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Cursed (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy)


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Hey, y'all! So it's been a long time since I've posted any works but this idea popped into my head and I like the way it came out so I decided to post it. It's set post-Battle, so both Harry and Draco are at least 18-19 here, for reference. Spoilers, of course, since it's set post-series. 



The first thing that came back to Draco Malfoy was his sense of smell. He smelled the sterile scent of the hospital wing. Merlin, what was wrong now? He realized with a jolt, however, that smell was the only thing that had come back to him. He couldn’t feel, see, or hear anything. Draco Malfoy was stuck in some sort of weird limbo between conscious and unconscious. Suddenly, however, a familiar scent reached him, and he relaxed enough to slip back under the veil of consciousness. 


His hearing came back next, followed quickly by sense of touch. Someone was holding his hand, someone familiar. Again he smelled that scent that comforted him no matter what. Finally, his boyfriend spoke. 

“Anything?” Worry dripped off of his voice, worry and deep sadness. 

“Nothing yet, Mr. Potter. It might be time to accept-“

“No. He’ll be alright.” 

“Harry,” Madame Pomfrey said softly. 

“Harry, he was hit with a very powerful curse. Even if he does wake up, his magical core is almost entirely depleted. Harry, he might not be the same.” At that moment, Draco decided he’d heard enough. Back under the veil he went. 


It was a long time, and many eavesdropped conversations, before Harry got to see his boyfriend’s blue-gray eyes again. Draco watched as his features went from worry to joy and relief. The hand clutching his squeezed tighter. 

“What-“ Draco’s voice came out as nothing more than a croaky whisper.

“Shh, love, don’t speak, I’ll explain it all. You…You remember the Battle, don’t you?” Draco thought hard, then nodded. 

“You threw me your wand…you saved my life. He didn’t like that very much.” Draco knew instantly who “he” was. 

“He hit you with some sort of curse. We’re not sure what it’s done yet…or what to do about it.” Oddly calm in his boyfriend’s presence, Draco merely nodded, his eyelids already starting to droop again. 

“Go to sleep, love, I’ll be here when you wake up.”


It was months before they realized exactly what the curse had done. In addition to depleting his magical core, Draco’s immune system in particular was utterly shot. After a bout of pneumonia that set them back quite far, Harry had taken to being cleaner than he’d ever been in his life. He washed his hands almost neurotically, terrified to be the one that got Draco sick again. There were things, however, that were entirely out of their control. No amount of hand-washing could prevent everything, Draco realized bitterly as he came to with a sore throat and miserably blocked nose, his chest tight and head aching. 

“Hey, you,” Harry said lightly, and Draco blinked his gritty eyes and focused on his boyfriend. 

“How are you feeling?” The question had become so common, Harry asking it multiple times a day.

“Alright,” Draco said, or tried to say. His voice came out croaky and deep and hopelessly congested. Harry’s face fell. 


“I’b alright,” Draco insisted, finishing the sentence with a cough that rattled in his chest and made Harry cringe. 

“I’ll call for Poppy,” Harry said quickly, worry in his voice again. Draco felt terrible, and not just physically. He could see by the circles under Harry’s eyes that he’d not been sleeping well. Harry left to fetch Madame Pomfrey, leaving Draco alone. He breathed carefully so as to not make himself cough again, tears still in his eyes from the last fit. He heard footsteps just as a sharp prick took up residence in his sinuses, making his breath hitch. He cupped both hands to his face just in time.

“hh’NGXT’sh!!” He barely managed to half-stifle the outburst, but the whole ordeal made his chest itch and soon he was coughing again. Eyes squeezed shut, he felt Harry’s hands on him as he was carefully leaned forward, Harry’s hand rubbing his back in gentle circles until his lungs let up. 

“Here, babe, drink,” Harry said softly, the worry still in his voice, as he helped Draco take a sip of water. It burned his sore throat but the coolness of the liquid did feel nice, and help soothe the itch in his chest. Harry held his boyfriend up as he caught his breath, Draco’s eyes opening to look up at Harry with a pitiful look that could melt the ice off of the coldest heart. Harry gently helped his boyfriend lie back again, stepping back so Madame Pomfrey could wave her wand over him. Her lips pursed slightly. 

“Just the flu, Mr. Malfoy, but I do wish your lungs looked better.” Draco wheezed out a sigh. It would take hours before Madame Pomfrey would go for the night, allowing Harry to climb into the hospital bed and cradle him until his eyes fell shut again. 



Let me know if y'all want the next part(s)!!!

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This part is better so I'll post it now, cause it's a huge part of the story!



Draco gave Harry a feeble but sincere smile. After 6 long months in the hospital wing, Draco had been given permission to leave. He no longer had a home, per se, his father having disowned him because of his feelings for Harry. Harry, however, seemed quite sure of where he was taking him.

“It’s clean and warm and I think you’ll like it there,” Harry said as he helped Draco dress, tugging a shirt over his head. Harry brushed his hair back, planting a soft kiss on Draco’s forehead as he finished putting on the shirt, which was Harry’s he’d just noticed. 

“Still a little warm,” Harry said worriedly as he pulled back from the kiss.

“It’s fine, she wouldn’t let me go if it weren’t,” Draco insisted, fighting a blush as Harry quickly helped him into a pair of pajama pants. Harry looked up and winked. 

“Maybe soon,” he promised, getting a smile out of Draco. 

“We have to put some weight on you, love,” Harry reminded him again as he pulled Draco up to stand. 

“Don’t worry, the food’s good where we’re going.” 


“A car?” Draco asked curiously. Harry looked at him as if he’d grown another head.

