them.


    “I’d like to preform a flu test. It’s not that bad. We just have to stick a swab in your nose and then wait about ten minutes and then we’ll see if that’s what’s been causing you so much trouble,” Dr. Brynn explained.


    Reid felt the beginning of an itch climb into his nose just as the thought of someone sticking a swab up his nose. He tried to push that down when Dr. Brynn pulled out a long swab from one of the counters. Reid’s eyes instantly bulged.


    Hotch came over to him and sighed a bit. “Don’t worry. Haley had to get this done once. It’s uncomfortable, but passes quickly.”


    Reid nodded as Dr. Brynn rested a hand on Reid’s shoulder while Hotch rested his hand on the other bicep. He hadn’t told Reid exactly how uncomfortable Haley had said that it had been and how it had made her sneeze afterwards. He hoped that Reid didn’t experience the same thing.


    “You’re going to feel some pressure,” announced Dr. Brynn. He tightened his grip on Reid’s shoulder as he plunged the swab in. He went slower at first and then a little firmer just as Reid started to feel not just pressure, but intense pain that resonated deep within his nostrils.


    Reid tried to pull his head away involuntarily, but Hotch was there to brace him. He reluctantly kept his hand on the back of Reid’s head to stop him from pulling away. “It’s almost done,” Hotch reassured.


    Dr. Brynn pushed it just a little deeper still before he finally managed to pull it out. Reid continued to grimace for a few moments before Dr. Brynn addressed Hotch. “Just hang tight. It should take about ten minutes and then I’ll be back.” With that he disappeared, leaving a very ticklish looking Reid in the room.


    “Reid, are you-“


    “IthcSHSew!” Reid slightly propelled into his steepled hands over his nose and mouth before his breath started to hitch again. “IthcsSHew! IcsHsSHew!”


    Hotch grabbed a few tissues and managed to push them into Reid’s hands. Reid pressed them around his nose as his eyes started to water and breath hitch once more. “IthcsHsSHew!” The pain was so intense and surprising that Reid wasn’t even sure how to alleviate it. “IthcsSHew! IchsSHew! IcshSHEw!


    “Bless you,” Hotch murmured gently as he started to rub small circles on his back. It was the only thing that he could think of to do that might console Reid just a bit.


    Reid opened his mouth to answer before another sneeze cut him off. “IthcsSHeW! IchsSHew! IchsSHSHew!” Reid’s nose was practically flooding and the tissues weren’t cutting it anymore. 


    He quickly switched them out for new ones and struggled to regain some composure before another onslaught of ticklish sneezes made their presence certainly know. “IthcsHsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHew!” They just weren’t stopping and each one was more painful and powerful from the last and there appeared to be no end in sight at the moment.


    “They’ll stop in a bit,” Hotch reassured as if he had read Reid’s mind. “You just need to wait it out.”


    Reid tried to shake his head as he abandoned the tissues and substituted them for his elbow. “IthcsHsHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew!” He took in one more breath and prayed that the end was near. “IthcsHsHew! IchsSHew!


    “Bless you,” Hotch exclaimed once he was pretty sure that the fit was over.


    Reid sniffled continuously for a moment before he blinked his watery eyes. “Thags.” He let out another painful sniff. “Can you hand be sobe bore tissues?”


    Hotch pulled out some tissues and handed them to Reid. Reid took them, but didn’t use them. He kept his gaze fixed on Hotch. Hotch got the hint and turned to give Reid as much privacy as he possibly could in that small room. Reid blew his nose firmly before he tucked the tissues into his fist. A blush was clear on his face as he faced Hotch.


    “I’b sorry. Thadt was gross,” Reid mumbled.


    “There’s nothin to apologize for, Reid. It’s not your fault. Are you alright,” Hotch asked for about the hundredth time since Reid got sick.


    Reid nodded. “I’b ogay.”


    Hotch wasn’t really sure what to say to that, considering that he had just watched Reid struggle for a good five minutes. He sat back in his chair and waited for the doctor to return, hopefully with the answers that he and Reid so desperately desired.


To Be Continued.......

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