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MacGyver 2016 (sick Mac)


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Alright. I don't really ever wright, umm, anything. So this is probably really bad. Sorry in advance!

Summery: After a mission that had the team in freezing weather for a while, Mac gets a really bad cold. Of course, he tries to hide it at first, but that doesn't last long.
could be read as Mac/Jack if you want.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, sadly.

Warnings: Mild swearing, bad writing, probably very OOC.


Mac turned quickly away from his colleagues and buried a quiet sneeze into his elbow. 
He quickly straightens himself and sniffles, everyone still talking like nothing happened. 
They finally were done with this mission. It was supposed to be a quick in n out kinda mission, but since when do things go according to plan on this job? 
Long story short, they were stuck for 2 days out in the wonderful cold of Russia in the middle of winter.
But they were home, the mission was a success and no one got hurt. So all in all, Mac is happy on how things worked out. 
Well, he would have been a little bit happier if he didn't happen to catch a cold while out there...
They were telling Matty the details of  what happened, just like other every mittion. They were almost done, too, which Mac was very happy about. 
Then he could close himself away in his room, with tissues and NyQuil, and hide under his comforter until this is over. And no one ever has to know, they'll just think he's sleeping, tired from the mission. 
He was trying to pay attention, but he was busy holding back another sneeze and trying to control his runny nose. 
He wasn't doing a very good job at it. 
"huu.. HEEche!" he tried and failed to make it as quiet as possible, as he turned to the side again and sneezed into his elbow. It was powerful enough to pitch him forward and bend him at the waist. 
"bless you!" Riley greeted, but Jack and Bozer just gave him a suspicious look. 
"thanks" he said, sniffled and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand a little. 

A few minutes later and they were all on their way home. They were all gonna go to Mac's place, like they usually do after a mission. 
Jack was driving, of course, so Mac just leaned back, trying not to let his eyes droop. They were almost there, just a few more minutes and he can crash. Bozer could be with everyone downstairs, he was all hoped up on adrenaline still. 
He must have dozed off, because he startled by Jack's hand on his shoulder. 
"c'mon, we're here" he said and hoped out of the car. 
Mac followed, trying not to groan when his muscles protested. 
Everyone else was already there, so Jack went outside to join them, assuming Mac will follow. 
But Mac thought it'll be  better if he just silently went to his room. They'll understand. And then he doesn't have to  make excuses to why he's tired. 
Once his room door was closed, he sighed a sigh of relief, that triggered a coughing fit he'd been holding back for half an hour. 
It bent him in half, with his hands on his knees, not bothering to cover since he was alone. 
When he recovered, he put on his warmest red plaid pajama pants, and a long sleeve gray T-shirt, and slipped into bed. 
He literally moaned with the relief of not having to hold his weight on his feet.
Only then he remembered he should take some medicine, but he was too tired to get up. He had tissues on his bedside table, and a water bottle too, so he gave up on the meds and just let himself drift right off to sleep. 

Deep in sleep, he was unaware of Jack and Bozer checking on him in turn. 


He woke up with a groan and a cough. He felt about 10 times worse. So long for sleeping it off. 
He slowly sat up, and when the dizziness passed he took stock of himself. 
His throat was on fire, he had a pounding headache, he was shivering slightly, and his nose was completely stuffed. He was also sorounded with crumpled up tissues he doesn't remember using. 
He swung his legs of the bed, already missing his warm blanket, and slowly stood up. He feels like an old man with the way his joints and muscles ached with the slightest movment. 
He started making his way downstairs, holding onto walls and furniture to keep steady, since the dizziness was back. 


