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Hiiii! I have a little case-fic thingy that I’m writing, which I’ll be posting in parts. I’ll establish now that there will most likely be an excessive amount of sneezing since...well since I’m crazy...

The parts will most likely be a little on the short side, but i’ll try to post pretty frequently.

For now i’ll be picking on Dean, but Sam’ll have his turn. :)

PS. it’s not edited, so please try ignore my errors—I have no doubt in my mind that they’re there.

So without further ado...


Part 1


The non-stop rain was only part of the reason the Winchesters had decided to hold up in ‘Motel 6’ for the night, as Charlie Bradbury had made an excited call about a case she had found in the place of her residency; Farmington Hills, Michigan. Normally the boys would not have stayed in a place so...charming as far as the motels they normally stay in go, but this one was close to Charlie’s place and due to lack of space in her apartment, she insisted on funding their stay. The brothers both expressed their appreciation of the offer and easily took it. They had been a bit pressed where money was cornered.


Clicking away at his laptop, Sam kept an ear open to his brother behind him. For most of the ride Dean had been crotchety and complaining, which normally Sam would let slide. He would have done so this time too, if it had not been for the stifled, squelchy sneezes coming from Dean’s side of the car. During the ride, Sam had the chance to do some thinking about how distant Dean had been the previous day and easily pieced it all together. His brother was sick. Seemingly, the older Winchester could often be quite transparent, or maybe it was that Sam just knew him that well. 


“Hey, maybe we should get some rest before we meet up with Charlie tomorrow,” Sam suggestted, choosing his words carefully. It was now late into the night. The boys had taken off quite early in the morning for the fourteen-hour drive. 


Dean clinked his beer on the table, rubbed a hand over his face and sighed, although thankful for the out. “Sure. Princess,” Dean mumbled. He walked to the bathroom, posture slouched, his illness clearly progressing quickly. 


As soon as the door was shut and the faucet was running, Dean unraveled a decent amount of toilet paper, his hands hovering in front of his face. “Ehh...hepNNK! NNKhhh! NNGKhh!...ITSSHHhh!” Blowing his nose into the rough paper, Dean stared at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he had not slept in days, his nose was slightly pink, but fairly noticeable with his pale complexion. Sam must have known he was sick. It had to be obvious to a complete stranger. 


Dean had tried to stay off his brother’s radar the day before, feeling the unfortunately familiar burn in his throat when he took a breath in. His nose had been itchy all day, but he hardly sneezed, which led to constantly rubbing his nose—hence the redness. To top things off—he took a seven hour nap. Dean Winchester did not take naps.


Taking one last glance at his sickly appearance, Dean disposed of the toilet paper by flushing it, leaving no evidence, and returned to his bed. Sam heard snores from the other side of the room seconds after Dean’s head hit the pillow.

Edited by jensdw
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13 hours ago, jensdw said:

For now i’ll be picking on Dean, but Sam’ll have his turn. :)


Yay! Pick on both! I can hardly wait for more!

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@sneezelover32 thank u!

@Feo  thank you!

@ReidSeeker  definitely picking on both! :)

@sneezelover3 thanks :)

sorry it’s so short! i plan on making the next part longer than this one & sorry for the abrupt ending. :blush:

here’s some more. 


Part 2

Both boys spent the whole night sleeping soundly, Dean only waking up once to take a trip to the bathroom. In Sam’s mind it was the calm before the storm. When Dean got sick it was like running a marathon. First it would just be a sore throat, an itchy nose and maybe a headache. Soon it would turn into a little coughing, a little sneezing, a head ache, sore throat—the works. That would then become a lot of sneezing and coughing, sometimes even stomach aches and nausea. Dean would refuse to eat and to take medicine and normally that led to a fever and a sinus infection. It was rare for Dean to get sick, but when he did it put him out of commission for a while.

Dean had woken up first, feeling like his head was packed with wet cement. He took a warm shower, hoping some steam could clear him out, but it did not help as much as he had originally expected. Seeing how nothing had been improving his situation, Dean left a quick, vague note to Sam and drove to the nearest cafe for some coffee—although he got coffee for Sam and treated himself to some tea—and for some time away from his brother who would probably spending the next few days mothering him.

