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Sneeze Fetish Forum

In which Derek rescues Stiles, kinda (Sterek, sick!Stiles)

Voodoo huntress

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You know what I love? Sick!fics where the sickie is sick enough to feel bad, but not bad enough to miss work/school. Love that shit. (AU, all characters are adults)


Stiles flinched from his daze as he heard someone snap their fingers in his face. He sighed, gearing himself up to put on a pleasant smile for the customer, but was surprised to see none other than his boyfriend across the counter giving him a very unimpressed stare.

"Derek?" Stiles shifted his eyes around to make sure he wasn't actually delirious and turned back to the man standing in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Making sure my idiot isn't at work, choking on his own body fluids. And to bring you this." Derek huffed, holding up a cup holder with two styrofoam Starbucks cups in them. Stiles gave a mushy grin and rested his elbow on the counter to lean against his hand.

"You loooove me." Stiles cooed and reached for one of the cups, relishing in the warmth. He tried to sniff the contents, but his clogged nose failed him completely. "I can't smell this, but I hope its what I think it is." Stiles took a small sip of the drink and relished in the taste of sweet apples and cinnamon. He hummed gratefully, cradling the cup close.

Derek chuckled and grabbed his own slightly sweetened coffee before reaching over to press the back of his hand on Stiles' forehead. Fortunately, he didn't feel a fever, but Stiles was still at work with a cold.

"How has work been today?" Derek asked, looking at the semi-busy bookstore. Stiles groaned and set his cup down.

"I feel like its been worse because I'm sick but jesus christ, babe. I almost lost it with some woman let her wild kid knock over an entire display of the teen fictions. And then another person got pissed that their expired coupon didn't work. Like, I'm sorry for doing my job??" The small rant made Stiles out of breath and he coughed hoarsely into his arm. Derek wouldn't be surprised if his voice was gone tomorrow.

"I wish I could take you home." Derek sighed, taking in the sight of his boyfriend worriedly.

"Good! You can take him!" They both jumped at a stern female voice and looked over to see a petite, biracial woman with dark coily hair and large glasses. She had just sat a stack of books down on the counter and put her hands on her hips, glaring at Stiles.

"Ms. Morgan, I'm okay...hih!-" Stiles quickly statched a tissue from a box next to his cup and ducked under the counter. Derek blinked and gave a confused look to Stiles' manager, who looked exasperated.

"Nn'tishh! HN-TISssh!!" Derek bent over the counter to see his boyfriend on one knee, rubbing his rosy nose into the tissues.

"He's been doing that all day. Please get him out of here before he infects the entire store." Morgan said as Stiles stood up with a wobble.

"You've been hiding every time you sneeze?" Derek asked, incredulously. Stiles sniffled, looking slightly embarrassed.

"It's a book store. I didn't want to disturb anyone." He said and narrowed his eyes at Derek's lips twitching into a smile. "I see you. Don't laugh at me, it's not funny!" Stiles said crankily.

"It's a little funny." Derek teased, grinning when Stiles turned from him in a huff, picking up his drink as he did so. "Don't worry, I came to check on him but I'll take him home." Derek said, turning his attention to the manager.

"Great. Its nice to know that there's someone who has common sense in your relationship." Morgan was used to Derek frequenting the store whenever Stiles was on shift; needless to say, she was relieved when she saw the taller man walk in. She beckoned Derek around the cashier counter.

Stiles was about to protest when his nose tingled again. He pinched his nose and rushed to the "Employees Only" room and Derek could hear Stiles go into another sneezing fit. Derek grabbed the tissue box and both he and the manager trekked to the room to see Stiles coughing into the damp tissues, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, honey. You really don't sound too good." Morgan walked over and rubbed Stiles' back with one hand and felt Stiles' forehead with the other. Stiles sighed at the handling, his manager was known to be motherly and there was no point in fighting her if she was concerned.

"It's fine, it's just a cold." Stiles waved her off, but still leaned into Derek who had put his arm around Stiles' waist. Ms. Morgan tsked at how stuffy her employee sounded and turned to Derek.

