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Blue Flu (Blue Bloods, Jamie-M)


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A certain person got me into the TV show Blue Bloods, anout a family of cops, and I binge watched the first 7 seasons every free moment I could. As I watched the show, I fell for the youngest brother, Jamie Reagan, played by Will Estes. And when I love a character, I love to also write fetish fiction where I give them a cold. This story isn’t involved in any of the main storylines in the show, except the “relationship” between Jamie and his partner, Eddie. Also, since I haven’t had a working computer for many years, I wrote this entirely on my phone, which I have never done before. So, hopefully there are no mistakes. Lol


After hitting his snooze button numerous times, Jamie Reagan finally pulled himself out of bed and trudged into his bathroom. Even though he had slept all day in preparation for his night shift, he was still dog tired. He took a good long look at himself in the mirror, and realized he looked exactly like he felt. It was going to be a long night.

At the precinct, he went through his usual routine in the locker room. He was exhausted before even stating his shift. Plus he had a small headache and his throat was becoming sore. He hoped he wasn’t getting sick.

“Hey Reagan! You ready?”

His partner, Eddie Janko, called to him through the locker room door. At least this time she didn’t just barge in like she usually did.

“Be out in a minute!”

Damn, shouting didn’t do his throat any favors. He coughed once to clear it, and then headed out to start his shift.

“What’s the matter Reagan, didn’t get enough sleep or what?” 

Eddie never held back anything, she just blurred out whatever she was thinking.

“Guess not,” Jamie replied, giving her a dirty look.

“You look like crap.”

“Gee, thanks partner,” he said through gritted teeth. 

“Gonna be a long night, that’s all I’m sayin’.”

They got to roll call just in time. Sargent Renzulli went through his usual speech, and then they were off to their patrol car.

“Maybe I should drive,” Eddie said as Jamie yawned.

“Yeah, whatever.”

Jamie wasn’t in the mood to argue. He got into the passengers side, and buckled up. 

“Are you okay?”

“Fine. Just drive.”


Jamie felt bad, his headache and sore throat were making him irritable. He didn’t feel like making small talk with Eddie, and he could tell she was bothered by that. So he did the next best thing he could think of, that would make her happy.

“Wanna get a bite to eat?”

She lit up at his suggestion, and already had a place picked out that wasn’t far away. He was glad. He knew food would distract her.

She babbled on about a recent date  she’d gone on while Jamie listened and nibbled on his food. It irked him to hear about these other guys, and how shitty they treated Eddie. But she was just his partner, nothing more, and he had no say in who she went out with. He just wished she picked some better men.

They had a couple of noise complaint calls, and one domestic call, but otherwise the night was quiet. And so was Jamie. And Eddie was completely annoyed with him. 

“Jamie, you’re not yourself tonight. Something is up with you,” she finally blurred out halfway through their shift.

“Nothing is up with me, I’m just tired, ok? Can you drop it please?”


Only she didn’t sound fine. Whenever a woman said “Fine,” she never meant it. Jamie felt bad for snapping at her, but he wasn’t going to whine about how he didn’t feel so hot.

“Good,” he added. 

They got a call from a nightclub that a fight had broken out. Along with several other patrols, they responded to the call. It split them up for a bit, apprehending suspects and taking statements from witnesses. They made two collars and had to bring both men back to the station for booking.

Things were silent between them ever since Jamie shut Eddie up. He wanted to say something, even apologize, but was trying to figure out exactly what he wanted to say. As she drove, and as he thought about it, the worst feeling came over him. It started in his throat, then it crept up into the back of his nostrils. The pricking sensation enveloped his nose, and he knew he wouldn t be able to stop what was about to happen.


He sneezed into his elbow, so he didn’t spray the dashboard and windshield. It was a pretty wet sneeze, and he knew in that moment he was doomed. 

“Bless you Jamie,” Eddie said softly. 

He was going to thank her, but his nose wasn’t finished yet. His face went slack, and he held his arm in front of his face as he braced for another heavy sneeze.


“Bless you again,” Eddie said. 

“Thanks,” he croaked. He wanted a tissue, but there were still napkins from their meal earlier. He used one to gently wipe his nose.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you sneeze,” she said, astonishment in her voice.

He laughed, “Come on, no it’s not.”

“I’m sure it is. You’ve never sneezed in front of me before.”

