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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Connor - Detroit: Become Human


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Iiiiii don't have a title for this. Also I haven't posted here in such a long time I literally couldn't even remember the email I used to sign up and by some fluke managed to find it and get back in. Hahhhh I haven't written in a long while, let alone something like this! Well, this is super self-indulgent, I love this damn game (even though I haven't played it myself) and well, yeah ok just just just read hahahaahahah--

This is a sneeze cause I've never written about or even considered before but it's a mature universe so I went for it


It had been a while since the end of the revolution. Much had changed, but likewise much felt as it had months prior - androids were again a common sight, and little fuss was made in their presence. It had certainly been a positive outcome - the best possible, perhaps. Connor thought so. It meant he could stand and watch Hank eat again, as he used to, at his regular haunt, Chicken Feed, without disguise or unease.

The two had been living together since the dust settled, so Hank had become accustomed to Connor's android-specific quirks - namely his lack of human needs - and no longer cared when Connor stared at him while he ate alone. The company felt the same as it would if he were a human partner. He appreciated that company. Things had gotten better for Hank since he began living with Connor.

Better, yes. Perfect, though, not a chance. There were some things that couldn't be fixed, and Hank couldn't expect Connor to stay on top of all of his self-destructive tendencies, try though he might. While Connor had worked hard to force the Lieutenant to reduce his regular alcohol intake, Hank had slipped another vice through the cracks.

Hank took a break from eating and reached into his pocket. Connor cringed and shook his head the moment he saw the cigarette. He hadn't yet formulated the proper approach to tackling this particular problem, so for now, he simply made his distaste clear to the Lieutenant, as if it would be any deterrent at all.

Hank took notice. "Shelve the look. It's lunch; I do what I want."

Connor shrugged with his eyes. "I can only recommend quitting. The rest is up to you."

Hank had already taken it upon himself to ignore anything Connor had to say, and lit his smoke. He took a deep breath as if to spite his partner, and visibly relaxed on the exhale. The breeze brought it within range for Connor's to analyse it, but he didn't bother; he already knew all about its effect on humans.

Its effect on androids was another matter. At home, Connor had always made a point of leaning away from Hank when he started to smoke. This was the first time Hank had lit up at this particular location, though, and Connor couldn't very well move very far in this position without being impolite. He took the brunt of the smoke square in the face, and blinked rapidly. It triggered his tear ducts.

A little cough escaped him, and Hank laughed, assuming it to be a tactic of guilt. As far as Hank was aware, the smoke couldn't do a thing to his android partner. Nothing could. He'd never heard Connor cough before.

Connor was soon to discover, though, that this contaminant was very good at finding and infiltrating tight spaces. It had filtered through the little gap between his lips and tickled the back of his throat. Androids were no different from humans in that they had every reason to purge contamination from their bodies - any creature with biological components was prone to infection, after all, no matter the eventual effect. His cough was real, if slight.

It wouldn't have been a problem if Hank had stopped at one breath, but his ignorance led him to continue puffing in Connor's direction, intentionally or otherwise, and unlike by closing his lips, Connor had no safeguard in place to prevent the evil particles from invading his nostrils. Highly protective and thusly sensitive, they flared the instant they detected contact.

His understanding of social cues dictated that it would be more polite to sneeze into a tissue, but he was forced to delve nearer the bottom of his priority list since he had none available. He delicately tucked his nose against his sleeve and twitched against it, almost soundless.

Hank recognised it, though. "Huh. Bless you," he said, an eyebrow raised. A cough was easy to fake, but Hank had never seen someone imitate a sneeze with such finesse before. That had to be real.

"Thank you," Connor replied, mumbling into his sleeve. He would've lowered his arm immediately, if he hadn't already queued a fit of sneezes. A tiny stifle couldn't do much to clear his nostrils, but since living with Hank, Connor had always prioritised saving face with him over saving himself from mild personal discomfort. So he was satisfied to continue stifling little sneezes, rather than make any real attempt to expel the poison. He would've disabled the function altogether, but it was one that was deemed too important at the time of his assembly to offer him any such option. He was very much stuck with it.

