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Everything Changes (Torchwood)


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I won't quote anything this time because I'd have to quote the whole part and it would be too much. It was just great. I love sickfics (and I'm a bit shameful about that, but such is life) and this one is awsome. I really hope Owen is going to find out what's happening to Ianto.

On 21/05/2018 at 4:36 PM, Jelloicious said:

“And I am not sitting naked under a cold shower with Janet, either.” Jack proclaimed, just in case it was a question in anyone’s mind.

Okay, I can't resist because this made me laugh...

Thank you for that fic!!!

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Thank you for reading, and thanks especially for the comments, @ReidSeeker  @AngelEyes and @Aliena H.!!  I was hoping to get back to Janet this chapter, but no such luck.  I know you're worried, AngelEyes!  



“C’mon, Ianto, you have to drink all of this, if you don’t want the mean old doctor to stick a great big needle in your arm again.” Jack was persistent. And maybe a bit patronizing.

Ianto suspected privately that where the objective was hydration of the patient (him) an IV would have been just fine, and would have required a whole lot less effort from everyone, but setting Jack to be nursemaid to Ianto at least kept him out of Owen’s hair. And really, Ianto was okay with it, too. He still felt about nineteen kinds of horrible, but he suspected from the worried look on Jack’s face, that he’d been completely out of it before, so he put at least some effort into stringing coherent phrases together for Jack’s benefit, and appreciated the fact that at least if he had to feel this awful, Jack was there to keep him company.

The shower had worked the benefit of lowering his body temperature just enough, Owen had said. Enough, Ianto thought, so that he could experience fully the misery of Weevil Flu, instead of being properly consigned to blissful oblivion. Every single part of him hurt. Owen had given a somewhat harried explanation that amounted to Ianto drawing the conclusion that Owen just enjoyed watching him suffer. Jack tried repeating the explanation of proper immune system function in a way that was probably intended to make Ianto feel better, or at least buck up and take it, but Ianto didn’t really feel like bucking up.

He felt like….he...needed...to….sneeze. Ianto wasn’t sure if the reflex was slowed, or if he was more acutely aware of it in the perverse way fever made him aware of every little sensation, but it really felt like he could tell he was about to sneeze for the longest time. It must have shown on his face, because Jack cottoned on in time to stop talking and pass Ianto the tissues before Ianto violently sneezed what he was sure was about half of his brains into the utterly inadequate tissue. Jack handed him several more, and Ianto blew the rest of his brains into the tissue, sniffed awkwardly and decided that he should be excused from thinking for the rest of the day, due to his dire brain situation, so he just lay there on Jack’s bed, thinking nothing, and trying not to move.


Owen was briskly keying in data from Ianto’s latest readings, and then set Mainframe to run some calculations and projections. If his idea was correct, he might have a path forward.

His com bleated, and he thumbed it, and gave a terse response. “Need some good news, Gwen”.

Gwen cleared her throat and said, “Well, Owen...pretty sure I can’t help with that.” And then Gwen sneezed.

Owen sat up, all attention, now. “Where are you?” he demanded, urgently.

Gwen blew her nose and replied, “I’m at my flat.”

“And Rhys?” Owen was raking his hair urgently.

“He’s here. He’s fine.”


Gwen sneezed again, twice. “Sneezing, obviously. Scratchy throat. Runny nose. Was fine last night, woke up like this.”


“Calm down, Owen...we don’t know that it’s Weevil Flu. You’ve had me chasing down every one of Ianto’s contacts with respiratory symptoms, how many times do you think I can get sneezed on before I catch a cold?” Gwen blew her nose.

“Right.” Owen felt a bit foolish, really. None of the external contacts showing any kind of respiratory symptoms had presented with anything more serious than a case of the sniffles. Gwen should be fine, Gwen would be fine, Owen thought to himself. “Right,” Owen said again. “Still, I’m putting you both under quarantine orders. Do not leave your flat for any reason.”

Gwen sneezed again. “Are you sure I shouldn’t come to the Hub?”

