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We Sell Colds and Clothing


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Dana woke up Thursday morning, having spent the night breathing through her mouth. It feels like by whole head is codgested, she thought. She jumped in the shower hoping that the steam would help clear her up a little, it was definitely making her nose move from stuffy to runny, “AESCHOO!! HUHSHOO!! ISHOO!!” ugh gross that went everywhere. Dana cupped her hands around her nose and mouth and blew her nose into them until she was able to breathe somewhat. Oh that feels so much better, she thought, but that thought was short-lived. Within a minute it had become clear that blowing her nose had only made it runnier, SNNNRRFF SNNRRF.

She got into work at exactly 12pm, she started late on Thursdays as they were open until 9, so Emily would open and she would close up with Jess and Hannah. Dana walked in sniffing up a storm and wiping her nose on her palm.

Jessica had been lucky and at this moment was not showing any signs of being sick. Dana, on the other hand, had an ordeal. Although she would not admit it, she knew she was sick, but was ill-equipped to deal with just how messy her cold really was. Her nose had been overflowing with snot since she woke up, her sniffing was only holding her bad situation at bay, and she had been fighting back a big, sneezy tickle for the last half hour, which, with nothing to sneeze into, let alone blow her nose with, would have made Dana a big mess.

“Achoo! Heshoo! Hachoo!”

Jessica cupped her hands around her mouth and nose and let out that triple. Snff snff.

“Looks like its starting, Jess”, said Emily, who was feeling much better today. “How’s your cold going today, Dana?”

“Whad code?” replied Dana. SNNRRFF

“The one that’s got you sniffing up a storm and wiping your nose every two seconds. Did you bring a hanky with you today?”

“Do, I do’t hab ode” Dana looked slightly disappointed. “Ad I do’t deed ode, I bight just have a bit of the sdiffles”.

“Well looks like you’ll regret that choice soon”.

“Hishoo! Etchoo!” sneezed Jess into her hands. Snfff. “Oh man my allergies are playing up today”.

“I doubt that’s allergies”, sniggered Emily.

Dana’s fight with the sneeze was coming to an end, and not in the good way. She realised she had lost control of it just in time to turn away, raise her hands to her face and “AESHOO!!! SHOO!! HASHOO!!”

She knew when she was defeated. There was no choice about blowing her nose now. She made a mad dash for the bathroom. Ripping a long strip off the toilet roll, she put it to her messy nose and blew; within seconds she was ripping off more just to finish the first blow. When she finished she headed back out to the store.

Jess was just finishing serving a customer when she threw her hands to her face. “Hishoo! Achoo! Hashoo!”. Snff snff. She was developing a pretty steady sniffle now but nothing compared to Dana’s war against her sinuses.

“AAEESSSHHHOOO!!” Dana sneezed again, not two minutes after she’d come back.

“I’m glad I didn’t have work Monday, the day my cold was acting like that”, Em said to Jessica as Dana went back to the bathroom as fast as she could.

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Dana’s afternoon was essentially the same scenario repeated every 5-10 minutes: sniff at her runny nose as best she could, have the sneeze of her life and then have to go clean up the wreckage. At least I’b dot servig custobers . “By dose is just so ruddy, I cad’t stop the ruddig”, she complained to Emily; between bathroom breaks she was having to wipe her nose on her sleeve as sniffing wasn’t really doing much to help her.

“You need to get a hanky to deal with it”, Emily replied. “Or at least a box of tissues”.

“Do, do, I’b dot SNNRRFF sick edough for that”, Dana said, wiping her bubbling nose on the inside of her sleeve.

Jess’ sneezing fits just kept coming and her nose kept getting snifflier and runnier until about 4.30 when she just went to the bathroom and blew it, making sure to bring back a big wad of toilet paper in her pocket for later.

Just before Emily was due to go home she went into the bathroom, she felt bad for Dana, she had a monster head cold that she really seemed to have no idea of how to deal with, which Emily had given her. Emily pulled a neatly folded handkerchief with a grey/red striped border out of her pocket and put it down beside the sink with a note saying ‘Dana’ on top, the poor girl was stubborn but not stupid, surely...


At 5.30, Emily went home as Hannah started. Hannah’s throat had been sore since yesterday and her day at school had consisted of her nose getting slowly runnier.

“AEESHOOO!!” Dana sneezed, quickly disappearing to blow her nose.