“Dude, where have you been?” Sam raised his eyebrows, taking in the appearance of his ill brother. He actually looked well rested, but his pallor and red nose said something else.

“Gettigg your coffee, bitch. Didd’t you see by dote?” Dean held out Sam’s travel cup, but quickly turned away and placed both beverages on the table behind him, before ducking into his elbow to sneeze. “HuhIXXSH! ITSHEW! Jesus...huhITSHHYEWHH!” He wiped his nose roughly on his jacket sleeve.

“Bless you,” Sam offered. “And, no Clearly, I didn’t see your note.” He picked his drink up off the table and sipped at the scalding liquid carefully. “Just got off the phone with Charlie. She said we could meet up at her place whenever we’re ready,” Sam informed Dean, who nodded, sniffling. 

“You get her ad-address?...huhITSSHEWWHH! huhITCHSHH!”

Sam nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. “Want me to pick up some tissues from the front desk?”

Dean glared at his brother for a minute, then took a step closer to the door. “I’ll do it byself. Dot a friggind idvalid.” 


Shutting the creaking office door behind him, Dean shuffled over to the clerk’s desk. The man looked up at him, smiling sympathetically. Did he really look that bad?

“Hey, you got ady extra tissues?” He sniffled for emphasis. 

“Yeah, sure. Looks like ya need ‘em,” He said, running a hand over his balding scalp. He took off his brown glasses and glanced at Dean before slipping into a back room. 

Slowly but surely, the man returned with a new box, still wrapped with plastic. Dean accepted the box quickly and ripped it open, pulling four tissues out and dropping the box on the desk. Then he waited, holding the clump of tissues ready in front of his face. 

hehhh...uhh...huhIXSHHEWH! IXXSHHH! IXXSHSHH! IXXSHEWHH! God...how ab I already this sick,” Dean asked aloud, speaking to no one in particular.

Edited by jensdw
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1 hour ago, jensdw said:

hehhh...uhh...huhIXSHHEWH! IXXSHHH! IXXSHSHH! IXXSHEWHH! God...how ab I already this sick,” Dean asked aloud, speaking to no one in particular

Hmmm how indeed? 😈 

This is lovely!

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I'm so happy to see that you're writing another story! I'm looking forward to more of this :)

This part looks especially promising for the rest of the story :D

3 hours ago, jensdw said:

When Dean got sick it was like running a marathon. First it would just be a sore throat, an itchy nose and maybe a headache. Soon it would turn into a little coughing, a little sneezing, a head ache, sore throat—the works. That would then become a lot of sneezing and coughing, sometimes even stomach aches and nausea. Dean would refuse to eat and to take medicine and normally that led to a fever and a sinus infection. It was rare for Dean to get sick, but when he did it put him out of commission for a while.


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I can’t believe that I missed this! This is just awesome! I can’t wait for the next part!

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On 8/7/2018 at 8:52 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Hmmm how indeed? 😈 

This is lovely!


On 8/7/2018 at 10:32 AM, helyzelle said:

I'm so happy to see that you're writing another story! I'm looking forward to more of this :)

This part looks especially promising for the rest of the story :D


Ha, yes, Dean may never get better. Thanks so much! 

On 8/7/2018 at 11:10 AM, Wolfwings22 said:

I can’t believe that I missed this! This is just awesome! I can’t wait for the next part!

Thank you! :)

On 8/7/2018 at 3:02 PM, sneezelover3 said:

I like it very much

thanks ;)

12 hours ago, MissBayliss said:




errg...my quote button stopped working!

thank you!! sick sammy is on his way ;)

Edited by jensdw
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Agh, it’s short again. I suck. Sorry.


Part 3

The brothers stood quietly at Charlie’s door, soaked through to the bone due to the weather. The second the two stepped out of the motel room, rain started coming down in sheets.


The beige doors that lined the hallway all looked the same; clean and newly painted, but boring. Charlie’s door, though, had a sign hanging where the peephole should have been, that said, “Walking on sunshine!” setting it apart from the rest.


“Sup, bitches?” Charlie grinned, opening the door. Her words echoed down the empty corridor.