“No...no, you’re right, none of your contacts have shown any sign of weevil flu. You’d best stay home until we know something else.”

“What about Rhys? He’s symptom-free.”

“I’m guessing he’s already been pretty thoroughly exposed,” Owen said.

“Pretty thoroughly,” Gwen agreed, grimly, remembering the last night less fondly than she might've otherwise.

You’re to let me know immediately if your status changes," Owen directed.

Gwen sneezed again in acknowledgment.


“Well?” Rhys asked, anxiously?

“Owen agrees with me,” Gwen answered, from behind a tissue. “It’s probably just a head cold, picked up from one of the people we’ve been tracking who do NOT have weevil flu.” She smiled reassuringly at Rhys, before continuing. “We, ah, are going to be under quarantine, here, just to be on the safe side, of course.”

Rhys frowned at this. “But if it’s just a head cold….”

Gwen interrupted with a series of sneezes, H’chu! H’chu!! HaraaSHOOO! Then blew her nose wetly.

“Owed’s just being cautious, love, I’m sure this is just a cold, and we will both be sniffling soon enough.”

Rhys eyed his wife with some suspicion. “Well, then, seeing as how we’re trapped in here….” he leaned in to steal a kiss.

Gwen shoved him away harshly. “Rhys Williams, don’t you DARE!!!! I won’t risk it!!”

Rhys dropped back on the couch. “Just a head cold, then, is it?”


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On 29/05/2018 at 3:54 PM, Jelloicious said:

The shower had worked the benefit of lowering his body temperature just enough, Owen had said. Enough, Ianto thought, so that he could experience fully the misery of Weevil Flu, instead of being properly consigned to blissful oblivion. Every single part of him hurt. Owen had given a somewhat harried explanation that amounted to Ianto drawing the conclusion that Owen just enjoyed watching him suffer.

I don't know if my first reaction was to laugh or to feel really sorry for Ianto. The internal point of view is really well done and I'm liking Ianto more and more.

And... It's spreading. Maybe. Or maybe not. As I'm completely into contagion, it completely works for me.

(By the way, I'm also worried for Janet "red-shirt" Weevil... :rolleyes:)

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On 5/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, Jelloicious said:

He still felt about nineteen kinds of horrible, but he suspected from the worried look on Jack’s face, that he’d been completely out of it before, so he put at least some effort into stringing coherent phrases together for Jack’s benefit, and appreciated the fact that at least if he had to feel this awful, Jack was there to keep him company.

Yay for Jack caretaking. Poor Ianto!!!


On 5/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, Jelloicious said:

Owen had given a somewhat harried explanation that amounted to Ianto drawing the conclusion that Owen just enjoyed watching him suffer.

Oh dear.


On 5/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, Jelloicious said:

He felt like….he...needed...to….sneeze. Ianto wasn’t sure if the reflex was slowed, or if he was more acutely aware of it in the perverse way fever made him aware of every little sensation, but it really felt like he could tell he was about to sneeze for the longest time. It must have shown on his face, because Jack cottoned on in time to stop talking and pass Ianto the tissues before Ianto violently sneezed what he was sure was about half of his brains into the utterly inadequate tissue.

Love this!


On 5/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, Jelloicious said:

“Right.” Owen felt a bit foolish, really. None of the external contacts showing any kind of respiratory symptoms had presented with anything more serious than a case of the sniffles. Gwen should be fine, Gwen would be fine, Owen thought to himself.

Uh oh!


On 5/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, Jelloicious said:

Gwen shoved him away harshly. “Rhys Williams, don’t you DARE!!!! I won’t risk it!!”

Can totally picture her!

This is so good! I love it!

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On 5/30/2018 at 5:20 PM, Aliena H. said:

The internal point of view is really well done and I'm liking Ianto more and more.

Thank you!   Oh, I just can't wait until you get your hands on some videos...I really can't.  You'll love this team even more. 


