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On 11/20/2018 at 8:28 PM, macrotwentytwo said:


Hi there,

Thank you for you comment, but I have to ask you to stop bumping old stories. This one isn't that old, but I've noticed you bumping old stories a lot for some time. Some of them were my own, and while I enjoy the positive feedback, it makes me a little uncomfortable seeing all this old stories bumped, and it gets in the way of new content. Also, due to all the recent bumping of old stories (not just by you), I learned that it is, in fact, against the forum rules to do so, which means you might get in trouble if you keep doing that. I know your intentions are good, so I suggest that if you aren't making any knew content of your own, at least comment on knew content. That way, you can encourage new writers, and stay out of trouble.

All the best :)

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1 hour ago, Likesn said:

Hi there,

Thank you for you comment, but I have to ask you to stop bumping old stories. This one isn't that old, but I've noticed you bumping old stories a lot for some time. Some of them were my own, and while I enjoy the positive feedback, it makes me a little uncomfortable seeing all this old stories bumped, and it gets in the way of new content. Also, due to all the recent bumping of old stories (not just by you), I learned that it is, in fact, against the forum rules to do so, which means you might get in trouble if you keep doing that. I know your intentions are good, so I suggest that if you aren't making any knew content of your own, at least comment on knew content. That way, you can encourage new writers, and stay out of trouble.

All the best :)

I'm not really trying to bump old stories.... I'm kinda of just going through my favorites and saying which ones I like and sometimes why (I don't like to go into why so much bc it's gross written out). They're hard to find when I want them. I search a ton (done this for years here) by most viewed or most replied but I go through the same stuff a lot. It's hard to find what I like. Also, I figure if other people read this stuff maybe people will make new stuff that's similar. And a few years ago you guys changed the forum so all my bookmarks broke and this is a more permanent way of doing it, plus feedback and props are good, so that my saved stuff isn't suddenly inaccessible again. It seems like there should have been some route forwarding option but I guess not. Finally, I'm writing my own story!  And I need inspiration. I don't want to copy any plots that I subconsciously remember. I've been lurking for a very, very long time


So, we really can't comment on old stuff?  What's the reasoning, though?  Sometimes there's barely any life in the new stuff. I see other old posts come up sometimes and it's never an issue.

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I also use Google search to do keyword indexing a lot.  That's how I find the good old stuff. I don't get why I can't comment. I know some posts are locked out due to age.  Maybe you should/could change that time threshold to match what you want to see.  I thought that we could comment on anything young enough to be unlocked.  Or could you tell me how old is too old to comment? 

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6 hours ago, facet said:

The way I see it is this:

Necrobumping- bumping old dead threads- is disrespectful because it floods the boards with old dead content, while pushing the new works down into the thread graveyard for lack of a better word. It's taking away the limelight from new content and possibly from new content creators. 

Furthermore, when replies are just single word comments, it isn't adding anything new to the conversation. It's just dragging up old content for old content's sake.' This is uncomfortable and annoying.

Similarly, when people only comment saying they wish the story were updated, that's also a bit demeaning, and to me at least, comes across as ungrateful for what people have already willingly shared with the community.

Plus, if you're commenting that on a post that was made in 2008... what do you think will happen? It's clearly an abandoned story and in a lot of the cases the person who posted it doesn't even come here anymore- sometimes because they've been banned. 

So yeah, necro-bumping is for me a HIGH HIGH-END pet peeve. It's disrespectful and annoying, and yes, against the rules.

This is also a really sad and disrespectful thing to say. People work really hard when they make something and unless they're commissioned, they're producing the content for free. It's one thing if a story isn't for you, but to say it lacks life is just... yikes.

What do I think will happen?  New, awesome discussion!  And some of the authors are still around, too.  I want to find people who are into the same stuff as me so I can talk to them. I got a few replies plus, when other people do this I'm eternally grateful they show me stuff I've never seen before. 

I can go back and make it better than one word but I often sound like a perv and it's hard for me to do without being graphic. Let me know if my other comments or future comments get out of hand. Since you want commenting on new stuff too, I can do that but I'm super specific on what I like.  I'll be more precise on older stuff (just tell me if it's too pervy or not enough words) and provide constructive criticism on the new stuff (unfortunately, fetish is just personal preference). I'll work on fixing it tonight and tomorrow

But you didn't answer, how old is too old?  I can I achieve my own goals of saving this stuff without bookmarking it and meeting what you want?  I'm scared of losing all my bookmarks again.  I LOVE some of these old stories and it's so hard to keep track of them

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Sometimes the characters have even lasted for years so... What if their authors still use them? Can I even link to that older stuff from newer stuff? I'm scared someone could follow the link and comment on it and then it'd still be my fault

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Once you’re validated, you’ll be able to use the search function on the forum. And you’ll be able to look at your favorite author’s profiles and find their stories on there. 

An idea for now though while you wait for validation could be to find a story you like, copy the link, and paste the link into a document with a short summary of the story so you know when you come back to it. 

You don’t have to read and comment on new stuff for the sake of it. And you definitely don’t need to provide constructive criticism for a story you don’t like. Like you said, it’s about preference. The issue is just bringing up old posts, asking for a continuation, or making one word replies. It’s against the forum rules to do those things but here’s some explanations of why it’s not a good idea to do. Asking for a continuation is sharking, making one word comments makes the admins and mods think you’re just trying to get validated sooner, and reviving old threads pushes the newer ones off the first page. Posting a lot of comments in a short period of time also messes up the home index page. People usually look there first to see what’s in each section. So a good rule of thumb to know if you are posting too much is to look at that index page. If you only see your profile pic next to each one, it’s probably too much. For me, I tend not to post more than two or rarely three times in a single sitting.  There isn’t a set rule for how old a post has to be for someone to revive it. It’s more of a general sense of don’t overkill with multiple dead posts and have a good reason for doing it. Let it be a rare occurance basically. You don’t need to go back and fix what you’ve done since I’m pretty sure you can’t edit yet. 

Since the author in this post brought this issue up, I don’t think it’s threadjacking. 

Authors usually link their own old stories to newer stories. If you like the old story, you can mention it in the new story. 

When you said there was barely any life in the new stuff, did you mean that no one is commenting on the new stuff or the new stuff is boring? 

Since you want to find people with your preferences, you can find the topic about fetishy preferences you’re “ridiculously particular about” in the general discussion section. Or the topic that says  something like “favorite sneeze scenarios”. Or you can create your own topic in that same section. 

Usually when authors stop a story, it’s because they’ve run out of steam, can’t think of where to take the story, or moved on to a different story. It can become a chore when you’re writing for someone else or when you don’t enjoy what you’re writing. 

I hope your questions were answered. 

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1 hour ago, Reader said:

Since the author in this post brought this issue up, I don’t think it’s threadjacking. 

It's true that I was the one who brought this up, but at this point, with almost an entire page of comments that are completely unrelated to the story, it's starting to become somewhat of a threadjacking, at least to me. That's why I have to ask @macrotwentytwo and everyone else in this discussion- please move it somewhere else. It is an important discussion, and deserves a thread of it's own, and also- I'd like the focus of this thread to be my story, and not some not entirely related discussion. So, even though I started this discussion, now I'm the one who is asking you all to take it somewhere else, please.

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