“Well, I’m certainly not flying you there,” he said, laughing at him as he helped him into the car and buckled his seatbelt for him, making Draco blush. He could’ve done that much himself. The drive was rather long. Soon they pulled up to a tall, lopsided house. Draco felt a pit grow in his stomach. No, it couldn’t be. 

“I’ve talked to them extensively about this. You’re welcome here.” Harry may as well have read his mind. 

“Y-you’re sure?” Draco’s voice was quiet, timid, so different from their earlier years at school.

“Positive,” Harry declared as he put the car in park. Mrs. Weasley must’ve heard them arrive, for she exited and stood on the porch as Harry helped Draco out of the passenger seat. He looked up, noting her shock at his appearance, then worry. 

“Harry, dear, it’s so nice to see you! And Draco, of course,” she said warmly, and after Harry had received his hug Draco found himself in the warm embrace of the mother he’d always secretly wanted. 

“Harry was right, you’re much too thin. We’ll fix that, don’t you worry.” She took Draco’s other side and they both helped him inside. Draco’s red-rimmed, tired eyes darted around the room. There was so much to look at, and it was so different from his pristine childhood home. 

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Harry asked, noticing Draco’s face. Mrs. Weasley blushed.

“Oh, please don’t mind the mess. Everything’s been scourged, it should be quite clean, however,” she said. It took a few minutes for Harry and Mrs. Weasley to get Draco settled on the couch, tucking the blankets around him so gently that Draco felt tears gather in his eyes. Harry locked eyes with him, and nodded.

“It was like that for me, too,” he said quietly, and Draco knew exactly what he meant. Feeling love for the first time was quite the experience. It was seconds after he was settled that the house came to life. He heard doors open above him, and soon the almost the entire Weasley army was in the living room, along with Granger. Draco blushed as he registered the shock on every one of their faces. Nobody had ever seen him look so…vulnerable. Granger, oddly, was the first to speak. 

“We’re glad you’re here,” she said. Draco looked up; had she always been so pretty? Soon the rest were chiming in and Draco found himself smiling. The living room managed to accommodate everyone, amazingly, and Draco watched and listened, eyes bright, as the family talked and laughed together. He even found himself laughing, also, though it quickly turned into another coughing fit, his chest still all rattly and congested. The room went silent except for Draco, who struggled to get the fit under control.

“It’s alright,” Harry soothed, rubbing his back until he could catch his breath.

“Sorry,” Draco said quietly.

“Don’t apologize, dear, are you alright?” Mrs. Weasley fussed. Draco nodded, but Harry shook his head.

“He’s still getting over…something,” he said, giving him away. 

“I’m fine, it’s noth-“

“Nobody believes it’s nothing, Malfoy,” Ron said, with a hint of warmth and worry. In time the friendly conversation returned. Draco did his best, but soon found his energy waning.

“Alright, you all, I think that’s enough excitement for our guest,” Mrs. Weasley said, looking at him with a trained eye. Merlin, she’s good. It took all of 10 minutes for Harry and Ron to get Draco up to an empty, but well-prepared, bedroom. Harry helped him into the bed and put a warming charm on it. Draco felt his eyelids drooping as the warmth enveloped him. He was asleep before Mrs. Weasley could make it upstairs to check on him. 


It was dark when Draco woke up coughing hard, finding himself wrapped up in Harry’s strong arms. Too groggy to process much, Draco grabbed fistfuls of Harry’s shirt and buried his face in his boyfriend’s chest while his lungs protested. He felt Harry start to stir and soon felt his warm hand rubbing his back.

“Shh, you’re alright,” Harry whispered. As soon as the coughing stopped, his breath hitched as his sinuses protested, also. Harry felt his boyfriend shudder in his arms, sympathy pulling the corners of his mouth downwards.

“BBZZSH!!!” Draco pulled away and cupped his hands over his mouth before he sneezed, thankfully, that’d have been embarrassing. However, he was still too groggy to stifle like he normally did, making Harry jump slightly.

“Bless you, Merlin,” Harry said, laughing a little. 

“Sorry.” Draco took the offered tissues and wiped his nose gingerly.

“No need to apologize, you know that,” Harry said back, kissing his warm forehead and making Draco’s weak heart skip a beat. 

“Back to sleep with you, love,” Harry said, and Draco nodded, asleep again in seconds.



Also, spoiler: Draco will become progressively sneezier throughout the story :evilsmiley03:

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I'm loving this so much ahhhhhhhhh ❤️

 I've always wanted to see a fanfiction of sick Draco and Harry being his boyfriend, I'm so glad you wrote this! It's so good!

Can't wait for the next part :inlove:

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While this isn't my favorite ship by any means, I'm loving this!!  Please do continue!!

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Okay, here's the next part! This part, I will admit, is my least favorite so far because I couldn't get it the way I imagined it in my head but oh, well. I hope y'all enjoy!



Harry registered the heat in his arms before his eyes opened. He cursed to himself, opening his eyes. Sure enough, Draco was pale and shivering in his arms, his fever having come back with a vengeance. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door and Mrs. Weasley entered. 

“Morning, Harry, dear, how is he?” 

“Not good. I reckon he did too much yesterday,” Harry spoke as Mrs. Weasley came over. She pressed her palm to Draco’s forehead, finding the practiced hand of a mother to be more accurate than any thermometer. 

“Oh, dear, that’s rather high. We’ll keep him in bed today, let him rest. I’ll go to the Apothecary and pick up some potions, which I should’ve done before he even came,” she fussed.

“Thank you so much, you’ve done so much for us,” Harry said, and she smiled warmly. 

“It’s the absolute least I can do. I’ll be back in a bit,” she promised, and Harry nodded, turning back to the sleeping boyfriend in his arms. His breathing was labored and congested, and Harry sighed. He’d hoped Draco could get some more sleep, but it was less than thirty minutes after Mrs. Weasley left that Draco woke himself up coughing. 