On 5/30/2018 at 5:20 PM, Aliena H. said:

And... It's spreading. Maybe. Or maybe not. As I'm completely into contagion, it completely works for me.

Yeah....I like that too...

On 5/30/2018 at 5:20 PM, Aliena H. said:

I'm also worried for Janet "red-shirt" Weevil

Janet appreciates that, more or less.  But you're not properly expendable unless you have a red shirt AND we don't know your name.   And Owen gave Janet a name at some point, didn't he?  

On 5/30/2018 at 8:27 PM, AngelEyes said:

Yay for Jack caretaking. Poor Ianto!!!

Yeah...I'm tagging kinks where I can...caretaking is an essential part of the mush, don't you think?  Jack and Ianto taking care of each other is my fav, so they both have gotten to do that.  Because of course no good deed ever goes unpunished, you know...

On 5/30/2018 at 8:27 PM, AngelEyes said:

Can totally picture her!

While Gwen isn't my actual kink...she does play that fiercely protective of Rhys role well.  And Rhys knows she doesn't always come entirely clean with him straight off, but he also knows which buttons to push to get her to give away the goods.  Gwen is good enough to play poker...but not with Rhys.  Couldn't resist the chance to let her try and "protect" Rhys and letting him call her bluff straight out.




Jack had lived long enough to know that hope sometimes presented itself in the oddest of ways. That’s why, when Janet not only stirred in response to his proximity, (for the first time since Tuesday) but then actually took a toothy swipe at him, he grinned broadly, even as the blood soaked through the collar of his shirt. Only his quick reflexes saved him from a more thorough mauling, but Janet clearly was feeling much better. He laughed, with relief. And, fortunately, resisted the impulse to hug her.

Janet growled low in her throat, less than appreciative of Jack’s delight, seeming to take the perfect teeth in his grin as a threat. He barely had time to dodge backwards, and slam shut the cell door before she launched herself bodily at him, slamming into the plexiglass shield like old times. “Hey, now!” he scolded the alien being. “Is that any way to say thanks?”

“Great news!” Jack announced as he entered the central Hub, with a spring in his step.

“Good,” growled Owen. “Because I haven’t got any.”

“Janet nearly took my head off!” Jack announced, practically beaming.

Owen blinked at Jack’s pronouncement, still working to figure why his insane boss would find that to be something to crow about.

Jack seemed to sense Owen’s trouble, so he explained slowly. “Janet hasn’t moved in days. Now, she’s not only moving, but doing it pretty damn quickly,” Jack declared as he undid the buttons on his bloody and ripped shirt.

“And I suppose she’s hungry,” Owen said, nodding. “Good. Good. We needed a break. We needed the good news.” Owen ran a hand through his hair. “Because now Gwen is ill, too.”

“What?” Jack was stunned. “Since when? And HOW?”

“Well,” said Owen as he sat down. “She either managed to catch an actual cold from one of the civilians we’ve been stalking, or that stupid stunt you pulled by allowing Gwen access to drop off a care package has exposed Gwen, Cardiff, and the world, despite our best efforts.”

“Which is it?” Jack demanded.

“I don’t bloody know,” Owen growled. “I would need some samples for testing to know for sure. I am not willing to have Gwen come here and risk exposure to something she doesn’t have.” He watched as Jack stripped off his ruined shirt. “ And I’d like to see Ianto more stable before I leave the hub.” He considered. “If Gwen has a cold, it won’t matter. If it’s weevil flu, well if Ianto is any gauge, she should have a few days before things get sticky.”

“I’ll go,” Jack suggested.

Owen shook his head. “You can’t. You’re still under quarantine.”

“But I’m not sick,” Jack insisted.

“Because you blew your brains out and reset yourself,” Owen agreed. “That doesn’t mean your immune to weevil flu at all. You could be just as vulnerable as you were in the first place. Hell, you could already be infected.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense,” Jack said, even though it did. He didn’t relish at all the thought of another bout with this flu, and he wasn’t about to go down without an argument. “I develop immunity just like anyone else,” Jack insisted.

