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overtime (The Adventure Zone, M)


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cross posting again! this one's about 1k words, kravitz (and taako) oneshot for someone on tumblr :^) don't ask how this logic works its.......magic okay don't @ me



"I won't be home for another few days. Sorry to be gone for so long, I just... I'm having a bit of trouble on this one." Kravitz cleared his throat for what seemed like the fifth time in this call alone. A bit of static came in from his side of the stone of farspeech before Kravitz sniffed and cleared his throat again. "Ugh. Excuse me."

"That's chill, you do your thing—" There was that static again. It was like Kravitz was covering the stone, or shoving it in his pocket or something like that. It lasted even longer this time, and Taako's ears twitched away from the offending sound.
"I have to go," Kravitz said abruptly, before the static even fully stopped. "I shouldn't be more than three days. I love you, see you soon, bye." The stone clicked off, cutting off his farewell. Taako frowned and stared down at the stone for a moment before sighing and placing it aside.
True to his word, no more than three days later, they were reunited. Taako had just returned from the school an hour prior, and after a shower and some bomb-ass shrimp alfredo his only plans were to pull the comforter back and knock out. As he entered the bedroom, though, towelling off his hair, the room suddenly filled with the scent of ozone. He grinned.
Taako looked towards the entryway as a rift opened... Then closed. And opened. And closed.
"Krav? That you?"
The rift opened again, staying open this time but shuddering and unstable. Slowly, Taako reached into the nightstand for one of his spare wands. He had barely drawn it when the rift widened just enough for Kravitz to come stumbling through. It shut immediately, catching his coattails in the process as his scythe clattered to the ground before he had the chance to vanish it.
Taako was on his feet at once, hands hovering near Kravitz uselessly. "Holy shit. Shit, are you good?"
"Taako," Kravitz rasped, a smile tugging at his chapped lips. "I'm so glad to—" He jerked away, burying his face in the crook of his elbow and smothering a fit of coughs. It sapped the rest of his energy, and he took one step forward before his knees buckled. Taako caught him, sagging a bit under his weight.
"Oh boy," Taako said faintly as Kravitz got his bearings and straightened up, still leaning mostly on Taako. "Not doing so hot, huh?"
"I'm sorry, love," he croaked, "this last job just took so much out of me, I—" He paused to cough over Taako's shoulder. Taako winced at the sound, feeling it rumble in Kravitz's chest. "I'll be alright, I just feel h... h-horrid..." His grip on the back of Taako's shirt tightened, and before Taako could ask after him, his entire body clenched with a stifled "Hh'NGKktsh!"
"Oh, babe," Taako cooed as Kravitz sagged into him with a low groan. "Don't hold 'em in like that; you're gonna hurt yourself."
"Hypocrite," Kravitz murmured, sniffling. Taako smiled a bit, rubbing his back. At least he was coherent enough. He pulled away, prompting a quiet whine of protest, and guided Kravitz towards the bed. He pushed his locs back to press his palm against his forehead, sucking in a sharp breath through hs teeth.
"Yikes, you're hot as fuck."
"I try," Kravitz rasped, and it almost would have been charming if he didn't immediately dissolve into chesty coughing. "Ughh... I'll be fine," he repeated, rubbing at his eyes. "I just need a moment."
"You're gonna get a hell of a lot more than a moment, bone boy. This sitch calls for a double dose of pure TLC. That's Taako-Love-and-Care for the record."
"Yeah? What's that entail?"
"First of all, we're getting you out of these clothes." He set to unbuttoning Kravitz's shirt.
"I can do that myself," Kravitz muttered, but made no move to stop his boyfriend. 
"If you could you'd have done it already, hot stuff." He tossed Kravitz's shirt aside ("Yeah, yeah, I'll fold it later." "You won't." "Got me.") and tugged off his boots. "It's late, so we're gonna get you to sleep for about 48 hours straight."
"That's... reasonable."
"Yeah. I know. And then after that..." He trailed off, noticing Kravitz rubbing a finger under his nose roughly. "You, uh, you okay over there?"
"It itches..." He sniffled, switching the finger out for the heel of his palm. "Gods, Taako, how do you deal with this all the time? You have my sympathies."
"I'm not— Hey. That's your fever talking. No callouts while you're an invalid, it's against the rules."
"I can call you out all I w-whuhhh... huh..."
Taako curled his fingers around Kravitz's wrist, pulling his hand away gently. "No stifling," Taako warned in an unexpectedly soft voice Kravitz was too distracted to notice. "You're gonna blow your fuckin' eardrums out, and, uh, I dunno if any amount of chicken soup can fix that problemo."
"H-Huhh... Hh'HAHTShhoo! HAH'Kkschoo! Uhh... H-Hhh..."
He tugged his hand forward instinctively. Taako mercifully let him go to scrub the back of his wrist against his now reddened nose. "Don't hold out on me, babe," Taako said with a touch of amusement. "Third time's the charm, yeah?"
"There you go. You good now?" 
Kravitz flopped onto his back with a loud groan. Taako joined him (more gracefully) and rested a palm on Kravitz's chest. "We'll save the rest of my glorious, patented, one-hundo percent guaranteed to work plan for tomorrow. Let's just get you rested up, m'kay?"
"You're just saying that because you don't already have a plan," Kravitz challenged, but his watery eyes were already half-lidded.
"I'm offended. 'Course I do, babe, I'm an expert. But you'll have to wait for tomorrow."
"Mm..." He yawned. "No hints?"
"No spoilers."
Kravitz coughed, and Taako took to rubbing his chest in slow circles. Kravitz sank into the mattress, eyes fluttering shut as the faintest bit of relief crept onto his otherwise flushed face. Taako watched him for a moment before sneaking a kiss onto his cheek.
"G'night, Krav." Kravitz was already snoring."
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Oh man I can't even tell you how excited I am to see some TAZ stuff on here. Poor, poor Krav though. He's such a high drama, high style nerd-- it must be killing him here to be so "uncool".

Idk if you buy into the fan-theory of Kravitz having been Keats in life at all (I know Griffin said it's not true, but whatever) but that would make this suck even worse. The good thing about being dead should be not being sickly anymore.

And were those a bunch of hints I saw in there that either Taako catches cold easily or has allergies maybe? Either way A++ all around

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Awww, I'm always here for that good good Taakitz. Super happy anytime that fic shows up on here that matches my current fandom obsession. Poor Kravitz, the boy definitely needs his rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taako-Love-and-Care, that is beautiful!! Everything about this is magnificent. You don't see a lot of sneeze or whump material that branches out of Taako on the yikes end, so this was a rare and welcome treat!!!

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  • 2 months later...

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