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9 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:


16 hours ago, jensdw said:

Oh, I get to be a part of a B.M. scene!”

I actually am with Dean here. No idea what this means

From episode 10x05 Fan Fiction:

DEAN : What are they doing ?

MARIE : Oh ! Hum, they're rehearsing the B.M. scene.

DEAN : The bowel movement scene ?

MARIE : No ! The boy melodrama scene ! (Dean looks confused.) You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're-they're driving, or leaning against Baby. Drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. (The Americana theme is playing, while Dean is looking at the B.M. scene.) The two of them. Alone. But together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly-

DEAN : Why are they standing so close together ?

MARIE : Hum... Reasons.

DEAN : You know they're brothers, right ?

MARIE : Well, duh ! But... Subtext.

DEAN : Why don't you take some substeps back there, ladies ?


Hope that helped :)

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21 hours ago, jensdw said:

He rubbed a hand over his face, scrunching his eyebrows at the sudden onset of a headache

Ohhhh I know what that means!


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2 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Ohhhhhh ok I skipped most of your quoting as I am about two episodes away from this one still 😳

Ah, oops... I don't really think there were any spoilers though, people talk in every episode and the quotes were only regarding that expression 😛 That episode was the 200th episode, they had some fun with it. Enjoy!

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On 8/17/2018 at 2:55 PM, helyzelle said:

Awww, trying to send Sammy back to school and Jess. He just wants his brother to be happy 😍  Pretty far from their reality through, poor guy is really out if it.

Haha, funny line.

Didn't think he would listen, does he ever?

I love the stuffiness, I really hope the decongestants aren't to effective 😇

Thank you!! Unfortunately, the decongestants were defective! Whatever will we do? 


On 8/17/2018 at 5:08 PM, ReidSeeker said:

😱OMG I am so rude! I love your story so far

Not rude at all! thank you for both comments! sorry the other one isn’t showing, my quote button is being stubborn. :( 

On 8/18/2018 at 8:39 AM, sneezy_frnk said:

Ohhhh I know what that means!



Here’s some more. Sorry for the briefness. 


Part 6


Dean was not sure if he was feeling lightheaded from a fever or from all the smoke at this club that the whole town seemed to gather at. Still, he ignored the feeling, taking a seat next to a young girl at the bar. She must have been using a fake ID, clearly could not have been more than seventeen. 


Coughing into a fist, Dean looked at the girl with furrowed brows. She looked familiar. “Ht-ITSSHHU!”


“Bless.” The girl mumbled, taking a swig of her beer. 


“Thagks. You kdow, you look great for your age.” Dean smirked. 


The girl chuckled. “Gee, thanks.” 


“Like you could pass for sixteend, mbaybe.” 


“That’s nice of you to say,” She responded, unenthusiastically. 


“Yeah. I’b Deand.” The corners of his lips turned up before he began coughing again.


“Chloe. You alright?” 


“Fadtastic. You frob aroud h-here?...huhITSSSHU! ISSHCHU! hekt-CHHEWhhh!”


“Bless again. Yeah...I grew up here. Why?” 


huhEKKSSHHU! Fugk.” Dean groaned. “You kdow adythigg about the Collor fabily?” Dean sniffed, distractedly looking around. Chloe’s hand clenched around her beer bottle. 


“...No.” She walked away, leaving her beer unpaid for. Dean got up to go after her, but did not get far before dropping to the ground. 




“Sir? Sir?” Everything around Dean slowly came back into focus. 


“What happened,” He asked groggily, able to breath through his nose for the first time all day. 


“You passed out. Didn’t know if I should call an ambulance.”


“I’m, uh, I’m good.” Dean pushed himself up, shakily, slowly back on his feet. “I...hh-hh-huhITSSHHU! IXXSHHEHhh! IXCHSHHU!”


“G’bless you. Why don’t I drive you to the emergency room? You seem pretty sick, man.” 


Dean rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath in. “It’s okay. Really. Thagk you.” He coughed into the lapel of his coat and stumbled out the door, dialing Sam’s number.




“Heya, Sabby. Could use a lift.” 


“What? Where are you?”




“Jesus, Dean. Where are you?”


“At sobe bar.”


“What? How’d you get there? I told you to stay at the motel.”


“I ub...I stole Charlie’s car. But Sab, I thigk I have a lead.”


“That can wait Dean. What’s the bar called? I’m coming to get you.”


 Dean huffed a sigh, causing himself to cough some more. “Sabby, I—uh...” The line went silent. 


“Dean? Dean!”

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On 8/17/2018 at 11:02 AM, jensdw said:

Oh! I get to be a part of a B.M. scene!

First of all, I can’t believe I’m just discovering this!! Everything about this is so well done and I love your detail! 😍💗 love love loooovvee it😄

Second off, this line made me laugh so hard. I remembered the Fanfiction episode and thought of Dean asking if the B.M. meant bowel movement 😂 


Edited by castiel_angel
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10 hours ago, jensdw said:

 Dean huffed a sigh, causing himself to cough some more. “Sabby, I—uh...” The line went silent. 


“Dean? Dean!”

😱 oh no! Dean! Cliffhanger!  


Here's a whale 🐳 

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On 8/21/2018 at 5:05 PM, jensdw said:

Dean got up to go after her, but did not get far before dropping to the ground. 

What? He's worse off than I thought. But still going forward with the case. Stubborn man! 

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This is so good! I wish I had more time to read this over and over and over again. I guess I’ll just have to make time! Very well done! 😃

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