Bozer was in the kitchen, making himself some coffee, when he heard soft footsteps padding their way towards him. 
He turned around to see a very sleepy, very disheveled looking macgyver. 
"morning! How you feeling?" he asked thogh he knew the answer. 
"awful." Mac was surprised by his own hours voice, barely managing a whisper, then coughed roughly into his fist. 
"you sound awful. Let me make you some tea! I bet your throat is hurting, it'll help." 
"thangs boz" he said while sitting down. He regrets not bringing his tissue box with him, because now his nose was running, and sniffling wasn't gonna cut it,  and he really needed to
"Huu.. HITCHew!" the sneeze ripped out of him harshly and he caught it in his cupped hands. He folded his arms on the table and lay his head on them, closing his eyes and panting, out of breath. 
A few minutes later there was a soft thud near his head, and he looked up to find the tea Bozer made him, and Bozer with his arms full of supplies. 
He spotted a tissue box, cold medicine, cough drops, NyQuil... 
"how..?" he trailed off, not finished his question. 
Bozer understood anyway. "did a bit of shopping last night, thought you could use this."
"but how did-"
"how did I know you were getting sick?" he cut him off. "you're not as good as hiding things like that as you think" he said with a laugh. 
As Bozer sat all of it down, Mac reached for the tissue box first thing. 
He ripped it open, took a wad and blew his nose, the sound wet and gurgling. He cringed at himself, and flushed with embarrassment. 
"sorry..." he muttered with a small voice. 
"nothing to apologize for!" Bozer was quite to reassure. "here, take these and drink your tea. It'll make you feel better" he opened the bottle of cold medicine and handed him two pills. 
Mac complied, still feeling a little embarrassed. And pathetic... 
He took a careful sip of his tea. It hurt him to swallow, but the warmth felt good. He also tasted some lemon and honey in there. Bozer always likes to take the extra mile. Mac was greatfull for it. 
Mac nearly choked on his tea when he remembered. "I have to call Matty, tell her I cand't come ind today." he started to stand up, but Bozer put his hand on his shoulder, pushing him down gently. 
"relax! I already told here. And she wasn't surprised either, by the way."
Mac deflated, then tensed a little. "when do you go to work?" he asked casually, but Bozer saw right through him. He knows Mac gets a little clingy when not feeling well, but he would never ask Bozer to stay home with him... 
"sorry, but Matty told me I have to go in today, she's got work for me..." he said apologetically. "but Jack's coming over soon! He doesn't have much to do at work when there's no mittion going on."
Mac was relieved, thogh he tried to hide it. 
"you guys dond't have to do all this..." Mac said, clearly feeling guilty. 
"we don't have to, we want to. We wanna help you, That's what friends are for!"
Mac looked down, sniffled, but nodded. 
Bozer checked his watch. "I have to go now. But call me if you need anything, alright? And why don't you move to the couch now til' Jack gets here?"
Mac stood up, Now finished with his tea,  and followed his friend to the couch. 
It seemed like Bozer already set up the living room for Mac, with another box of tissues on the tablet along with a bottle of water and a thermometer, and a few blankets and pillows on the couch. Man, this guy thinks of everything... 
Mac sat down with a sigh, sinking into the soft fabric. 
Bozer covered him with one of the blanket, fluffed the pillows, throughout asking Mac if he's gonna be okay. 
He knows he's fussing, but he can't help it. As much as Mac gets clingy when he's sick, Bozer gets protective. Jack, too. There's just something about Mac when he's not feeling well that's so... 
vulnerable. And you just look at him and just want to protect him, make him feel better, help him... 
But work is work, and life don't stop when your best friend has a cold, so Bozer made himself leave with a final "feel better!"


Jack let himself into MacGyver's house, trying to be quiet in case Mac was asleep. The house was quite, and he walked to the living room where Bozer told him Mac will be. 
He indeed was there, sleeping just like Jack thought. 
He took a moment to assess Mac. 
His blonde hair was disheveled, little tufts of hair sticking to all directions, he was buried under at least three blankets, only his head poking out, and his cheeks and nose were pink, mouth slightly open so he can breathe. 
Well, he looked... He looked adorable. Not that Jack will ever say that out loud. 
He sat in the chair closest to the couch Mac was on, TV remote in hand, and settled down for some mute channel surfing until Mac woke up. 

Mac didn't stay asleep for long, He woke himself up with a sneezing fit. 
"hitchu!... atcho!...  hu.. Huu... IsshTCHXXTuhh!"
The first two went uncovered, since he was barely awake, but for the third he brought his hand, that was already clutching a tissue,  to his face.
"Bless you, buddy" Jack said, to announce his presence. 
Mac startled a little, which made him cough for a minute, but when Jack came over to rub his back through it he didn't shrug it off. 
When Mac caught his breath, he pulled himself to sitting and drew his knees up to make room for Jack. 
"Hi..." Mac said, too sleepy to think of anything else yet. 
Jack's face took on a worried expression for just a second at hearing  the kid's voice, but he quickly put on his game face. 
"How you feelin'?"
Mac took a second to think about the question, then murmured "sleepy.." with a little pout on his face. 
Jack had to laugh at that. How could he not? But that made Mac's pout bigger. 
Jack decided to change the subject. 
"Alright, let's check how high you're cooking" he said while reaching for the thermometer on the tablet. 
Mac didn't seem happy about that either, but he sniffled, rubbed his nose with his sleeve, and took the device from Jack without protest. 
When it started beeping, Mac took it out of his mouth and handed it to Jack, too busy letting out the coughs he'd been holding in. 
Jack looked at the number and frowned. 101.6, not good, but not too bad either. 
"You should drink some water" Jack stated and handed him the water bottle. 
Mac took it, but only had a small sip. 
"nu uh, more then that, bud. You gotta stay hydrated."
Mac gave a frustrated sigh, tho to be honest it was mostly an act, and drank some more. 
When he finished a third of the bottle, Jack was satisfied. 