"You take him home and make him rest, you hear? And keep him home until he's better, not before. Ah-!" She raised a hand when Stiles opened his mouth. "You may not have a fever, but you can easily get one if you don't let your body heal. Now get out of my store, I'll clock you out." Stiles pouted and crossed his arms, making Derek chuckle and press a kiss to the side of his head.

"Yes ma'am. You," Derek patted Stiles' butt. "Go get your coat, its cold out." He said, giving Stiles a little push. Stiles looked from his boyfriend to his manager and realized he wasn't getting his way. He snatched the box of tissues from Derek and walked to the office, grumbling the entire way. Derek and Morgan both shook their heads.

"Thank you for letting me take him home early." Derek said, turning to the short woman.

"Of course! I was almost about to call you, that poor boy was exhausted all day." Morgan rested her cheek in her hand, rolling her eyes. They paused when they heard Stiles wind up again.

"NN'SHIIH! NN'TISH!" Since there were no customers to disturb, Stiles didn't hold anything back. Derek cringed at the gurgling nose blow that followed. Stiles really didn't sound well. His boyfriend walked back out of the office, hat and coat on and buttoned up.

"Ready to go?" Derek asked. Stiles rubbed his eyes. Now that all of the fight was out of him, he was crashing.

"Y-Yeah-" Stiles choked out before coughing roughly. Derek untied his own scarf and looped it around Stiles' neck, making sure to cover up his mouth and nose. He also tugged Stiles' beanie down until it covered his ears, leaving only his boyfriend's unamused eyes staring at him. Ms. Morgan tittered at the display.

"Looks likes you'll be in good hands. Have a good night, you two!" She said and left the room to return to the counter. Derek returned his arm around Stiles' waist and led him out of the store and too the parked Camaro. Stiles wasn't even surprised that Derek planned ahead so he wouldn't have to take the subway home.

"You were planning to stay until I actually left, were you?" Stiles' voice was muffled behind the scarf and wall of congestion. Derek shrugged, opened the door for his boyfriend and closed it behind him. When he got into the car himself, he cranked up, turned the heat on and shifted the vents onto his shivering boyfriend.

"Hey, someone has to have common sense in this relationship." Derek said, echoing Stiles' manager's words. Stiles gave him the side eye and gave Derek's shoulder a shove, making the older man chuckle.

"Just for that, I'm totally gonna rub my snot on your scarf." Stiles gave a pointed liquid sniffle to prove himself. Derek smirked at the attempted taunt and pulled out of the parking lot to begin the drive back to their apartment.

"Washing machines exist for a reason, sweetheart."



Sometimes you just get an idea and gotta get it out. Let me hear what you think. I feel like its been forever since I last wrote something on here, oops

Edited by Cecilia
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I like it! And I do agree with being healthy enough to go to work etc. Then you can get caring and comments from coworkers, mates etc. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

*tosses more domestic trash into the void*

no one asked for it but you got it anyway


"Sweetheart, wake up." Derek said, patting and shaking Stiles' thigh. He had just pulled into the parking lot of their apartment and just as he predicted, his boyfriend conked out just 10 minutes into the drive. From what he could see that wasn't hidden by the beanie and scarf, Derek could tell that Stiles was screwing his face up in protest. Derek heard a low, muffled whine come from the younger man, causing him to chuckle.

"I know, I'm the absolute worst. But the quicker you wake up, the quicker you'll be in bed. Come on..." Derek gently tugged on Stiles' arm. Stiles finally opened his eyes into narrow slits and whined louder.

"Y'r so meeean..." Stiles garbled, but slowly lifted himself from the car. A gust of cold wind started up and Stiles latched onto Derek, shivering madly. Derek closed the car door, activating the lock on his keypad and shuffled them to the apartment building. They both sighed in relief at the toasty warmth of the lobby. The warmth also made Stiles' nose run something fierce and he sniffled wetly a coupld of times. Even though he did technically say he would mess up his boyfriend's scarf, it was a completely  empty threat and he quickly lowered the fabric from his runny nose.