Though he continued to stifle, it became inexplicably more difficult with each repetition. Inevitably, some sound was soon to be heard. The soft patter of air bursting against his sleeve was vocalised meekly.

"Eh-p'shh!" ended his fit, and his eyes flittered back and forth between Hank and his sleeve, before making the final decision to avoid eye contact. He didn't expect Hank to be bothered by his display, but it made Connor sheepish regardless. He couldn't even excuse himself.

Hank furrowed his brow, lowered his cigarette and tapped some ash to the ground. "Never seen you do that before. Anything I should know?" His voice was low and sincere, a show of genuine concern.

It occurred to Connor that Hank might suspect illness, and though it was a misguided concern, Connor hated to think that Hank should have to worry about such a thing.

"I'm perfectly well. You should know that," he stated firmly. His nasal consonants didn't sound stuffy, but they did buzz inside his nose. It made his eyes water, so he made a mental note to avoid them for a short while.

"There're a lot of things I thought I knew about androids before I met you, Connor," Hank offered in reply, again threatening to lift his cigarette before he spoke again, "You can take that as a compliment if you want."


"Sure," Connor finally decided, proceeding thence with silence.

That was a mistake, he realised within miliseconds, as it gave Hank the opportunity to raise his cigarette again. Connor had placated him regarding the concern over his health, but had left him yet ignorant to the true predicament.

Another sudden breeze blew the subsequent puff of smoke toward his face at a much higher velocity than he could've predicted, which resulted in his reflex stealing priority from his dignity momentarily; he caught his breath audibly hitching, almost a gasp. He certainly had Hank's attention once again, and he had no time to queue a series of discreet stifles this time.


The clear fluid that had been building up in an attempt to trap the harmful particles was released in a pressurised spray, and Connor was only just able to shield it with his hand. It wasn't ideal, and it was certainly embarrassing, but he shuddered to think of the alternative.

He felt the remnants of the spray drip delicately onto his philtrum, and his hand made quick work of hiding it. He could only hope that Hank wouldn't hear the wet sniffle he was forced to emit.

Clearly, it was a fruitless effort. Hank's next move was to spit out a breathy laugh at the sight, and reach for his pocket to retrieve a plain white handkerchief. He held it to the android, at arm's length, and shook it in his direction.

"What, you gonna make me wipe your nose for you? Take it, dip-ass."

Judging by the intracacies of his expression, there was a 91% chance Hank would further insist his questioning in due time. In other words, the jig was up, so Connor did as he was told.

He made sure not to reveal his running nose to Hank during the swift motion he performed to clasp the handkerchief to his face. He took the liberty of turning away to blow his nose at an impressively loud volume; he'd already dashed his hopes of being polite, and androids didn't need to worry about ruptures. At least this way he wouldn't have to sneeze through Hank's interrogation.

The Lieutenant leaned forward with his elbows on the table. "So?"

Connor let out a whimpering sigh. "It seems to me that I have the equivalent of vasomotor rhinitis."

Hank stared blankly.

"Your... cigarette smoke is making me sneeze," Connor clarified, eyes shifting. Somehow it was less embarrassing to say it the hard way.

Hank's lips hung open, and he gave the slightest nod. "And?"


"You were obviously trying to keep that from me. Reason being...?"

It sounded stupid when Connor heard it coming from his own mouth. "I didn't want to make you feel bad."

Hank laughed roughly, "Feel bad? Oh, Connor, you give yourself too much credit." He finished a couple more drags, facing off to the side, and then dropped the cigarette to the ground. "Alright, alright. I'm done here anyway. You coming?"

Connor hurried to his feet as soon as Hank made to stand. He realised he still had his handkerchief, soiled and balled up in his hand. He looked down at it, and then up at Hank. The Lieutenant smiled, and rolled his head along with his eyes.

"Keep it," he half chuckled, before making off, trusting Connor to follow as he always did without question.

