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Supernatural (Episode Series Project)


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@ReidSeeker I’m sorry for not getting back to you sooner! I have looked into your Drabble requests and will get to them ASAP💗 Thanks for the support!


even though I have taken on this project I’d still be interested in taking requests for the Drabble Thread!

I’ll do anything, just ask!!!😉

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  • castiel_angel


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  • sneezelover3


Thank you!!! And no worries, in your own time is fine. Can I just say I love love love the interruption of sneezing in the middle of a word/sentence? Just---mmmm. Love it

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2 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Thank you!!! And no worries, in your own time is fine. Can I just say I love love love the interruption of sneezing in the middle of a word/sentence? Just---mmmm. Love it

Thanks for replying!! I can definitely include more of that if that’s your thing! 💗

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2 hours ago, jensdw said:

Oh, how i’ve missed you. ❤️

This is sneezy and wonderful and perfect and so on. :)

As always, excited for more. 

Thank you sooo much!  I’m really sorry about the gap of time in between😬 I’ll be back with more shortly!! 💗

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13 minutes ago, sneezelover3 said:

I need more!

I’ll get on with the next one shortly☺️

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6 minutes ago, castiel_angel said:

I’ll get on with the next one shortly☺️

 Your amazing

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28 minutes ago, sneezelover3 said:

 Your amazing


Thank you!! So are all of you for supporting this thread!

I’m feeling nice, so here’s another one!😊


S01 EP7 “Hook Man”

Characters: Sam, Dean

Plot: Sam and Dean investigate an age-old urban legend known only as the Hook-Man, the spirit of a 19th century pastor with a twisted sense of morals that is unknowingly being used as an innocent girl's attack dog.


College Dorm Room

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Taylor said.

“There’s nothing you wouldn’t do,” Lori says as she exists the room. 

“That’s true,” Taylor said to herself with a smile.


9 Mile Road

 “I thought we were going to the party,” Lori said with a frown.

“Well, we can’t arrive on time,” her boyfriend Rich replied.

“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you brought me here on purpose.”

“What? I’m offended,” Rich said, giving Lori a fake pouty face.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Lori says sarcastically.

 They smile and begin to kiss. Lori’s cell phone rings and they reluctantly break away. 

The caller ID shows her Dad’s number.

“You wanna get that?” Rich asks.

 “Definitely not,” Lori says as she shuts the ringer off. They resume kissing, and Rich put his hand under Lori’s halter strap. She pulls away and moves his hand. “No,” she says.

“It’s ok.”

Lori looks away with an uncomfortable glance. Outside, a figure with a hook is moving slowly out from the trees.

Back inside the car, Rich begins kissing Lori’s neck and puts his hand back under her strap. She looks even more uncomfortable and pulls away.

“Hey, I mean it,” She says with more confidence then she feels.They hear a loud screeching noise. Outside, the man is dragging his hook along a Dead End sign.

“What was that?” Lori asks worriedly, looking around.

“I don’t know.” They hear the same sound again, this time louder. 

“What is that?” Rich mutters to himself. He opens the car door to investigate.

“No! Rich, no!” 

“No, just wait here.” 

He gets out of the car and shuts the door. Lori looks around, terrified. 

Outside, Rich is looking around when he hears more screeching. He turns to see a long scratch being made on the side of his car. “What the hell?”

“Rich, let’s go!” Lori shouts. 

The back tire gets punctured with a loud pop. She screams.

“Rich?” She calls out shakily. She looks around, but Rich is not outside. “Rich!” She calls out again. She rolls up the windows and locks them. “Rich, where are you?” (

She suddenly hears scratching and banging on the roof. She screams and jumps into the backseat on the floor.

The noise stops.

 “Okay, okay,” Lori says taking a deep breath. 

She gets out of the car and starts to run away when she turns around and sees Rich.

He is suspended from a tree, upside down, above the car. Lori screams.


“Alright, thank you for your time,” Sam says with the phone presses against his ear. He hangs up and walks back to the table. Dean is working at the laptop.

“Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin’ cold over here, Francis,” Dean says.

“Bite me,” Sam says, sitting down.

“So, anything?” Sam shakes his head.