"Babe, I'm kinda leaking here." Stiles croaked, sniffling loudly again. Derek looked down and cringed at the shiny trail escaping his boyfriend's reddened nostrils. He scanned the lobby and found a tissue box sitting on the side table under a corkboard. He walked over, pinched the box without a second thought and headed back to Stiles, who was waiting at the elevator, button already pressed. Stiles made a pleased sound at Derek's theft and plucked a few sheets before raising the wad to his nose, blowing noisily into them.

The elevator door finally creaked open and Derek steered Stiles in. Once he had selected a floor, he leaned back against the wall, pulling his sick boyfriend with him. Stiles went to relax against Derek's broad chest, but he suddenly froze and flinched away.

"Hn-TISSH! Ekt-SHIH!" The noise Stiles made was of pure misery and he leaned his pounding head on Derek's shoulder, tissues clutched desperately at his nose. "God, I feel like garbage." He whined and pinched the tissues harder. "NN'SHIIH! NN'TISH!...ugh, ow..."

Derek sighed and rested his chin on Stiles' head. He hated that Stiles felt so bad and he really couldn't do much about it.

"Do you think you need to go to the doctor? You've been sick since early this week." Derek asked, fully expecting a wave of protests but he was shocked at Stiles' hesitation.

"I mean...I don't think so? Colds usually last like a week, but I'm just so tired." Stiles proved this by yawning widely. The elevator dinged to signal their stop and they made their way out when the doors opened.

By the time they had made it inside their apartment, Derek had come to a decision.

"How about this. You take some meds tonight, sleep in tomorrow and if you're still feeling really bad by then, I'll set up an appointment for you. Deal?" Derek asked, removing his coat and shoes. Stiles rubbed his eyes and nodded in agreement. "Alright. Go get ready for bed, I'll meet you in a few." Derek pressed a quick kiss to Stiles' ruddy cheek and nudged him to the direction of the hallway. Once he saw Stiles shuffle in their bedroom, he made his way to the kitchen and search through their impromptu medicine cabinet. He managed to locate some cold and flu tablets, but he also found something for sinus pressure and chest congestion. He scanned the symptoms list on all three items before deciding that the tablets were his best bet since they had the night-time version which would help Stiles get some much needed rest.

Derek popped a couple out of the blister pack and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Since Stiles already took the tissues with him, he grabbed the pills and made his way to the bedroom. He found Stiles in sweatpants and one of his own Henleys.

"Contaminating my clothes, I see." Derek teased. Stiles, who was flopped on his back and spread on the bed, raised his middle finger lazily in response. Derek chuckled and walked over to the bed.

"Sit up and take these." He said, holding out the pills and water. Stiles struggled into a sitting position and held his hand out for Derek to drop the 2 pills in his hand. He peered at them and made a face at the familiar dark purple color.

"Night-time? These make me woozy and shit." Stiles grumbled, but popped them in his mouth and took the bottle from Derek to wash them down.

"Well, don't fight the drugs like a dumbass, and we won't have a repeat of you locking yourself in the bathroom." Derek said, recalling a certain amusing and frustrating memory. Stiles waved him off and curled himself under the covers.

"That was one time..." he mumbled. Derek snorted and brushed Stiles' fringe from his eyes.

"Sleep. I'll be joining you in a little while, okay?" Derek mused, bending down to kiss Stiles' temple. Stiles hummed and turned his head to give him a chaste smack on the lips.

"Mhm, sounds good. Love you." Stiles was already dozing off. Derek ran his fingers through Stiles hair again and went to turn the bedroom light off before leaving, keeping the door cracked just in case.


Several hours had gone by. Derek was sleeping on his own side of the bed, when a sudden whack on his face jolted him out of his sleep. Derek groaned and reached up to feel it was Stiles' hand that was now resting on his cheek. Derek lifted the offending limb away and sat up, rubbing his eyes. His vision was limited in the moonlight, but he could see that Stiles was not in a restful sleep. Derek reached over and flicked his lamp on, bathing the room in a soft yellow light. He looked back to his boyfriend, who was once again sprawled out on his back. Stiles' mouth was hanging open, snores thick and wheezy as he struggled to take in air. Derek could see the sweat beading on Stiles' forehead and cursed.