“Sure you do. When you let your immune system have a proper run at something, that is,” Owen pointed out. “When is the last time you died when you were ill, but not because you were ill?”

Jack thought, but had trouble coming up with anything.

“Not risking it, Jack.”

Owen was annoying when he was firm, Jack decided.

This conversation was interrupted by the sound of a muffled sneeze from across the hub, then another. Jack and Owen exchanged a look and Jack grinned again. “Might be our day for good news, Owen!” Jack declared as he bounded up the stairs from autopsy to meet Ianto, obviously still sneezing, but just as obviously on the mend.

“Hey, there,” Jack said by way of greeting. “You’re looking better.”

Ianto sneezed wetly. “M’feeling better.” He blew his nose. “well, for certain values of ‘better’, I suppose,” he said before blowing his nose again. “I no longer feel like death's leftovers at least.”  He took in Jack's new shirtless appearance.  "Casual Friday, is it?"

Owen was there and aiming a scanner at Ianto, then listening intently as Ianto breathed. Finally, he announced, “Fever’s broken. Ianto, I think you’re going to be just fine.” For a moment, Owen’ s relief was palpable, then he shifted gears. “Right then. I’ll be stepping out for a bit, going to check in on Gwen. Try not to destroy the world while I’m gone.”

Ianto frowned. “What’s wrong with Gwen?” he asked, not sure he was going to like the answer.

“Probably just a head-cold,” Jack said. “She’s been the point contact with everyone who’s shown the slightest sniffle or sneeze following contact with Torchwood 3 since this whole thing started. Owen’s going to check it out for sure.”

Ianto nodded. It made sense. “And Janet? Is she still alive?”

“Alive and kicking. Well, alive and ready to maul,” Jack said, ruefully rubbing the spot on his neck, which had already healed. “Looks like she’ll be fine, too.”

Ianto sat down on the couch, having expended all of his newly found energy. “have we got anything to eat around here?”


Edited by Jelloicious
word choice.
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For the first time in days, Ianto had shaved. He was dressed smartly in a suit, and was whistling as he tied a perfect knot in his tie. Jack tried to remember if he’d heard Ianto whistling before.

“You’re...awfully chipper,” Jack said with a grin. Jack was terribly pleased to see Ianto not only no longer in danger, but finally, finally, fully back to himself.

Ianto looked over at Jack, and smiled back. “Sixteen days, Jack! Sixteen days since I’ve seen daylight, or my flat. Owen has until noon to clear me, and then I am free!”

Jack laughed, moved to wrap himself around his young lover. “And just what are you going to do with all this freedom?”

“I am going to soak in the outside. Rain, sun, whatever, I don’t care. I am going to eat real food that wasn’t microwaved. I am going to walk barefoot. On grass, on sand. In the mud, if I must. If it’s nice out, I might even sunbathe. And then, I am going to sleep in my own, soft, luxurious bed on crisp sheets. With the good pillows.”

Jack grinned broadly. “Naked?”

“Oh, I don’t know...depends on whether anyone’s around to keep me warm at night,” Ianto teased.

Jack was delighted by the invitation. “Well, then, I guess I’m going to have to drop by a bit later! Wouldn’t want you to catch a chill,” he said with a wink.

“Heaven forbid.”

When noon came, Owen officially declared Ianto 48 hours virus-free, not contagious, healthy and fully immune to weevil flu. Janet had been symptom free for four days. Gwen was getting over her head cold, (not before having passed it on first to Rhys and then to Tosh). Jack remained stubbornly (annoyingly) healthy and Owen had released him days ago.

Given the past 16 days of quarantine, Owen suggested Ianto plan on taking the weekend, and Ianto was only too happy to oblige. Stepping at long last out of the Hub, he drank in the fresh breeze from the bay, and found himself squinting and smiling stupidly in the brilliant sunshine that the weather had graced him with. The kiss of sun on his skin, the smell of the bay and the breeze was just about perfect! This was going to be a glorious afternoon!

