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Kara finally lets go (comic Supergirl)


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So this story was inspired by a work of fan art.

It is set in the world of the comics more so then the show but loosely so anyone can enjoy it hopefully. (The retelling of Supergirl's origins in the second Batman Superman comic story arch for those who are in the know.)  


Anyway, i hope you all enjoy.



Kara smiled as her powerful eyes spotted the island of Themyscira. In some ways it felt as much her home, if not more, then other places on this planet. She had spent months training there with Diana and her Amazon warriors not long after arriving on earth. While her cozen Kal El had taught her how to use many of the amazing powers this planet’s sun granted her, Diana had taught her how to restrain them and the finer points of control. The Amazons had taught her to fight as well and not to just rely on being stronger then her enemy because while in most fights that would be the case, it was never a guarantee. 


Slowing from what had been supersonic speed Kara let herself enjoy the approach, admiring the hills and forests that covered the large island. She was returning for her 23rd birthday celebration. Diana had offered to host a week long party and while quite embarrassed Kara had just been unable to say no. She had great respect and admiration for Diana who most of the world knew as Wonder Woman. Strong as she and almost as strong as her cousin, Diana was the embodiment of a strong confident woman, a warrior and a hero. As Supergirl Kara had done her best to emulate Diana as well as her cozen while still finding her own unique way. So far it had been challenging but rewarding.



Landing outside the entrance to what could only be called a palace, Kara was greeted by many of the Amazon women whom she had befriended during her time on the island. Hugs and hellos were exchanged until a strong voice broke through the rest.



“Greetings Kara. Themyscira welcomes you.” 


Kara looked up to see Diana walking through the other women to greet her with a strong embrace. 


“Thank you Diana.” Kara said keeping her voice steady with a bit of effort. Even though she had known her for years now, Diana’s presence was strong and took a bit of adjusting to if it had been a while since being around her. 


“Come, let us begin the festivities.” Diana said putting an arm around Kara’s shoulders. The other Amazon’s ran ahead of them and by time Kara and Diana walked through palace and out to the courtyard behind, the party seemed in full swing. Performers, musicians and singers all displayed there talents while large arrangements of food of every kind was set out on long tables. 


Kara’s mouth dropped open. She had not really gathered what Diana had meant by a festival until she saw it first hand.


Th-this can’t be all for me!?” Kara stammered in shock.


“It is the traditional 23rd name day feast for an honored amazon warrior and you deserve every bit of it after the your heroic deeds.” Diana said.


Kara blushed. So she had stopped a super villain or two and maybe saved a crashing airliner but she did not deserve all this. Still she knew better then to try to convince Diana of that. Once she was set on a goal, it took a stronger will then Kara’s to changer her mind. Nothing to do but except it. She just hoped she would not keep blushing for the entire week. 


Diana led Kara down to the tables where the feasting began. Being kryptonian she did not really need to eat or drink, all she needed was the sun for nourishment, but that did not mean she did not enjoy eating good food, and this was amazing food. Fruit and vegetables fresher and sweeter then any grown on normal land, Themyscira produced bounties of plenty due to its magic nature. Meats rostered in turning spits offer roaring fires were tender and delicious. Every kind of bread and cheese one could think of were served along with large glasses of wine and punch. Kara drank deeply of a chilled sweet red wine and smiled at the wonderful flavor. She had no fear of getting drunk as her kryptonian physiology would process the alcohol long before it affected her mind or body and Kara found herself enjoying glass after glass of the sweet wine. 


The court yard was filled with celebration and after a while Kara finally let herself relax enough to not be embarrassed that it was all for her, but she had an idea she would be right back to blushing when her non-Amazon friends arrived halfway through the week. Diana had told her that traditionally it was to be only the island inhabitants but as Kal and the others were friends with both of them she would allow them to enjoy half of the week. 


Diana and Kara sat together and ate at the head table but everyone, even honored guests, where expected to get up and serve there own food from the largest table in the center of the feast. Having one waiting on you for something you could do just as well yourself was looked down upon in Amazonian culture. 




“Thank you Diana” Kara said smiling after a full meal “This.....is the most amazing birthday celebration I have ever had.” 


“You are more then worth it.” Diana said returning Kara’s smile with one of her own.


