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Phone Call (Criminal Minds: Reid)


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Woohoo bad titles!!! There's no sneezing in this part, but I have the next part written and just need to edit it and I promise there shall be plenty of sneezes from our poor genius


It all started with a phone call.

The team was getting ready for their briefing on their new case, but Morgan hadn’t arrived yet. Suddenly JJ rushed into the room and flung her phone at Hotch—shooting him a look.

“Hello? Oh. Okay… let me know if you need anything… Okay I’ll send someone.”

He hung up and turned to the team. 


Immediately all members of the team touched their nose, everyone except their poor, socially unaware genius, who stood there confused.

“Reid, you get to go take care of Morgan.”

Spencer was then shoved out of the room, and the click of a lock could be heard from within.

He was still a little confused as to what had just happened—he had only had three cups of coffee so far and was still waking up—when his phone rang.


“Hey Reid. Hotch just texted be add told be you were od your way over. Cad you pick up sobe stuff for be?”

“Uh yeah. What do you need?”

After a little excursion to the store, Reid ventured into the germ-infested depths of Morgan’s house. And that is how Reid ended up with one of the worst colds he had ever contracted.

Morgan only had it for three days before he was back and kicking, but it would be a doozy for the younger man to get over. Spencer had always had a bad immune system, so illnesses tended to linger and get a whole lot worse than if they were contracted by another person.

It didn’t help that Morgan had been so careless about spreading his germs. Coughs were always uncovered, tissues were littered on every surface, and he never washed his hands. He was also very into closeness, breathing all over Spencer when he asked for things and hanging on when the younger man tried to get up.

Two days after Morgan got better was when Reid started to feel ill. He woke up that morning and immediately regretted opening his eyes. He had a pounding headache that no amount of aspirin would be able to diminish. His throat started hurting on the second day and the sneezing began on the third. Reid’s colds always settled in his chest, usually leading to bronchitis or pneumonia, sometimes both.

Spencer trudged into the bullpen, sniffling and feeling chilled-did he have a fever already? Gideon noticed him first, palmed his forehead, then promptly spun him around and shoved him towards the elevator.

“You have a fever, go home.”

“Do I cad work. This is dorbal, I probise. I always get raddob fevers whed I have a cold.”

“I don’t care if it’s ‘normal’ for you. You need to go home. Did you take the train?”


“You need someone to take you home. Morgan! Get over here!”

Morgan bounded up to the two, his grin fading when he saw the pale but also flushed agent before him.

“Did I give that to you, kid? Man, it is really hitting you harder than it hit me…”

Gideon interrupted his musings: “I need you to take Spencer home and take care of him.”

“Will do, boss! C’mon kid, let’s get you warm.”

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Oh my gosh! I can’t tell you how excited I am to see this! I’m so excited to see another Criminal Minds fic especially with Reid in it. I can’t wait for the next part and I’ll probably just keep reading this over and over until that happens! Thanks so much for this! 

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