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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Twilight (Bella)


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Hey everyone,

I was originally going to write a Rosalie/Emmett fic, but I couldn't resist the urge to write something that centered Bella (+ Edward and Jake of course). I might end up writing one focussing on other characters, but I wanted to get back into writing with something I felt a little more comfortable with.

Hope you like it!

(This part is an introduction, therefor not much sneezing. Don't worry though. It'll come soon;))


Part 1

Another rainy and miserable day in Forks. I’ve gotten used to this. I’ve grown to like it, in some weird way. It makes me calm - it relaxes me. Watching it. It takes my mind off things. Things I shouldn’t care about, yet I do. Like how I was going to leave Charlie after I’d changed. Or Jake. And everyone else. Alice always tells me to stop worrying about it. How we’d figure out what to tell them when we had to. It’s happening soon. Edward doesn’t like talking about it. He knows how hard it’s going to be.

He’s not here. I’ve been looking out of my bedroom window for the past hour or two. He’s out hunting. I miss him. It’s been less than 20 hours since I saw him last. That’s another thing I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Time. How 20 hours seems like eternity for me, but probably a minute for Edward. I wonder if time feels normal for vampire. You know, since they’re like, 120 years old. Something like that.

“Dinner’s ready!”, Charlie shouted from the kitchen. I looked out the window one last time, hoping Edward’s car would be in the driveway. It wasn’t. The only thing I noticed was the way the rain drops landed in the puddled and then just… disappeared.

My legs felt heavy as I walked down the stairs. Like I’d been working out which I definitely hadn’t. A slight pounding in my head occurred suddenly. Hmpf. Weird. “Edward’s not joining?” Charlie asked as I sat down at the table. “Um. No. I- I thought he would, but he’s with his parents.” I played with my food not feeling very hungry. The pounding in my head wasn’t just slight anymore. I felt so… tired. The thought of Edward holding me in his arms while I fell asleep was the only thing keeping me from going to bed at this moment. Suddenly I felt a tickle in the back of my nose. It quickly grew stronger and within a few second my breath started to hitch and my eyelids started to flutter. “He-“ I covered my entire face in the crook of my elbow before letting loose. “He- itscHIEW” The sneeze took Charlie by surprise. I saw his little jump out of the corner of my eye. “Sorry,” I mumbled followed by a sniff. Charlie looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes. “You like… catching a cold or something?” He asked while taking another bite of his burger. “Umm, yeah, I think I’m coming down with something…” I looked at the plate in front of me. No bite was taken. “I’m not really hungry. I’m sorry, I should have told y-“ I started. “No that’s okay… Maybe you should like, take a hot bath or something? Have an early night?” Charlie said. I nodded. “That might be a good idea. Thanks.”

The air the bathroom was beyond cold and I felt every hair on my body raise. I looked horrible. The mirror wasn’t lying - that I knew. Was that… bags under my eyes? How long had they been there? I sighed. Overthinking did not help my head ache at all but it’d seemed like the only thing I’d been doing. But when Edward was there I forget all about that. He’s worth all the pain. “He- heISCHIEW!” This time, it was me, who was taken by surprise by the sneeze. “BLESS YOU!” Charlie shouted from downstairs.

I took one last look out of the window before going to bed. He’s not here.

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I LOVE THIS. I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve thought about Twilight, so this definitely took me back. Definitely hope to be reading more soon. 😁

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