He never really thought about it, but if she said it was the first time, then it probably was. She had a damn good memory. He hated the fact that she was calling attention to it. It was all very embarrassing. Especially since the sneezes were tell-tale signs that he was indeed coming down with a cold. 

“Even the great Jamie Reagan has to sneeze once in awhile.”

She said it with a smile, she was truly enjoying this moment. Jamie wasn’t, but he was glad she was amused instead of fussing over him.

“Nice to know my sneezes are funny to you,” he grumbled.

“I don’t think your sneezes are funny, just the fact that I’ve known you for two years and never witnessed them until now.”

He was going to say something snarky, but another sneeze crept up on him. This time he caught it in the napkin instead of his elbow.

“Jeez, Bless you again! Why are you so sneezy?”

He blew his nose, it was definitely starting to get blocked. Great. They still had a couple of hours left, and had to book the two drunk guys in the back of the patrol car. 

“Maybe I’m allergic to you,” he quipped, trying to make light of everything. He really didn’t want her to worry, especially while they were on duty. Only a few more hours to go.

“Ha ha, you’re funny Jamie.”

“I know, but looks aren’t everything.”

Once they got to the station, Jamie plugged along, filling out paperwork, sniffling and clearing his throat every so often. It bummed him out that he was going to be sick on his days off, and especially Sunday dinner with his family. But he was relieved that Eddie wouldn’t be witness to his declining health at work. And he was glad that it wouldn’t put either one of them in danger, either. 

When their shift ended, Jamie took some extra time in the locker room, hoping to avoid Eddie on his way out. He leaned on his locker for support as he slowly dressed back into his civilian clothes. He couldn’t wait to get home and hit his bed for a few hours of sleep before he had to be at his dad’s. 

As he was putting his shoes on, he heard the door to the locker room open. When he turned around, he saw Eddie standing behind him.

“Eddie, why do you always come barging in here? One of these days you’re gonna catch one of us completely naked.” 

“Maybe that’s why I do it.” 

He laughed.

“Come on, hurry up. I want you to walk me out,” she whined.

He finished up, shut his locker, and motioned for her to start walking. Once they were outside, she stopped him.

“Are you sure you’re ok, Jamie?”

“I’m better than ok,” he lied. They reached her car. “Now get in your car and go home.”

She shook her head. “You too Jamie. See you in a couple of days?”

“Not if I see you first.”

She smiled and got into her car. Jamie hightailed it home. He didn’t even take off his clothes, he just plopped on his bed, and passed out.

*  *  *

Even though he felt like complete crap, Jamie knew he coildn’t Miss the weekly family dinner. He took a couple of daytime cold pills he found in his medicine cabinet, and made the drive out to his dad’s house. 

The family sat down for Sunday dinner. Jamie didn’t want to alert anyone to the fact that he was sick, so he remained quiet. Nicky said grace and everyone started to pass around the meatloaf and eat. Luckily, Danny had a big case he was working on, and wouldn’t shut up about it. Which was just fine with Jamie because then he didn’t have to speak at all.

Jamie used a trick from his childhood, where he cut up all of his food, ate some of it, and then pushed the rest around on his plate to make it look like he ate more than he actually did. He didn’t have much of an appetite. Plus his sinuses were throbbing, his throat was pretty raw, and the constant tickle in his nostrils was driving him nuts. He was trying like hell to keep from sneezing, but pretty sure he wouldn’t make it all the way through dinner, because the urge was too strong. 

“What’s going on with you, Jamie?” 

Jamie’s attention snapped back to his family. His dad had asked the question. Everyone at the table was staring at him, waiting for an answer.

“Nuthin’,” he said and sniffled just a little.

“Anything happen during your shift last night?”

“Nuthin’ unusual for a Saturday night.”

It hurt to speak. He took a swig of his red wine, hoping it would soothe his throat a little. Unfortunately, the wine intensified the tickle inside his nose. He gasped, and quickly turned away from the table sneezing into his elbow. 

Everyone blessed him in unison.

“Are you okay Uncle Jamie?” Nicky asked.

“Yeah, fine, thanks.” 

He was taking a huge risk lying to everyone. Kinda hard to do in a family of cops, a lawyer, and a nurse. Everyone’s eyes were on him, and the table was silent except for the clanging of silverware against the China plates. He forced a smile to show everyone he was okay.

“You sure you’re okay Jamie,” Linda asked. 

“Just tired, is all. You know, working the night shift,” he grinned. 

