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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Stuffy Noses (Monster Prom)


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Saw this prompt posted by @just-a-nervous-bean and decided I had to write it…hopefully it’s at least somewhat decent. First time writing a Monster Prom Fic so here goes nothing…

Damien lazily flipped through the channels on the Tv, the soft wheezing breaths of his sleeping boyfriend accompanying the soft chatter.

Grumbling he turned off the Television frustrated, there was nothing good on at the moment anyway he though glancing down at Oz a light flush appearing on his cheeks.

The boy was snoring softly, unable to breathe through his clogged nose the stringy odd looking mouth was hanging open slightly. It wasn’t often he got to see his boyfriends mouth, as he was usually a mass of darkness and fear, but it was a privilege when he did.

Damien snickered a little at how cute Oz was, telling the sleeping boy,” You throat’s going to kill you when you wake up.” But this seemed to be enough to wake up Oz as he snorted slight coughing miserably into his fist.

Frowning Damien rubbed his back having him drink some water to soothe the crackling cough, letting the exhausted boy flop back down onto his chest.

Oz sniffled but it was clear he was not getting any air through his packed sinuses,” I cad’t breathe.” Oz croaked, making his boyfriends heart break a little at how pathetic he sounded.

Damien didn’t even know if he had anything the house that could combat the level of congested the poor boy was but he knew that he had to do something to help,” Alright stuffy lets see if we can fix that.” He said wrapping a blanket loosely around the boy before going to search around in his medicine cabinet.

He found a brand new tub of Vic’s that he didn’t remember buying and a bottle of cold medicine that surprisingly wasn’t expired.

When he came back he found Oz sitting up in bed his mouth hanging open slightly as his breath hitched lightly, the need to sneeze written all over his face making Damien flush as all he could do was watch silently and wait.

But the urge never peaked and Oz lost it groaning scrubbing at were his nose would be sniffling and trying to coax out the sneeze but he was just too stuffy and it just wouldn’t budge.

Damien grinned intrigued by this idea sitting down on the bed, startling the smaller boy a little,” I noticed you seemed to be having quite a bit of trouble.” He grinned devilishly,” And I may have the solution.”

At this point Oz was desperate for any relief his breath still hitching a little off and on as he nodded vigorously,” Please.” He sniffled.

Grinning Damien had him down some cold medicine, before slowly opening the container of Vic’s the potent scent already making Oz’s breath hitch sharply as his mouth hung open.

Removing his boyfriends shirt he dipped his fingers into the cool methanol jelly, starting to rub some on his chest pleased to already hear the congestion easing up a little, as his boyfriends breath hitched torturously.

Damien pinched his nose closed with his other hand whispering slyly,” Not yet love just a little longer.” He breathed, and Oz nodded in agreement.

Releasing him Damien dipped a single finger in to the vic’s, using it to trace Oz’s nostrils painfully slowly watching his whole face wrinkly with irritation. Tracing figure eights on his boyfriend’s nose watching as Oz’s breath hitched jaggedly with each teasing stroke.

Eventually Damien decided he’d tortured his boyfriend poor nose enough deciding to deal the final blow pressing a tender kiss to his flaring nostrils, holding out a handful of tissues for him to sneeze into.

“Hh’kshhu! ‘Ihtshew!” Oz’s mouth still hung open as he took gasping breath building up for more sneezes,” Hih’Akshuu! huh’Ishiew! Hihishu’!” The sneezes were itchy and one after another until Oz felt someone pinch tissue around his nose,” Hgsxt.”

“Don’t keep sneezing dumbass blow your nose.” He heard Damien gruffly scold him as Oz buried his nose into the soft fold blowing hard finally feeling his nose clear up a little as his flopped back down onto the couch breathing heavily.

Damien wrinkled his nose tossing the soiled tissue into the garbage before carefully maneuvering Oz so he was comfortably propped back up onto his chest.

Not a hard task since he was certain that his boyfriend was already half asleep…

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hhHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCKING MURDER ME THIS IS GOOD!!  Oz and Damien are my FAVORITE CHARACTERS and this is so cute I love it, Oz being tortured IS MY JAM.  Also Oz is voiced by the youtuber Cryotic who has very cute sneezes so I can hear these perfectly <3

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I got into Monster Prom a little bit ago, and seeing this made me so happy!

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