“She seems sick”, Hannah mentioned to Jess.

“Yeah today we sell clothes and colds”, joked Jess, pulling out her tissue wad and giving her nose a quick blow. “Em’s better but Dana’s got the wettest cold I’ve ever seen and doesn’t seem to know how to handle it, and I’ve been developing a pretty mean cold since lunchtime”.

“Hitsu! Itchu!” Hannah sneezed into a tissue she pulled from her sweater sleeve.

“Looks like you’ve caught it to”.

“Yeah”, replied Hannah, giving her nose a light blow. “I never escape it”.

Dana ran into the bathroom and blew her nose. As she flushed the tissue she noticed a hanky with her name attached. Damn it, Emily, she thought. But she was defeated. She couldn’t keep rushing back and forth after every sneeze to clean up. Accepting her fate, she half unfolded the hanky, stuffed it into her pocket and went back to putting out stock. Within two minutes she had the hanky over her face. “AEESHOOO!! HAHHSHOOO!! ASHOO!! HA-ESHOO!! AESHOOOO!!” she sneezed half the contents of her nostrils into the hanky. SNNRRRFFF, she sniffed. At least I caught the mess from the sneeze in the hanky, I can wait a while before I have to go blow my nose.


Snnff snnff, Jess went in the front door of her house and headed straight for the tissues. Hmm, she thought as she folded one over then blew her nose into it, not many tissues left. Courtenay, her roommate, was sick too and had no doubt gone through most of the box over the last couple of days. Well the rest are mine, thought Jess and took the box to her bedroom. There were a total of five tissues left. “ETCHOO!” sneezed Jess, make that 4, she blew her nose on another.

An hour later as Jess was wiping her nose with a bit of toilet paper, Courtenay came up to her. “Snnnff snnnff, hab you seed the tissues?” Courtenay asked as she dabbed at her nose with her hood.

“Yep I just finished theb snnff”, Jess replied. “HETCHOO!”

“Oh Jess, I’b so sorry if I've gived you by cold”.

Snnnff- could've been you, could've been Ebily, loads of people are sick at the bobent”.

SNNNFFF SNNNFFF, Dana’s nose was running uncontrollably as she waited for her train to come. She pulled a damp looking mens’ handkerchief from her coat pocket and wiped her dripping nose, afraid to give it the blow it needed. She had nearly an hour until she would be home and that hanky was her only way of dealing with the torrential snot gurgling from her nose. “RASHOO!! AESHOO!!” she sneezed. I deed to blow so bad but this hadky is wet edough already. As she boarded the train with the other passengers, she felt a strong tickle developing in the back of her congested nose, “HEEH”, as she hitched, she stumbled and dropped the hanky. “HEEHH” Oh do, where’s it gode? She lunged desperately for her borrowed handkerchief. “RESH!! HUH-ESHH!!” She sneezed, spraying the train floor with the contents of her nose. She quickly grabbed the cloth she desperately needed, burying her face in its folds before screaming “AEESHOO!! HUH-ESHOOO!! HURESHOO!! AEESH!! HESHOO!! SHOO!! ASHOOO!!”

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I like this story more and more with each new update. I miss reading about Emily's cold, but all those girls catching it sure makes up for it ;)

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This story has a few more posts before it will be finished. I want you guys to think about and let me know which character (of the five girls who work in the shop), you would like to see sick again in my next story.

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“ASHOO! HETCHOO!!” Jess sneezed. Ohhh, she moaned. She had been asleep for a few hours and in that time her nose had been silently filling up, and was now super congested and bubbling with snot. She went to the bathroom, grabbed some toilet paper and blew her nose, bringing the roll back with her. Yuck, she thought, I cad't eved blow by dose clear ad I've got work all day toborrow.

Bex had two exams in the same day, both three hours long with an hour break in the middle. Six hours of exams with a snotty head cold. She had spent all of yesterday at home studying with a big box of tissues beside her. Her throat was sore, she was sneezing big messy “ESHOOO!!s” every few minutes and spending the rest of her time blowing her way through the box of tissues until they had run out and she had to use toilet roll.