“Hey, Charlie,” Sam replied, engulfing her in a massive hug. As he moved into the apartment, Charlie invited herself into Dean’s unwelcoming arms, wrapping him tightly in a hug until he returned the action. Sam watched the two, Dean hiding his face in Charlies golden-red curls. He smiled—Charlie gave Dean the things Sam could not. Like hugs. 


The hug did not last much longer, though, as Dean pulled away, cupping his hands around his nose and mouth. “HuhIXXSHH! IXXSHHuhh!”


“...bless you,” Charlie offered, giving the older Winchester a skeptical look, suddenly noticing his ill appearance.


Thahh...thagk...hihhh...sond of a bihhh...ITSSHEWHhh! hitTSHHEWHh!”


Charlie looked at Dean as if she had something to say to him, but closed her mouth and turned to go inside. “Welcome to my palace,” She said, arms up and out to either side of her petite figure. 


“Very nice.” Sam smiled. Dean nodded in agreement before clearing his throat quietly into his wrist. His breath caught though, he stifled a sneeze, then began to cough.


“So...the...case,” Dean stuttered out between coughs. Charlie grimaced at her friend, then nodded, arms dropping back to her sides. 


“Kay, well a couple weeks ago in the news there was this story about a woman, Melanie Collor found dead. Cause of death—drowned in bathtub. No signs of struggle. Authorities said it seemed that she willingly stuck her head in the tub and drowned herself. A little weird, right?” Charlie did not wait for a response. “Then last week, Melanie’s brother died. He was a dentist. The article said that he was found in his office with his own teeth in one hand, forceps in the other. After he pulled his teeth out, he stuck a dental drill in his eye.” Sam and Dean exchanged looks. “It gets worse. Two days ago, the brother’s son, Matt, was found with his heart in his hand. Authorities said he ripped it out of his own chest.” Charlie looked at them, wide eyed. “There’s not a pattern, but it was just too weird and...horrifying for me to ignore, ya know?” 


Sam stepped forward, eyebrows raised. “Witch, maybe?” Dean sighed next to him, nodding. 


IXXSHEWWH! ITCHHH!” Dean looked up, eyes watering from the short fit, quickly registering what he’d missed. “Friggin’ hate witches.”

Edited by jensdw
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1 hour ago, jensdw said:

thank you!! sick sammy is on his way

Yeeeeeessssss! lol

Yay for Charlie! You've got a good handle on her voice/character. 

And yeah...freaking witches.

(Secretly squee-ing cause I'm in public)

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11 hours ago, jensdw said:

Ha, yes, Dean may never get better.

Promise? 😉 

I really like this so far, and I agree that you have Charlie's voice down great.

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On 8/9/2018 at 9:43 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Yeeeeeessssss! lol

Yay for Charlie! You've got a good handle on her voice/character. 

And yeah...freaking witches.

(Secretly squee-ing cause I'm in public)

Thank you!! I very much appreciate the great lengths you’ve gone to in order to comment on my little old story  :blush:

On 8/10/2018 at 7:52 AM, helyzelle said:

Promise? 😉 

I really like this so far, and I agree that you have Charlie's voice down great.

Promise. :D Thanks a lot!!


My goal of having a slightly longer update has finally been reached! yay!

Despite my goal being reached, there are still a million other issues with this, one being that there isn’t so much Charlie in it. I promise she’ll be in the next part a lot more. :) 

hopefully the congested speech is understandable. :worriedsmiley:

warning for language...

Part 4


“Mrs. Collor—” Sam began, only to be quickly interrupted.


“Please. Call me Tara.”


“Okay, Tara, what can you tell me about Tom and Matthew’s behavior before they passed?” Sam cocked his head to the side and stared at Mrs. Collor with sad eyes. 


“Well— I, uh...”


“He mbeands...hehITSSHHU! IXXTSSHhh! S’cuse be. Sorry.” Sam grimaced at Dean’s hoarse and congested voice. “By partder just mbeands—were they actigg differedtly aroudd the tibe they passed,” Dean asked, blushing in embarrassment as Mrs. Collor passed him a tissue. 


“Um, bless you, Agent. And not that I noticed. They seemed...just the way they always were.” The woman took a tissue if her own to dab at the tears in the corners of her eyes.


“Right...Was Matt your only child,” Sam asked awkwardly. Mrs. Collor shook her head.