Maybe a couple of hours later, Ianto rolled himself to a sitting position, from where he’d been sprawled flat on his back in Butte Park. His trousers were rolled to just above his knees, socks rolled and tucked neatly into his shoes. Shirt, tie and vest laid aside neatly. After more than two weeks in the underground Hub, he’d imagined soaking the gentle afternoon sun with the feel of velvet-soft green grass as some form of Heaven. Now, after less than two hours in Heaven, he was prepared to revise his estimates of what was desirable in the hereafter. He was hot, sweaty, and his pale skin was an uncomfortable shade of pink from the sun. The soft spring grass was actually a bit itchy. He should’ve thought to bring a blanket. He sneezed, a small, polite, there’s a reason I don’t really wallow in the grass sort of sneeze. Just a little heh’chu. But he’d had quite enough of that over the past couple of weeks. He thought to himself that he was now officially quite done with “outside”, too, and sneezed again. Maybe he was just the slightest bit allergic to grass, he thought, rubbing at his nose He pulled on his socks and shoes, rolled down his trouser legs, and turned his thoughts toward a shower, and dinner. heh’chu!! And less grass.

By half-seven he was showered, with angry pink skin soothed by a generous application of aloe. His apartment smelled deliciously of simmering Welsh cawl, and he was ready for Jack to turn up. When Jack had not appeared by 8:00, Ianto assumed that the rift had demanded his attention. By 8:30 he was considering whether not to call, when he received a text from Jack, saying he wouldn’t make it this evening.

When Ianto dialed the number, Jack picked up almost instantly. Ianto knew something was wrong the moment Jack answered.

“Are you okay?”

There was a long pause of silence followed by a muffled sneeze, before Jack answered. “I..” harassooo! Sniff “Apparently, dot.” Sniff.

“Are you ill? Owen said you can’t catch this twice,” Ianto said, not understanding.

Jack sneezed. “Owed said I probably didn’t give my body enough time to develop immunity. So, apparently, I can, actually.” Jack sniffed, wetly. Miserably.

Ianto remembered just how sick Jack had been before. “Are you okay? You were pretty ill before.”

Ah...ah...aahhhRASHOOOOO!!! Jack sniffed. “I’m stuffed up and can’t stop sneezing.” ‘choo! “But I don’t feel as bad as last time, at least not yet. There’s that.” Sniff. “Back under quarantine, though. Guess I’ll have to go through this the long way ‘round.”

“Okay, well, then, I guess we’re spending tonight at the hub. Are you hungry? I’ve made a cawl."

Ianto waited patiently has Jack sneezed several more times in a row, then blew his nose.

“You don’t need to do that, you’ve been trapped here long enough.”

“Don’t be an idiot. Of course I’m not leaving you to suffer alone. Or unsupervised,” Ianto said, remembering Jack’s behavior when his fever had spiked. “What can I bring you?”

Jack made to protest, but Ianto wasn’t having it. In the end, if Ianto lacked specific guidance from Jack, he had his own recent extended experience to pull from, and he set to making a list of items that should be stocked in the hub, the highest quality tissues topping the list.

When the cogwheel door rolled aside to allow Ianto entrance to the hub, he had a loaded cart in tow, stocked with an assortment of supplies-everything one could want when ill and confined to the hub. He balanced the pot of rich Welsh stew that hat been simmering away on his stovetop.

For all Jack’s protesting, the genuinely grateful smile he gave when he saw Ianto alone was worth the return to the hub.

Ianto stepped through the roll away door, as Jack moved to help him with the load.

“How are you feeling?” Ianto asked.

“Sniffly,” Jack pointed out, sniffling. “What happened to you?” Jack asked, taking in Ianto’s reddened skin.

“Might’ve fallen asleep while taking in the afternoon sun.”

“Ouch,” Jack commented.

Ianto’s fingertips danced along Jack’s hairline. “You’re not running a fever at all” he observed.