“I had ‘em check the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe’s fitting Dad’s description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations,” Sam said.

“Sam, I’m tellin’ ya, I don’t think Dad—huh—wants to-huh’AESH’oo! etsch’EWW!—wants to be found.”

 “Bless you.”

”Thags,” Dean says with a congested sigh as he pulls up an article. “Check this out.”

He shows Sam an article on the computer about Rich’s death. “It’s a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here.”

 “The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road.” Sam read from the screen.

“Keep reading,” Dean says taking a sip from his coffee.

“Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible,” Sam finished.

“Could be-hih-something-huh-interesting—h’TSCH’eww! ash’ieww! AESH’oo!”

“Bless you. It could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man.”

“But what if it is? Dad would check it out,” Dean said.


Fraternity House ~ (A/N: in case you didn’t know, “Frat brother” is short for Fraternity brother)

 “One more time, why are we here?” Sam asks with raised eyebrows.

“Victim lived here.” 

They walk up to some guys fixing a car. “Nice wheels,” Dean comments. They look at him strangely. “We’re your fraternity brothers. From Ohio. We’re new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay.” 

Fraternity Dorms

A shirtless frat boy in yellow shorts is painting his face and body purple. Sam and Dean knock at the door and enter the dorm.

 “Who are you?” He asks.

“We’re your new roommates,” Dean says. He smiles and walks over to the boy. The boy holds the brush and paint can out to Dean. “Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today.”

Dean points over to Sam. “He’s the artist.Things he can do with a brush,” Dean says with a smile. Sam, mortified, takes the brush and can. Dean sits on a chair and picks up a magazine, quietly sneezing into his shoulder. “huh’etsch! hn’gsh! hnxsh’uh h’etsch’EWW!” The last one escapes, and Dean looks up mortified.

”Bless you,” the frat boy says.

 Dean nods his head in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to his magazine. “So,” Dean glances at the name on the magazine, “Murph. Is it true?”


“We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week,” Dean said with a light sniffle.

 “Yeah,” Murph confirmed sadly.

“What happened?” Sam asked.

“They’re saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy.”

“Rich, he was with somebody?”

”Not just somebody. Lori Sorensen.”

“Who’s Lori Sorensen?” Dean asks. “You missed a spot. Just down there on the back,” Dean says to Sam. Sam looks at Dean, annoyed. Dean grins and turns back to his magazine.

“Lori’s a freshman. She’s a local. Super hot. And get this: she’s a reverend’s daughter.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know which church, would ya?” Dean asks, looking up.



“Our hearts go out to the family of a young man who perished. And my personal prayers of thanks go out as well because I believe he died trying to protect my daughter.” Lori looks away, embarrassed. 

“And now, as time heals all our wounds, we should reflect on what this tragedy means. To us, as a church—“Reverend Sorensen continued.

Sam and Dean enter the church and the door slams behind them. The congregation goes silent and turns to look at them. 

“as a community, and as a family. The loss of a young person is particularly tragic. A life unlived is the saddest of passings.”

Sam and Dean sit down. Lori stares at Sam, and he smiles weakly at her. 

“So, please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children.”

Everyone bows their head in prayer, except Dean. Sam elbows him, and Dean, noticing everyone else, does the same. 

“Oh mighty God, we offer our prayer in honor of—“

h’etsch’oo! huh’esh’eww!” Dean released the sneezes quietly in his arm. Dean feels stares from left and right glance in his direction. 

“We offer this through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

Dean sighs and sinks back into the pew just waiting for the service to be over.


“I can’t. It’s Sunday night,” Lori says to Taylor.

“It’s just us girls. We’re gonna do tequila shots and watch Reality Bites,” Taylor says excitedly.

‘My dad makes dinner every Sunday night,” Lori replies.

“Come on, Lori. I know this has been hard, but you are allowed to have fun.”

”I’ll try.”  Taylor rolls her eyes.


They hug and Taylor leaves. Sam and Dean walk up to Lori.

“Are you Lori?” Sam asks.

“Yeah.” She replies.

“My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean.” Dean waves lazily with a smile. “Hi.”