"Stiles? Stiles, baby, wake up." Derek shook his boyfriend's shoulder. Stiles closed his mouth and swallowed, but Derek could see him wince at the pain, even in sleep. He shook him again. "Come on, I think you have a fever." Stiles whimpered quietly and barely opened his eyes, squinting in the light.

"Der...? Wha's goin'...wha-?" Stiles shifted around, breath suddenly catching in his throat. He coughed wetly, throat crackling with phlegm. Derek helped his boyfriend sit up and patted his back. When the fit died down, Stiles sat there, gasping for air. Derek thumbed the tears away with one hand and pressed the back of his hand on Stiles' forehead with the other. Sure enough, he felt a damp heat there.

"Wait here, okay? I'll be right back." Derek said and got out of the bed before heading to the bathroom. It didn't take him long to find the thermometer, but Stiles was pretty much drifting off when he got back anyway. Stiles jerked awake when Derek sat back on the bed. He eyed the thermometer and looked up at Derek with a pitiful gaze.

"I cad't breath through mby ndose." Going by Stiles' voice and the tiny 'knnk!' sound as he tried to sniffle, Derek could assume that Stiles was totally blocked up. Derek nodded and helped his boyfriend remove a sleeve from the baggy shirt and placed the thermometer under Stiles' arm.

"I'll call the doctor as soon as they open, alright? I really want to get you checked out." Derek palmed Stiles' flushed cheek, the corners of his mouth slightly lifting when Stiles leaned into his hand.

"Ogkay." Stiles whispered, just wanting to go back to sleep. The thermometer finally beeped and Derek removed the device. He frowned at the '100.1' display. He set the thermometer on the nightstand to wash later and helped his boyfriend back into the shirt sleeve. Derek was just pulling the shirt down in place when Stiles lifted his hands to his face, inhaling shakily.

"Hh...H'DSSHH! HD'SHHOO!" Stiles slowly straightened from where he bent at the waist, but kept his nose and mouth covered. "Babe, I just fugckig...exploded. Help." Stiles whined.

"Eww. You're a mess." Derek teased, grinning at Stiles' glare. He took pity on his boyfriend and handed Stiles the tissue box. Stiles snatched a bunch and turned to the side, giving a gurgling, thick nose blow.

"Once you're done with...that, try and get some more sleep. We still have a few hours until the doctor's office opens." Derek said, grabbing his phone to set an alarm. Stiles sniffled and nodded, moving on to tissue was #2.

When Stiles was as empty as he could get, he collapsed onto Derek's chest, shivering slightly. Derek pulled the blanket over Stiles and wrapped him up tightly. They both drifted off again, trying to get more rest before the sun came up.


Well that was longer than intended. I'm most likely going to continue into the appointment scene but I'm inconsistent and shy af

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Aww, this is really cute!

On 8/18/2018 at 12:03 PM, Voodoo huntress said:


*tosses more domestic trash into the void*

no one asked for it but you got it anyway


Relatable honestly lol. I’ll officially ask for more though? :) 

On 8/18/2018 at 12:03 PM, Voodoo huntress said:

I'm inconsistent

I’m the same, I feel you lol. I’m really, really inconsistent with fics. *sweats anxiously at the thought of the tWO fics I recently swore I would be consistent on but haven’t updated in over a month*

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  • 5 months later...

I've deadass been working on this for like...5 months. I actually had to force this out because I couldn't think of what to write. I deeply apologize if it's terrible, but I really wanted to get this done!


While Stiles managed to drift back off to sleep, Derek stayed awake, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Logically, he knew that his boyfriend would be okay, if not miserable; yet, he still couldn't help but worry. Derek continued to run his fingers through Stiles' hair as sunlight slowly crept into the room, giving it a muted blue illumination. He looked over to check the clock, neck protesting as he did so.

8:47 A.M. Which means the doctor's office opened about 15 minutes ago. Derek ceased his hair petting and carefully removed himself from the heated mass that was his boyfriend. When he was free, he raised his arms over his head to give a full-body stretch, joints popping as he did so. He contemplated waking Stiles up, but upon looking how rough the sick man looked, Derek decided to leave him be while he got ready.