“Easy, love, you’re alright,” Harry murmured comfortingly, sitting up and gently pulling Draco to a sitting position, which wasn’t hard considering how light he was. He waited until the coughing had stopped to offer his boyfriend a glass of water from the nightstand, which Draco eagerly took. 

“Your fever’s back. You’re gonna have to stay in bed today, take it easy.” Draco nodded, looking almost grateful, and that’s how Harry knew he really felt awful. Harry heard his labored breathing speed up slightly, and after months of caring for him, knew to pluck a tissue from box and offer it. Harry was right. Draco turned from him and clamped the tissue to his face.

“hh’NGXT’shh!! NGXTSH!!” Harry frowned at the way his entire body tensed.

“Bless you, love…you don’t have to hold it in like that around me, you know,” he mentioned after a bit of thought. Draco blushed and shrugged sheepishly and Harry had a sense that there was something more going on but left it alone. After all, he’d been trying to get Draco to stop stifling for 6 months now, he wasn’t expecting success any time soon. Draco shivered weakly and Harry’s eyebrows knit together in concern. 

“Lie back down,” he said softly, and Draco listened. Harry took back to cradling him in his arms, pulling the blankets over him and rubbing his arm in an attempt to warm him up. Well, not that he needed to be any hotter than he was, but the poor bloke was shivering. 


It was three days before the fever went down to where it’d been before and Harry and Mrs. Weasley allowed Draco out of bed. Over the coming weeks Draco began to warm up to his new…family, should he call it? Against Harry’s small shred of hope, Draco did not improve. While he remained well enough to stay out of bed for the most part, he was still thin and weak and dreadfully ill. Oddly enough, however, Harry never seemed to tire of caring for him. Mrs. Weasley continued to dote on him, as well, and even Granger and the Weasley army were warming up. 

“Dray? You alright?” Harry asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah,” he replied, stepping out of the shower, Harry still having to help him shower. Harry wrapped a thick, warm towel around him and dried off himself. Draco shivered; despite the warmth of the Burrow, winter was fast approaching. 

“Sorry, babe, I’m coming,” Harry said as he dressed quickly, Draco having to pull his eyes away from his boyfriend’s toned abs. He shivered again, pulling the towel loosely over his face.


“Alright, alright, bless you, sorry,” Harry said as he came over and helped Draco dry off, casting a spell over him to keep him warm. Though it wasn’t exactly necessary, Draco allowed Harry to pull his shirt over his head, allowing himself to feel loved. After Harry had gotten him dressed, they went downstairs, Harry’s hand firmly on his back for support and to catch him if his body gave out. 

“My boys,” Mrs. Weasley said fondly when she saw them, getting a smile out of both of them, Draco’s quite sheepish. They each got a peck on the cheek, and Draco wondered if he’d ever stop blushing. 

“Sit, sit, I’m just cooking supper now,” she said, and Harry pulled out a chair and helped lower Draco into it. 

“What’s for supper?” Harry asked, his stomach grumbling on cue. 

“Roast dinner, a favorite of many,” she replied warmly.

“Draco, honey, you don’t have to eat, of course, but I’d like to see you try at least a bit,” she said, giving him a once-over glance, the concern evident in her face. 

“I’ll try my best,” he promised.

“That’s my boy,” she said, and it felt like something had squeezed Draco’s heart tightly and he swallowed against a lump in his throat. 

“Maybe if I made your favorite that’d be more appetizing, hm?” she offered.


“Yes, dear, your favorite food. Surely you have one. Something your mother cooked, perhaps?” Molly Weasley’s face fell as Draco looked intently down at his lap, knowing she’d made a mistake. She apologized sincerely.

“It’s okay, really,” Draco said softly, and Molly straightened and smoothed her apron with her hands.

“Well, we’ll just have to get you a favorite now. How does that sound?” The warmth returned to Draco’s body as he smiled and nodded. 


Soon the entire family was seated at the long table for dinner. 

“Eat what you can, dear,” Mrs. Weasley told him, serving him first. The food did look really good, not that he could smell much. His stomach wasn’t upset, either, just…not hungry. But looking at the concern on everyone’s faces was too much so he picked up his fork and began to take small bites. Thankfully he’d just swallowed when a strong itch in his sinuses took up out of nowhere. With Harry on his left and Hermione on his right, Draco had nowhere to turn and it was building quickly, much stronger than usual. Panicking, a small whimper escaped before he instinctively turned towards Harry and cupped both hands tightly over his mouth and nose. 

“BBZZSH!!” His eyes clamped tightly shut and his entire body clenched as he sneezed hard, way too hard to stifle. It took a few seconds for him to register what had just happened, while a chorus of unperturbed blessings reached his ears. He felt a hand on his shoulder and instinctively flinched, waiting for the smack. 

“Wha-“ Harry cut himself off as Draco straightened and swallowed hard, his face red as can be. He was aware of the entire table looking at him and stared down at his plate, wanting to crawl under the table. Ginny was the first to speak.

“What was that?” She spoke kindly, but with an air of distinct curiosity and confusion. 

“Dothigg, sorry,” Draco said quickly.

“Draco.” Mrs. Weasley’s voice was soft but stern, stern enough that Draco was forced to look up and meet her eyes. 

“Nobody’s ever….hit you, have they?” Draco bit his lip, any harder and he’d have drawn blood, and Mrs. Weasley had her answer. Eyes flaming and jaw set, Mrs. Weasley finally spoke.

“Nobody here is EVER going to hurt you, do you hear me?” Draco nodded, trying to hold her gaze but eyes squinting as the itch came back. 