“No,” Jack agreed. “Just…...harashoo! HarASHHOO! “Sniffly and sneezy so far. Bit of a sore throat“ Jack noted as Ianto offered him a box of tissues.

“Not claustrophobic this time?” Ianto probed, as he drew Jack close.

Jack shrugged. Sniffed again. “No, not at all. Not yet, anway.”

“Hmm, well, I know where the padded restraints are, if you get to feeling like you need to make a break for it again,” Ianto murmured into Jack’s ear, teasingly.

“Oh yeah?” Jack sniffed. “Maybe we should get those out, and ready. Just in case.”

“Maybe we should…..” Ianto answered, as their lips touched, gently, for a moment before Jack pulled back and sneezed harshly, several times, sniffed wetly, then groaned in annoyance, as Ianto pressed a handful of the softest tissues money could buy into Jack’s hand.

“I’ll make us some tea,” Ianto promised, as Jack blew his nose.

Edited by Jelloicious
didn't do it right the first time
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Wow. I don't think I can properly express my appreciation for this utter brilliance!

On 5/31/2018 at 1:35 PM, Jelloicious said:

Jack had lived long enough to know that hope sometimes presented itself in the oddest of ways. That’s why, when Janet not only stirred in response to his proximity, (for the first time since Tuesday) but then actually took a toothy swipe at him, he grinned broadly, even as the blood soaked through the collar of his shirt. Only his quick reflexes saved him from a more thorough mauling, but Janet clearly was feeling much better. He laughed, with relief. And, fortunately, resisted the impulse to hug her.

I love this. I can totally picture it!


On 5/31/2018 at 1:35 PM, Jelloicious said:

Owen blinked at Jack’s pronouncement, still working to figure why his insane boss would find that to be something to crow about.

I feel like he gets this look a lot.


On 5/31/2018 at 1:35 PM, Jelloicious said:

He took in Jack's new shirtless appearance.  "Casual Friday, is it?"

That's our Ianto back! This line is so perfectly him! I love it!


On 5/31/2018 at 1:35 PM, Jelloicious said:

Ianto nodded. It made sense. “And Janet? Is she still alive?”

“Alive and kicking. Well, alive and ready to maul,” Jack said, ruefully rubbing the spot on his neck, which had already healed. “Looks like she’ll be fine, too.”

Oddly pleased with this. Yay Janet. 


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“I am going to soak in the outside. Rain, sun, whatever, I don’t care. I am going to eat real food that wasn’t microwaved. I am going to walk barefoot. On grass, on sand. In the mud, if I must. If it’s nice out, I might even sunbathe. And then, I am going to sleep in my own, soft, luxurious bed on crisp sheets. With the good pillows.”

Jack grinned broadly. “Naked?”

“Oh, I don’t know...depends on whether anyone’s around to keep me warm at night,” Ianto teased.

Wonderful plans. And Jack...


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

After more than two weeks in the underground Hub, he’d imagined soaking the gentle afternoon sun with the feel of velvet-soft green grass as some form of Heaven. Now, after less than two hours in Heaven, he was prepared to revise his estimates of what was desirable in the hereafter. He was hot, sweaty, and his pale skin was an uncomfortable shade of pink from the sun. The soft spring grass was actually a bit itchy. He should’ve thought to bring a blanket. He sneezed, a small, polite, there’s a reason I don’t really wallow in the grass sort of sneeze. Just a little heh’chu. But he’d had quite enough of that over the past couple of weeks. He thought to himself that he was now officially quite done with “outside”, too, and sneezed again. Maybe he was just the slightest bit allergic to grass, he thought, rubbing at his nose He pulled on his socks and shoes, rolled down his trouser legs, and turned his thoughts toward a shower, and dinner. heh’chu!! And less grass.

This is perfection!


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack sneezed. “Owed said I probably didn’t give my body enough time to develop immunity. So, apparently, I can, actually.” Jack sniffed, wetly. Miserably.

Oh Jack. Poor baby. He did warn you...


