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Poor, Dear (Fiore x DeBlanc from Preacher)


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//Hi, everyone! Before I get started, I must say: I absolutely love the TV show Preacher and I am so excited for Season 3 this year! Now, I absolutely love Fiore and DeBlanc, who are said to be the parents of an angel and demon power, Genesis. There aren’t many fanfics of these two, so I figured why not? Hope you all enjoy and I definitely recommend this show!


After trying to track down Genesis all over the world, and trying get back Genesis from the Preacher, poor, sweet angel Fiore looked exhausted and slightly odd. He sat down on the motel bed, took off his hat, and sniffed. His cheeks were flushed and he was paler than usual. DeBlanc, his partner and a demon, looked to him and tilted his head.

”Fiore, what’s the matter?” He knelt down before the angel and placed a hand on his cheek. “Good God you’re burning up!”

Fiore sniffed softly and rubbed under his red nose. “I-I don’t feel very- hitchu!” He sneezed softly into his arm, away from DeBlanc. “Very good.” He sniffed and rubbed his nose on his coat sleeve.

DeBlanc sighed softly. “Come on. Let’s get you comfortable.” He helped the sweet angel get into more comfortable clothes than his suit, and tucked him into bed.

Fiore sniffed, his nose twitching. He reached up to his nose, giving a pre-sneezy expression, but the tickle back down, then relaxed with more sniffles and a groan.

DeBlanc pouted. “My poor dear.” He kissed his forehead. “Let’s get you some tea.” He went out of the motel room, leaving Fiore there for a bit. The hotel didn’t have guest service, so DeBlanc had to go to the diner to get some tea.

When he came back, Fiore was watching television, laying up in bed, sniffling his poor red nose off, until finally his face contorted and his nose began to twitch. “HEH-“ he hitched. “HEH- HETCHOO!” He sneezed loudly into his arm, but that wasn’t it. “HATCHOO! HI-HITCHOO!” He sneezed a few more times and groaned. DeBlanc pouted softly and sat on the edge of the bed, giving Fiore his tea, gently caressing his cheek and kissing his forehead. “Drink up, my dear, and then get some rest.”

Fiore gave a sleepy smile and sniffed. “Thanks, love.” He took a few sips, sat it aside, and laid down, nuzzling into the pillow.

DeBlanc smiled softly. “Anything for you, my dear.” He gave him one last kiss and then tucked him under the covers.


To Be Continued?

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  • 2 weeks later...

//Hi, there, everyone! Decided to continue a little but more :) I swear I love these two so much! If you haven't seen the show yet, I highly recommend it!


Poor Fiore woke up with a large sneeze fit. "Hitchoo! AH-AHCHOO! KERCHOO! HEH-AH-AH-AHHCHOO!" He sniffed and rubbed at his nose a little, groaning.

DeBlanc immediately rushed to his partner's side. "You poor thing!" He touched his cheek, caressing it and handed Fiore a handkerchief. "Here, dear. Blow."

Fiore blew harshly into the handkerchief.

DeBlanc sighed. "Not so hard, dearie. You don't want to hurt yourself."

Fiore sniffed and shivered under the blankets. "Sorry, I can't help it. This cold is worse than any other that I've had in a long time."

"Ah, you're just exhausted from all of the work we've been doing lately. You and I really haven't gotten enough time to rest, my dear." DeBlanc smiled softly. "More sleep and soon you'll feel better. Just try to rest."

Fiore sighed and laid down. He then sneezed, "AHCHOO!" And groaned again. He then bit his lip. "D-DeBlanc....can you do me a favour?..."

DeBlanc tilted his head. "Yes, Fiore? What is it?" He looked at the angel curiously.

"Can you sing to me like you would for Genesis? You don't need to sing Winkyn, Blinkyn, and Nod to me, but anything would work...." He sniffed, going into a presneezy expression, but relaxed, his nose twitching like crazy.

DeBlanc smiled. "Of course, sweet one." He began to sing, only getting interrupted twice by one of Fiore's sneezes, but managed to sing the sweet angel to sleep. 


//Maybe to be continued? Might have DeBlanc catch the cold and Fiore takes care of him 

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