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I hope I'm posting this in the right place, I'm still new to the forum and wanted to share some of my sneezes with everyone. Hope you all enjoy!

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And allergy season has officially arrived: http://www.youtube.c...eature=youtu.be

Very intense. If these were spring allergies at the beginning of March, what is it like now?

Well, I live in Florida, so March is really the height of spring allergy season for the stuff that I'm sensitive to. I've been really congested from allergies but not sneezy, so I decided to give that powder another try. I really do love the way it clears my sinuses too. I totally see why it's used for colds.


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And allergy season has officially arrived: http://www.youtube.c...eature=youtu.be

Very intense. If these were spring allergies at the beginning of March, what is it like now?

Well, I live in Florida, so March is really the height of spring allergy season for the stuff that I'm sensitive to. I've been really congested from allergies but not sneezy, so I decided to give that powder another try. I really do love the way it clears my sinuses too. I totally see why it's used for colds.


I'm looking forward to listening to this. I hope you're doing well otherwise.

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I hope I'm posting this in the right place, I'm still new to the forum and wanted to share some of my sneezes with everyone. Hope you all enjoy! http://youtu.be/8PYtiguRKxA

I make it a habit now to listing to this specific clip whenever I am driving into work......it really starts my day off great!!

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I hope I'm posting this in the right place, I'm still new to the forum and wanted to share some of my sneezes with everyone. Hope you all enjoy! http://youtu.be/8PYtiguRKxA

I make it a habit now to listing to this specific clip whenever I am driving into work......it really starts my day off great!!

Awww thanks Chessgod!!! I'm glad you enjoy it ;)

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A classic very sneezy wav of mine with a bit of talking..hope you all enjoy! smile.png

This should be the correct link: http://youtu.be/lp3vK-n24E0

(Sorry!- Dusty15, Moderator)

Edited by Dusty15
Replacing link and removing double post
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I'm sorry Sara-- I keep trying to merge your posts to link the correct video but it keeps reverting back for some bizarre reason.

Here's the link to saraking72's video if my final edit above stops behaving!: http://youtu.be/lp3vK-n24E0

Edited by Dusty15
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I'm sorry Sara-- I keep trying to merge your posts to link the correct video but it keeps reverting back for some bizarre reason.

Here's the link to saraking72's video if my final edit above stops behaving!: http://youtu.be/lp3vK-n24E0

Lol sorry for the confusion, thank you Dusty15! :)

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Hey guys sorry it's been ages but check out my new wav! Full forced, no stifles, got super messy and sniffly so I hope you enjoy :3

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Hey all - I have a short wav (f) posted here



What a pretty sneeze!

Hey guys sorry it's been ages but check out my new wav! Full forced, no stifles, got super messy and sniffly so I hope you enjoy :3



Edited by Niceguy
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Hey guys sorry it's been ages but check out my new wav! Full forced, no stifles, got super messy and sniffly so I hope you enjoy :3 http://youtu.be/C40uy1K9HA0 (F)

I just listened to it. I really like it. So you stifle usually?

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First ever YouTube vid. Be nice please (m)

Welcome to youtube lol! Yummy sneezes, bless you ;)

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It's linked in Share and Share Alike, but for posterity I'll stick it here too….my trial of Chhihnki powder:

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It's linked in Share and Share Alike, but for posterity I'll stick it here too….my trial of Chhihnki powder:

Checked it out... Not bad.

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Round 2 of experiments with the chhihkni are up here:

Much less talking and many more sneezes :P

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