“We just transferred here to the university

“I saw you inside,” Lori commented.

“We don’t wanna bother you. We just heard about what happened and...”

“We wanted to say how sorry we were,” Dean added in.

“I kind of know what you’re going through. I-I saw someone..get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.” Lori nods slightly.

Rev. Sorensen walks up to them.

“Dad, um, this is Sam and Dean. They’re new students.” Dean shakes the reverend’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.”

“Thank you very much. It’s so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord’s message.” Dean chuckles.

“Listen, uh, we’re new in town, actually.” He leads Reverend Sorensen away from Sam and Lori. “And, uh, we were looking for a, um, a church group.” They leave. 

“Tell me, Lori. What are the police saying?” Sam says as he starts walking with her.

“Well, they don’t have a lot to go on. I think they blame me for that.”

“What do you mean?”

“My story. I was so scared, I guess I was “seeing things”. They stop walking.

“That doesn’t mean it wasn’t real,” Sam said. They look at each other for a few seconds.



“So you believe her?” Dean asks

“I do.”

“Yeah, I think she’s hot, too,” Dean says with a smile.

“No, man, there’s something in her eyes. And listen to this: she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car.”

Wait, the—hold on a sec—huh’ETCH’eww! huh’TSCH’oo!”  Dean sniffed thickly. The body was suspended? That sounds like the—“

“Yeah, I know, the Hook Man legend.”

“That’s one of the most famous urban legends ever. You don’t think that we’re dealing with the Hook Man.”

“Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began.”

“Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?” Dean asks, rubbing at his nose.

“Well, maybe the Hook Man isn’t a man at all. What if it’s some kind of spirit?” Sam suggests.


“Here you go. Arrest records going back to 1851,” The librarian says placing a big box on the table. “Thanks.”

The Librarian walks away. Dean blows the thick layer of dust off the box, coughing in the aftermath.

h’tish’ieww!” This time it was Sam who had his fist pressed to his face. “Did you really have to blow that in my face, man?” Sam asked, rubbing his nose. Dean rolled his eyes,

“So, this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?”

“Welcome to higher education.” Sam said as they begin reading.

“Hey, check this out. 1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes. Uh, right here, “some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh.”

“Get this, the murder weapon? Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook.” Dean said looking at another page. Sam points to another page.

“Look where all this happened.”

“9 Mile Road,” Dean says.

“Same place where the frat boy was killed.”

“Nice job, Dr. Venkmen. Let’s check it out.” Sam gathers all the research and they leave.


Sorority House


“I know this is your first time really living alone since Mom died,” Lori tells her Dad.

“That’s not it. I worry about you.”

“There are 22 girls in there and perfectly safe,” Lori argues.

“That’s exactly what I’m worried about. You don’t think I know what goes on in there?”

”Dad, do we have to have this argument again? I’m over 18. I can live my own life.”

“Oh, which means, drinking, partying with that roommate of yours!”

“I’m an adult. I can take care of myself. Good night.” She gets out of the car.

“Lori. Lori, come—Lori!” She slams the door and leaves.


Lori is walking up the stairs and stops at a girl’s bedroom doorway. There is a long scratch on the wall leading up to the doorway. Lori ignores it and walks into her bedroom. She is about to turn on the light when she sees Taylor sleeping and stops herself.

“Taylor, you awake?” She calls. Taylor doesn’t wake up. Lori leaves her alone and goes into her bathroom to get ready for bed.


9 Mile Road

Dean and Sam drive up and get out of the car. Dean opens the trunk and hands Sam a rifle.

“Here you go.”

 “If it is a spirit, buckshot won’t do much good.”

“Yeah, rock salt.” He hands it to Sam.

“Huh. Salt being a spirit deterrent.” Dean takes out a coil of rope and shuts the trunk.

“Yeah. It won’t kill ‘em. But it’ll slow ‘em down.” They start walking towards the trees.

“That’s pretty good. You and Dad think of this?”

“I told you. You don’t have to be a—huh—Oh God—huh’AESH’oo! h’tsch’IEWW! h’ESH’eww!—you don’t have to be a college graduate to be a genius.