But now Jack had a grumpy MacGyver on his hands, and that can never end well. 
Luckily, he knew exactly what Mac wanted. But of course Mac will never outright say it. 
So Jack just silently scooted closer to Mac, put his arm around his blanket covered shoulders, and pulled him closer to him. 
Mac's first reaction was to tense up. But after a few seconds Jack could feel him relax and melt into the touch. 
It didn't last long, tho. Only a few seconds later, the kid suddenly started pushing Jack away. "m' gonna getd you sick" he mumbled. Then sneezed into his shoulder as if to make his point. "hixtchss!"
Jack scuffed. "hah, Jack daoltun don't get sick man" he said with confidence. 
"ndo, I.. I don wanna..." but Jack put his arm around his shoulders again and pulled him close. Mac didn't protest. 
"I don't mind at all, buddy." Jack said softly, sincearly. 
And, once again, Mac melted into him, thogh a bit hesitant. 
After a few minutes Mac relaxed completely, and had his head resting on Jack's chest, feeling the steady heartbeat, on the verge of sleep. 
Jack gently ran his fingers through the blond hair, quietly saying "get some rest now" and to that Mac fell asleep. 


Jack found himself with an armfull of Mac, and not much to do. 
He definitely enjoyed the cuddling (again, not that he'll say that out loud) but after a while it gets kinda boring. 
He doesn't want to move and risk waking Mac, but he has the remote still in reach, so he flips through a few channels before finding a show about restoring classic cars. Perfect. 

In the middle of the second episode, he felt Mac staring to stir. 
Then the kid had his hands fisting the fabric of Jack's worn Metallica t shirt. 
Then, Mac let out a whine. 
Jack's heart freaking melted. 
He held the young man closer to him, running his hand up and down his back comfortingly, shushing him. 
It didn't seem to work though, and Mac kept getting more and more agitated. He was mumbling something, but all Jack could pick up on was a few "no's" and "please's".
Mac also felt hotter than before in his arms. 
Finally, Jack decided to wake him up. 
He shook his shoulder gently, calling his name. At first Mac only turned his head away and mumble some more. Jack repeated the action a little louder, and Mac suddenly awoke with a gasp. 
For a second, his blue eyes looked at Jack, wide with fear, but quickly recognition came and Mac relaxed with a sigh. 
"sorry to wake you, but we need to check your temp again" explained Jack. Mac just nodded, with a glazed look to his eyes and flush on his cheek, and took the thermometer Jack handed him, putting it under his tongue. 
The device beeped, and Jack took it away, looking at the screen. 
102.8. Not good. 
"Alright, time for more meds for you" he decided. 
Handing the pills and water over, Mac obediently took them. 
"and I want half that bottle of water gone." Jack added sternly. 
Mac rolled his eyes, which made Jack feel a little better. Mac was still acting like Mac. 
With the water gone, he decided moving Mac to bed will be the best decision. 
"let's get you to bed, huh?" he said and stood up. 
"noo..." Mac whined. He really did turn into a kid when he was sick. 
"ain't giving you a choice here, buddy. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." he held his hand out to Mac. 
Mac ground, clearly pissed, but took Jack's hand and let him help him to his feet. 
The dizziness was back again, so he kept hold on Jack's arm on the way to the bedroom. 'maybe it's a good idea to go to bed' he thought. 
Once there, Mac flopped on the bed, tied from the short jurny. 
"lay down." Jack said sternly, "and get under the covers." he started to walk away. 
"were are you goidg?" Mac asked, not caring if he sounds like a little kid. 
"I'll be back in a sec" Jack reassured, making sure his voice is softer now. 
He walked quickly to the nearest bathroom, grabbed a wash cloth and wet it with cold water. After wringing the excess water out, he came back to see Mac laying under the sheets, just like he was told. 
"here" Jack said gently as he placed the cool cloth to Mac's too warm forehead. 
Mac moaned, mumbled "feel good" sounding sleepy already. 
Jack thought that's his time to leave and let him sleep, but when he started to walk away Mac asked with clear concern in his voice, "were you goin ndow?" 
"I thought I should let you sleep for a while..." Jack said. 
"stay? Please?..." Mac's blue eyes found Jack's, giving him his puppy dog look, and how could Jack say no to that face? 
He crawled into bed with Mac, staying over the covers since it was warm for him. 
Mac imediatly crawled closer, resting his head in Jack's lap. 
Jack once again found himself with an armfull of Mac and nothing to do. But, honestly, he didn't mind one bit. 
Even if he has snot on his jeans now...



Again sorry if this is terrible 

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Omg this is adorable!! I've been resisting watching this show but it always looks like a good show. Is it still first season? Maybe it's on demand...anyway, NOW I HAVE to watch it. This was too cute to ignore. I blame you for my future addiction ;)

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On 8/7/2018 at 4:14 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Omg this is adorable!! I've been resisting watching this show but it always looks like a good show. Is it still first season? Maybe it's on demand...anyway, NOW I HAVE to watch it. This was too cute to ignore. I blame you for my future addiction ;)

Thank you!!! I'm so glad you liked it ♡♡♡

I'll proudly take the blame XD

The show just finished the second season and they are filming the third now!

I definitely recommend watching, Mac is so cute >.< and the show is funny and I love it! 

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On 7/31/2018 at 4:52 PM, sneezelover32 said:

AHHHH!!!!! This is amazing!!! There aren’t enough Macgyver stories on here! Keep it up!!

I'm so glad you liked it, I was so scared people will hate this >.<

Thank you!!!! ♡♡♡

And yes there are definitely not enough MacGyver fics here, I need more cute Mac in my life! 

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