Derek wandered out into the living/dining area, rubbing at his tired eyes. He found Stiles' bookbag on the couch and rummaged through it until he found the planner Stiles carefully kept up with. It didn't take him long to find the list of important phone numbers, his doctor being one of them. Derek pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and dialed the number, tapping his finger as he waited.

"Hello, Morningside Clinic, how can I help you?" A chipper, feminine voice bubbled through. Derek envied the speaker's energy level this early in the morning.

"Hi, I need to make an appointment..."
Derek decided that since he was taking time off work today, he left on his sweatpants and put a decent sweater over top his t-shirt to look somewhat presentable. After he put his boots on, he decided it was time to wake Stiles up. Derek trekked back over to the bed where Stiles was still in the same position that he left him in.

"Stiles. Come on, wake up." Derek said, patting Stiles' chest. Stiles groaned and stretched a bit, turning his head towards Derek. Derek watched as Stiles slowly woke himself up, rubbing at his face and sniffling.

"Timbe z'it?" Stiles mumbled, yawning and sniffling again.

"A little after 9. Your appointment is at 9:45, so you have time to get food if you want anything." Derek suggested, mentally crossing his fingers. Stiles coughed into a closed fist and shook his head.

"Ndo, ndot that hu'gry, babe." Stiles croaked, reaching for his box of tissues. He blew his nose weakly, wincing at the pain pulsing in his head. "Why did I take ndose breathi'g for grandted." Stiles complained, his voice garbled with congestion. Derek chuckled and walked over to the closet to grab Stiles' own winter boots.

"Don't we all until our noses stop working?" Derek couldn't help but humor his boyfriend's dramatics. Stiles groaned in response, massaging the bridge of his nose. Derek placed the boots down on the floor at Stiles' feet, and the sick man bent down to put them on. However, he sat back up, eyes squeezed shut tight.

"Whoa...ugh...dizzy." Stiles mumbled, resting his head in his hand. Derek didn't hesitate before kneeling down and helping his boyfriend into the boots and tied them up.

"Can't believe you tried to play off how bad you were feeling last night." Derek muttered. Just because he was supportive, didn't mean he would exclude any well-deserved snark. Stiles made a noise of protest.

"Yeah, well..." Stiles trailed off, realizing he didn't really have an argument. Derek stood up, smirking at his boyfriend. "Whatever. Fugck off."

"Very mature. Can you stand?" Derek asked, holding a hand out. Stiles smacked it away and rose from the bed, with only a wobble or two. The sludge in his head shifted again, causing him to list forward into a prepared Derek. "That answers my question." Stiles only response this time was to lift his shirt collar to cover his mouth.

"Hn-TISSH!! Hnkt-SHEEH!!" Stiles coughed a few times before sniffling and scrunching his nose.

"Bless you. Doing okay?" Derek asked, genuine concern in his tone. Stiles nodded and slowly pushed off of the taller man when he felt stable on his feet to start his wobbly trek to the bathroom. As Stiles tended to his business, Derek made his way back out to the living room to wait on his boyfriend, keys and phone in hand. Soon, Stiles shuffled out, his nose noticeably a lot more irritated.

"I just spent so much time blowing my nose, I almost passed out." While Stiles still sounded hoarse, his voice wasn't as low and thick from congestion. Derek waited for his boyfriend to put on his coat before escorting him to the front door.

"If you want, I can buy some softer tissues or something." Derek suggested as they made their way to the elevator. Stiles grinned and leaned into the taller man.

"Aw, you like-like me." He teased, laughing at Derek's eye roll before choking into a coughing fit. Derek could only squeeze Stiles' shoulder in concern as they exited the elevator into the lobby.
A few hours later found the two men leaving the doctor's office and on the way to the pharmacy, both annoyed with one another.

"Derek, she said it was just a cold."

"She also said that you're exhausted and on the verge of bronchitis. I wouldn't have a prescription for antibiotics if you didn't need them." Derek argued back. They have been going back and forth since Derek banned Stiles to bedrest for the rest of the week. Derek pulled into a parking space and turned the car off before sighing. "I don't understand why you fight me all the time when you're sick. You were miserable last night."