They hear noises among the trees and stop walking. Sam raises his gun and looks around.

“Over there. Over there.” Dean whispers. Sam aims the gun and cocks it. A figure comes out from behind the trees. It is a sheriff.

“Put the gun down now! Now! Put your hands behind your head.”

“W-w-wait, okay, okay!” Dean says complying.

“Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!” They get down.

”Now get down on your bellies. Come on, do it!” The sheriff shouts.

“He had the gun!” Dean Sasha’s they lay down. 

Dean feels an itch building in his sinuses, but he lays at the mercy of his nose as his hands are secured behind his back. h’ETCH’oo! h’ASH’eww! 

He sighs and rests his head against the ground just waiting for it all to be over. 


Hope you enjoyed! 😊💗

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Another one already? You’re the best!!

I loved this one. Dean is so precious. Plus, your writing is great! 

And once again, excited for more. :)

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3 hours ago, jensdw said:

Another one already? You’re the best!!

I loved this one. Dean is so precious. Plus, your writing is great! 

And once again, excited for more. :)

I was reading the comments and was like “you know what? Let’s do some more!” 😂 

thank you so so sooo much for the support, I really cannot express how much it means to me❤️ 

Definitely  more soon! I’m thinking about working with another “Winchester Plague” in the future😏

Edited by castiel_angel
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6 hours ago, sneezelover3 said:

Are u Chuck? All this is amazing!

I wouldn’t consider myself Chuck by any standards, but thank you!! ❤️💗

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On 7/27/2018 at 10:29 AM, castiel_angel said:

Definitely  more soon! I’m thinking about working with another “Winchester Plague” in the future😏

Yaaaay Winchester Plague!!!! 

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1 hour ago, ReidSeeker said:

Yaaaay Winchester Plague!!!! 

💗💗💗 we’ll give Sam the spotlight for the next one so it’s even, but the one after that I’m thinking could be a Winchester Plague😂❤️

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Guess who’s back??! 😏💗    Don’t worry @ReidSeeker and @jensdw I didn’t forget about your drabbles! 


S01 EP8 “Bugs”

Characters: Sam, Dean

Plot: Sam and Dean head to Oklahoma to investigate a recent spate of insect related deaths around a new housing development.

———————————————————————————————————————————————Oasis Plains, Oklahoma  

Construction workers are busy building a luxury home complex along the plains of Oklahoma, the sound of drills and machines the only thing heard for miles.

“Man, these are some phat houses, huh? I'd like to live here.” An employee named Travis remarks.

“Yeah, too bad you can't afford it,” Travis’ coworker Dustin says with a smirk.

“Yeah, you're right. This neighborhood'll be damn expensive when it's done.”

“No, this place is perfect,” he continues, smacking a bug on the side of his neck. “except for the mosquitoes.”

His thoughts are shattered as the sound of Dustin’s voice floods through the air. 

He turns and sees that Dustin has fallen into a hole in the ground. “Dustin?” Travis asks, rushing over to the hole,

“Help me, I'm trapped! I broke my ankle!”

“All right, I'll get a rope!” Travis shouts, running off. 

Inside the hole, Dustin is clutching his bloody ankle, breathing heavily as pain courses through his veins. He looks around nervously and sees that there are thousands of beetles inside the muddy walls of the hole. Several of them have landed on his hand, and he frantically brushes them off. 

“Oh, God,” Dustin says with a shaky exhale.

Outside the hole, Travis runs to a nearby truck and opens it, searching frantically for the sought after item.

Back inside the hole, tons of beetles are beginning to cover Dustin’s body. They gather in groups on his clothing and skin, one by one covering the surface completely.

“Travis, help!”

“Hang on!” Travis calls, digging around.

Travis gets a rope from the truck.

Inside the hole, Dustin is almost entirely covered in beetles. 

“Travis, help!”

He continues to scream as beetles crawl inside his ears and nose. 

“It's okay, Dustin! It's okay!” Travis says, running back to the hole with supplies. “Dustin? Dustin, I'm here!’ Travis calls carrying a flashlight in hand. He shines the light into the hole. “Oh, God.”

Inside the hole, Dustin lies dead, bleeding heavily from the ears, nose, and eyes. 