“E-excuse be,” he said quickly and turned towards Harry again, poor Harry. This time, however, he felt Harry’s warm hand on his back, steadying him.

“hh’NGXT’sh!” Thankful he was able to at least stifle that one, Draco nodded sheepishly as the family blessed him again. He was eternally grateful when the tension cleared and the amiable conversation began again, but his energy was zapped for sure, and he knew it was noticeable. 


“That’s the most you’ve eaten in 6 months,” Harry said with a proud smile as he helped clear the dishes, everyone else in the living room. 

“I’b tryigg,” Draco offered, and Harry stopped cold, looking pensive for a few moments, almost like he might…cry? 

“I know you are. I hope you know how proud I am of you,” he said and Draco blushed for what HAD to be the millionth time. Soon the dishes were cleared and Harry helped his boyfriend into the living room. Between the warmth and crackling of the fire and the feeling of Harry’s arms around him, it wasn’t long before Draco became physically unable to keep his eyes open any longer, and he fell fast asleep on Harry’s chest. 

“Look,” Hermione whispered with a smile.

“I shouldn’t have kept him up like this,” Harry said, and Mrs. Weasley tutted. 

“He looked more than happy to be up.” The family spoke more quietly as Draco wheezed audibly, fast asleep on Harry’s chest. 


There will be more soon!

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Awwwww I rather liked that!  Not the revelation that Draco had been abused, though it was a suspicion.  Can't wait for more!!  You're turning me into a Drarry fan!

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Hey, guys! I'm back with another part :) Hope y'all enjoy!



Draco woke slowly the next morning, having no idea how he and Harry got to bed. Hadn’t he fallen asleep in the living room? He smothered a few coughs, struggling to not wake Harry. He turned, catching sight of the window. A smile reached his lips as he realized it was snowing, the first snow of the year. 

“Harry! Harry!” he gently shook his boyfriend until his eyes opened.


“Harry, it’s…NGXT’shiew!! It’s sdowigg!!” Draco seemed to barely even notice the sneeze mid-sentence, his eyes lit up like a child’s. Harry glanced out the window.

“Indeed, it is,” he agreed. 

“Let’s go see, please let’s go see,” Draco pleaded, and Harry felt his heart thump at this adorably childlike version of his boyfriend. 

“I don’t know, Dray, you’re still ill,” Harry said, but Draco might as well have not heard him. He scrambled to get out of bed, and Harry caught him as he almost fell.

“Careful, babe, not so fast,” Harry said, getting out of bed himself. The two made it downstairs, where most of the family was eating breakfast. 

“It’s sdowigg!!” Draco announced, getting a smile out of nearly everyone.

“Well spotted,” Ron joked lightly. 

“I wadda go see,” Draco begged Harry again. Mrs. Weasley’s face fell.

“Draco, dear, you can’t- not with your-“ Draco cut her off as he began to cough, and Harry quickly grabbed him to keep him upright. 

“I’b alrighd,” he insisted after he’d stopped. Harry helped him to the table wordlessly, thinking. 


“I swear, if this makes you worse…” 

“Id wod’t, I probise I’ll be careful!” Draco sniffled against his runny nose as Harry buttoned his coat up. 

“Please be careful, dears. You’ve been doing so well, honey, are you sure you want to risk it? I can set you up by the fire, you can look out the window?” Draco, however, insisted on seeing the first snow of the season for himself. Harry tried to ignore the sniffling that cropped up from his boyfriend as soon as they were outside. Draco sat on the porch and watched with glee as a snowball fight erupted amongst the Weasley’s. Suddenly there was a loud pop from behind Draco’s chair, scaring the wits out of him. Everyone looked over in time to see something they hadn’t seen since the Battle: George was laughing. 

“Sorry, mate, couldn’t resist,” he apologized, and Draco shook his head, grinning. George pulled up a chair and sat next to him.

“How are you doing?” Draco looked up at George, surprised by the question. But there was real concern in his eyes and Draco felt his heart thump again. 

“I’b alrighd. How…How are you?” George went quiet for a moment before answering. 

“I’ll make it. Feels nice to prank again,” he admitted, and Draco nodded with a sad smile. Harry made his way over to the two, effectively ending the moment as he took his gloves off and tried to feel Draco’s face with his ice cold hands.

“It’s cold,” Draco protested, pushing his boyfriend’s hands away. 

“Yeah, I can’t feel anything. Are you ready to go in?” Much to Harry’s surprise, his boyfriend nodded. Draco was just starting to get a headache, and the cold air was beginning to seep in.

“I’ll get him,” George offered, surprising both of them. He was much stronger than he even looked, Draco realized as he was helped into the house and onto the couch. 


Draco listened as the family talked amongst themselves, trying to ignore the pounding in his head. He fought to resist resting his head against Harry, trying to appear more alert and well. Harry, for his part, was suspicious. His boyfriend was far too quiet, even for him these days. Draco rolled his eyes, and regretted it, when the itch in his nose came back. Remembering to stifle this time, he curled into himself quickly.

“NGXT’shiew!!” The pain in his head hit him like a clap of thunder; perhaps stifling wasn’t the best idea. He barely heard the chorus of blessings, tensed hard as he tried to breathe through the pain.

“You alright?” Harry’s voice broke through, concerned. Draco kept his eyes firmly shut, his face pinched in pain.

“Head,” he forced out.

“Oh, dear, why didn’t you say something? We have potions for that,” Mrs. Weasley explained, leaving and coming back as quickly as she could.

“Open your eyes, babe,” Harry said quietly, and Draco managed to open them to a squint. Without even asking what it was, Draco took the small vial of potion with trembling hands and drank it, cringing at the taste. 

“It should work pretty…quickly,” Mrs. Weasley finished, smiling now as Draco’s features smoothed out and his eyes opened all the way.

