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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Heathers - JD (m)


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I love Heathers! And JD and Veronica are both hot as hell. So I tried to write this little thing. I hope someone likes it. : ) This is how I imagine what JD's sneezes would be like.


Jason Dean climbed up the ladder to Veronica Sawyer’s bedroom window. Sticking his head through the window, Veronica was nowhere in her room. He climbed inside and fell onto her bed, pulling out a cigarette. The room was dimly lit with only the pale moonlight shining through. He flicked open his zippo lighter and lit his cig, the flame casting wavering shadows on his beautiful face. The door swung open and closed, in entering Veronica. 

“Hi there,” she said.

JD took a drag, and blew the smoke on her face as she leaned in closely. It lifted up in the air, looking like a hazy halo around her heed. With his cig in between his fingers, he placed his hands around her head and pulled her in, kissing her firmly. “Hello darling,” he said, and leaned back against her bed frame. 

She crawled on her bed, laying across on her stomach facing him. “Be careful, one day my hair will catch fire,” she teased.

“One day,” he replied, smirking and flicking the underside of his nose upwards.

She smiled. “So how was your day?” 

“I noticed you weren’t at school today. Could’ve told me; we could’ve ditched together.” He sniffed wetly and took another drag.

“Yeah, I had plans,” she said coyly, smiling, and grabbed his cigarette. 

He squinted at her and raised his eyebrows. “What plans?” and made a grab for his cig. Her fast reflexes pulled her arm away quickly. “Argh Veronica, c’mon.” He rubbed his nostrils with his index finger.

She took a puff and handed it back to JD. “You’re no fun when you’re cranky,” she said, and crawled next to him, putting her head on his stomach. She watched him inhale and blow out the smoke. She watched his nose twitch a little and suddenly he pushed her up off his stomach and she heard a loud “KNNGT” She turned and looked and his head was ducked, his fingers pinching his nose. He let go of his now pink tinted nose, sniffing. “Bless you!” she said. “Are you sick?”

“I don’t think so.” He took another puff. “So you gonna tell me where you were today or what?”

She smiled, “You’ll have to wait and see. In a few minutes baby.” She got close to him and started kissing his neck. He tilted his neck slightly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and taking a long drag with his free hand. His nose twitched, and the irritating itch from before returned. “Hhhieh.. ghh.. snff-HEEIH!” He turned his head furthest he could away from Veronica and after a gasp, he forcefully sneezed into the back of his hand: “Hiiiiih-EEERTTTCSSH” He had good coordination though, not burning himself despite pitching forward into the hand holding the cig.

Veronica put her hands on his chest, her heart pumping a little with how loud his sneeze was. She had never heard him sneeze until today. JD turned his head back to look at her, rubbing his nose. “Are you sure you’re okay babe?” she asked.

“Don't worry about me,” he said and kissed her cheek. He kissed her again, this time on the lips. He kissed her hard, leaning in, so that he could feel her bangs on his forehead and his nose pressed on her cheek.

She felt his nostrils pulsing, then moving, and then he pulled away, shook his head as his eyes scrunched and mouth pulled back. “Hhhhih….Hha..HHAARrgctshew!” His sneezes were rough. 

“Geez JD! Maybe my rooms dusty or something.” He sniffed, more congested than before. He closed his eyes, rubbing his nose back and forth. He looked vulnerable for once. “C’mon, I’ll go show you what I was doing today.”

“Yeah alright, gimme a second here.” He relit the cigarette and put it in his mouth to dangle. He inhaled, blowing it out on the sides.

Veronica opened her door and went down the stairs, and JD followed. She heard his footsteps stop halfway down the steps and she turned around. He was grabbing onto the rail, eyes closed, nostrils flaring and quivering. He whipped the cigarette out of his mouth and bent forward with a “HIIEERTCHHHAAAAH!”


They continued down the stairs. She led him into their living room, where a small grey kitten was on the sofa. “I got a kitten! That’s what I was doing today! Aw isn’t he so cute?” She picked up her new cat, and turned around to show JD. He was standing there, eyes shut, hand around his nose, breath hitching. “HH-Hh-H! HHH! KKNGGGCCTCH-ttsshheww! V-V-V-VIIIEERRRRGGGTTChhhh! Veronica…” he groaned. “I’b ah- jesus fuck- hhhh….HHHhhuuu…. hhhheeEEEIIIIEEERRGGTCHUUUUUHH!” His sneezes roared out. “IIIIIIEERRRTCCHHHH!”
Veronica stared, then led him out of the room and out on her porch. She felt so sorry for him and hugged him around the waist as his sneezes ripped out violently. He sneezed to the side, one after another.

“EERRGHH! IIEERRGH! IIIEEEERRCH! Veronica giiieeehh… hhhiiih… get off, you ha-ha-hhhaaIIEEERCTCHH! Have cat fur on you. Hhhuuuhh… HhuUHH! UUUGNNKKTCCHHEWW!”

“Oh!” She realized and took a step back. 

Abut ten sneezes later, he was about done. “Uh, I’b allergic to cads.” he said, and looked up at her.

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