She was an hour into the exam, the sneezing was holding off for now but her nose was literally running like a tap and she was halfway through the second of two pocket packs of tissues she had brought in with her. I hate habig a cold, she thought. Especially id ad exab. She pulled out one of the tissues and gave her nose a gurgly, wet blow. She was now onto her second-to-last tissue, “HAESHOO!! ESHOO!!” she sneezed on her desk. Yuck. She pulled out a tissue and blew her nose in it, getting the next one ready as her nose was tickling again. Bex folded the tissue and brought it to her nose just in time to catch “HE-ESHOO!! HASHOO!!” Great! The sdeezes are back but the tissues are gode. “Snnfff- HUH-ESHOO!!” she sneezed again into the soggy tissue, before wiping her nose on it. SNNFFF, she sniffed loudly. There were no more tissues left to blow her nose, as long as she didn’t sneeze she would be okay. “One hour to go” announced the supervisor. Oh great- snnnff
People were starting to look up at her as her sniffs had become very loud and frequent. “HAH-”, Oh Do! She cupped her hands around her mouth and her runny, congested nose and “HUH-ESHOO!! HUSHOO!! ETCHOO!!” Bex tried to take her hands down to continue writing but they were covered in mess and her nose had dripped all down her face. She put a hand up, “Cad i have a tissue please?” she asked the supervisor when he came over. He obliged and she was able to take a few, two to blow her nose, one to get ready for the next sneeze and a couple spare. 
“HESHOO!! AESHOO!!” The last of her tissues had been used up five minutes ago blowing her nose, so she was forced to once again catch her messy sneezes in her hands. This time when she put her hand up, the supervisor just brought the whole box and set it down on her desk, much to her relief. Bex grabbed out two of the tissues, immediately bringing them to her face, “HESHOO!! ATSHOO!!” 

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Bex had spent most of her hour break studying in the cafeteria, slowly soaking through a small pile of paper napkins with her sneezes and blows. She was now in her second exam, she had a few tissues in her pocket that she had taken from the box in the last exam plus a hanky that her mom had given her this morning to get her through her exams with this raging head cold if her tissues ran out. “AESHOO!!” She brought the last of her pocketed tissues to her nose and blew it. Great, she thought. Out of tissues agaid. She just had her hanky now but she was not a huge fan of hankies, she thought they were a bit gross. She decided she could just sniff for a while. Bex looked around slightly, she certainly wasn’t the only sick one in this exam. The boy in front of her kept sneezing loudly and wetly into a brown handkerchief; the girl on her left was blowing her nose into tissue after tissue; and the girl to her right was sniffling wetly at her nose very noisily every thirty seconds. “AESHOO!!” sneezed Bex, managing not to make any mess with this sneeze. SNNNFF SNNNFFF, she wasn’t enjoying this cold. SNNNFFF SNNFFF, I deed to blow by dose, she thought but was still reluctant to use the handkerchief. SNNNFFF- bad by dose is so ruddy today. “HEH-” Oh do. She knew what was coming. A sneeze, not just any sneeze but a big, uncontrollable cold sneeze through her runny, clogged-up cold nose. “HAH-” There wasn’t much choice now, she slipped her hand into her pocket, quickly bringing the hanky to her nose. “HUH-ESHOO!! HURESHOO!! ESH!! ESH!! ASHOOO!!” she sneezed, sniffing again, before giving her nose a blow. The piece of pink cloth was now her one way of coping with this head cold for the next hour and a half; for a hanky it was a decent size but it was sure going to be soaked by the time she was done.

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On 7/22/2018 at 3:48 AM, sexyhankysneeze said:

This story has a few more posts before it will be finished. I want you guys to think about and let me know which character (of the five girls who work in the shop), you would like to see sick again in my next story.

Probably Dana or Bex, maybe Courtney....... man, so many lovely girls to choose from.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When Hannah got to work at 5.30 on Friday, the place was a mess. No surprise really, it was being run by two girls who were both on 12 hour shifts and suffering through raging head colds. On top of that it was busy, both tills had been open with a non-stop line since 4. At one side of the counter was Jess, sniffing back a full head of snot, turning aside every few minutes to sneeze into her wad of tissue, and constantly tearing off strips from the roll of toilet paper beside her to give her nose a hearty blow. At the other end was Emily who had had a major cold relapse, leaving her really sneezy and snotty. She was ringing up sales, blue and white plaid mens hanky permanently in hand, wiping her nose not less than once a minute, occasionally giving her nose a wet blow into the comforting cloth. She had to be economic with her hankies today though as she just had the two handkerchiefs in her handbag she had not ended up using yesterday.