“Thadk you,” he said sincerely, and she nodded.

“No problem at all, honey, you know that.” The conversation started up again, but Draco wasn’t listening. He felt odd, kind of like he was floating in a dream. He gazed lazily around the room, amazed at how nice he felt. For the first time in over 6 months, Draco was properly warm, not even a hint of a chill in him. He felt happy and content and dare he say loopy. Harry laughed as he noticed, pulling his boyfriend closer. 

“Those potions are strong, Harry, he might be out of it for a while.” Harry smiled as Draco tried to get as close to him as he possibly could.

“We should give him this more often.”


Over time, the family realized there were other side effects to the potion, as well. Apparently it had decongestant properties, also, which would explain why Harry had a very happy, clingy, but sniffly Draco on his hands. Draco’s walls were completely and utterly down.

“I god so lucky,” he slurred happily, talking more tonight than he had since he was cursed. 

“I’d liked you since f-first y…year,” he continued, his eyes squinting and breath hitching and Harry rolled his eyes in amusement. 

“BBZZSH!!” Harry hoped the lack of stifling would stick around after the potion wore off, but he doubted it. 

“Bless you,” he said patiently for the hundredth time that night.

“I like it whed you say thad,” Draco said, giving him a dopey smile, his eyes glazed over. 

“Good, cause I didn’t plan on stopping,” Harry replied.

“I think we should get you in bed before you embarrass yourself,” Harry suggested, and Draco looked horrified.

“But I’b with by fabily,” he blurted, melting the hearts of everyone in the room. Mrs. Weasley pretended she had something in her eye, but the entire room knew better.


“Alright, in bed with you,” Harry prodded gently, helping a still very loopy Draco into bed. A slightly spiking fever wasn’t helping things much, either. It wasn’t worryingly high, but Harry suspected his boyfriend wouldn’t feel so well in the morning. 


“Bless you, love,” Harry said, his patience never waning. He got into bed next and cradled his loopy, feverish boyfriend as he babbled senselessly, enough to make even Harry blush. 


There we are! More to come :)

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Hey, y'all! Here's another part, sorry this one's a little gloomy. The cuteness will resume shortly, I promise!


“What happeded last dight?” Draco asked the next morning as Harry helped him into a chair even more gently than usual. Harry didn’t even begin to hide his worry. The circles under Draco’s eyes were a deep purple and his chest had been rattling all morning. Even worse, his breathing seemed labored, like he was fighting for every breath. 

“Potion made you loopy is all,” he assured.

“Woah, mate, what happened to you?” Ron asked from across the table, looking horrified. Harry fixed him with a fierce look. 

“Are you alright, dear? Be honest,” Mrs. Weasley asked, and Draco nodded as he gingerly wiped his nose on a crumpled tissue, cringing at the pain of rubbing the sore, chapped skin. He listened as the family talked, until the conversation turned to careers.

“I’d still like to play Quidditch professionally,” Ginny added. Draco was deep in thought. What was it Harry had wanted to do? What was it Draco himself had wanted to do? He tried to push the thoughts out of his head but they grew and grew as Draco realized with a growing pit in his stomach that not only was his own life ruined, but Harry’s as well. The talk stopped when Draco loudly pushed his chair back, his breath coming in rough spurts and his eyes wild. 

“Merlin, what’s wrong? Sit down, babe,” Harry said in alarm, but Draco was having none of it. He could feel tears climbing to the surface, emotions bubbling up from deep within him. He scrambled to get away from the table, and Harry stood up quickly, grabbing his arm before a wave of dizziness took him down. 

“Merlin, Draco, breathe!” Draco sucked in a wheeze, struggling to keep himself together as Harry shuffled him to the living room and sat him down. Draco could no longer keep the wave of emotion from crashing over him, the sobs fighting over one another to get out. Harry looked terrified, so Draco closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see, crying hard now. Soon he heard Mrs. Weasley’s voice, tight and worried.

“Draco, baby, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

“I-Id’s ruh-ruided,” he stuttered out, and Harry shook his head.

“What? What’s ruined?” Draco coughed out a sob before he began to babble about how Harry had wanted to be an Auror.

“Yeah, I still do…I don’t understand,” Harry said, until Mrs. Weasley, who did understand, whispered in his ear. Harry’s heart fell to his toes. 

“Draco, no, baby, no. That’s not how it is,” he insisted.

“Harry, we need to calm him down first, he’s not breathing, dear,” Mrs. Weasley said, and Draco soon found himself in a tight embrace. He instinctively grasped fistfuls of Harry’s shirt and let himself break down. Harry rubbed his back and whispered soothing words into his ear while Draco cried harder than he ever had. 


It was a while—too long, really—before the sobs slowed. 

“That’s it, nice and calm, just breathe,” Harry murmured, still holding him tight. Mrs. Weasley handed Harry a warm, slightly damp cloth, and Harry began to gently wipe his boyfriend’s face.

“Listen to me,” Harry commanded with such confidence that Draco had to listen.

“I don’t regret a thing, not one single thing. My job is to take care of you, and I love every minute of it. You’re not holding me back from anything, not when all I want is you anyways,” Harry started, and kept going, not caring that he was baring his feelings in front of everyone. He talked until Draco listened, then kept talking as Draco’s red, puffy eyelids started to droop.

“Harry, honey, he’s asleep,” Mrs. Weasley said finally, and Harry shut up. 

“Merlin, the poor thing, I had no idea,” she said, and Harry nodded, holding his boyfriend closer than ever, gently wiping the tear tracks from his cheeks. Everyone in the dining room pretended they hadn’t heard a thing, helping to clean up after breakfast. Harry held Draco as he slept, looking pensively into the fire. Draco’s breathing was even worse in sleep, loud and extremely labored. 