Connor craned his neck as he walked beside Hank, to try and catch a glimpse of his face. He was still smiling to himself, chipper. Connor's brow screwed up at the sight.

Hank kept staring forward. "Hey, so, what, is it just cigarette smoke that sets you off?" he asked.

Connor was puzzled, but a question was a question and an answer was an answer. "I imagine there are many other stimuli that would have the same effect." He paused. "Why?"

Hank grinned. "No reason."


If you liked it please let me know as I might do morrreeee. I usually only focus on one character per medium when it comes to sneezefics but i genuinely love Hank just as much as Connor so idk if you would want that but I would totally go there too if you wanted. Just just just let me know ok bye

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More, please! I've never played this game, don't know anything about it and I'm not a gamer, but the way you're writing this has me hooked!!!

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UHHHH HOLY SHIT?? This is so good.Yeah Hank sounds like he has something up his sleeve for poor Connor hahaha... I do hope you continue! Your writing is great!

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Ooh, I'm happy people liked it! I wanted to wait for a couple comments before trying to continue, since I wasn't sure if the Detroit hype had died or not... I wasn't actually planning on continuing the first part but I am starting to have a thing for fetishit!Hank so... Heh. I will probably do that, but it might be a while. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my god.

This was such a good read @//7//@ The characterization with both of them is so spot on, it's almost too good to be true! Can't wait for more installments if you choose to make more!

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On 7/3/2018 at 12:50 PM, Hetasweet said:

If you liked it please let me know as I might do morrreeee. I usually only focus on one character per medium when it comes to sneezefics but i genuinely love Hank just as much as Connor so idk if you would want that but I would totally go there too if you wanted. Just just just let me know ok bye

Hank sounds like he has something in store for Connor, maybe he could pretend to act curious and be like well if cigarette smoke sets you off there's probably plenty of other things so maybe we should test some things out so that we know what to avoid/so you don't get off guard when were out and about doing important things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like this! I see about a medium amount of "our" content for dbh and I get the feeling there'll be a lot once the fandom's older! This is definitely one of my favorites:bounce:!

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This is precious!! I’ve been meaning to play the video game some day. At least I’m pretty sure it’s a video games in such a sucker for robots doing human things and not quite knowing how to handle it.  Thanks so much for sharing!

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Honestly this is something I've been thinking of too, like, if androids had a built in function for getting foreign substances out of their systems in a way that looks human, since they (and especially Connor) are built to integrate with human society.

And god I love how Connor chose to stifle too. This is great. 

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Amazing! My favourite fandom in such a well-written fic... this made my evening. :D

I also loved the creativity in the mere concept of making Connor (MY BOY) react to smoke... who knew that was an included program 😉

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  • 1 month later...

I know it's been a while since this fic was posted but I found it recently and I keep coming back to read it again and again. ❤️ DBH is my new obsession and I looove this fic.

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2 hours ago, charm-alarm said:

I know it's been a while since this fic was posted but I found it recently and I keep coming back to read it again and again. ❤️ DBH is my new obsession and I looove this fic.

I second this!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your writing is absolutely phenomenal. You write the characters SO well!!! I’ve been completely obsessed with DBH for months now and this just made my obsession a little bit worse 😜 please continue this story!! I want to squee over it some more! 

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On 7/18/2018 at 1:28 PM, Hetasweet said:

Ooh, I'm happy people liked it! I wanted to wait for a couple comments before trying to continue, since I wasn't sure if the Detroit hype had died or not... I wasn't actually planning on continuing the first part but I am starting to have a thing for fetishit!Hank so... Heh. I will probably do that, but it might be a while. ;)

Oh my god. PLEASE!!!!!! I think I would explode??? 

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/18/2018 at 1:28 PM, Hetasweet said:

I wasn't actually planning on continuing the first part but I am starting to have a thing for fetishit!Hank so... Heh. I will probably do that, but it might be a while.

Oh my gosh, would you??? That would be amazing!

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  • 5 years later...

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