“No. Technically, Matthew wasn’t even mine.” The brunette stared down at her feet sadly. “But I loved him as my own, of course. My husband—Tom, his first wife died in an accident. Then we met. Matt and I got along well, and Tom and I, well, obviously we also hit it off. We just recently had a child together,” Mrs. Collor explained. 


“And, your husband and son, is it possible that either of them had any...enemies? Someone who might’ve wanted to hurt him?” 


“I, well— no, I doubt it. They were so kind to everyone.” She choked back a sob. 


hupSHH! Uh, where’s your bathroob?” Dean cleared his throat. 


“Right at the top of the stairs.” Mrs. Collar gave him a sad smile. 




“Ma’am, are you sure...” Dean had tuned out the rest of the question, standing up and wandering around the halls of the quaint home, admiring the family’s photos on the vanilla walls. Climbing up the narrow staircase, Dean rubbed at his eyes, blinking back exhaustion. He had become tired so suddenly despite a pretty decent night of sleep. 


Dean went right by the bathroom and into the first bedroom he saw—which was actually a nursery. He looked down at the cooing baby girl in the crib, smiling at her rosy cheeks. The child reminded him of Sam as a baby. Happy and giggling and completely oblivious to everything bad happening around him. He had always envied baby Sam, wishing he could be oblivious to the way his world was crumbling around him. Either way, he knew a normal life was not in the cards for him. It never would be.  


Snapping back into reality, Dean sniffed, rubbing his increasingly ticklish nose as his breath caught. Turning away from the baby, he sneezed into his suit jacket. “HupCHHKhhh! ITSSHHH! ITSSHHEWHhh! IXXSHHHUHhh! huhIXXSHEHhh!” He cleared his throat and turned back to the child. “Jesus, sorry.” He coughed lightly into his fist. “I just apologized to an infant for sneezing.” He shook his head.


Dean took one last, longing look at the baby and moved along on his inspection. 


The older Winchester looked thoroughly through Matthew’s room, finding absolutely nothing helpful. He moved on to Tom and Tara’s room searching drawers, dressers, everything. Pulling open the closet door, Dean expected to find dress shoes and dresses, which he did, but he also discovered a stack of files. Flipping through them, only one really caught his eye. He stuck the Manila folder inside his jacket and made his way back to Sam and Mrs. Collor.


“Hey. Ready to go?” Sam was already waiting for him at the door. Dean nodded, stifled a sneeze into his shoulder and offered Mrs. Collor his condolences. 


As soon as Dean shut the driver’s side door to the Impala, he hunched over, sneezing into a cupped hand. “hupTSSHHehhh! ITSSHCHHehhh! ITSHYEWHH!” Fugkigg christ, this sucks.” He groaned. 


“I know, man. Let’s just go back to the motel and meet with Charlie,” Sam suggested.


Dean nodded and took off down the roads, which were beginning to flood. 


“So I foudd this—“ Dean handed Sam the folder. “Id Mbister Collor’s closet. He had a daughter.” Sam’s eyes widened. “Yeah. Add he used to abuse her. Say’s ode dight he beat his daughter so badly that his Matt had to call ad abulance for her. She edded up with child services. God kdows where she is dow,” Dean explained before blowing his nose into the crumpled tissue that he had gotten from Mrs. Collor.


“Holy shit. S’it say why he did it?” 


“No clue. Honestly I intended to ask Tara, but it kinda slipped my mind.” 


Sam furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his brother, surprised that he would forget something of the sort. He slapped a palm to his brother’s forehead. “Dude, you’re pretty warm.”


“’M fine.”


“Of course you are,” Sam huffed.


Dean just sniffed.




“Any luck with the first vic?” Sam raised his eyebrows hopefully. 


Charlie shook her head. “Nothing. And there’s no connection between the vics other than the fact that they were related.” She shrugged.


HupCSHH! Yeah, but those papers I foudd about his daughter—that’s probably a coddectiod, right?” Dean’s eyes were closed, arms crossed over his chest. 


“Yeah, maybe. When I called Tara it seemed like she didn’t know anything about the beatings. Said he never laid a hand on Matt when she knew him,” Sam reasoned. Dean shrugged from his place on the bed. 


“Well, boys, I’m out. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” Charlie goes for the door.