Dana sat at home, her nose plugged with two scraps of toilet tissue. Her sneezing had subsided today but her runny nose was on overdrive and she had had to call out sick from work as she was struggling to deal with the volume of snot she was producing. Emily had had to cover for her. She took out her nose plugs and ripped a piece off a roll of paper towel, giving her nose a gurgly wet blow into it. Ugh gross, it just won’t stop ruddig. SNNNRRRFFF. 
Dana’s roommate, Chloe, a 24-year-old marketing specialist with deep red hair, tan skin and big sneezes, had caught her cold. Living with a girl who completely denies having a bad cold for four days means living with four days of your roommate not taking any care to not spread germs. On Wednesday Chloe had woken up with a sore throat, by Wednesday night she was sniffling a lot and had spent the day trying not to sneeze on her clients and workmates. On Thursday she had gone to work with a full blown cold, keeping a box of tissues handy to catch her sneezes and blow her nose every 10 minutes. By Thursday night, both her workmates were silently suffering through sore throats. Today Chloe had stayed home sick, “Thags for the code, Dana”, she said, entering the living room. She was wearing a bathrobe and had a box of tissues tucked under her arm.
“Whad code”, asked Dana, still trying to deny. “I’b dot sick, by dose is just playig up”.
“Also kdowd- hah- as -HACHOO!! ECHOO!!” sneezed Chloe. “A cold. Which I dow have”.
Chloe pulled a couple of tissues from the box and blew her nose into them.
“You bust hab caught it frob sobeode else”.
“HACHOO!!” sneezed Chloe into a fresh tissue. “Well its dot very likely codsiderig I live with sobeode whos codtagiously sdeezig all over the place”.

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I just can't get enough of this story. The sneezes, the stuffiness, the contagion. All I want is more parts, longer and more detailed.

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8 hours ago, Likesn said:

I just can't get enough of this story. The sneezes, the stuffiness, the contagion. All I want is more parts, longer and more detailed.

I have loads written haha I'm just trying to make it last so I only upload a couple scenes at a time

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Hannah’s mum had wanted to keep her at home today but Hannah was all about attendance and insisted she was going to school and work. Her mum had finally given in but only after Hannah agreed to packing her bag full of tissues. Hannah’s cold wasn’t too bad yet but her sneezing was unrelenting and she had gone through 3 pocket packs of tissues at school. She stuffed one into her back pocket before starting work.
“Etshuu!! HiCHOOP!!” Sneezed Hannah into one of her many tissues.
“Bless”, said Jessica, tearing off a strip of toilet paper and blowing her own nose. “I had 1 of those little packs of tissues whed I started but I fully udderestibated how bessy this cold was gudda be so I’ve had to steal a couple of rolls of this frob the bathroob”.
At 8pm Emily was dabbing at her streaming nose following a big “ESHOO!! HISHOO!!” with the last dry spot on her last hanky.
She went straight to the handkerchief shelf and came back promptly asking Hannah to quickly sell her the 5-pak of mens hankies she had grabbed. Immediately she pulled out a big blue one with a white trim around the border and put it to her nose for a big wet “ETSHOO!!”
“Bless you”, said Hannah. 
“You have do idea how buch I deeded this”, replied Emily, blowing her nose. “Do you ever use hadkies?”
“I haven’t really since I was little. By dad use to give be ode to take to school whed I had a cold but I think I just started usig tissues instead whed I got a bit older so I didd’t feel like such a daddy’s girl”.
“Oh yeah. A lot of by hadkies are odes I’ve borrowed frob by dad but just dever gived back, but I always preferred theb; the odly alterdative id by house was toilet paper ad thats so rough ad idcodvediedt to carry”.

Bex got home from her exam wiping her nose on a well-used tissue she had acquired once the hanky was well and truly soaked. She went straight to the bathroom and blew her nose. “Mbom, do we have bore tissues yet?” she asked as she came back into the kitchen.
“No sorry Becky”, her mom replied. “I forgot to pick some up today”.
“Well, do we have adybore hadkies thed?”
“I thought you always said handkerchiefs were gross or something?” her mom asked, looking at her.
“Yeah well, they’re dot too bad after all ad that ode cabe id pretty haddy today. Plus they’re softer thad this rough toilet paper”. 
“I think so, let me see what I can russle up”.
10 minutes later, her mother came back with a small stack of handkerchiefs. She took a yellow one and gave her nose another big, wet blow before tucking it into the pocket of her sweats.