The conversation steered back towards Danny’s investigation, and Jamie was relieved. Although he caught his grandpa eyeballing him, as well as his dad and Linda. With heavy scrutiny, it was a tough time for his nose to begin to act up again. During Sunday dinner, no one ever excused themselves to even so much as use the bathroom, so Jamie had no idea how to escape and sneeze in private. And honestly he was never good at stifling them, which everyone would notice anyway. He drank the rest of his wine, and controlled his breathing as best as he could. However, the tickle took over his whole nose and his eyes began to water. 

“Jamie, you alright over there,” Linda asked.

“I’m-“ he broke off as the sneeze finally hit. He muffled it into his right elbow. A second, heavier sneeze came out a few seconds later.

“Goodness, bless you! Sure hope you aren’t catching cold,” Linda exclaimed.

Jamie sniffled and cleared his throat. He could feel his face burn with embarrassment. 

“I’m good, thanks. I was helping Eddie move some furniture earlier, and inhaled a lot of dust. My nose has been bugging me ever since. She’s not the best housekeeper, ya know?” 

Everyone chuckled, including Jamie. He hoped it was enough to throw everyone off, but he doubted it. At least no one asked anymore questions for the duration of dinner. And before dessert was served, Jamie snuck off to the bathroom, sneezed a couple more times, and blew his nose. He was fading and his cold symptoms were overtaking him. He planned on leaving right after dessert, and let everyone believe he was just really exhausted.

Dessert was one of his favorites, so he managed to eat most of it. Then he cleared his dishes and prepared to say his goodbyes.

“I’m beat, gonna head home and sleep,” he told everyone. They all said goodbye except for his dad, who rose from the table.

“Jamie, before you leave, meet me in the den real quick.”

His father’s words made Jamie cringe slightly. He wondered what his dad wanted. When he reached the den his father had a bottle of whiskey in his hand.


“Whenever I start to feel a bit, uh, under the weather, I drink a little bit of this blackberry whiskey before bed. Helps you sleep, and helps knock the cold out a little quicker,” he explained with a smile.

Jamie wanted to groan, but refrained. Of course his dad would pick up on the fact that Jamie wasn’t feeling well. He’d been stupid to think he could hide that fact from his old man.

“Thanks Dad,” he said as he accepted the whiskey.

“Now go home and get some rest.” 

Before Jamie could protest, his dad added, “Now that’s an order, officer.”

“Yes sir.” 

His dad gave him a firm hug.

“Get better and please, if you need anything at all...”

“I’ll let you know. Thanks Dad.”

“Bye son.”

*  *  *

On Monday afternoon, while Jamie layed around on his couch, there was a knock on the door. Slowly he got up and answered.

“What are you doing here, Eddie?”

Ignoring the question, she brushed her way past him and made her way to his kitchen. 

“I knew you were sick, I’m not stupid. And I thought maybe you could use some tlc,” she said as she emptied the contents of the reusable shopping bag she brought.

He ran his fingers through his hair, sighed, and shut the door.

“You don’t need to take care of me,” he said with a cough. “I’m a grown man, I can take care of myself.”

“I know that, Jamie, but you really won’t take care of yourself.” 

He laughed at that, she was probably right. His idea of taking care of himself was drinking all of the blackberry whiskey and passing out. He walked up behind her and peeked over her shoulder.

“What all did you bring? The whole grocery store?”

She playfully smacked him on the shoulder.

“No, you goof. But I did make my ma’s homemade chicken noodle soup. Guaranteed to kill those nasty cold germs.”

“Eddie, you shouldn’t have gone through all that trouble for me.”

“Wasn’t any trouble at all. Besides, I love ma’s chicken soup, and I think you will too.”

He sighed again, and coughed. 

“And I brought tea, cough drops, and cold medicine, and-“

He cut her off with a harsh sneeze into his left shoulder.

“Bless. And I also got you the ultra soft tissues,” she said as she plucked one out of the box and handed it to him. “So your pink nose doesn’t get all red and sore.”

He gave her a weak grin, took the tissue, and turned away from her to blow his clogged up nose.

He cleared his throat, “Thanks Eddie.”

“I couldn’t let you suffer all alone with your miserable man-cold.”

He chuckled.

“You know there was a study done that suggested men really do suffer more than women when they get sick?”

“Oh please,” she snorted.

“It’s true, I swear!”