“I think we need to call someone. Something’s been wrong since he woke up,” Harry said quietly, and Mrs. Weasley nodded in agreement.

“He did look dreadful earlier,” she agreed, getting up to make the call.


“She’ll be here as quickly as she can, but it might be a little bit,” Mrs. Weasley said worriedly, wringing her hands. Harry nodded, focusing on Draco, gently wiping his forehead with the cloth. His temperature seemed to be steadily climbing, the sounds from his chest growing more and more worrisome. Harry struggled to remain calm until Madame Pomfrey finally arrived. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise when she saw Draco. Not wasting a minute, she got to work casting diagnostic spells.

“It’s pneumonia again, I’m afraid,” she admitted, and Harry’s shoulders slumped. 

“He’ll pull through, Mr. Potter, he always does,” Madame Pomfrey reassured as she drew various potions out of her bag and began lining them up on the coffee table. 

“We’ll have to get him up to bed,” Mrs. Weasley said, and Madame Pomfrey shook her head firmly.

“Absolutely not, he mustn’t be moved!” 


Draco swam to consciousness, stirring weakly. He felt a hand brush through his hair and took in a shaky breath that caught deep in his chest and he was coughing before he knew it. 

“Merlin, that sounds bad,” he heard Ron say as the hand from before rubbed his back. Draco forced his eyes open as soon as the coughing stopped, blinking a few times to clear his vision.

“Hey, love,” Harry murmured. Draco tried to reply but what came out was nothing more than a whisper.

“Shh, just rest, no talking,” Harry instructed.

“He’s awake?” Mrs. Weasley asked, and Harry nodded.

“You gave us a right good scare there, dear,” she scolded gently. 

“Sorry,” Draco croaked, fighting to sit up.

“Wait, hold on,” Harry said, placing his hand firmly on Draco’s chest to keep him from rising any further. Harry grabbed a few pillows and propped him up on them. Draco rolled his eyes as his nose began to itch like mad. He rubbed at it, but to no avail, coughing weakly a few times and bringing the back of his wrist up to his nose. 

“hh’NGXT’shiew!! NGXT!! NGXT’sh!!” He pitched forward three times before opening his eyes and realizing with slight horror that the jumper he was wearing, and had just sneezed into, was Harry’s. Harry, for his part, didn’t appear to notice.

“Bless you!” he said in surprise; he’d never seen Draco sneeze that much. Draco only wished he were finished. The three strong bursts had shifted something in his sinuses and now his nose was running and itching more than before. His eyes watered with the intensity of the prickling and he was forced to bury his face in his elbow for round two. 

“hh! NGXT’shiew!! NGXT’sh!! NGXT’sh! hhh!! BBZZSHH!!” By the last burst he was entirely unable to stifle. He felt Harry’s steadying hand on his chest as he coughed hard into his elbow.

“Okay, alright, you’re alright,” Harry soothed as irritated tears slipped down his boyfriend’s flushed cheeks. 

“You alright?” Harry asked, concerned, after the coughing had stopped and Draco was left panting, his breath coming in congested wheezes. He shook his head, the itch in his nose still very much present. He pressed his knuckles to the underside of his nose, both trying to quell the itch and keep his nose from running. He managed to stutter something and gesture vaguely at the box of tissues on the coffee table. Harry got the picture, plucking a few out and handing him the bundle before the next wave hit. Ron walked back in the room in the middle of the fit, chuckling amusedly. Harry was nowhere near amused. The bursts were coming quickly and sounded congested and irritated but didn’t seem to be doing much to clear his nose, just tiring him out and making his chest rattle in a fashion that made Harry cringe. 

“Merlin, babe,” Harry said in shock as Draco struggled to catch his breath. Harry was barely able to understand his mutter of “not done” before he collapsed into another fit.



There we are! Like I said, it'll get cute again soon.

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Hello again! This time, it's Christmastime at the Burrow! The next couple chapters will be more fetish-related so be on the lookout for that. Let's dive in!



“Okay, you stay here and watch. No getting up!” Harry said firmly as he tucked the blankets around his shivering boyfriend. Winter was hitting hard, and Draco was hardly let out of the house in fear of him picking up some bug or another. Over time, certain aspects of his health were improving, they had to admit. It was no longer so hard to get food into him, and he seemed slightly less exhausted. On the other hand, however, his respiratory system seemed even more up in arms than before. 

“Here you are, babe,” Harry said, depositing the tissue box in Draco’s lap after he’d finished tucking the blankets in, hearing his boyfriend’s wheezy breath hitch. 

“heh’NXGT’shh! NGXT’SH!!” A little wheezy sigh escaped Draco’s lips before he could help it, and he kept his head down, not wanting to see Harry’s concerned frown.

“Bless you, don’t stifle next time,” Harry said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Draco’s forehead.

“Love you,” he murmured into the kiss, and the warmth that filled Draco’s chilled body was extraordinary. He looked up at his boyfriend with eyes so full of emotion that he hardly needed say anything back. 


“Hot chocolate and cookies, everyone!” Mrs. Weasley called as the family gathered in the living room. Before long every hand had a cookie and a mug. The door opened and Percy helped Mr. Weasley lug in the Christmas tree. With a bit of tinkering, they got the tree standing in the corner of the room.

“Alright, then, let’s get to decorating!” Draco smiled as he listened to the family banter as the tree’s decorations slowly took form. Draco coughed into the sleeve of his—no, Harry’s—jumper. After what felt like forever at the Burrow, nobody freaked out over a few coughs from Draco anymore. However, the fits still garnered some definite concern. 

“Like it?” Harry asked after the tree was decorated, coming over to sit with his boyfriend on the couch. Draco nodded.