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“Don’t be an idiot. Of course I’m not leaving you to suffer alone. Or unsupervised,” Ianto said, remembering Jack’s behavior when his fever had spiked.

Unsupervised indeed! And of course he wants to take care of you silly dear.


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“Hmm, well, I know where the padded restraints are, if you get to feeling like you need to make a break for it again,” Ianto murmured into Jack’s ear, teasingly.

“Oh yeah?” Jack sniffed. “Maybe we should get those out, and ready. Just in case.”


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Ending up where all of these seem to end up...in Ianto' flat with my sniffly boys.  Because, these boys do deserve to be cut some kind of break for all the grief I give them.



Jack, it turned out, maybe did last long enough to develop immunity to weevil flu. But that did not stop him at all from becoming the third victim of Gwen’s head-cold, and he’d in turn generously and extensively exposed Ianto before Owen even had the opportunity to run any tests, or, you know, suggest that maybe Jack not assume he’d contracted weevil flu again. The thought, honestly, hadn’t actually occurred to Jack, and for this he felt a twinge of guilt, even though Ianto said it didn’t really matter.

At any rate, Jack and Ianto had been able to make very good and creative use of the padded restraints, without the need of using them to save the world. The restraints were as solid as ever, leaving Jack utterly unable to capture his sneezes. Ianto didn’t mind, as the spray from Jack’s unrestrained sneezes was actually quite soothing on his bare and sunburned skin. And by the time Owen properly diagnosed Jack, there really was no real point in pretending Ianto wasn’t going to catch his cold. Ever practical, Ianto insisted they relocate to Ianto’s flat. Jack had to admit that Ianto’s luxuriously soft bed, crisp sheets and the good pillows sounded quite appealing under the circumstances.

Ianto didn’t mention the slight tickle in his throat he’d noticed for the first time as he drifted toward sleep to Jack’s soft snores Saturday night, but when Sunday morning dawned cool and rainy, Ianto wasn’t surprised to find himself in dire need of tissues almost as soon as he woke up.

Jack stirred sleepily beside him, as Ianto sneezed, several times over.

“M’ really sorry,” Jack said, voice low and rough.

Ianto blew his nose heavily, sniffed, and then curled back up next to Jack.

“Not your fault,” he sniffed. It was nice, here, snugged up next to Jack. Even with a head cold. Maybe especially so, with the soft drum of rain on the windows.

Jack, coughed, a rumbly sort of cough. Ianto focused on the sound of Jack’s heartbeat pressed to his ear for a moment, but then was forced to sit up and blow his running nose, before he did something horrifying like actually drip on Jack. As nice as it would’ve been to stay put in bed with Jack, Ianto’s nose was going to have none of that. Ianto closed his eyes, waiting for another sneeze. ACHShhhhhhhoooo!! hahhh-AShuhhhh! Hahh… Hahhh-ACHShuhhhh!! Hahhh-ACHShuhhhh!!….. hccKSHHHHH! ACHShhhhhhhoooo!!….. hahhh-AShuhhhh!

By the time he stopped sneezing and gingerly blew his still sun-burned nose, Jack was sitting up next to him, rubbing his back soothingly.

“No, really, I am so sorry to have gotten you sick all over again.” Jack  blew his nose.   

Ianto sneezed again, blew his nose again and then sagged back on the pillows.  “I don’t know...I can think of worse things than spending a lazy Sunday in bed with you.”

Jack answered with a wet sneeze. And then another, more powerful one.

“Ugh.” he commented. “Yes to a day in bed together.” HyaSHOOOO!.. sniff... “I’m going to have to vote no on the head cold if it’s all the same to you.” sniiiiff.

Ianto frowned. “I don’t know...I think I am becoming rather fond of the face you make right before you sneeze,” he teased.

“Is that a fact?” Jack rolled himself over to straddle Ianto. “Well, you’re in luck,” Jack closed his eyes. “Because I...really...have to...”