“Whatever. I’m just glad I finally get to witness Mr. Eagle Scout, perfect Jamie Reagan, taken down by the common cold,” she said with a wide grin.

He shook his head.

“Very funny Janko.”

“Why don’t you go sit down on the couch, and find us something to watch on TV? I’ll heat up the soup and make some tea.”

“You’re staying?” 

“Yeah, of course.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t want you gettin’ sick.”

“Oh Jamie, please. I’ve already been around you the last several days, if I’m gonna get sick, I’ve already been exposed. Not really worried about it.”

He wanted to protest but knew it was no use. Eddie was more stubborn than he was. He threw up his hands in resignation, grabbed the box of tissues, and did what she asked. He could hear her clanging around in the kitchen while he found some old comedy on TV to watch. 

“You need any help in there?”

“No, I got it. You just relax, since you are obviously suffering with your man-cold.”

“I never should have told you that,” he groaned.

Eddie brought out two bowls of hot chicken soup, and set them down on his coffee table. Then she went back into the kitchen and returned with two mugs of tea. Then she plopped down next to him on he couch.

“What are we watching?”

“An old movie I used to watch with my dad and grandpa.”

“Oh good. Let’s eat, sicko.”

They were both quiet as they ate the soup, except for an occasional laugh as they watched the movie. And even though his taste buds weren’t in proper working order, he thought the soup was pretty damn good.

“You did good, Eddie. The soup is delicious.”

“Awwww thanks.”

“No, really, thank you. I feel so much better,” he shot her a grin.

“You are such a cute liar.”

“Not lying,” he said. Then he quickly grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it.

“Bless you. Yeah, you sound so much better.” 

He was about to protest her sarcasm, but sneezed instead.

“Bless you again, sneezy.”

“Ugh, thanks. Guess it’s better than being called grumpy.”

She laughed. 

“Sometimes I call you that, too.”


He had to admit to himself that he enjoyed her company, and truly felt better with her there. Not that he would ever let her know that. 

They watched another movie in near silence, except for an occasional cough, sniffle, and sneeze from Jamie. When the movie was over he yawned, and Eddie got up from her seat.

“Where ya goin’?”

“First I’m getting you some cold medicine, and then I’m gonna go home and let you sleep.”

She came back with the pills and some water. He swallowed them like a good boy, and as she got up, he grabbed her arm gently.

“Don’t go, please.”

He gave her his best puppy dog eyes, and made sure he sounded just whiny enough to get her to stay. 

“We can have a little bit of the medicine my dad gave me, and maybe watch another movie?”

“What medicine?” She asked, eyeing him.

“It’s on the counter in the kitchen.”

He let go of her arm and she walked back into the kitchen.

“Oh, I see,” she said, amusement in her voice. “Irish medicine.”


She smiled, and helped herself to a couple of glasses from the cabinet and returned to the couch with them and the bottle of whiskey. After pouring each of them a glass, she handed him one and said, “Here’s to Jamie, who will hopefully be over his man-cold when we return to work in about 48 hours.”

He clinked his glass against hers, “I’ll drink to that.”

They settled in on the couch again, and she pulled him closer to her, so that his head was resting on her shoulder. He turned away from her once to sneeze against the back of his hand, and then got a tissue to blow his nose. He noticed that he was feeling a little less congested thanks to the medicine. But his eyelids were starting to get very heavy and he was afraid he was gonna fall asleep.

“Eddie, thank you for everything. I do feel better, honest.”

“Well, you’ve always been there for me. This was the least I could do.”

“I mean it. Thanks, you’re the best.”

“I know. You’re lucky to have me,” she teased.

“You’re right, I am lucky.”

Her smile lit up her whole face. Once again, she cradled his head against her shoulder. The last thing Jamie remembered was her fingers running through his hair.

*  *  *

Jamie woke up on his couch, tucked under one of his favorite blankets. Eddie was gone, but he’d dreamt about her. It was a vivid dream where she tucked him in nice and tight, and then kissed him on the forehead before leaving. There is no way she would have done that in real life, so it had to have just been a dream, he figured.

His mouth was pretty dry, and he coughed. He felt marginally better, but definitely needed some fluids. He went into his bathroom and turned on the light. He inched closer to the mirror to double check, but sure enough, there was a faint lip mark on his forehead, that was the same color of Eddie’s lipgloss. He smiled. He was a truly lucky man to have her in his life.

Edited by Sneesee
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