Kara drank deeply of her wine for something to do so she would not get flustered by Diana’s smile. Like everything else about her it was filled with confidence and strong feminine beauty. Finding her glass empty Kara got up and walked to the center table to get more. Well, she had planned to walk anyway. About halfway there she noticed she was hovering a few inches off the ground. Kara had always made a point to walk when around others who could not fly. Kal had told her it helped them to feel more comfortable. This time however Kara found it rather funny and let out a giggle before she could stop herself. When she reached the table she found it oddly leaning to one side, but then she realized it was actually her who was floating a bit of center. Straightening she pored herself another glass and turned to go back to her table but as she did so she accidentally bumped into one of the Amazon women who was knocked down as though pushed. Amazons were stronger then humans but only Diana herself was on the same level as Kara. The woman laughed however, thankfully not hurt and Kara reached to help her up apologizing as she did so. Taking Kara’s hand the woman jerked to her feet much faster then Kara had intended and after letting go gave her hand a shake. 


“You have a warriors grip.” she said smiling and went to gather the glass and plate she had dropped.


Kara stood, or rather floated with a concerned look however. How had she not sensed the woman behind her? And for that matter why had she used too much strength to pick her back up? Control. Always and everywhere control was the most important part of being a kryptonian on earth. She always had to be as gentle as possible so she would not hurt those around her. Every touch, every hand shake, physical interaction had to be controlled do to her strength. Even something as simple as a yawn had to be stifled so she did not cause a strong breeze. Normally, while it could be frustrating at times, Kara had not had too much difficulty making the adjustment but for some reason she was having trouble focusing now. 


Gliding back to Diana she did her best to speak quietly. 


“Diana something is wrong.” she said worriedly “I feel like I.......like I can’t focus.......like it’s hard to keep my strength controlled. I think it could be some kind of kryptonite.”


“I doubt that Kara.” Diana said grinning “I think it’s more likely you have never had this much of Themyscira’s wine before. Your just getting a little buzzed. I think that is how humans would it.” 


“Me buzzed!?” Kara said incredulously “I can’t get fuzzed...i mean buzzed. I’m kryptonian.”


“And this is Themysciran wine.” Diana said sipping her own glass.


Kara fell heavily into her chair and was glad it did not break. Buzzed!? This was not good. She had seen humans drunk before and if she lost her coordination and inhabitions like that she could definitely hurt someone. With how much she had drank however she was sure it had not all hit her system yet. She had to get away from everyone. She began to raise but before she could fly off Kara felt a strong hand on her arm. 


“You will be alright Kara” Diana said “And so will everyone else.”


“No....” Kara said then paused as she met the other woman’s strong eyes. Contradicting Diana took all Kara’s will but this was too important not to “Someone could get hurt, badly....I can’t be here. I’ll comeback after the wine leaves my system.”


Diana looked at her for a long while, then nodded. 


“Kara and I shall return soon.” Diana announced to the courtyard “Continue while we are gone.” 


Raised glasses and laughter answered Diana and with a nod she took Kara by the hand and led her into the sky. 


A bit unstable Kara did not let go right away as they soared over the island. The cool wind on her face helped to lessen the fizzy feeling in her head and by the time they reached the coast she had let go and was flying fully in her own. She slowed but Diana kept right on going and actually picked up speed over the ocean.  


Catching back up Kara asked “There is no one on the shore, isn’t that a good enough place to wait?”


Diana rolled sideways to face her while still flying “There is another island a few miles off the coast. It’s still a part of Themyscira but far enough for no one to be hurt. If you wish to enjoy more wine I would give you the opportunity to do so freely. It is your birthday after all.”


She offered a wine skin that Kara only now noticed she had taken with them. Kara hesitated then grinned taking it.


“If you’re sure we would be alone.” Kara said and after Diana nodded she took a long sip. It was even better then the wine she had been drinking before. “Thank you.” she said.


“Think nothing of it.” Diana said smiling “It is your birthday and I know how difficult it can be to be careful all the time. From what Kal has told me it’s even harder for you both then it is for me as I spend a good deal of time here on the island.”


Kara nodded and sipped again. Wow this stuff was good. She smiled, it would be nice to let go a little bit for a while. If the island was abandoned then the only ones there would be the two of them and they could not get hurt by accident. 


They took there time flying, drinking, laughing and enjoying the sea air. The more she drank the easier it got to talk to Diana and the more fun she began to have.


By time they reached the island and started to land Kara needed Diana to help her stand steady but she was giggling and having quite a good time, so she did not mind at all. 


“Thank you for this Diana.” Kara said smiling up at the other woman. Diana was a good bit taller then her “This will be quite fun, to just let go. I never get to and it gets so frustrating some times. I can’t let my guard down for a moment and I can’t enjoy certain things humans can. At least this way I can enjoy wine how it’s meant to be enjoyed.”


“Is there anything else you would like to try while we are here?” Diana asked.