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I've missed the last updates - by the way, thanks for posting so quickly!!! - and I love every part of them! I must confess that I was hoping more sneezing from Jack, so I'm not disappointed!

On 31/05/2018 at 8:35 PM, Jelloicious said:

"Casual Friday, is it?"


6 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

The restraints were as solid as ever, leaving Jack utterly unable to capture his sneezes.

Really? I'm not going to comment on that, because that's approximately my current state: :drool:

6 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto frowned. “I don’t know...I think I am becoming rather fond of the face you make right before you sneeze,” he teased.

“Is that a fact?” Jack rolled himself over to straddle Ianto. “Well, you’re in luck,” Jack closed his eyes. “Because I...really...have to...”

Perfect ending! Thank you for this wonderful story! If you have more in mind, feel free to write them down! (And if by chance it happens that you have ANY idea fort some Star Trek stuff, please, please, do not hesitate, right? :rolleyes:)

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12 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

The thought, honestly, hadn’t actually occurred to Jack, and for this he felt a twinge of guilt, even though Ianto said it didn’t really matter.

Oh dear.


12 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto sneezed again, blew his nose again and then sagged back on the pillows.  “I don’t know...I can think of worse things than spending a lazy Sunday in bed with you.”



12 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto frowned. “I don’t know...I think I am becoming rather fond of the face you make right before you sneeze,” he teased.

“Is that a fact?” Jack rolled himself over to straddle Ianto. “Well, you’re in luck,” Jack closed his eyes. “Because I...really...have to...”

Oh! So much Yes! This is perfect! Mmmmm...

Super sad it's over. It was beautiful and brilliant and wonderful. So much love!!!

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oh my...I really, really like the ending. Love interrupted talking especially

Excellent story all around! I very much enjoyed it. Thank you! 

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18 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

by the way, thanks for posting so quickly!!!

My usual writing style is to have a beginning, and an end, and some vague idea that sneezing & stuff needs to happen in the middle.  When I finally sort out that middle, the end it usually already written and so it happens quickly, unless someone else sparks an idea in a comment that sends me off on another tangent :D... I like collaborative stuff!

I'm glad you like the story!  It was for one of the clunkier, I really haven't thought this through prompts swimming around in my head. 

18 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

And if by chance it happens that you have ANY idea fort some Star Trek stuff, please, please, do not hesitate, right?

I probably wrote my very first sneeze fic, as Original Series Trek on the floor of my closet in middle school.  I'm sure it was awful, and I now have PTSD.  Can I just read yours?  I love yours.

12 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Super sad it's over. It was beautiful and brilliant and wonderful. So much love!!

I am glad you liked it!  I'm looking forward to your next stuff!  (I thought I might be free for a while,  but I have an idea....and, oh, dammit...half a page.)

11 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:


oh my...I really, really like the ending. Love interrupted talking especially

Excellent story all around! I very much enjoyed it. Thank you! 

Thank you!  I really appreciate the comments!!  They always help keep the story going!!  I love love love that there's anyone out there still fascinated by that quirky little show.

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4 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

I'm looking forward to your next stuff!  (I thought I might be free for a while,  but I have an idea....and, oh, dammit...half a page.)

I'm a good way into the sequel for The Downside to Dying, but I'm currently totally stuck. Frustrated!!! Hoping to get going again soon... And you have another idea...Oh darn! LOL!

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19 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

I'm a good way into the sequel for The Downside to Dying, but I'm currently totally stuck. Frustrated!!! Hoping to get going again soon...

ooh!  YAY!   Can I help you get unstuck?  Share what you got...I'll share my half-page and the evil plot bunny that's chewing through my spare time!


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On 05/06/2018 at 4:21 PM, Jelloicious said:

I probably wrote my very first sneeze fic, as Original Series Trek on the floor of my closet in middle school. 

... You can't just say that and NOT write anything on this fandom!!! :cry: There is so little Star Trek on the forum...

But if you or AngelEyes begin a new Torchwood fic, I'll be really pleased too!

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