Sam sits flipping through the paper, curiosity peaked as he comes across the report about Dustin. A minute later, Dean comes outside, laughing and waving a wad of cash in the air. 

“You know, we could get day jobs once in a while,” Sam said.

“Hunting's our day job. And the pay is crap.”

“Yeah, but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the-huh—h’ETSCH’ieww! world, Dean.” Sam says, wiping at his nose.

”Damnit! I knew I shoulda left you at the motel.” 

Sam shakes his head, grumbling as he feels the persisting itch return to his nose. “h’ITSCH’eww! ‘KTCH’ieww!” Sam sniffs with a sigh. “Look Dean, what I’m saying is that we don’t exactly live honest. Do you really like living knowing your a criminal?”

“Well, let's see honest,” He holds out one hand. “Fun and easy.” He holds out the other, and gestures that "fun and easy" outweighs "honest". “It's no contest. Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do.”

“Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked,” Sam said with a light sniff.

“Yeah, says you. We got a new gig or what?”

“Maybe. Oasis Plains, Oklahoma - not far from here. A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob.”

“Huh?” Dean asked, rubbing his temple to try and make sense out of what he just heard. Maybe he could’ve skipped that last beer...

“Human mad cow disease.”

“Mad cow. Wasn't that on Oprah?”

“You watch Oprah?”

Dean,  embarrassed, looks away without anything to say. 

“So this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?” Dean asks, quickly changing the subject.

“Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years, for the damage to appear. But this guy, Dustin? Sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour. Maybe less.”

“Okay, that's weird.”

“Yeah. Now, it could be a disease—h’tsch’IEWW! ITSCH’eww! Or it could be somethin' much nastier.”

“All right. Oklahoma.”

They get in the car. “Man. Work, work, work. No time to spend my money.”

When there’s no smart remark from Sam Dean looks over. “Hey, man, you alright?”

”I’m fine, Dean.”

”Well I’m no Harvard geek, but you sure don’t look it.”

”Dean I said I’m-huh—f-fine—h’TSCH’eww!”

Bless you.”

Sam just grumbles something about getting to the case, rubbing his temples when he figured Dean wasn’t looking.

Without another word they drive off; money, Oprah, and health a thing of the past.

Oklahoma Gas and Power Company Building

Dean and Sam get out of the Impala and approach Travis.

“Travis Weaver?” Sam asks, internally hoping the red tinge to his nose doesn’t take away from his business look. 

“Yeah, that's right.”

“Are you the Travis who worked with Uncle Dusty? Dean asks,taking a blind shot.

“Dustin never mentioned nephews.”

“Really? Well, he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest.”

“Yeah,” Sam added in when he was sure he had his hitching breath under control. 

“Oh, he did? Huh,” Travis said with smile.

“Listen, we wanted to ask you... what exactly happened out there?”

“I'm not sure. He fell in a sinkhole, I went to the truck to get some rope, and, uh... by the time I got back...” 

“What did you see?”

“Nothin'. Just Dustin.”

“No wounds or-huh-anything? By this point Sam’s about given up restraining the fit sure to come.

“Well, he was bleeding... from his eyes and his ears, his nose. But that's it.” Speaking of nose...

h’tsch’EWW! huh’ASH’ieww! h’etsch! h’ush’IEWW! Sam sniffed miserably and sighed. 

Travis offers a sympathetic smile towards Sam. “Bless,” he says, carrying on with the conversation at hand. Sam almost missed the pack of tissues Dean slid into his hand.

“So you think it could be this whole mad cow thing?” Dean asks, though inside he was really more concerned about his brother.

“I don't know. That's what the doctors are sayin'.”

“But if it was, he would've acted strange beforehand, like dementia, loss of motor—huh’ITSCH’eww! control. You ever notice anything like that?”

“No. No way. But then again, if it wasn't some disease, what the hell was it?”

“That's a good question,” Dean remarked, sneaking glances at his brother.

“You know, can you tell us where this happened?”



A while later, Dean and Sam arrive at the scene of Dustin’s death. The sinkhole in question is surrounded by police tape.