"I'mb ndot fighting you, I'mb just disagreeing with your hostage situationd." Stiles said petulantly, congestion back with a full force. Derek opened his mouth to protest the ridiculous claim when Stiles's mouth hung open slightly. His breath hitched, then again a bit louder before he turned his head and squelched a trio of sneezes into his elbow.

"Hh...hh-! Ht-SHEHH! HD'DSHOO! Hih...Hih-NSHH!"

"Well. Didn't want to have to do this." Derek said and Stiles bristled at the ominous tone. He turned back, elbow still covering his mouth.

"What? What are you doi'g?" Stiles narrowed his watering eyes. Derek ignored him and pulled out his cellphone and unlocked it. Stiles watched in horror as Derek brought up the dial pad and pressed '3' and put the phone on speaker. "Derek! Ndo!"

The phone rang twice before the Sheriff's voice filled the car.

"Derek? You need something, son?" Derek locked eyes with Stiles' glare.

"I'm doing just fine, John. However, Stiles-"

"Is perfectly finde, thangk you!" Stiles interrupted loudly.

"Stiles? Are you okay? You don't sound too good, bud." Concern laced the Sheriff's question and Stiles slumped, forgetting about his dad's hound hearing. He lowered his arm, only to quickly raise it up again.

"H'DSSHH!! NN'TSSHH!" Stiles groaned and sniffled into his arm.

"As I was saying. Your son is clearly under the weather and not listening to me. I thought you'd be able to put some sense into him." Derek didn't give a rat's ass about his pettiness. He could tattle if he wanted to tattle.

"Stiles..." the Sheriff began.

"The doctor said it was a cold!" Stiles whined at his dad. The Sheriff's sigh crackled over the speaker.

"But you felt bad enough to go to the doctor. Didn't you?" His dad asked. Stiles' mouth clicked as it snapped shut.

"We're at the pharmacy now. The flu test came back negative, but he is edging into bronchitis." Derek reported. Stiles had fully given up at this point and leaned into Derek over the car console, head pulsing in pain.

"Good man, Derek. I'll be over after my shift to check up on him. Stiles? Please behave, son." There was no stopping the Sheriff when it came to his son's well-being.

"Yeah, yeah..." Stiles mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Derek exchanged goodbyes with John and ended the call. Stiles sniffled thickly again and groaned.

"Ugh. Asshole. I hate you so mbuch right ndow." Stiles grumbled quietly. Derek brought his hand up and rubbed his thumb across Stiles' cheek.

"I love you too."


I'm pretty sure i'm gonna end it there. Just to save you guys waiting another 5 months, lmao

Edited by Voodoo huntress
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On 2/6/2019 at 2:48 PM, ThatSneezyGirl said:

My favorite author is back at it 😍 this is great!! We missed you 

Omg thank you so much for allowing me to be the actual most unreliable writer on this platform 😂

I'm so glad you liked it!

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I’m pretty sure you and me are tied for most unreliable writers 😅 I suck at finishing stories oops 

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I wanted to comment before this got away. I freaking loved this. I didn't know who these guys were or what show or anything but after seeing "sterek" popping up a few times, I got curious. I liked this so much I went back and found more sterek fics. Totally love this ship without ever seeing Teen Wolf. I look forward to your next fic :)

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On 2/9/2019 at 2:43 PM, ThatSneezyGirl said:

I’m pretty sure you and me are tied for most unreliable writers 😅 I suck at finishing stories oops 

I was like "2019 is the year I get my shit together" lmaooo

On 2/9/2019 at 10:47 PM, Serendipity said:

Adorable as always! :wubsmiley:

Thank youuuu!

29 minutes ago, ReidSeeker said:

I wanted to comment before this got away. I freaking loved this. I didn't know who these guys were or what show or anything but after seeing "sterek" popping up a few times, I got curious. I liked this so much I went back and found more sterek fics. Totally love this ship without ever seeing Teen Wolf. I look forward to your next fic :)

Ahhh omg that's so nice?? Tbh i'm not really into the show, I just love sterek lol. I went on a binge of writing when I got tired of the lack of snzfics so feel free to browse!

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Same. I’m really trying to get back into writing I just never have time 😅 we need to vow to be better at posting 

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