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Final installment guys, enjoy!! And let me know what you want featuring in my next fic....




At 9, the girls headed home. Emily got straight into her sweater and pajama pants, then went to grab a hanky from the drawer before realising that none were left. Snnff- oh do, I forgot to do lauddry this bordig.
Suddenly a text came through on her phone from James:
“Sucks you had to work tonight, I’d be keen to go out some other time if you’re available”.
“Sorry I had to miss it” she texted back.
Then, “I’ve come down with a bad cold so I wouldn’t have been good company anyway”.
Moments later he replied: “You’re not the only one”.
She thought for a second then replied:
“Why don't we be sick together?”
“Sorry, I hate to say no, but I get really embarrassed about sneezing and blowing my nose around people, and today that’s literally all I’m up to doing”.
“Some other time then”, replied Emily. 

Jessica stopped by the store on the way home and bought a new box of Kleenex. They only had small boxes but tissues were better than no tissues. 
“How are you feelig?” Asked Courtenay who was still sick but feeling much better.
“Dot good- HASHOO!! ETCHOO!!” Jess sneezed into a crumpled wad of 3-4 damp tissues. 
As the night wore on, Jess was unable to sleep, all her sneezing and nose blowing was exhausting but she couldn’t breathe well and every time she would get near sleep an explosive wet sneeze would wake her straight back up.
At around 2am the exhausted Jess fell asleep on the couch, half wrapped in a blanket, tissue in hand, and didn’t wake up until 8 when her alarm went off for work. 

“ETSHOO!!”. Emily woke up the next morning and sat up in bed, “ETSHOO!! Snnff...snnff”. She sniffed as her stuffy nose started to drip. She rubbed her nose with her finger “ETSHOO!! ETSHOO!!” she sneezed into her hand, sniffing back the mess she had just sneezed out of her pink nose. “Snnff- ETSHOO!!” she sneezed again into her hand, then instinctively reached to her nightstand for a hanky. Ugh, laundry, she thought, grabbing instead at the scrap of toilet paper she had left there. She wiped her nose. “ETSHOO!! Snff snnrrff”. Emily got out of bed and went to the bathroom to blow her nose. Oh I do’t feel good. When she was done she went straight to the dryer and grabbed a grey/brown striped hanky from the load she’d put through the night before. “ETSHOO!!” she sneezed into the cloth on her way back to bed. “Snnff ETSHOO!!” Emily blew her nose, a long gurgly blow that only half cleared her nose. I caddot work today. 

“Everyode is sick today, Jess”, she was informed by Bex as she entered the shop. “Bloody Ebily got us all sick ad dow she’s so bad she called sick”. Bex then pulled a small handkerchief from her pocket and loudly and wetly blew her red nose. 
“Yeah I’b dot feelig by best but I’b gettig better”, Jess replied as she put down her box of tissues on the counter, grabbed one and blew her own nose.
“You had a quick cold, bide hasd’t eved started gettig better”.
“I didd’t kdow you used hadkies”, Jess said as Bex was putting the damp cloth back in her pocket. “I thought that was ad Ebily thig”.
“I’ve used so bady tissues I couldd’t coudt ad cobpletely rad out. It’s 10am ad this is by third hadky today”.
“I kdow the feelig, I’ve gived up- snnff- od pocket packs today”, Jess motioned to her box before grabbing another tissue to wipe her nose.
“I used to thidk hadkies were real gross but they are hodestly-HASHOO!!- dot that bad” Bex said, sneezing into her handkerchief. “Ad so soft”.

Dana was back at work,her cold was getting better, she could now go twenty minutes without blowing her nose. She had taken to loud sniffing and wiping her nose on her hand or sleeve to deal with the remaining symptoms.
Dana felt an all too familiar tickle. Oh do, the sdeezigs back. She made a dash for her handbag where she had Emily's handkerchief, washed and ready to give back. She shook open the cloth and buried her face in it before exploding into a big messy sneezing fit. “HAH-SHOOSH!! RESHOO!! HUH-RESHOO!! SHOO!! SHOOO!!”
“Ndice hadky, Dayda”, Bex jeered when she was done. “Kinda thig a sick persod would carry”.
“Thanks, Ebily ledt it to be the other day. Ugh, I've got a terrible cold ad I cad't wait till it's over”. Dana finally admitted before unfolding the handkerchief and blowing her nose. 
The end. 

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