“Beautiful.” He rubbed absently at his chest, which was starting to become irritatingly tight, and the steam from the hot chocolate was making his nose run. Harry looked intently at him, then gently pried the mug from his boyfriend’s hands.

“C’mere, relax,” he said, opening his arms. Draco gladly snuggled into him with a congested sniffle. 

“Let me,” Harry said softly, and moved Draco’s hand away from his chest to begin massaging it himself. They’d found that Harry’s touch had a way of making Draco’s muscles loosen and airways open. Pressing his ear to Harry’s chest, Draco knew that the sound of his strong heart would only help.

“Thadk you,” he managed once he could take a deep breath. With the sound of pleasant conversation in the background, it was only a matter of time before Draco’s tired eyes slid shut. 


Just like his years at Hogwarts, it was Ron who burst into the room to announce the date.

“Harry! Draco! Wake up, it’s Christmas!!” The lovers woke far too slowly for Ron, who was seconds away from jumping on the bed to wake them.

“Alright, alright, I’m awake,” Harry said, unable to keep from smiling. Draco realized with a pit in his stomach that while he wasn’t feeling pneumonia-level awful, he certainly did not feel well. His limbs ached and he wanted nothing more than to stay curled up in bed with Harry but it was Christmas, for Merlin’s sake, and he didn’t want to miss his first Christmas with his new family. And as soon as the first cough burst forth, Harry knew exactly what was going on. He turned and got right back in bed, waving Ron away and waiting until the coughing stopped to speak. 

“What happened?” he said so softly it could’ve been a whisper.

“I dod’t kdow,” Draco admitted, sniffling softly. Harry combed his fingers through Draco’s hair and the blond hummed softly, closing his eyes. 

“Do you want to go down there?” Draco nodded.

“I dod’t wadt to biss Christbas,” he whispered, and Harry nodded. 

“Do you think you picked up a bug? Or just feeling bad in general?” 

“Jusdt feeligg bad.” 

“You have a fever, love,” Harry noticed sadly. Draco nodded; he could feel the fever raging through him. Before he could stop it, the feelings of sadness and disappointment swelled up and Harry melted in sympathy as the hot tears trickled down his boyfriend’s flushed cheeks.

“Hey, now, it’s alright! We’re still gonna have a good time, just have to be a bit careful is all,” Harry assured him, gently wiping the tears with his thumb. 

“Dray,” he spoke when Draco continued to cry silently. 

“I know what’ll help,” Harry said with a smirk, and gently lifted Draco’s chin up. The kiss was soft and slow and extraordinarily gentle. Harry was right; it did help. 


“Morning, boys! Happy Christmas!!” Mrs. Weasley greeted happily, though her eyes clouded with worry as she noticed Draco leaning more heavily into Harry than usual. She locked eyes with Harry, who nodded.

“Nothing major, just a little…setback,” he confirmed as he helped Draco sit at the table. 

“Try to eat some breakfast, dear, and we’ll see what some potions can do, alright?” Draco nodded with a feeble smile for her. He did manage to eat some, but spent most of the meal trying hard to muffle coughs and sneezes into what had to be Harry’s jumper, wondering to himself if he had any clothes at all.

“Bless you, dear. Always sneezy in the morning,” Mrs. Weasley commented, and Draco blushed. He was relieved when the dishes had been cleared and Mrs. Weasley set a few small vials in front of him. He took every potion diligently, then followed the rest into the living room.


“This one’s for Draco,” Mrs. Weasley, who was in charge of passing out the gifts, said as she handed the brightly colored package to Harry. Draco’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Well what were you expecting, no gifts at all?” Mrs. Weasley teased, and Draco shrugged.

“I…I’b dot sure,” he admitted, blaming his confusion on the fever. Thanks to Harry’s generosity and Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, not every gift under the tree was handmade this year. Secretly, however, Draco preferred the ones made by Mrs. Weasley. 

“I will admit I’ve never knit Slytherin colors before,” she said as Draco opened a hand-knit hat and scarf, getting a laugh out of the boy. Next he opened a classic Weasley jumper, his emerald green with a silver initial. Feeling dangerously close to tears, he sincerely thanked his surrogate mum.

“It’s nothing you don’t deserve, dear. Go on, you’ve got two more! This one next,” she insisted, handing him a cube-shaped package. He opened it to find a stack of fittingly Slytherin-themed handkerchiefs and had to laugh, then pause to cough, then laugh some more. 

“I figured you’d get the most use out of that,” Mrs. Weasley said, and Draco had to agree.

“Here we are, this one last,” he said, handing him a rectangular box. He untied the ribbon and carefully opened the box, feeling a lump of extraordinary size grow in his sore throat. Inside lay a clock hand with his picture, and this time Draco couldn’t hold the emotion back. Harry rubbed his back as he dissolved into tears, gently setting the box on the coffee table so he could bury his face in his hands. 

“Oh, honey,” Mrs. Weasley said softly, getting up and crossing the room so she could help Draco up and pull him into a tight hug. Draco blubbered something that sounded like “thank you” over and over, and Mrs. Weasley swore she might cry herself. 

“You are very, very welcome. Every family member gets a hand on the clock, and you’re no different, my dear. Do you want to put it on?” Draco nodded, trying and failing to get ahold of himself. Harry passed him a bundle of tissues, which he gratefully took. He followed Mrs. Weasley with the box, handing her the piece. She carefully affixed it, then gave the blond another hug. 

“It’s alright, let all that out, I know you’ve been holding that back for some time,” she said. It was a few minutes before Draco could collect himself, sitting down sheepishly. 

“Don’t be embarrassed, I cried when I got mine, too,” Harry said, and Ron nodded.