“Huh. What do you think?” Dean asks.

“I don't know. But if that guy, Travis, was right, it happened pretty damn fast.”

They duck under the police tape and look into the hole with a flashlight. 

“So, what? Some sort of creature chewed on his brain?”

“N-No, there'd be an entry-huh-wound—huh’ITSCH’eww! h’ASH’eww! tsch’eww! h-huh’KTCH’ieww! “Sounds like this thing worked from the inside,” Sam said in a congested tone. 

“Jesus Christ, Sam. If you felt that shitty you could have just—“

”Dean! How many times do I have to tell you? I’m fine!” Sam says, pushing past Dean’s concerned glance to shine his flashlight down the hole.

“Huh. Looks like there's only room for one. You wanna flip a coin?”

“Dean, we have no idea what's down there.”

Dean picks up a nearby coil of rope. 

“All right, I'll go if you're scared. You scared?”

“h’ITSH’ieww! Flib the damb coind.” Sam said, voice hoarse with congestion.

Dean chuckles and takes a coin out of his pocket. 

“All right, call it in the air... chicken.”

He flips the coin, and Sam catches it in midair. 

“I'm going.”

“No, I said I'd go.”

“I'm going.”

Dean, not really wanting to push his brother in this state gave in. “All right.”

Sam begins tying the rope around his waist. 

“Don't drop me.” 


While Dean drives, Sam is examining a dead beetle in his hand. 

“So you found some beetles. In a hole, in the ground. That's shocking, Sam.”

“There were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there. You know, some beetles do eat meat. Now, it's usually dead meat, but—“

“How many did you find down there?”


“Bless you. It'd take a whole lot more than that to eat out some dude's brain.”

“Well, maybe there were more.”

“I don't know, it sounds like a stretch to me.”

“Well, we need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before.”

As they drive through town, they pass a sign for an open house, decorated with red balloons. 


“I know a good place to start.”  Another sign reads, "Models Open. New Buyers' BBQ Today!"

“I'm kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how 'bout you?” Sam gives him a knowing look. “What, we can't talk to the locals?”

“And the free food's got nothin' to do with it?”

“Of course not. I'm a professional.”

“Right—h’TSCH’eww! h’ETSCH’ieww!

They pull over and get out of the car. They begin walking down the street to the open house. 

“Growin' up in a place like this would freak me out.”


“Well, manicured lawns, "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out. 

“There's nothing wrong with "normal.”

“I'd take our family over normal any day,” Dean said, but as they drove down the street Dean wondered what it would have been like to live a normal life.


Hope you guys enjoyed some Sammy! I’m not gonna lie, writing the begging of this disgusted me so much! I hate bugs😫😂

well hopefully the bugs didn’t take away from the fic😂💗

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1 hour ago, jensdw said:

love it! :wub:

Thank you!! Hope your ready for another Winchester Plague☺️

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Thank you so much for a sneezy Sam, I really enjoyed it!! Looking forward for the next chapter 💜

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56 minutes ago, Coffee Mug said:

Thank you so much for a sneezy Sam, I really enjoyed it!! Looking forward for the next chapter 💜

No problem! 💗 glad you liked it!

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15 hours ago, castiel_angel said:

Guess who’s back??! 😏 💗  

*happy dance*

15 hours ago, castiel_angel said:

Don’t worry @ReidSeeker and @jensdw I didn’t forget about your drabbles! 

*happier dance*


15 hours ago, castiel_angel said:

h’ITSH’iewwFlib the damb coind.”

OMG your spellings. And yay for stuffy talk!

Oh my I love Sam's turns so freaking hard. And yay for the Winchester Plague! Can't wait!! 

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9 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

*happy dance*

*happier dance*


OMG your spellings. And yay for stuffy talk!

Oh my I love Sam's turns so freaking hard. And yay for the Winchester Plague! Can't wait!! 

*happy dance* thanks for your comments!!! I’m so happy Your enjoying this☺️


and now it’s time for the Winchester Plague! Muahahahahaaa! (Wow I’m getting way to into this😂)

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32 minutes ago, sneezelover3 said:

Amazing as always 

Thank you :3

more soon, promise💗

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