“Sneezing” Kara said and clasped a hand over her mouth gasping. Why had she said that!? How had she just blurted out a secrete she had never told a soul.


Diana raised an eyebrow “Did you just say.....sneezing?”


Kara had to make an excuse, say it was the wine or something but to her horror Kara answer truthfully instead. “I have always been fascinated by humans sneezing. It seems so odd yet somehow refreshing and I think enjoyable. I have always wondered what it feels like but I’m kryptonian so nothing on this planet can tickle my nose so I guess I’ll sadly never know.”


Kara wanted to cry. Why could she not stop talking? Why was she telling the truth about her secret? Wait truth!! That was it!


Kara looked down to see Diana’s lasso, which she always kept attached to her belt, touching Kara’s side as she helped her walk and thanks to the skin her uniform let show it had touched her directly and it’s magic did the rest. Blushing Kara pulled away for a shocked looking Diana.


“Kara...oh my....I’m so sorry I did not realize.” Diana said “The wine may have gotten to me a little too and I did not notice, but that is no excuse. Please forgive me.”


Kara hugged her with tears in her eyes. “Please don’t tell anyone.”


“Not a soul.” Diana said wiping Kara’s tears away. Kara believed her fully. 


“Maybe no more of this.” Diana said tucking the wine skin in her belt. “Do you want to go for a swim perhaps?” 


Kara nodded and soon the two were swimming around the coral reefs that surrounded the island. Both Kara and Diana could stay down for long periods of course and they saw many colorful fish and other beautiful creatures. 


By the time they surfaced and returned to shore Kara’s metabolism had removed the alcohol and she was feeling back to normal. Which meant she blushing brightly at the thought of what she had told Diana.


“I will not tell a soul” Diana said seeming reading her mind as they dried off in the sun “You have my word.” 


“I believe you.” Kara said taking a deep breath “I just.....never planned to tell anyone that.”


“If you never tell anyone your desires” Diana said “You will never find someone to help you fulfill them.” 


“I suppose so.” Kara said. 


“For instance your desire to sneeze.” Diana went on “I believe I can help with that.”


Kara’s jaw dropped. “I.....you don’t have to......how?” she managed to ask “my immune system it too strong for this planet to effect and my nose is too for that matter.”


“This is Themyscira. It is magical along with all of its plant life.” Diana said “I believe that is why the wine effected you. It was made from a vineyard on the main island.”


It made sense. For what ever reason kryptonians were susceptible to magic. While normally a bad thing this one time it may come in handy.


“Wait here” Diana said before Kara could protest and she flew off over the small island. A moment later she returned with a large variety of flowers.


“I have heard that some humans are allergic to flowers.” Diana said “Perhaps you will find a similar reaction to one of these.”


Kara’s heart pounded. Was this really happening? More importantly was she actually going to try it? 


“I-I wouldn’t want to blow half the island’s trees down” Kara said “They are far to beautiful.” 


“Sneeze facing out to sea then.” Diana said with out hesitation “We are miles from the shipping lanes and no other islands are around if you face east.”


Kara reached slowly for the flowers “I don’t think this will work-ouch!” Kara sucked her thumb to ease the sting of a flowers thorns. Yup, they were magic alright, they just might work.


Being more careful this time Kara took the collection of flowers and turned to face the sea. Her heart pounded. She couldn’t believe she was going to do this but it was too tempting to pass up.


After a deep breath for courage Kara sniffed the flowers deeply moving them so she inhaled fragrance from as many as possible. They smelled beautifully sweet and Kara smiled then sniffed again. They were quite pleasant indeed.


“I still don’t think it work- heh!” Kara sentence ended in a gasp as a sharp itch, or maybe it was a tickle in her nose made her inhale suddenly. It was like no feeling she had experienced before. A burning need began to fill her nose and it seemed to take control of her body. Her eyes wanted to flutter shut, her head to lift back and she kept taking short sharp breaths that she just couldn’t help.


“I-heh it m-might b-be working eh heh Heh! HeH!! HEH!!! EH!! HHEEHH!!!  HEEHH!!!!!” 



In front of her she saw the water begin to roll against the waves, pushed by her helpless hitches. Suddenly she became even more nervous. How strong would a sneeze from Supergirl actually be? She doubted she could control or lessen what was coming but what was she about to unleash?


Well however strong it was, it was coming like it or not. Giving in Kara let her eyes flutter shut and her head raise back.





A sneeze stronger then anyone had ever seen burst out of Kara. Her body jerked forward and she floated three feet off the beach from the force. In front of her sand flew and the waves reversed direction for a few moments, rolling away from the island rather then towards. As for Kara herself, she floated back down and stood with a  rather dazed look on her face, mouth open slightly with the smallest hints of a grin at the corners. 