Y-yeah...hutTXXSHHhh! IXXSHHH! huhIXXSH-SHH! IXXSHEWHHhh! ITSHHU! IXXSHH! hupTSSHH! TSSHHHU! Holy shit, that hurt.” Dean moaned. He Sat up and reached for the tissues, Sam and Charlie frowning at him, radiating concern. 


“...bless you...” Charlie offered.


“Thagks. I’b, uh...” Breaking into coughs, Dean did not bother to attempt to speak through the fit. Charlie rubbed his shoulder for a second, waved goodbye to Sam and left the brothers to themselves. 


“Dude, I think you should just sleep.” Sam winced as Dean hacked some more. When he could catch a breath, he did not bother to speak, just waved a hand at Sam and pulled the ratty motel sheets over his shoulders, sighing as he fell into a light sleep. 

Edited by jensdw
I make too many mistakes
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3 hours ago, jensdw said:

hopefully the congested speech is understandable

Oh...congested speech was understandably wonderful. Be ashame if the boys have to stumble through more...yep...real shame 😈



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6 hours ago, jensdw said:

hopefully the congested speech is understandable. :worriedsmiley:

Perfectly understandable and absolutely lovely!

The case is interesting, I wonder where this is going. Very much looking forward to reading more (though in all honesty you can put sneezy Winchesters in the middle of an empty room with nothing going on and I'd still look forward to reading more about it lol)

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This is so good! The way that Sam and Dean interact is perfect! I can’t wait for more!

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On 8/12/2018 at 12:15 AM, sneezelover32 said:

This is so good!! Looking forward to more Charlie!! 🙂

Thanks so much!

On 8/12/2018 at 1:12 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Oh...congested speech was understandably wonderful. Be ashame if the boys have to stumble through more...yep...real shame 😈



Thank you!! Hah, you know I’ll torture these boys. ;) 

On 8/12/2018 at 4:07 AM, helyzelle said:

Perfectly understandable and absolutely lovely!

The case is interesting, I wonder where this is going. Very much looking forward to reading more (though in all honesty you can put sneezy Winchesters in the middle of an empty room with nothing going on and I'd still look forward to reading more about it lol)

Thank you, thank you! And I feel the exact same way about sneezy Sam and Dean. 

On 8/12/2018 at 7:20 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

This is so good! The way that Sam and Dean interact is perfect! I can’t wait for more!

Thank you!!

On 8/14/2018 at 10:18 PM, AngelEyes said:

Love Charlie! You have her perfect!

Thanks a bunch! 

Sorry it was a bit of a wait—I was on a little beach vacation these past few days and didn’t get much time to update. And sorry for mistakes—I’m in between things and I only have a second to post. 

Here’s some more, though!

Part 5

The night was a rough one. Between Dean waking up every couple of hours sneezing or coughing and Sam waking up to Dean’s fever-dream cries, neither brother got much shut eye. 


It was around four in the morning when Sam woke up, arm hanging over the side of his bed. He rubbed a hand over his face, scrunching his eyebrows at the sudden onset of a headache. 


Looking at his brother, Sam sighed. He could hear Dean wheeze with every breath he took in. His skin was pale and his nose tinged red, as well as his cheeks, probably from a fever. Sam carefully laid his palm across his brother’s forehead, frowning at the heat. 


“Dean? Dean, you gotta wake up for some meds,” Sam said softly. Dean moaned and opened his eyes slowly, coughing a couple times. 




“Yeah, Dean, I’m right here.” Sam popped open the bottle of Tylenol and sprinkled two tablets into his hand. “I’ll get you some more water to take these with, alright?”


“Sab, what are you doigg here,” Dean asked groggily.


“I’m taking care of ya, dude.” Sam filled up the glass with water that, for once, was not yellow. 


“Doe, Sab, go back to school. I’b dot mbad adybore, Sabby.” Sam’s heart clenched at his brother’s words. 


“Dean, I’m here for you. Till the end of the line, man.” He watched Dean swallow the pills. 


“S’okay Sabby. I just biss you, thas’ all. Go back to Jess. You deserve her. She’s better thad adythigg I cad give you.” Dean smiled sadly, a tear slipping from the corner of his eye. 