“Cried like a baby, mate,” he agreed. 

“I’m guilty as well,” Hermione added, and Draco took a shuddering breath and smiled. 


There we are! Get ready for more fetish-centered chapters ahead ;) 

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Okay, I'm back. This chapter is shamelessly fetish-y and I don't even care 🤷‍♀️ I hope y'all enjoy!



Draco sniffled and rubbed at his nose again, trying to concentrate. Having been raised in a wizard family, he was no stranger to wizards’ chess. However, that didn’t mean he could play better than Ron. Ron looked up and smirked as his chess piece beat the bloody hell out of Draco’s.

“Sorry, mate, it’s a rough game.” Draco wheezed out a laugh and rubbed his nose again. It was getting itchier and itchier, almost like he was gearing up for another sneezing fit, which he definitely didn’t want. Turning away slightly, he pressed his knuckles to the underside of his nose, his pink lips parting and eyebrows knitting together. His breath hitched a few times, and then…nothing. 

“Ugh,” he voiced as he turned back to the chess board, sniffling and rubbing his nose some more. 

“I f-forfeit,” he stuttered after a few more minutes of struggling with the tickle in his sinuses. Ron gladly announced his victory until Harry got up from the couch, rolling his eyes. 

“He forfeit because he’s clearly preoccupied, not because of your talent,” he informed Ron, coming over and handing Draco one of the freshly-laundered squares he’d received that morning. 

“Move over a chair, I’ll play him and you watch,” he said, and Draco complied. Draco had his knuckles pressed to his septum again, his flared nostrils all red and raw from using tissues all that time. Harry kept one hand on his back and used the other to play Ron. Feeling his nose start to run, Draco tentatively wiped it with the handkerchief, finding with surprise that it was much softer than the tissues he’d been using. However, one whiff of the laundry powder that had been used to wash it sent him over the edge. He coughed a few times, surprised at the intensity of the tickle all of a sudden. He was aware of Ron and Harry’s eyes on him as he completely lost control of himself, pinching his nose hard in the soft cloth.

“huh’NGXT!! NGXT!! NGXT!! NGXT!! NGXT’shh!!” 

“Bless you, don’t stifle,” Harry reminded, not that Draco thought he even could anymore. 

“Oh, Berlid,” he moaned as the itch built intensity again. For about a minute or two, the sneezes came steadily, leaving Harry and Ron in a mixture of shock and awe. Harry rubbed his back soothingly as the spasms came every few seconds, a new tickle cropping up after each sneeze, leaving the blond completely and utterly helpless. 

“Goodness, is he alright?” Mrs. Weasley asked as she entered the room towards the end of the fit. 

“I…I think so?” Finally more than 5 seconds passed in silence. Draco caught his breath, then discreetly wiped his nose on the cloth and straightened, wiping at his eyes and sniffling softly. 

“That was wicked! I’ve never seen anyone sneeze that much before,” Ron exclaimed, earning himself a look from everyone in the room. 

“You okay, babe?” Draco nodded, sniffling again.

“Yeah, I dod’t kdow what that was,” he admitted, chuckling softly. The sniffly blond rubbed at his eyes again, this time out of fatigue. Ron got an apology from both lovers before Harry shuffled Draco up to bed. 


Draco woke the next morning to an insufferable tickle in his runny nose, a wicked sore throat and headache, achy limbs, and a tight chest. He silently cursed himself for being foolish enough to think that he wouldn’t feel just as bad today as he had yesterday. Draco shivered under the covers, having somehow wormed out of Harry’s embrace during the night. Stifling a congested cough, he scooted closer to Harry, carefully wriggling in between Harry’s arms. He buried his face into Harry’s chest, drawing back only when he feared he couldn’t keep his nose from running onto his boyfriend’s shirt. He wiped his nose on the handkerchief that was still clutched tightly in his fist and bit back more coughs. Draco felt utterly dreadful, worse than he’d felt in a while, but figured that as long as Harry was here, he’d be alright. 


It was an hour or two before Harry woke to find a shivering, fevered blond in his arms. Somehow Draco had managed to doze off into a light, feverish sleep. Harry gave him a once over. His fever was definitely high, that was for sure. His chest crackled and rattled with every labored breath, and the poor thing’s nose was running in his sleep. Harry felt that familiar sympathetic tug in his stomach as he turned to grab a tissue from the box on the nightstand, gently running it under his boyfriend’s nose. Draco’s eyes had barely fluttered open before they slammed shut again.

“BBZZSH!!” The sneeze drove his hot forehead into Harry’s chest and left him with absolutely no time to cover. 

“Bless you! Sorry about that,” Harry said quietly, and Draco looked up at him, eyes wide in horror. 

“I’b so sorry, thad was so gross, I-“ Harry ignored the babbling, gently wiping his nose again before he leaned in for a kiss. 

“Whad? You’re dot grossed out?” Draco asked after the two had pulled away.

“Mm, not really, no. Once you’ve watched Ron vomit slugs, a little sneeze is nothing,” he said, and Draco had to smile. The smile only lasted a few seconds, however, before his face screwed up slightly, eyebrows knitting together and lips parting. Harry watched, smiling.

“You look so cute when you’re about to sneeze, did you know that?” Draco shook his head, clamping the handkerchief over his nose and mouth.

“BBZZSHH’hh!!” Harry pressed a kiss to his too-warm forehead.

“Bless,” he murmured, and suddenly Draco didn’t feel quite so cold. 


Let me know if y'all want more! I have a bit of an idea of where to go from here but if y'all have any ideas of your own, PLEASE leave them down below! I like this story and would like to keep it alive for a while longer.

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Ugh Draco...baby!!!!!!! Hope Harry doesnt get sick....



😏😏 heh.......

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