“That.......felt......amazing.” Kara said dreamily almost without realizing it.


“Was it....as good as you hoped?” Diana asked.


“It was better.” Kara said turning towards Diana “How do humans complain about allergies? Sneezing all the time sounds wonderful to me- HAAAAACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


A sneeze even stronger then the first surprised Kara and it came out full force, before she could even think to hold it. In front of her Diana crossed her bracelets in front of her face and planted herself in the sand, using a good amount of her strength to not be blown away. Behind her palm trees bent and swayed as though in a hurricane and a small sand storm flowed down the beach.


“Oh no!” Kara said frantically “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It just snuck up on me. I..I never f-felt it coh-coming hah HAH!!”


Gently but firmly Diana turned Kara towards the sea and just in time too.





The waves were stronger this time and bigger and there was a wide hole forming in the sand in front of where Kara stood. She barely seemed to notice.


“Oh wow.” Kara breathed then looked around “Where are those flowers? I want to try a few more.”


“I think that might be enough for now.” Diana said firmly but at the same time smiling warmly. “Besides, what if your nose becomes used to it and the sneeze won’t come any more.”


“I suppose you are right.” Kara said but in her heart she knew she would be back to this island and likely more then once. 

Edited by Light
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Hello @Light,
Although I have not been able to read your 'Pepper Fairy' story yet, because sadly I did not have much time, but last night I read your one-shot of your supergirls.
One question came up to my mind, in which way do you identify yourself with this story?
The beginning of your story was a bit difficult for me to read, but I think that was because I'm a little ill for now, and it was already night time yesterday. I think for a lot of your readers it is always important to identify with the text, the story, to reflect in it, and since I am not a huge fan of birthday parties, I read these passages a little faster, as I could not wait to read the passages in which you bring out your whole talent :)
I love it so much as you can describe the relationship between two people. I have never read anything like this before - with ease, sensitivity, you're able to bring us closer to the adjacency and feelings between two characters. How....
I have already perceived when I have read other stories, including non-sneeze fictions, the recent days, I have really missed the closeness you always pack us as a small gift :heart:, and then I put the story aside because I missed something.... Yes, you were right, you barely described any details, refer to any appearance - but that should not be a criticism. If you want, I can help you to write in more detail? Since you had just thought about it, but at the same time I think every author should preserve his / her uniqueness. So, don't worry about it too much and always remember, every story is special and you should write the one down you want to read. Thank you for your work :) 
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I don't even like Supergirl that much but this was AMAZING!!!

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7 hours ago, beijoseternura said:
Hello @Light,
Although I have not been able to read your 'Pepper Fairy' story yet, because sadly I did not have much time, but last night I read your one-shot of your supergirls.
One question came up to my mind, in which way do you identify yourself with this story?
The beginning of your story was a bit difficult for me to read, but I think that was because I'm a little ill for now, and it was already night time yesterday. I think for a lot of your readers it is always important to identify with the text, the story, to reflect in it, and since I am not a huge fan of birthday parties, I read these passages a little faster, as I could not wait to read the passages in which you bring out your whole talent :)
I love it so much as you can describe the relationship between two people. I have never read anything like this before - with ease, sensitivity, you're able to bring us closer to the adjacency and feelings between two characters. How....
I have already perceived when I have read other stories, including non-sneeze fictions, the recent days, I have really missed the closeness you always pack us as a small gift :heart:, and then I put the story aside because I missed something.... Yes, you were right, you barely described any details, refer to any appearance - but that should not be a criticism. If you want, I can help you to write in more detail? Since you had just thought about it, but at the same time I think every author should preserve his / her uniqueness. So, don't worry about it too much and always remember, every story is special and you should write the one down you want to read. Thank you for your work :) 

Thank you for your kind words. You have really helped me to notice different parts of my writing style that i had not taken time to look at.  I hope you become a full member soon so we can just message each other and not fill up the story area talking.

But to answer some of you post, i think why i do not describe my characters physical appearances in too much detail is that i want readers to easily fill the characters in with what they want to see and imagine. If i say a girl has dark hair, is up to the reader to decide if its brown or black. Bright hair, blond or fiery red. It allows my readers to picture what they would like to see.   

Also for this story, most people know what Supergirl and Wonder Woman look like. ;)

But i think its the same reason i focus on the feelings and relationships. Most people have had a crash before, been in love, been painfully attracted to some one. I think it makes the characters easier to relate to if they experience feelings some of us have.

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