“No, Dean you’ve given me everything. I’m right here with you. Just go back to sleep, okay?” Dean nodded, shut his eyes again and blew out another wheezy breath. 




Knock! Knock


Knock! KnockKnock!




Sam groaned, sitting up sleepily for the second time that morning. He rubbed his eyes, smoothed back his hair and opened the door to a very chipper Charlie. 


“Morning, sunshine!” Charlie grinned and held out a coffee to the younger Winchester. 


“Thanks, Charlie.” Sam smiled and cleared his throat. “Uh, Dean’s still asleep, he woke up a few hours ago with a fever, so I gave him some Tylenol. Hopefully he’ll sleep this thing off.” 


Charlie smiled again, sliding in the room between Sam and the door. “Stop your worrying, Sam. He’ll be okay. If anyone can bounce back from these kind of things it’s your brother,” She assured. 


Sam nodded. “Let me shower real quick and we’ll go to the library to do some research.” 




Charlie heard the water rush on in the bathroom as Dean coughed himself awake. Charlie quickly made her way to his side, rubbing circles on his back and handing him his water. 


“Thagks,” Dean said after the coughing subsided. He looked like he was about to say something else, but stopped, eyes squinted. He reached for the tissues, ripping out a few and brought them to hide face just in time to cover the onslaught of sneezes that burst out of him. “hutITCHSHHIXXSHHhh! IXXSHHuhhh! ITSHHUH! hupNXGT! NGGThh! hitNNKchhewhhh!” He let himself flop back against the pillows, breathless from the fit. 


“Wow. Gesundheit,” Charlie offered, eyebrows raised. Dean sighed, which lead to more coughing.


“God, sorry.” Dean’s cheeks were red, probably from fever, but also from embarrassment.


“No apologies necessary.” Charlie chided. She smiled and looked observed the Winchester. He looked awful.


“Where’s, uh, where’s Sabby?” Dean sat up, suddenly and his eyes darted around the room. 


“Woah, chill out there. He’s just in the shower. Let’s get you drugged up, huh? You gotta tell me what it’s like getting high off of cold medicine.” Charlie patted his shoulder and Dean smirked. “Kay, let’s see...decongestants—since you sound like someone packed wet cement in your nose— cough drops—you  also sound like you’ve been smoking for sixty years— and more Tylenol.” 




“And stop doing that. Just sneeze like nobody’s watching.” Charlie laughed, Dean soon joining in with a chuckle. 


After Dean had downed the medicine Charlie prepared for him, Sam came out of the shower. 


“Hey, man. How’re you feeling?” 


“Fadtastic. I’ll go questiod the locals while you two geeks research.” 


“Are you sure that’s the best idea? You’re pretty sick, Dean.” Sam huffed and looked at Charlie for back up.


“Oh! I get to be a part of a B.M. scene!” Dean looked at Charlie in confusion, but Sam ignored the comment. 


“Dean, just stay here and sleep it off.” Sam instructed.




Of course, as soon as the two were out the door, Dean got ready for the day. “Stay hobe. Good ode, Sabby.”

Edited by jensdw
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Awww, trying to send Sammy back to school and Jess. He just wants his brother to be happy 😍  Pretty far from their reality through, poor guy is really out if it.

3 hours ago, jensdw said:

Just sneeze like nobody’s watching.

Haha, funny line.

3 hours ago, jensdw said:

Stay hobe. Good ode, Sabby.”

Didn't think he would listen, does he ever?

I love the stuffiness, I really hope the decongestants aren't to effective 😇

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5 hours ago, jensdw said:

Sam waking up to Dean’s fever-dream cries, neither brother got much shut eye. 

Awww 😢

6 hours ago, jensdw said:

He rubbed a hand over his face, scrunching his eyebrows at the sudden onset of a headache. 

Oh no 😈

6 hours ago, jensdw said:

S’okay Sabby. I just biss you, thas’ all. Go back to Jess. You deserve her. She’s better thad adythigg I cad give you.” Dean smiled sadly, a tear slipping from the corner of his eye. 


6 hours ago, jensdw said:

You gotta tell me what it’s like getting high off of cold medicine.

This could be fun 😁


6 hours ago, jensdw said:

Oh, I get to be a part of a B.M. scene!”

I actually am with Dean here. No idea what this means 🤔

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